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Maturity Benchmark Evaluation

Pseudonym: ZPC
Name: Dessa Schurr

The business of ZPC does not have consistent demographics. We have
occasional zoo camps throughout the year and summer camps every week during the
summer (June - mid-August). The enrollment for these camps are always different and
as a city department, we are not allowed to ask on registration forms. Based on
previous enrollment I would estimate that we have about 85% Caucasian, 5% Asian,
4% Hispanic, and 1% other.

After my evaluation of ZPC, based on the Maturity Benchmarks Survey Sheet, I
have identified and discussed the following categories:

Policy - Behavioral: Islands; Resource/Infrastructure: Islands
ZPC was rated in the islands behavioral category due to the fact that we have
computers available for our campers, but not all camp teachers know how to
incorporate them into lessons. We also have new smart boards in each classroom,
which again not all teacher know how to use or integrate them into lessons. ZPC was
rated islands for the technology policy because it is informal and isnt consistently

Planning - Behavioral: Islands; Resource/Infrastructure: Islands
ZPC was rated islands for both categories because though there is a formal plan
it is not highly connected to other planning efforts.

Budget - Behavioral: Integrated; Resource/Infrastructure: Islands
ZPC is a city budgeted business and therefore provided with limited budgets. We
are given a specific budget for technology, but usually not other budgets are used or
considered. Since we do provide classes and camps for elementary students in the
area, technology is given a relatively high priority, even if only one budget is provided.

Administrative Information - Behavioral: Integrated; Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated
At ZPC, we try as much as we can to make sure administrative systems are
available to everyone. Unfortunately, many staff members have limited access or dont
require a lot of access. We also try to keep things paperless when necessary, such as
emails instead of print memos or announcements. Many staff members are required to
share computers due to budgeting and inconsistent use throughout the day.

Electronic Information - Behavioral: Integrated; Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated
Since ZPC is a zoo, most staff use electronic resources often and depend on
them to complete their work. Access to these resources is available to everyone, but
again is not required to complete their tasks or work. The education staff is very
dependent on these resources and requires access to utilize them regularly to complete

Assessment - Behavioral: Islands; Resource/Infrastructure: Islands
Technology is used by most of the education staff at the zoo to conduct
assessment (self-assessment, work evaluation, or student informal assessment).
Students have access to technology during camps and classes, but not all teachers use
it for assessments with students. The education staff tends to focus on traditional
means of assessment with our campers since we do not do any type of formal, recorded

Curricular Integration - Behavioral: Islands; Resource/Infrastructure: Islands
The camp teachers try as much as possible to include technology into the
lessons at the zoo. With addition of our new smart boards we are constantly
researching new activities and ways to integrate it into lessons. Technology is used in
as many ways as we can in our camp lessons, for example it can allow students to see,
hear, or experience environments or animals that they may not have been able to

Teacher Use - Behavioral: Integrated; Resource/Infrastructure: Islands
All camp teachers have access to a smart board, teacher computer, and student
computers. Teachers use technology on a daily basis, especially the computers and
smart boards. We do, however, have to share other resources due to our limited budget
through the city. We share cameras, video cameras, movies, etc. between all classes.

Student Use - Behavioral: Islands; Resource/Infrastructure: Islands
Campers have regular and consistent access to technology. Each classroom has
2-3 student computers available, which mean that not all students in the class will have
access at one time. Student use of technology is also limited due to number of
computers available in each room, as well as programs available on the computers.

Stakeholder Involvement - Behavioral: Islands; Resource/Infrastructure: Emergent
Since the zoo is a city run environment, the planning and implementation
procedures are handled at the administration level, while the camp teachers are aware
of the decisions, they have very little involvement in it.

Administrative Support - Behavioral: Emergent; Resource/Infrastructure: Emergent
We do not have high involvement from the administration in planning, practice,
and implementation. Since we are a city funded business, the education staff focuses
on these ideas together. City involvement in education classes and camps is non-
existent and not necessary.

Training - Behavioral: Islands; Resource/Infrastructure: Emergent
Training is available to all staff when requested through the city IT staff. Most
staff members participate in training activities to help become more efficient in their

Technical/Infrastructure Support - Behavioral: Islands; Resource/Infrastructure:
Many of our staff utilize formal and informal technical support. As a city funded
zoo, we are provided with support from our city IT department. They are available via
email or phone call.

Local Area Networking (LAN) - Behavioral: Integrated; Resource/Infrastructure:
Most staff use the system daily and are able to access information needed.
Students have computers available in classrooms. Both staff and students have access
to the internet with protected website access.

District Area Networking (WAN) - Behavioral: Integrated; Resource/Infrastructure:
Most staff use the system daily and are able to access information needed, such
as research, email, records, payroll, calendar, etc.

Internet Access - Behavioral: Integrated; Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated
Zoo staff use the internet constantly for the coordination of their programs,
communication, and have access in various staff locations.

Communication Systems - Behavioral: Intelligent; Resource/Infrastructure: Islands
Email is the main communication system used to interact with staff as well as
members of the community. Email is available for all staff with city email addresses.

New Technologies - Behavioral: Islands; Resource/Infrastructure: Integrated
Staff members accept the introduction of new technologies, such as our smart
boards, but have had very little time to learn how to incorporate them prior to usage.

Comprehensive Technologies - Behavioral: Integrated; Resource/Infrastructure:
Technology is wide-ranging but lacks the ability to include the opportunity to
produce more sophisticated lessons. Since the education staff is often seasonal and
changes yearly, the ability to incorporate more sophisticated technology into lessons is
not available to most of the staff and is limited.

In conclusion, I would place ZPC in the category of Islands on the Technology
Maturity Model. ZPC has great ideas and motivation to move forward with 21st century
technologies, but unfortunately lacks the funding and formal plan to be able to do so.
The zoo is always trying to stay current with new technologies and constantly working
towards improving their technology. Unfortunately, due to being a part of the city limits
the formal training and use of the technology. This means that most staff do not know
how to use or have time to use the new technologies. Planning takes place but can be
limited to specific projects, classes, camps, situations, time, or familiarity with the
technology. Most staff members are willing to learn the new technology, but may not
understand the best way to incorporate it into their lessons or tasks.
Most teachers and staff rely on computers and internet to be able to complete
their work. Curriculum is dependent on these as well, since we use it for research,
ideas, creation of lesson content, and much more. It is also the main form of
communication, when in-person communication is not available, to discuss, inform, or
share ideas. Students have availability to computers, unfortunately they are limited due
the number that is provided. Each classroom only has 2-3 computers for student use.
Both teachers and students are limited on what websites can be viewed by the city IT
firewall. Hopefully, in the future this will be adjusted for many educational sites to be
allowed to be viewed for both students and staff.
Advancements are limited due to budgeting, but can hopefully be improved
through marketing and donations which is how they were able to purchase their new
smart boards. ZPC is aware of the discrepancies and lack of appropriate, effective
technology and is working towards improving this. All of these reasons are why I placed
ZPC in the Islands category on the Technology Maturity Model.

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