CAD Basics

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MECH 6303: Computer Aided Design: CAD

Lecture 2

Dr. Yonas Tadesse
Mechanical Engineering Department
The University of Texas at Dallas

- What is CAD/ CAM?
- CAD software classification
- CAD software selection criteria
- General design philosophies
- Coordinate systems
- Basic CAD tools

Computer Aided Design
Using computer technology for
the design of real or virtual
Represent a means
Computer Aided Manufacturing
Using computer based software
to manufacture/prototype
product components
Represent a goal

Lecture notes : From Dr. Danni Fadda
* Goal = final marketable product of value
- Features
- Durability
- Cost
- Functionality
CAD software
Low Range
Mid Range
High End
Zeid Mastering CAD/CAM classify CAD Software as follows:
Lecture notes : From Dr. Danni Fadda
Low Range: AutoCAD Software
Primitive 3D
Parts can interfere
Parts are not separately identified as entities
Difficult to make changes
Excellent for 2D design (e.g., HVAC, Architectural,
Plumbing, Electrical)

Lecture notes : From Dr. Danni Fadda
Mid Range: ProE
Excellent 3D
Parts are drawn and detailed as separate parts
Assembles include all the parts with an
available part tree
Changes can be made by simply changing
No Boolean operations
A part is a part

Lecture notes : From Dr. Danni Fadda
A CAD modeling software that
run in Microsoft Windows.
Developed by Dassault
Systmes SolidWorks
Corp.(DSS, France)
User usage : more than 1.3
million engineers and
designers(2011data), 1.78
million (2012) .
Companies worldwide usage :
more than 130,000.
First released in 1995, latest
DSS Revenue: 1.564 billion
DSS employee: 9020 ( 2010)
Source: - Wikipedia(accessed 10/10/2012)
Pro/Engineer and Creo
A CAD modeling software that
run in Microsoft Windows.
Developed by Parametric
Technology Corporation (PTC).
It is feature based, parametric
solid modeling.
Later included several
functionality: Assembly drawing,
drafting, FEM, CNC
Creo Elements/Pro (2010), Latest
release CREO 3.0 (2014).
First release, Pro/ENGINEER ,1987
PTC revenue : $1,010 million
PTC employee: 5500 (2010)

Source: -Some data from
Wikipedia (accessed 10/10/2012)

High End: CATIA
Legacy CAD/CAM systems
All of the best of AutoCAD and ProE
Sketch plane
Boolean operations
Product data management (PDM) modules
Used for manufacturing of
airplanes/cars/ships/other complex products
Lecture notes : From Dr. Danni Fadda
Software selection criteria
Ease of use
Quality of documentation
Software maintenance
Support and service
Geometric modeling capabilities
Design and manufacturing applications
Programming languages available for customizing
10 Lecture notes : From Dr. Danni Fadda
General design philosophies
Design for assembly( DFA)
Design for manufacturing (DFM)
Design for Reliability
Fail Safe Design
Damage tolerant Design
Concurrent Engineering

General design philosophies cont..
Design for assembly(DFA)
- Based on ease of assembly and reducing the number of parts
- Question to ask?
1. Is there relative movement between the part and other
2. Is there any need to assemble and disassemble the part?
3. Must the part be made of different material with the other one?

Design for Manufacturing(DFM)
- Based on ease of fabrication
- example : avoiding unnecessary features in the part
- The volume of the production process or mass manufacturing .
For example casting is preferred than machine, to avoid waste
of materials

General design philosophies cont..
Design for Reliability
- based on the probability of the device , working without failure, for certain period
of time under specified conditions
Fail Safe Design
- Even if one components fails, the whole system needs to be safe.
- Aircraft systems : redundant engine
Damage Tolerant Design
- assume that initial defect occurs in the materials
- based on the ability to maintain its strength in a damaged condition.( eg.
Concurrent Engineering
- All phase of the design from concept to disposal are done at the same
( concurrently)
- Designer, draftsman, manufacturing personnel all work together in

Coordinate systems in CAD

Three types of coordinate systems used in CAD
- to input
- to store
- to display

Three types

Ref: Cad/Cam: Concepts And Applications By Alavala
Coordinate systems in CAD

Three types of coordinate systems used in CAD
- to input
- to store
- to display

Three types
(1) World Coordinate System( WCS)
(2) User Coordinate System (UCS)
(3) Screen Coordinate System (SCS)

model geometry and graphics
Ref: Cad/Cam: Concepts And Applications By Alavala
World Coordinate System (WCS):
Often called Model Coordinate System
A reference space in which model geometrical
data is stored
The only coordinate system a software system
recognize when storing or retrieving
geometrical data of a model.
Is the default coordinate system in CAD
User Coordinate System (UCS)
Defined by the user particularly for complex
object modeling
The coordinate system can be set up at any
position and orientation
Many UCS can be constructed but only one
can be active at one time
Screen Coordinate System (SCS)
Is a two dimensional Cartesian coordinate system
Device dependant coordinate system.
For raster graphics display, the pixel grid is the
screen coordinate system.
When 2D graphics is displayed , the WCS is
transformed by the software.

(1024, 1024)
Basic CAD tools
B. Features

A. Sketch
Basic CAD tools
B. Features
- Extrude
- Revolve
- Sweep
- Loft
- Extrude Cut
- Fillet
- Rib
- Draft
- Dome

A. Sketch
- Points
- Line
- Spline
- Plane
- Circle
- Ellipse
- offset
- Patterns
Introduction CAD/CAM
Design Philosophies
The course coves all the fundamentals and
advanced features of CAD system
CAD software classification
CAD software selection criteria


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