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- a short presentation of one of

the leading architect studios

in Sweden
Philosophy 4
Bibliography 6
Campus Konradsberg 8
Campus Grdet 14
People 18
ke Eson Lindman p. 1, 10, 12, 13, 18
Sten Jansin p. 3, 17, 19, 20
Martin Beskow p. 4,6, 22
Brunnberg & Forshed Arkitektkontor AB
Stockholm December 2008
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We have a long experience and wide competence in several architectural elds - from city planning projects and complex working
drawings to delicate interior design. We have an even mixture between residential, institutional, ofce and city planning projects
and we are often invited to architectural competitions. We enjoy the challenge of architectural competition. Its a way to try out
new ideas, widen the horizons and stretch the limits. It is both developing and inspiring for all in our team and an essential part of
our development and research. It has given us a method to analyze a place and its character in order to promote its existing values
in a new architectural concept. The question of sustainability has become an important aspect in the way we work. Our aim is to
design energy efcient buildings combined with good architecture. We are now working on two residential areas based on energy
efcient technology.
Bengt Hellstrm
Managing Director
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Housing 50%
Institutional 40%
Masterplanning 10%
Brunnberg & Forshed
Arkitektkontor AB
The origin of Brunnberg & Forshed Arkitektkontor goes back to
the beginning of the 1950s and the architects ofce Curmans
Arkitektkontor. During the 50s and 60s Curmans Arkitektkontor
was one of the leading ofce for city planning projects in Swe-
den. After decades of large scale housing projects introduced the
70s new values in city planning. Brunnberg & Forshed Arkitekt-
kontor planned and designed a small-scaled community called
Grimsta Village in Upplands Vsby. The project was much of a
protest to the prevalent larger scale residential projects at that
time. After Grimsta Village human scale and variation became
key words for future residential projects. During the 80s the of-
ce got commissions for both ofce and industrial buildings, Ma-
rabou and Astra Head Quarters are two examples of that time.
Since the 80s the ofce has participated in several Housing Ex-
pos in Sweden: BO 85 in Upplands Vsby, B0 93 in Karlskrona,
BO 98 Nybodahjden (Stockholm), BO 02 Hammarby Sjstad
(Stockholm), and BO 06 Tensta (Stockholm). The next Housing
Expo that Brunnberg & Forshed is going to participate is taking
place in Annedal in Stockholm 2012. Examples of recent larger
scale projects are Campus Konradsberg, Gngaren, cityplanning
for Lomma Hamn and Campus Grdet. Today the ofce employs
60 people.
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Campus Konradsberg
Stockholm Institute of Education
The history of Campus Konradsberg goes back to mid 17th century when a mental hospital was built on Kungsholmen in Stock-
holm. The hospital was beautifully situated in a big park. The architecture and planning was typical for its time: institutional, clas-
sical with symmetrical plan. During the 1930s and 1950s architect Paul Hedqvist expanded the hospital area. In the mid 1990s
Brunnberg & Forshed got the commission to work with the master plan and to develop a new campus for the Stockholm Institute of Brunnberg & Forshed got the commission to work with the master plan and to develop a new campus for the Stockholm Institute of
Education on the 40,000-m
site. The campus was completed in 2004 and hosts today approximately 8000 students and 575 teachers.
Brunnberg & Forshed Arkitektkontor was lead architect for Campus Konradsberg by designing most of the buildings on the campus
and by coordinating the masterplan. The buildings contain classrooms, ofce spaces, a library, an auditorium, a restaurant, and a
garage. garage.
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Campus Konradsberg
Stockholm Institute of Education
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Campus Konradsberg
Stockholm Institute of Education
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Campus Grdet
SIDA is a government agency with the goal to improve living conditions for poor people. In 2006, SIDA moved to a new of-
ce building in central Stockholm designed by Brunnberg & Forshed Arkitektkontor. The ofce building is 20,000 m
, have 630
workspaces, a conference area, and a restaurant. The ofce building is divided in two sections: a new section and an existing one. workspaces, a conference area, and a restaurant. The ofce building is divided in two sections: a new section and an existing one.
The existing part, the former School of Art called Konstfack, is famous for its modernistic architecture. Bridges combine the old
part and the new addition together. These bridges span over a big open atrium where a white staircase spirals down. The outside
of the building is characterized by two different glass facades: the land-marked modernistic facade of Konstfack and a new facade
designed by Brunnberg & Forshed Arkitektkontor . designed by Brunnberg & Forshed Arkitektkontor .
Sida Swedish International
Development Co-operation Agency
Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
Brunnberg & Forshed Arkitektkontor completed the 12700 m
ofce building for Swedish Environmental Protection Agency in
2007. The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency is working with the environmental protection and nature conservation. It
presents proposals for the European, national and regional environmental policy to the Swedish Government.
The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency wants to keep contact with the citizens and therefore have a caf, a library, and an
exhibition area on the entry level open to the public. About 480 people are working in the building. Most of the work places have
a magnicent view over an open landscape, Grdet eld. a magnicent view over an open landscape, Grdet eld.
In June 2008, Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts moved to its new location at Campus Grdet designed by Brunnberg & Fors-
hed Arkitektkontor. The Academy educates actors and stage artists. It is a very competitive and popular school with many applica-
tions each year. Two stages with 100 seats each create the heart of the building . Around 50 performances are played there every
year. The building contains even classrooms, a sound studio and a restaurant. year. The building contains even classrooms, a sound studio and a restaurant.
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Campus Grdet
Sida Swedish International Development Co-operation Agency
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Campus Grdet
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
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Campus Grdet
Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts
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Linda Hedebro
Arkitekt SAR/MSA
Jennie Nilsson
Arkitekt MSA
Catherina Lissner
Arkitekt SAR/MSA
Dipl. Ing. Architekt
Charlotta Turesson
Arkitekt SAR/MSA
Bjrn Holm
Arkitekt SAR/MSA
Louise Rangmark
Ulrika Hambeck
Arkitekt SAR/MSA
Angela Covac Bohm
Ingrid Moberg
Arkitekt MSA
Caroline Jnsson
Arkitekt MSA
Annika Jnsson
Mats Marnell
Arkitekt MSA
Pontus Ekberg
Arkitekt SAR/MSA
Vibeke Janson
Arkitekt SAR/MSA
Marion Asselhoven
medarbetare | okt 2008
housi ng - offi ce - publ i c bui l di ngs - ci t ypl anni ng - i nt eri or desi gn - research
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Kungsholms Strand 135 A
S - 112 48 STOCKHOLM
+46 8 617 61 00
+46 8 617 61 01


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