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20.1 Purpose and Articles to be purchased
20.2 Eligibility
20.3 Quantum of Consumer Loan
20. Quantum of Car Loan
20.! "argin
20.# $ecurity
20.% &ate of 'nterest
20.( &epayment of Loan
20.) $er*ice Charge and Processing +ee
20.10 $anctioning Authority
20.11 ,ther ,perational guidelines
'n order to meet the gro0ing demand of the customers for loan for
purchasing *arious 1inds of consumer articles2 the /an1 has introduced
34'5E6 C,4$3"E& L,A4 $C7E"E. 5he latest circulars and guidelines
issued on this sub8ect are to be read 0ith this chapter 5he salient features and
guidelines of the $cheme as appro*ed by the /an1 are highlighted belo0 9
20.1. Purpose :
Articles eligible for procurement under the scheme9
Purchase of &efrigerator2 $tereo $ystem2 5ele*ision $et2 :C&2 :CP2 Coo1ing
&ange2 ;ashing "achine2 Air Conditioner2 +urniture2 "icro0a*e ,*en and other
household utility goods2 Computer and Accessories2 5ele-2 +a- "achine2 50o
;heeler etc.

20.2. Eligibility :
5he Prospecti*e borro0er should maintain a $a*ings<Current 6eposit<5erm
6eposit A<C 0ith the /an1 =>?C complied@ and fulfill the follo0ing criteria.
20.2.1 Any indi*idual 0ith a minimum net income =ta1e home salary for salaried person@
of &s.!2000<. per month.
20.2.2. 'n case of salaried persons the applicant has been in regular ser*ice for at least 1
year and should ha*e a minimum left o*er ser*ice to co*er the period of
repayment of loan.
20.2.3. 'n respect of 0or1ing couple2 net income of the spouse may be considered for the
purpose of computing net income and monthly instalments2 pro*ided the spouse
8oins as co.borro0er and monthly instalment may be realised from the salaries of
either of them.
20.2.. Professional and self.employed persons should be at least 2 years in their
20.2.!. 5he employees of 3nited /an1 of 'ndia shall also be eligible for loan under the
scheme in compliance of the terms and conditions of the scheme and pro*ided the
applicant employee does not en8oy clean ,6 limit as is a*ailable to the members
of staff of the /an1.
2!"! #u$%tu& o' Co%su&er Lo$%
20.3.1. 'n case of indi*iduals 9
5he minimum amount of loan is &s.0.10 lac. 5he ma-imum amount of loan is
&s..00 lac pro*ided it does not e-ceed 3# times of the monthly net income of the
borro0er and total deductions from the salary<income including the E"' of this
loan does not e-ceed #0A of gross salary< income of the borro0er.
20.. M$rgi%
"inimum 10.20A of the cost of the article to be purchased
20.!. Se(urity 9
20.!.1 Primary 9 7ypothecation of the article=s@ to be purchased 0ith the loan.
20.!.2. Collateral9
20.!.3. 'n case of salaried person 0hen the borro0er is an indi*idual 0hose salary is
disbursed through the branch.
a@ 4o additional security is reBuired.
b@ 5he borro0er shall ho0e*er gi*e a standing instruction and also a letter of
authority to realiCe the monthly instalment to the debit of his<her $/ or C6
account =of the branch@ 0here the borro0erDs salary is credited e*ery month2
5he borro0er 0ill authoriCe his<her employer to remit necessary amount out
of the borro0erDs terminal benefit in case of cessation of employment of the
borro0er2 for liBuidation of the outstanding dues2 if any2 in the loan account.
5he employer should ac1no0ledge such authoriCation in 0riting. 'f any of the
abo*e conditions is not feasible2 the conditions as stated in the ne-t paragraph
20.!.. or 20.!.!. 0ill apply.
20.!.. 'n case of salaried person 0hen the borro0er is an indi*idual 0hose salary is
disbursed through the branch but no underta1ing is a*ailable from employer.
a@ 5he loan should be additionally secured by 0ay of a third party guarantee2
preferably co.employee.
b@ A letter from of authority < underta1ings < indemnity from borro0er <
borro0erDs spouse to continue salary account and to utiliCe terminal
benefits for repayment of outstanding dues2 if any2 in the loan account.
20.!.!. 'n case of =a@ salaried person 0ithout salary disbursement account or
employerDs underta1ing and =b@ Professional E $elf employed persons9
5hird Party guarantee 0ith at least net 0orth 200A of loan amount E
acceptable to the /an1. 'n addition2 3 =three@ undated cheBues for 3
instalments shall be ta1en along 0ith a letter of underta1ing to the effect
that the /an1 0ill ha*e liberty to utiliCe those cheBues in the e*ent he<she
fails to pay the stipulated E"'s to the /an1 and that the borro0er 0ill not
to ma1e any F$top PaymentG of the aforesaid cheBues.
20.#. R$te o' I%terest
5he /an1 shall charge interest on 34'5E6 C,4$3"E& L,A4 account
at the rate indicated by 7ead ,ffice on diminishing balance.
'n case of default in payment of any instalment2 penal interest shall be
charged at a prescribed rate o*er the stipulated rate on the o*erdue
instalments for the period of default and the said penal interest shall be
realised separately.
20.%. Rep$y&e%t o' Lo$%
5he loan should be repaid on the basis of EBuated "onthly
'nstalment=E"'@ to be fi-ed in accordance 0ith follo0ing norms ta1ing
into consideration of the Buantum of loan sanctioned and ma-imum
amount of monthly deduction permitted so that total deduction does not
e-ceed #0A of gross salary as stated abo*e in case of salaried indi*iduals.
&epayment 0ill commence one month after disbursement.
3pto &s. !02000<. "a-imum 3# E"'
&s. !02001<. to &s. 2.00 lac "a-imum ( E"'
Abo*e &s. 2.00 lac "a-imum #0 E"'
4o penalty should be charged for early repayment of the loan.
20.(. Ser)i(e C*$rge+Pro(essi%g ,ee
$er*ice charge shall be realised at the time of sanctioning of the loan at a
rate prescribed by 7ead ,ffice from time to time.
2!- S$%(tio%i%g Aut*ority 9
5he "anager of the branch selected for operation of the scheme 0ill
consider proposal on its o0n merit and sanction the same under the e-isting
6iscretionary Po0er delegated by the /an1 to them and as per instruction from
7, from time to time. 7o0e*er2 the proposals beyond the limit of the
6iscretionary Po0er of the /ranch "anager shall be for0arded to the &egional
Authority duly recommended for sanction.
20.10 Ot*er Oper$tio%$l .ui/eli%es Loan amount must be in multiple of &s. 100<. and the articles to be
purchased must be ne0 one =not second.hand@. Prospecti*e borro0er may ha*e the choice of more than one
article<combination of articles 0ithin his<her total eligibility of the loan
amount. 7o0e*er2 in case of such multiple choice in*ol*ing different
dealers2 Pay ,rders<6emand 6rafts 0ill ha*e to be issued dealer.0ise. 4o
cash disbursement is allo0ed under the scheme.
20.10.3.'n case of professional and self.employed person<businessmen2 copy of
latest '.5. &eturns of the applicant and the co.applicant 0here*er
applicable2 filed 0ith the 'ncome 5a- Authorities<$ales 5a- Clearance
Certificate etc to be obtained. 't must be obser*ed that sufficient balance is
being maintained in his<her $/ or C6 A<C 0ith the /an1 for un.
interrupted realiCation of monthly instalment in terms of 9 F$tanding
'nstructionG to be obtained from the borro0er in this regard.
20.10.. Apart from obtaining comprehensi*e insurance co*er for the full
*alue of the 2.;heelers2 as reBuired under "otor :ehicle &ules2
endorsing assignment in fa*our of the /an12 an insurance policy co*ering
the ris1 of theft2 burglary 0ith F/an1 ClauseG for other article e-ceeding
*alue of &s. !02000<. =original cost@ should also be obtained 0ithin 1=one@
month from the date of a*ailment of the loan. 'n case of 2.
;heelers2 insurance co*erage should be obtained on the date of deli*ery
of *ehicle to the borro0er. 'n case of any default2 the /an1 0ill
ha*e the right to obtain such insurance co*er itself to the debit of
borro0erDs account. 5he financing branch should e-plore the possibility
of credit life insurance co*ering the loan amount =optional and on getting
consent@ for 0hich the cost of premium shall be financed by the /an1.
20.10.!. 5he scheme2 i.e.2 3nited Consumer Loan is to be treated as
5&A6'5',4AL L,A4 and to be disbursed to the debit of 5erm Loan
Account to be opened in the name of the borro0er=s@ under C/$ system.
20.10.#. $pecimens of Application +orm.Cum.Processing $heet2 sanction letter
etc are gi*en in the Anne-ure.HAD and Anne-ure.H/D respecti*ely.
20.10.%. 5he /ranches shall generate monthly $"A statement of the position of
Buality loan assets under 3nited Consumer Loan $cheme and ta1e
appropriate action for follo0 up and monitoring of loan.
20.10.(.4ormal procedures of the /an1 in dealing 0ith 5erm Loan=s@ li1e
opening of account2 maintenance of ledgers and registers =0here*er reBuired@2
accounting of transactions2 pro*isioning and charging of interest2 reconciliation
of balances etc under C/$ system shall be follo0ed. 5he branch
management shall ensure timely repayment of the loan and in case of default
shall initiate appropriate reco*ery measures as per &eco*ery Policy of the /an1.
'n order to meet the gro0ing demand of the customers for loan for
purchasing *arious 1inds of .;heelers for personal use by the indi*iduals and
office use by the firms and corporates2 the /an1 has introduced 34'5E6 CA&
L,A4 $C7E"E. 5he latest circulars and guidelines issued on this sub8ect are
to be read 0ith this chapter 5he salient features and guidelines of the $cheme as
appro*ed by the /an1 are highlighted belo0 9
20.1. Purpose :
Purchase of ne0 < old car not o*er years old for pri*ate and non.commercial
use by indi*iduals and for official use by Partnership +irm < Proprietorship +irm <
Company < $ociety.

20.2. Eligibility :
5he Prospecti*e borro0er=s@ should maintain a $a*ings<Current 6eposit<5erm
6eposit A<C 0ith the /an1 =>?C complied@ and fulfill the follo0ing criteria.
20.2.2 Any indi*idual 0ith a minimum net income =ta1e home salary for salaried person@
of &s.202000<. per month.
20.2.3 'n case of salaried persons =in case of indi*iduals@ the applicant =aged bet0een
21.#! ?ears including repayment period@ has been in regular ser*ice for at least 2
years and should ha*e a minimum left o*er ser*ice to co*er the period of
repayment of loan.
20.2. 'n respect of 0or1ing couple2 net income of the spouse may be considered for the
purpose of computing net income and monthly instalments2 pro*ided the spouse
8oins as co.borro0er and monthly instalment may be realiCed from the salaries of
either of them.
20.2.! Professional and self.employed persons should be at least 2 years in their
20.2.# 5he employees of 3nited /an1 of 'ndia shall also be eligible for loan under the
scheme in compliance of the terms and conditions of the scheme.
20.2.% Partnership +irm < Proprietorship +irm < Company < $ociety should fulfill the
follo0ing conditions. a@ 6$C& must be minimum of 1.!91 b@ must ha*e sufficient
net profit to be sufficient so as to ensure regular payment of E"' c@ +inancials
= /alance $heet < Profit E Loss A<c etc.@ shall be studied to ascertain repayment
capacity d@ Personal Iuarantee of Partners< 6irectors to be pro*ided and status to
be determined 0ith reference to C'/'L e@ /an1Ds charge shall be noted 0ith the
&egistrar of Companies =0here*er applicable@.
20.2.( 'n case of Partnership +irm2 it should be registered 0ith &egistrar of firms and
6eed of Partnership be registered at the competent courts of la0. 'n case of
Company2 the Articles of Association should empo0er the Company to borro0
from the /an1. 5he authority to sign the documents should be determined 0ith
reference to Partnership 6eed in case of Partnership +irm and /oardDs resolution
in case of Company. 'n case of $ociety2 the society bye.la0s needs to be
e-amined in this regard and certified true copy of the resolution shall be obtained.
All other rele*ant aspects shall also be e-amined so that in future there should not
be any confusion as to the authority of the person=s@ 0ho signed the documents.
20.2.) 5he income of the applicant borro0er in case of indi*iduals should determined
0ith reference to the copy of '.5. files to be submitted at least for the last 2 years.
2!" #u$%tu& o' C$r Lo$% :
20.3.1. 'n case of indi*iduals 9
5he ma-imum amount of loan is &s.30 lac in case of ne0 car and &s. # lac in case
of old< used car2 sub8ect to ma-imum of )0A of on road price in case of ne0 and
%0A in case of used < old car of *aluation certificate from the chartered
automobile engineer. 5he Buantum of loan is to be fi-ed in such a 0ay that total
deductions from the salary<income including the E"' of this loan does not e-ceed
#0A of gross salary income of the borro0er.
20.3.2 'n case Partnership +irm < Proprietorship +irm < Company < $ociety9
5he ma-imum amount of loan is &s.0 lac in case of ne0 car and &s. # lac in case
of old< used car2 sub8ect to ma-imum of )0A of on road price in case of ne0 car
20.. M$rgi%
"inimum 10A of the cost of the car =on road price@ in case of ne0 car and 30A
of the *aluation amount in case of old car.
20.!. Se(urity 9
20.!.1 Primary =irrespecti*e of type of borro0er@
7ypothecation of the *ehicle=s@ to be purchased 0ith /an1 loan.
20.#.1 Collateral9
20.#.2. 'n case of salaried person 0hen the borro0er is an indi*idual 0hose salary is
disbursed through the branch.
a@4o additional security is reBuired.
b@5he borro0er shall ho0e*er gi*e a standing instruction and also a letter of
authority to realiCe the monthly installment to the debit of his<her $/ or C6
account =of the branch@ 0here the borro0erDs salary is credited e*ery month2 5he
borro0er 0ill authoriCe his<her employer to remit necessary amount out of the
borro0erDs terminal benefit in case of cessation of employment of the borro0er2
for liBuidation of the outstanding dues2 if any2 in the loan account. 5he employer
should underta1e that before shifting salary disbursement account2 prior
permission from financing ban1 0ill be ta1en. 5he employer should ac1no0ledge
such authoriCation in 0riting.
c@ A letter from the employer ensuring repayment of installments by 0ay of
monthly deduction from the borro0erDs salary and remittance to the financing
branch till the loan remains outstanding shall be obtained. /esides2 the borro0er
shall authoriCe his<her employer to remit necessary amount out of the borro0erDs
terminal benefits in case of cessation of employment of the borro0er2 for
liBuidation of the outstanding dues2 if any2 in the loan account. 5he employer
should ac1no0ledge such authoriCation in 0riting.
'f any of the abo*e conditions is not feasible2 the conditions as stated in the ne-t
paragraph 20.#.3. 0ill apply.
20.#.3. 'n case of salaried person 0hen the borro0er is an indi*idual 0hose salary is
not disbursed through the branch or 0here no such underta1ing from
employer is a*ailable and in case of Professional E $elf employed Persons
=including professionals engaged in public ser*ice li1e 6octor < &egd.
"edical Practitioner@.
5he loan should be additionally secured by 0ay of personal guarantee of 1 or
2 persons ha*ing adeBuate net 0orth to co*er the loan amount and acceptable
to the /an1. 'n addition2 3 =three@ undated cheBues for 3 installments shall be
ta1en along 0ith a letter of underta1ing to the effect that the /an1 0ill ha*e
liberty to utiliCe those cheBues in the e*ent he<she fails to pay the stipulated
E"'s to the /an1 and that the borro0er 0ill not to ma1e any F$top PaymentG
of the aforesaid cheBues.
20.#.. 5o e*aluate the net0orth of guarantor2 Asset E Liability position as on recent
date shall be obtained through IuarantorDs /io data form duly signed and also
by self.declaration along 0ith copy of supporti*e documents duly signed *iC.
6eposit 0ith ban1< 4$C< >:P< $.:. of L'C< immo*able assets etc in respect
of Assets declared by the guarantor=s@.
20.%. R$te o' I%terest
5he /an1 shall charge interest on 34'5E6 CA& L,A4 account at the
rate indicated by 7ead ,ffice on diminishing balance.
'n case of default in payment of any installment2 penal interest shall be
charged at a prescribed rate o*er the stipulated rate on the o*erdue
installments for the period of default and the said penal interest shall be
realiCed separately.
Concession in 'nterest &ate for e-isting good borro0ers of the /an1.
Eligibility for !01 i%tt
"a- Amt to be
E-isting "ortgage based
borro0ers 0ith completed
2 years of regular
30A of $anctioned
Amt of "ortgage
based Loan or 5otal
principal amt repaid
0hiche*er is higher
E-tension of
CC A<C holders ha*ing =i@
Completed minimum 2
years =ii@ $atisfactory
conduct of A<CJ and =iii@
Credit &is1 rating of at
least 3/C&.3
20A of CC Limit
E-tension of
"ortgage if
other0ise 4il.
Corporate Customer
a*ailing loan for ! cars at a
time Erepayment through
single cheBue<$' from A<c
maintained 0ith us
+urther concession of
20.(. Rep$y&e%t o' Lo$%
5he loan should be repaid on the basis of EBuated "onthly 'nstallment
=E"'@ to be fi-ed in accordance 0ith follo0ing norms ta1ing into
consideration of the Buantum of loan sanctioned and ma-imum amount of
monthly deduction permitted so that total deduction does not e-ceed #0A
of gross salary as stated abo*e in case of salaried indi*iduals. &epayment
0ill commence one month after disbursement.
=i@ 4e0 :ehicle "a-imum %2 monthsJ
=ii@ ,ld :ehicle upto 2 yrs. old "a-imum ( monthsJ
=iii@2 yrs. and up to yrs. old "a-imum 3# months.
4o penalty should be charged for early repayment of the loan.
20.(. Ser)i(e C*$rge+Pro(essi%g ,ee
$er*ice charge shall be realiCed at the time of sanctioning of the loan at a
rate prescribed by 7ead ,ffice from time to time.
20.10. S$%(tio%i%g Aut*ority 9
5he "anager of the branch 0ill consider proposal on its o0n merit and sanction
the same under the e-isting 6iscretionary Po0er delegated by the /an1 to them
and as per instruction from 7, from time to time. ;here 73/ is in operation2 the
"anager 0ill for0ard the proposal after prima facie e-amination along 0ith
copies of related documents in terms of instruction from 7, issued from time to
time to the concerned 73/ under his< her seal and signature. 7o0e*er2 the
proposals beyond the limit of the 6iscretionary Po0er of the /ranch "anager
shall be for0arded to the &egional Authority duly recommended for sanction.
20.11 Ot*er Oper$tio%$l .ui/eli%es Loan amount must be in multiple of &s. 100<. and the car to be
purchased must be ne0 one. 'n case of used < old car2 a certificate from
chartered automobile engineer or appro*ed car dealer shall be submitted about
present condition2 e-pected residual life and present *alue of the car.
20.11.2. Pay ,rders<6emand 6rafts =mar1ed A<c Payee@ 0ill be issued in fa*our
of the 6ealer of the Car against Buotation submitted. ;hile processing the
proposal the recommending < sanctioning authority should satisfy themsel*es
about the genuineness of the Buotation and its issuing authority. 4o cash
disbursement is allo0ed under the scheme.
20.11.3.'n case of professional and self.employed person<businessmen2 copy of
latest '.5. &eturns of the applicant and the co.applicant 0here*er applicable2
filed 0ith the 'ncome 5a- Authorities<$ales 5a- Clearance Certificate etc
to be obtained. 't must be obser*ed that sufficient balance is being
maintained in his<her $/ or C6 A<C 0ith the /an1 for 3n. interrupted realiCation
of monthly installment in terms of 9 F$tanding 'nstructionG to be obtained
from the borro0er in this regard.
20.11..Apart from obtaining comprehensi*e insurance co*er for the full *alue of
the "otor Cars2 as reBuired under "otor :ehicle &ules2 endorsing assignment in
fa*our of the /an12 an insurance policy co*ering the ris1 of theft2 burglary 0ith
F/an1 ClauseG shall be ta1en. 'n case of .;heelers2 insurance co*erage should
be obtained as on the date of deli*ery of *ehicle to the borro0er. 'n case of any
default2 the /an1 0ill ha*e the right to obtain such insurance co*er itself to the
debit of borro0erDs account.
20.11.!5he financing branch should e-plore the possibility of credit life insurance
co*ering the loan amount =optional and on getting consent@ for 0hich the cost of
premium shall be financed by the /an1.
20.11.#. 5he scheme2 i.e.2 3nited Car Loan is to be treated as 5&A6'5',4AL
L,A4 and to be disbursed to the debit of 5erm Loan Account to be opened
in the name of the borro0er=s@.
20.11.%. $pecimens of Application +orm.Cum.Processing $heet2 sanction letter
etc are gi*en in the Anne-ure.HAD and Anne-ure.H/D respecti*ely.
20.11.(. 5he /ranches shall generate monthly $"A statement of the position of
Buality loan assets under 3nited Car Loan $cheme and ta1e appropriate action for
follo0 up and monitoring of loan.
20.11.). 4ormal procedures of the /an1 in dealing 0ith 5erm Loan=s@ li1e
opening of account2 maintenance of ledgers and registers =0here*er necessary@2
accounting of transactions2 pro*isioning and charging of interest2 reconciliation of
balances etc under C/$ system shall be follo0ed. 5he 73/ 0ill process the
proposals through LAP$ =Lending Automation Processing $ystem@ and sanction
accordingly. 5he branch management shall ensure timely repayment of the loan
and in case of default shall initiate appropriate reco*ery measures as per &eco*ery
Policy of the /an1.
A44EK3&E L A
34'5E6 /A4> ,+ '46'A
APPL'CA5',4 +,& 34'5E6 C,4$3"E& A46 CA& L,A4
5he Chief "anager<"anager
3nited /an1 of 'ndia
6ear $ir2
'<0e reBuest you to sanction a loan of &sNNNNNNNNNNN.=&upees
costing &sNNNN.O6escription of Article=s@< CarP
4ame of Article=s@< Car :alue =&s.@
=4ame E Address of suppliers@
'<0e underta1e to repay the loan in NNNN..monthly instalments of &sNNN.
each starting from NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
PA&5'C3LA&$ ,+ /,&&,;E& APPL'CA45 1 APPL'CA45 2
=6elete 0hiche*er is not applicable@
1. 4ame in full =in /loc1 letters@
< 4ame of +irm< Co.<$ociety etc.
2. Age
3. ;hether married
. 4o. of dependents
!. 4ame of father<husband
#. Address =0ith telephone no@
i@ &esidence
ii@ ,ffice
%. +or salaried applicant
i@ 4ame E Address of employer
ii@ 6esignation<position E period
since 0hen employed
Applicant 1
Applicant 2
(. +or professional E self.employed applicant
i@ Particulars of profession and name E
address of his<her firm<co. and details
ii@ 6esignation<position E period
since 0hen engaged
). 4ame2 address2 occupation E 0orth of
guarantor=s@2 if any
10. 'ncome =year.0ise for last 2 years@
Iross 'ncome
4et 'ncome
Less 9 Personal dra0ings
'ncome 5a- paid
4et surplus
11. 'ncome 5a- assessed<paid for the
Last 2 years =enclose supporting
'ncome assessed
5a- assessed
5a- paid
12. 4ature of account=s@ maintained
;ith 3/'
13. 4ames and addresses of other ban1s
0ith 0hom any account is maintained
=Particulars of borro0ings2 if any2 to be gi*en@
1. +or salaried applicant
Particulars of monthly emoluments for the month of MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM = a copy
of the payslip<employerDs certificate to be attached@
Applicant 1 Applicant 2
Iross $alary =in &s.@ 6eductions =in
Iross $alary =in &s.@ 6eductions=in &s.@
/asic P+ /asic P+
6A '5 6A '5
7&A Loan 7&A Loan
,thers ,thers ,thers ,thers
5otal 5otal 5otal 5otal
4et 5a1e 7ome $alary 4et ta1e 7ome $alary
Co&&o% 'or $ll $ppli($%ts
2P$rti(ul$rs o' e$(* $ppli($%t to be gi)e% sep$r$tely3
1!. 6escription of Property2 if any2 o0ned
=a@ Particulars of &eal Estate 9
Location 9
Area 9
3nencumbered =yes<4o@ 9
=b@ Particulars of $hares held2 if any
4ame of the Company 4o. of shares "ar1et :alue
=c@ Life 'nsurance Policy held 9 6ate of "aturity $um Assured
Policy 4o. =s@
=d@ 4ational $a*ings Certificate2 6ate of "aturity +ace :alue
if any2 Certificate 4o.
1#. /orro0ings
=i@ /orro0ing against =a@2 =b@2 =c@ E
=d@ abo*e =6etails to be gi*en in
separate sheet@ 9 &sNNNNNNNNNN
=ii@ Present ,utstanding /alance 9 &sNNNNNNNNNN
1%. ,ther liabilities
=i@ Any unsecured Liabilities =6etails to be
gi*en in separate sheet@ 9 &sNNNNNNNNNN.
=ii@ Present ,utstanding /alance 9 &sNNNNNNNNNN.
1(. $tatement of +inancial Positions as on NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN..
Capital Land E /uilding
5rade Creditors +urniture E +ittings
,ther Creditors $
,thers 5rade 6ebtors
$urplus Cash in 7and E /an1
=Asset.Liability@ ,thers
5,5AL 5,5AL
'n case of Partnership +irm2 Company E $ociety copy of /alance $heet2 PEL A<c and
other related documents are to be submitted.
1). ,57E& PA&5'C3LA&$
4ame and address of the persons 0ho can be referred to for information
'<0e hereby ='@ declare that the statements gi*en abo*e are true and correct
=ii@ further declare that no part of the loan 0ill be utilised for any purpose
other than that stated.
=iii@ Agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of the loan2 if sanctioned.
=i*@ +urther agree to the /an1 recalling the entire loan or the balance thereof if
the /an1 comes to 1no0 of any incorrect statement on my part.
$ignature of Applicant 1 $ignature of Applicant 2
6ate 9
Place 9
20. Chief "anagerDs<"anagerDs findings and sanction<recommendation
"anager<Asstt. "anager Chief "anager<"anager
555555555555 4r$%(*
73/ obser*ations and sanctions. Chief "anager =73/@
S$%(tio% Letter
34'5E6 /A4> ,+ '46'A
&ef. 4o. 9 6ate 9
"r<"rs<"iss NNNNNNNN..
6ear $ir<"adam2
$ub 9 ?our application for 3nited Consumer<Car Loan
'n response to your application dated MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 0e are pleased to sanction you a
Consumer<Car Loan on the follo0ing terms and conditions.
1. Amount of Loan =5erm Loan@ 99
2. Purpose 99 +or purchase of NNNNNNNNNN
=4ame of the 6ealer<$eller@
3. Cost of the Article<Car
=as per proforma@ 99 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.
!. "argin 99
#. 'nstalment Amount =E"'@ 99 &sNNNNN..p.m. 5he E"' is sub8ect to
change or repayment period may be re*ised 0ith
the re*ision of rate of interest from time to time.
%. 4ature of +acility 99 5erm Loan2 "onthly instalment to be payable
on the day of disbursement of each month till
the entire loan is liBuidated. 'n case E"' is not
paid on the due date of each month2 penal
interest R..A o*er and abo*e the stipulated rate
of interest 0ill be le*ied for period of default.
(. $ecurity 9 =a@ Primary 9 7ypothecation of NNNNNNNN..
NNNNNNNNNN. acBuired under
the Loan of the /an1.
=b@ Additional 9
). 6isbursement 9 5he payment as per proforma in*oice 0ill be
made by the /an1 by Pay ,rder<6emand 6raft
directly to the $eller <6ealer after the margin
money is deposited and necessary
documentation as per /an1Ds reBuirement is
10. 'nsurance 9 "otor Cars<50o 0heelers should ha*e
comprehensi*e insurance co*erage for the
full *alue of the item on the day of deli*ery
of *ehicle. 'n case of other items of
Consumer Loan2 insurance co*erage 0ill be
arranged in respect of indi*idual article
*alued abo*e &s. !02000<.
11. &epayment of Loan &epayment of loan 0ill start after one month
from the date of disbursement of the loan
and 0ill be completed in NNN.. months
by 0ay of EBuated "onthly
instalment=E"'@ payment.
12. ,ther Conditions 9
A. /an1 official 0ill ha*e the right to inspect the articles< car as purchased 0ith the /an1Ds
/. ?our employer 0ill 1eep proper record of this loan a*ailed by of you and in case of any
relinBuishment in the present ser*ice or retirement2 your company 0ill ta1e necessary steps
so that the loan amount is liBuidated 0ell before such e*entualities. ?ou 0ill ha*e to obtain
clearance<4o 6ues Certificate from us in case of such e*entualities.
C. ?our employer 0ill duly intimate the /an1 about your transfer to any other administrati*e
unit2 change in designation2 termination of the ser*ice 0ithin one month of such e*entualities.
6. ?ou 0ill agree to gi*e in irre*ocable instruction and authorisation to your employer to credit
for ad8ustment in your abo*e loan account all the proceeds of terminal and other benefits as
permissible in la0 payable to you by your employer on a termination of ser*ice for
0hatsoe*er reason.
E. All other terms E conditions are as usual as per the /an1Ds Consumer<Car Loan $cheme.
'f you agree 0ith the terms E conditions as stated herein abo*e2 please put your signature on
the duplicate copy of this letter as to1en of your acceptance of terms E conditions for
a*ailing of the loan amount and return the same to us for our further action.
?ours faithfully2
C7'E+ "A4AIE&<"A4AIE&
='t is suggested to prepare separate $anction Letter for sanction Car Loans to +irm2 Co.2 $ociety based
on rele*ant information and as per car loan scheme of the /an12 instead of using format for sanctioning
loans to indi*iduals@

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