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List of LGU implementation activities for mature LGUs

1 Attend National Workshop on General Revision
2 New SMV approval process
2.1 Follow-up with Sanggunian Panlungsod on the approval of new SMV
2.2 Follow-up with Sanggunian Panlalawigan on the review and approval of SMV
2.3 Continuing conduct of Taxmapping using (FAAS Form)
2.4 Encoding of new property information into the RPT system (ETRACS)
2.5 Assessor to approve new property information (Tax Dec)
2.6 Printing of Notice of Assessments
2.7 Sending of Notice of Assessment to Taxpayers
3 Fomation of Board of Assessment Appeal
3.1 Conduct Orientation of Appeal members
3.2 Conduct meeting/hearing on appeal (if there's any)
1 TOR Drafting Team Organization (Composite)
2 Drafting the TOR
2.1 Conduct of Team meetings to draft TOR
2.2 Review draft TOR
2.3 Finalize draft TOR
2.4 Present draft TOR to the LCE for comments
2.5 Finalize draft TOR
3 Prepare supplemental budget
3.1 Submit supplemental budget to SP for approval
3.2 Present the TOR to SP
4 Conduct initial meeting with PBAC to discuss TOR
4.1 Prepare PBAC documents
4.2 Publish documents (call for proposal)
4.3 Evaluate Proposal and select service provider
4.4 Issue Notice of Award
5 Contract negotiation
5.1 Call meeting with service provider for contract negotiation
5.2 Finalize contract and request SP to authorize LCE to enter contract
6 Service provider Team Organization and Mobilization
7 Formation of Area Master Planning Functional Committee
7.1 Orient Functional Committee on the roles and responsibilioties in Area Master Planning
8 Conduct meeting together with the Service Provider Team and with Functional Committee
8.1 Clarify roles and responsibilities and activities on the actual conduct of Area Master Planning
Actual conduct of Area Master Planning
9 Preparation of Base maps (parcel map, barangay, other maps)
10 Conduct of Survey, Profiling and topomapping
10.1 Actual field survey for topomapping
10.2 Preparation of topomap (1 meter contour interval)
10.3 Conduct initial layout (urban designing including circulation alignment and other elements) using topomap
10.4 Conduct actual survey of circulation alignment and other areas to be reserved by the LGU
11 Social Preparation and community consultations
11.1 Conduct of community consulations, suvey, FGDs and present the initial urban design
11.2 Implement Alternative Dispute Resolutions (ADRs) if necessary
11.3 Community consensus agreement
11.4 Finalize urban design incorporating inputs from public consultations
Brown Field
12 Social Preparation and community consultations
11.1 Conduct of community consulations, suvey, FGDs on affected areas subject for development
11.2 Implement Alternative Dispute Resolutions (ADRs) if necessary
11.3 Community consensus agreement
11.4 Finalized urban redevelopment design incorporating inputs from public consultations
13 Service provider to prepare document outputs and reports
12.1 Output presentation to LCE and SP (including 3D scale model)
12.1 Report acceptance
14 Enactment of ordinance reserving certain areas (road lots, government center, etc)
15 LGU to apply for ECC to EMB-DENR (Strategic Environmental Studies)
16 Launching (invite developers, potential investors, national agencies, etc.)
17 Proceed to actual land acquisition
1 Conduct 1st of the 2 series DRRMCCA in-house workshop
1.1 Formation different hazard group based on the output of workshop
1.2 Conduct of series of meeting by hazard group (at least 3 meeting/mini workshop
1.3 Prepare various analysis reports using workshop guide format
2 Conduct 2nd of the 2 series DRRMCCA in-house workshop
2.1 Conduct series of meeting by hazard group (at least 3 meetings/mini workshop)
2.2 Prepare various analysis reports using workshop guide format
3 DRRM Office to integrate all workshop output and prepare write-up DRRMCCAM Plan
3.1 Prepare draft Plan write-up
3.2 Circulate draft plan for comments
3.3 Conduct meeting to discuss comments for integration into the draft
3.4 Prepare final DRRMCCAM Plan document
4 Plan Endorsement and Approval
4.1 Approval and endorsement of the Plan by the DRRM Council
4.2 Approval of the Plan by the Sangguniang Panlungsod
5 Plan Implementation and Monitoring
1 Project Implementation Unit
1.1 Conduct of regular meeting and consultation by PIU
1.2 Prepare necessary updates and reports
1.3 Coordinate with different LGU units who are participate in the projects
1.4 Coordinate and link with different offices of the national line agencies
2 Local LAM Steering Committee
2.1 Conduct regular quarterly meeting/ and special meeting when necessary
2.2 Adopt project policy/resolution when necessary
2.3 Endorse resolution to Sanggniang Panlungsod when necessary
Clarify roles and responsibilities and activities on the actual conduct of Area Master Planning
Conduct initial layout (urban designing including circulation alignment and other elements) using topomap

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