SMKCL Chemistry Monthly Test 1 F5 2009

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Name : .. Form :
1. The rate of a chemical reaction cannot be determined by measuring
A the volume of gas liberated per unit time
B the formation of precipitate per unit time
C the change of colour per unit time
D the change of size of solid per unit time
2. Which of the folloing reaction is the sloest!
A "usting of iron
B #recipitation
C Neutralisation
D $ombustion
%. & student ants to study the relationship beteen the concentration of hydrochloric acid and time of
reaction by reacting the acid ith magnesium ribbon. What should be the responding variable!
A $oncentration of acid
B Time ta'en for reaction
C &mount of magnesium ribbon
D (ength of magnesium ribbon
). &luminium poder reacts faster ith hydrochloric acid than an aluminium strip because
A the particles in the aluminium strip are pac'ed closely
B the particles of aluminium poder have more 'inetic energy
C the aluminium poder has a larger total surface area
D there is a layer of aluminium o*ide on the aluminium
+. The table shos the total volume of gas collected at regular intervals in a reaction. What is the average
rate of reaction in this e*periment !
A ,.,)1 cm
B ,.,). cm
C ,.,)/ cm
D ,.,+% cm
0. The graph shos the volume of carbon dio*ide gas produced against time for the reaction of calcium
carbonate and sulphuric acid.
Time (s) , %, 0, /, 12, 1+, 1., 21,
Volume of gas (cm
) , 2., %.1 +.2 0.) 1.% ..0 ..0
Volume of
gas / cm
Time / second
The gradient of the graph decreases ith time because
A catalyst is not used
B volume of mi*ture decreases
C temperature of reaction decreases
D concentration of sulphuric acid decreases
1. 2iagram ) shos the graph of volume of carbon dio*ide gas against time hen + g of marble chips is
added to +, cm
of ,.2 mol dm
hydrochloric acid
&t hat time the rate of reaction the highest!
B t2
C t%
D t)
.. Which of the folloing statements is correct about the rate of reaction!
A The rate of reaction decreases ith time
B The rate of reaction depends on the total volume of the reactants
C The rate of reaction is constant if the reaction is carried out at very high temperature
D The rate of reaction doubles hen the temperature is doubled
& group of students carried out an e*periment to determine the rate of reaction of zinc metal ith dilute
hydrochloric acid. The diagram above shos the graph for the total volume of gas collected against time.
The average rate of reaction for the hole e*periment is :
A ,.% cm
B ,.2+ cm
C ,.11 cm
D ,.1% cm
1,. 4ydrogen gas is liberated hen magnesium reacts ith sulphuric acid. Which of the folloing pairs of
reactants ill give the fastest initial rate of reaction!
A ,.1 mol dm
of sulphuric acid and magnesium ribbon
B ,.1 mol dm
of sulphuric acid and magnesium poder
C ,.2 mol dm
of sulphuric acid and magnesium ribbon
D ,.2 mol dm
of sulphuric acid and magnesium poder
0 60 120 180 240 300 time / s
Volume of H
gas / cm
11. When + g of zinc metal reacts ith an e*cess of hydrochloric acid5 the rate of reaction is faster using fine
zinc poder instead of using granulated zinc. Which of the folloing statements e*plain hy this occurs!
A The fine zinc poder is more reactive than granulated zinc
B The activation energy level is loered hen the fine zinc poder is used
C The fine zinc poder has a greater surface area in contact ith hydrochloric acid
D The particles in the fine zinc poder collide faster than that in the granulated zinc
12. 2iagram belo shos curve W obtained from the decomposition of 2, cm
of ,.), mol dm
pero*ide solution5 42625 using ,.2 g of manganese 789: o*ide as catalyst at a temperature of %,
Which of the folloing e*periments ill
produce curve ;!
1%. The diagram shos the apparatus set3up used to study the rate of reaction of calcium carbonate and
hydrochloric acid.
The rate of the
above reaction can
be increased by
A grinding the marble chips
B loering the temperature of hydrochloric acid
C using a larger flas'
D adding ater to hydrochloric acid
1). $atalysts speed up chemical reactions. Which industry uses enzymes as a catalyst!
A #roduction of ammonia from hydrogen and nitrogen
B #roduction of sulphuric acid from sulphur
C #roduction of ethanol from sugar
D #roduction of ethane from al'ene
1+. & catalyst is use in manufacturing industries because it can
A increase the <uantity of the products
B reduce the <uantity of ra materials used
C reduce the time of production
9olume of 4262 -cm
$oncentration of 4262 -mol dm
Temperature -
A 1, ,.0, %,
B 1+ ,.2, %,
C 2, ,.0, ),
D %, ,.%, ),
D increase the <uality of the product
1. $lassify the folloing reactions into fast and slo reactions in the folloing table.
a: Neutralisation beteen potassium hydro*ide and hydrochloric acid solutions
b: #hotosynthesis
c: "eaction beteen sodium thiosulphate 798: and hydrochloric acid solutions
d: #recipitation reaction beteen silver nitrate and sodium chloride solutions
e: "usting of an iron nail
f: =urning of a magnesium ribbon
(6 marks)
2. What can be measured to determine the rate of reaction beteen marble chips and hydrochloric acid!
>ive a tic' 7 : for the correct anser in the folloing table.
(4 marks)
%. 1.. g of magnesium ribbon is added to e*cess dilute hydrochloric acid in a bea'er. The reaction stops
after ,.+ minutes. 12.,cm
of hydrogen gas is collected.
$alculate the average rate of reaction5 in g s
(1 mark)
$alculate the average rate of reaction5 in cm
(1 mark)
). ?tate five factors hich affect the rate of reaction.
i: . ii: .
iii: iv:.
(5 marks)
+. Name to variables hich are constant in e*periment to study:
!ast "eaction Slo# "eaction
$easu"a%le &isi%le c'anges Tic( )
The change in mass at regular time intervals
Formation of precipitate
$olour changes
The volume of gas liberated at regular time intervals
a: the effect of concentration on the rate of reaction.
i:... ii:..
(2 marks)
b: the effect of catalyst on rate of reaction.
i:... ii:..
(2 marks)
c: the temperature on the rate of reaction.
i:... ii:..
(2 marks)
0. The folloing table shos the volume of gas collected from e*periment
$alculate the average rate of reaction for
a: the first 0, seconds
(1 mark)
b: the overall reaction
(1 mark)
Time (s) , %, 0, 12, 1+,
Volume of gas (cm
) , 11 2/ %0 %0

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