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General Info
Types and constants
Application Notes
Typical Usage
Types & definitions
Embedded Components
Component ADC
A/D converter
Component Level: High
Category: CPU Internal Peripherals-Converter-ADC
(Methods are user-callable functions/subroutines intended for the component functions control. Please see the Embedded
Components page for more information.)
Enabl e - Enables A/D converter component. Events may be generated
(DisableEvent/EnableEvent). If possible, this method switches on A/D converter device,
voltage reference, etc.
ANSIC prototype: byte Enable(void)
Return value:byte - Error code, possible codes:
ERR_SPEED - This device does not work in the active speed mode
Disable - Disables A/D converter component. No events will be generated. If possible,
this method switches off A/D converter device, voltage reference, etc.
ANSIC prototype: byte Disable(void)
Return value:byte - Error code, possible codes:
ERR_SPEED - This device does not work in the active speed mode
Enabl eEvent - Enables the events.
ANSIC prototype: byte EnableEvent(void)
Return value:byte - Error code, possible codes:
ERR_SPEED - This device does not work in the active speed mode
DisableEvent - Disables the events.
ANSIC prototype: byte DisableEvent(void)
Return value:byte - Error code, possible codes:
ERR_SPEED - This device does not work in the active speed mode
Start - This method starts continuous conversion on all channels that are set in the
component inspector. When each measurement on all channels has finished the OnEnd
event may be invoked. This method is not available if the interrupt service is disabled
and the device doesn't support the continuous mode. Note: If time of measurement is
too short and the instruction clock is too slow then the conversion complete interrupt and
its handler may cause a system overflow.
ANSIC prototype: byte Start(void)
Pgina 1 de 12 Component documentation - Methods
Return value:byte - Error code, possible codes:
ERR_SPEED - This device does not work in the active speed mode
ERR_DISABLED - Device is disabled
ERR_BUSY - A conversion is already running
Stop - This method stops the continuous measurement or disables a trigger mode (if
supported by HW), which has been started by one of the following methods:
Version specific information for Freescale ColdFireV1, HCS08, HC08
and RS08 derivatives
Version specific information for Freescale 56800 derivatives
Version specific information for Freescale MCF derivatives
Version specific information not for Freescale 56800 and HCS08 and
HC08 and HCS12 and HCS12X derivatives
The Stop method is available if one of the previously mentioned methods is supported
by A/D converter device and is enabled to be generated.
ANSIC prototype: byte Stop(void)
Return value:byte - Error code, possible codes:
ERR_SPEED - This device does not work in the active speed mode
ERR_BUSY - No continuous measurement is running. Neither internal trigger nor
external trigger have been enabled (if these are supported by HW).
Measure - This method performs one measurement on all channels that are set in the
component inspector. (Note: If the number of conversions is more than one the
conversion of A/D channels is performed specified number of times.)
ANSIC prototype: byte Measure(bool WaitForResult)
Pgina 2 de 12 Component documentation - Methods
WaitForResult:bool - Wait for a result of a conversion. If interrupt service is disabled,
A/D peripheral doesn't support measuring all channels at once or Autoscan mode
property isn't enabled and at the same time the number of channels is greater than 1,
then the WaitForResult parameter is ignored and the method waits for each result
every time. If the interrupt service is disabled and a number of conversions is greater
than 1, the parameter is ignored and the method also waits for each result every
Return value:byte - Error code, possible codes:
ERR_SPEED - This device does not work in the active speed mode
ERR_DISABLED - Device is disabled
ERR_BUSY - A conversion is already running
MeasureChan - This method performs measurement on one channel. (Note: If the
number of conversions is more than one the conversion of the A/D channel is performed
specified number of times.)
ANSIC prototype: byte MeasureChan(bool WaitForResult, byte Channel)
WaitForResult:bool - Wait for a result of conversion. If the interrupt service is
disabled and at the same time a number of conversions is greater than 1, the
WaitForResult parameter is ignored and the method waits for each result every time.
Channel:byte - Channel number. If only one channel in the component is set this
parameter is ignored, because the parameter is set inside this method.
Return value:byte - Error code, possible codes:
ERR_SPEED - This device does not work in the active speed mode
ERR_DISABLED - Device is disabled
ERR_BUSY - A conversion is already running
ERR_RANGE - Parameter "Channel" out of range
Methods for HCS12/HCS12X and MCF derivatives.
EnableExtTrigger - Enables the trigger mode. If an active edge or an active level
(property Trigger active) is detected, conversion of all channels that are set in the
component inspector is performed. If the Number of conversions property is greater
than 1, a conversion is needed to be launched more than once (by external signal)
according to a specified value of Number of conversions. It's possible to disable the
trigger mode by Stop method.
Version specific i nformati on for other derivatives than Freescale
HCS12 and HCS12X
This EnableExtTrigger method is available only when the External trigger
property is enabled.
ANSIC prototype: byte EnableExtTrigger(void)
Return value:byte - Error code, possible codes:
ERR_BUSY - A conversion is already running
Pgina 3 de 12 Component documentation - Methods
Methods for Freescale HCS12/HCS12X and Freescale HCS08 DZ, DE, DN, DV, EN,
FL and SV and MCF derivatives.
EnableExtChanTrigger - Enables the trigger mode. If an active edge or an active
level (property Trigger active) is detected, a conversion of only one required
channel will be performed. If the Number of conversions is greater than 1, a
conversion will be launched more than once (by an external signal) according to
Number of conversions. It's possible to disable the trigger mode by Stop method.
Version specific i nformati on for other derivatives than Freescale
HCS12 and HCS12X
This EnableExtChanTrigger method is available only when External trigger
property is enabled.
ANSIC prototype: byte EnableExtChanTrigger(byte Channel)
Channel:byte - Channel number which will be measured on an external trigger
(control). If only one channel in the component is set then this parameter is
Return value:byte - Error code, possible codes:
ERR_BUSY - A conversion is already running
ERR_RANGE - Parameter "Channel" out of range
Methods for Freescale 56800, HCS12X, HCS12 G, HY, P and MCF derivatives.
EnableIntTri gger - Enables the internal trigger mode. A conversion of all channels
that are set in the component inspector will be launched by an internal sync pulse.
If the Number of conversions is greater than 1, a conversion will be launched more
than once (by an internal signal) according to Number of conversions. It's possible
to disable the trigger mode by Stop method.
Version specific i nformati on for other derivatives than Freescale
HCS12 and HCS12X
This EnableIntTrigger method is available only when the Internal trigger property
is enabled.
ANSIC prototype: byte EnableIntTrigger(void)
Return value:byte - Error code, possible codes:
ERR_BUSY - A conversion is already running
Methods for Freescale ColdFireV1, 56800, HCS12X, HCS12 G, HY, P, RS08, HCS08
QA, QB, QE, QG8, QG4, RT16, SC, SE, SG, SH and SV derivatives.
EnableIntChanTri gger - Enables the internal trigger mode. A conversion of one
required channel will be launched by internal sync pulse. If the Number of
conversions property is greater than 1, a conversion will be launched more than
Pgina 4 de 12 Component documentation - Methods
once (by an internal signal) according to Number of conversions. It's possible to
disable the trigger mode by Stop method.
Version specific i nformati on for other derivatives than Freescale
HCS12 and HCS12X
This EnableIntChanTrigger method is available only when the Internal trigger
property is enabled.
ANSIC prototype: byte EnableIntChanTrigger(byte Channel)
Channel:byte - Channel number which will be measured at internal trigger
control. If only one channel in the component is set then this parameter is
Return value:byte - Error code, possible codes:
ERR_BUSY - A conversion is already running
ERR_RANGE - Parameter "Channel" out of range
GetValue - Returns the last measured values for all channels. Format and width of the
value is a native format of the A/D converter.
ANSIC prototype: byte GetValue(void* Values)
Values:void* - Pointer to the array that contains the measured data. Data type is a
byte, a word or an int. It depends on the supported modes, resolution, etc. of the AD
converter. See the Version specific information for the current CPU in General Info.
Return value:byte - Error code, possible codes:
ERR_SPEED - This device does not work in the active speed mode
ERR_NOTAVAIL - Requested value not available
ERR_OVERRUN - External trigger overrun flag was detected after the last value(s)
was obtained (for example by GetValue). This error may not be supported on some
CPUs (see generated code).
GetChanValue - Returns the last measured value of the required channel. Format and
width of the value is a native format of the A/D converter.
ANSIC prototype: byte GetChanValue(byte Channel, void* Value)
Channel:byte - Channel number. If only one channel in the component is set then
this parameter is ignored.
Value:void* - Pointer to the measured value. Data type is a byte, a word or an int. It
depends on the supported modes, resolution, etc. of the AD converter. See the
Version specific information for the current CPU in General Info.
Return value:byte - Error code, possible codes:
ERR_SPEED - This device does not work in the active speed mode
ERR_NOTAVAIL - Requested value not available
ERR_RANGE - Parameter "Channel" out of range
ERR_OVERRUN - External trigger overrun flag was detected after the last value(s)
Pgina 5 de 12 Component documentation - Methods
was obtained (for example by GetValue). This error may not be supported on some
CPUs (see generated code).
GetValue8 - This method returns the last measured values of all channels justified to
the left. Compared with GetValue method this method returns more accurate result if the
number of conversions is greater than 1 and AD resolution is less than 8 bits. In
addition, the user code dependency on AD resolution is eliminated.
ANSIC prototype: byte GetValue8(byte *Values)
Values: Pointer to byte - Pointer to the array that contains the measured data.
Return value:byte - Error code, possible codes:
ERR_SPEED - This device does not work in the active speed mode
ERR_NOTAVAIL - Requested value not available
ERR_OVERRUN - External trigger overrun flag was detected after the last value(s)
was obtained (for example by GetValue). This error may not be supported on some
CPUs (see generated code).
GetChanValue8 - This method returns the last measured value of required channel
justified to the left. Compared with GetChanValue method this method returns more
accurate result if the number of conversions is greater than 1 and AD resolution is less
than 8 bits. In addition, the user code dependency on AD resolution is eliminated.
ANSIC prototype: byte GetChanValue8(byte Channel, byte *Value)
Channel:byte - Channel number. If only one channel in the component is set then
this parameter is ignored.
Value: Pointer to byte - Pointer to the measured value.
Return value:byte - Error code, possible codes:
ERR_SPEED - This device does not work in the active speed mode
ERR_NOTAVAIL - Requested value not available
ERR_RANGE - Parameter "Channel" out of range
ERR_OVERRUN - External trigger overrun flag was detected after the last value(s)
was obtained (for example by GetValue). This error may not be supported on some
CPUs (see generated code).
GetValue16 - This method returns the last measured values of all channels justified to
the left. Compared with GetValue method this method returns more accurate result if the
number of conversions is greater than 1 and AD resolution is less than 16 bits. In
addition, the user code dependency on AD resolution is eliminated.
ANSIC prototype: byte GetValue16(word *Values)
Values: Pointer to word - Pointer to the array that contains the measured data.
Return value:byte - Error code, possible codes:
ERR_SPEED - This device does not work in the active speed mode
ERR_NOTAVAIL - Requested value not available
Pgina 6 de 12 Component documentation - Methods
ERR_OVERRUN - External trigger overrun flag was detected after the last value(s)
was obtained (for example by GetValue). This error may not be supported on some
CPUs (see generated code).
GetChanValue16 - This method returns the last measured value of the required
channel justified to the left. Compared with GetChanValue method this method returns
more accurate result if the number of conversions is greater than 1 and AD resolution is
less than 16 bits. In addition, the user code dependency on AD resolution is eliminated.
ANSIC prototype: byte GetChanValue16(byte Channel, word *Value)
Channel:byte - Channel number. If only one channel in the component is set then
this parameter is ignored.
Value: Pointer to word - Pointer to the measured value.
Return value:byte - Error code, possible codes:
ERR_SPEED - This device does not work in the active speed mode
ERR_NOTAVAIL - Requested value not available
ERR_RANGE - Parameter "Channel" out of range
ERR_OVERRUN - External trigger overrun flag was detected after the last value(s)
was obtained (for example by GetValue). This error may not be supported on some
CPUs (see generated code).
These settings are supported only for 5685x, 56F801x, 56F802x, 56F803x, 56F80x,
56F81x, 56F82x, 56F83x, MCF5213_12_11, MCF521xx, MCF5221x, MCF5222x,
MCF5223x and MCF5225x derivatives.
SetHighChanLi mi t - Set a high limit for required channel. If ADC result (without
subtraction of the offset value) is greater than this value, the event OnHighLimit can
be invoked.
ANSIC prototype: byte SetHighChanLimit(byte Channel, word Limit)
Channel:byte - Channel number. If only one channel in the component is set
then this parameter is ignored, because the parameter is set inside this method.
Limit:word - The high limit 12-bit value must be placed from the third to the
fourteenth bit of a 16-bit value.
Return value:byte - Error code, possible codes:
ERR_RANGE - Parameter "Channel" out of range
ERR_BUSY - A conversion is already running
SetLowChanLi mit - Set a low limit for a required channel. If ADC result (without
subtraction of the offset value) is less than this value, the event OnLowLimit can be
ANSIC prototype: byte SetLowChanLimit(byte Channel, word Limit)
Channel:byte - Channel number. If it is set only one channel in the component
then this parameter is ignored, because the parameter is set inside this method.
Pgina 7 de 12 Component documentation - Methods
Limit:word - The low limit 12-bit value must be placed from the third to the
fourteenth bit of a 16-bit value.
Return value:byte - Error code, possible codes:
ERR_RANGE - Parameter "Channel" out of range
ERR_BUSY - A conversion is already running
SetChanOffset - Set an offset value for required channel. The offset value is
subtracted from the ADC result. In order to obtain unsigned results (by GetValue or
GetChanValue method), this value should be set to 0, with a result within the range
0 to 32760. The results returned by GetValue8, GetChanValue8, GetValue16 and
GetChanValue16 methods are not affected by these offset values.
ANSIC prototype: byte SetChanOffset(byte Channel, word Offset)
Channel:byte - Channel number. If only one channel in the component is set
then this parameter is ignored, because the parameter is set inside this method.
Offset:word - Offset 12-bit value placed from third to fourteenth bit of 16-bit
Return value:byte - Error code, possible codes:
ERR_RANGE - Parameter "Channel" out of range
ERR_BUSY - A conversion is already running
GetHighLimitStatus - This method returns a high limit status of all samples.
ANSIC prototype: word GetHighLimitStatus(void)
Return value:word - A High limit status of all samples.
GetLowLi mi tStatus - This method returns low limit status of all samples.
ANSIC prototype: word GetLowLimitStatus(void)
Return value:word - A Low limit status of all samples.
GetZeroCrossStatus - This method returns zero crossing status of all samples.
Version specific i nformati on for 56800 derivatives
This method is available only when MeasureChan and EnableIntChanTrigger
methods are disabled - "don't generate code".
Version specific i nformati on for MCF derivatives
This method is available only when MeasureChan and EnableExtChanTrigger
methods are disabled - "don't generate code".
ANSIC prototype: word GetZeroCrossStatus(void)
Return value:word - A Zero crossing status of all samples.
Pgina 8 de 12 Component documentation - Methods
Methods for Freescale 5683xx and 56F81xx derivatives.
SetCal ibration - This method sets the calibration register of the ADC device.
Calibration is typically used to remove the effects of the gain and offset from a
specific reading. During calibration the ADC must be configured for a single ended
ANSIC prototype: void SetCalibration(word Cal)
Cal:word - Meaning of calibration bits is following:
Bit 0 - When this bit is set, ADC 0 enters Calibrate mode and VREFLO or
VREFH is routed to the ADC input, as selected by the CRS0 bit.
Bit 1 - This bit selects which reference to select during ADC0 calibration (1 -
Bit 2 - When this bit is set, ADC 1 enters Calibrate mode and VREFLO or
VREFH is routed to the ADC input, as selected by the CRS0 bit.
Bit 3 - This bit selects which reference to select during ADC1 calibration (1 -
Methods only if ADC support Self calibration.
Cali brate - This method starts self calibration process. Calibration is typically used
to remove the effects of the gain and offset from a specific reading.
ANSIC prototype: byte Calibrate(bool WaitForResult)
WaitForResult:bool - Wait for a result of calibration. If the interrupt service is
disabled, the WaitForResult parameter is ignored and the method waits for
calibration result every time.
Return value:byte - Error code
ERR_BUSY - A conversion is already running
ERR_SPEED - This device does not work in the active speed mode
ERR_DISABLED - Device is disabled
ERR_FAILED - Calibration hasn't been finished correctly
GetCalibrati onStatus - This method should be used for check the last calibration
result, return value is invalid if no calibration is called.
ANSIC prototype: byte GetCalibrationStatus(void)
Return value:byte - Error code
ERR_FAILED - Last calibration hasn't been finished correctly
Methods for Freescale ColdFireV1, RS08, HC08 EY16A, JL16, JK16, LV8, QB8,
QC16, QL4, QT4A, QT8, QY4A, QY8 and HCS08 AC, AW60, DE, DN, DV, DZ, EL,
EN, FL, GW, IA, IB, IC, JE, JM, LC, LG, LH, LL, MM, MP, QA, QB, QE, QG8, QG4,
Pgina 9 de 12 Component documentation - Methods
SC, SE, SF, SG, SH, RT16 and SV derivatives.
EnableAsynchroCl ock - This method selects the asynchronous clock as a source
clock for the AD converter. The asynchronous clock is applied directly with no
prescaler. For details about this asynchronous clock and its frequency see
documentation of the specific derivative.
ANSIC prototype: void EnableAsynchroClock(void)
Di sabl eAsynchroClock - This method disables the previously enabled
asynchronous clock source and restores the original clock setting of the actual
speed mode. This method is available only if the EnableAsynchroClock method is
ANSIC prototype: void DisableAsynchroClock(void)
Methods only if ADC support compare.
EnableAutoCompare - This method enables the automatic compare function of
the AD converter. This method should be used in cooperation with
EnableIntChanTrigger method.
ANSIC prototype: byte EnableAutoCompare(bool CompareType, word
CompareType:bool - Determines type of compare function:
true - Compare triggers when input is greater than or equal to compare level
false - Compare triggers when input is less than compare level
CompareValue:word - The compare level used for comparison.
Return value:byte - Error code
ERR_BUSY - A conversion is already running
ERR_SPEED - This device does not work in the active speed mode
ERR_DISABLED - Device is disabled
Methods only if ADC support Range compare.
Enabl eRangeAutoCompare - This method enables the automatic range
compare function of the AD converter. This method should be used in
cooperation with EnableIntChanTrigger method.
ANSIC prototype: byte EnableRangeAutoCompare(bool CompareType, word
CompareValue1, word CompareValue2)
CompareType:bool - Determines type of compare function:
true - If CompareValue1 <=CompareValue2 compare triggers when input
is inside range inclusive endpoint; if CompareValue1 >CompareValue2
compare triggers when input is outside range inclusive endpoint.
false - If CompareValue1 <=CompareValue2 compare triggers when input
is outside range exclusive endpoint; if CompareValue1 >CompareValue2
Pgina 10 de 12 Component documentation - Methods
compare triggers when input is inside range exclusive endpoint.
CompareValue1:word - The compare level 1 used for comparison.
CompareValue2:word - The compare level 2 used for comparison.
Return value:byte - Error code
ERR_BUSY - A conversion is already running
ERR_SPEED - This device does not work in the active speed mode
ERR_DISABLED - Device is disabled
Di sabl eAutoCompare - Disables the automatic (range) compare function of the
AD converter.
ANSIC prototype: byte DisableAutoCompare(void)
Return value:byte - Error code
Methods only if ADC supports error informing for the user.
GetError - Returns a set of errors on the channel (errors that cannot be returned by
given methods). The errors accumulate in a set; after calling GetError this set is
returned and cleared.
ANSIC prototype: byte GetError(ComponentName_TError *Err)
Err: Pointer to ComponentName_TError - Pointer to the returned set of errors
Return value:byte - Error code (if GetError did not succeed), possible codes:
ERR_SPEED - This device does not work in the active speed mode
ERR_DISABLED - Device is disabled
Methods only if ADC supports error informing for the user.
Reset - Reset the ceased ADC.
ANSIC prototype: byte Reset(void)
Return value:byte - Error code (if Reset did not succeed), possible codes:
ERR_SPEED - This device does not work in the active speed mode
ERR_DISABLED - Device is disabled
Methods for Freescale 56800/E, MCF and Kinetis derivatives.
ConnectPi n - This method reconnects the requested pin associated with the
selected peripheral in this component. This method is available only for CPU
derivatives and peripherals that support the runtime pin sharing with other internal
on-chip peripherals.
Pgina 11 de 12 Component documentation - Methods
ANSIC prototype: void ConnectPin(dword PinMask)
PinMask:dword - Mask for the requested pins. The peripheral pins are
reconnected according to this mask.
Possible parameters:
ComponentName_HIGH_VOLT_REF_PIN - High voltage reference pin
ComponentName_LOW_VOLT_REF_PIN - Low voltage reference pin
ComponentName_CHANNEL0_PIN - Channel 0 pin from the A/D channels list
ComponentName_CHANNEL1_PIN - Channel 1 pin from the A/D channels list
ComponentName_CHANNEL2_PIN - Channel 2 pin from the A/D channels list
ComponentName_CHANNEL0_NEG_PIN - Channel 0 negative pin from the
A/D channels list for differential mode
ComponentName_CHANNEL1_NEG_PIN - Channel 1 negative pin from the
A/D channels list for differential mode
ComponentName_CHANNEL2_NEG_PIN - Channel 2 negative pin from the
A/D channels list for differential mode
ComponentName_TRIGGER_PIN - Pin for external trigger
Version specific information for 56800 derivatives
ComponentName_HIGH_VOLT_REF_PIN_CONV_0 - High voltage reference
pin for part 0 of A/D converter
ComponentName_LOW_VOLT_REF_PIN_CONV_0 - Low voltage reference
pin for part 0 of A/D converter
ComponentName_HIGH_VOLT_REF_PIN_CONV_1 - High voltage reference
pin for part 1 of A/D converter
ComponentName_LOW_VOLT_REF_PIN_CONV_1 - Low voltage reference
pin for part 1 of A/D converter
Note: Some methods can be implemented as macros.
PROCESSOR EXPERT is trademark of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Copyright 1997 - 2013 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Pgina 12 de 12 Component documentation - Methods

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