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General Info
Types and constants
Application Notes
Typical Usage
Types & definitions
Embedded Components
Component ADC
A/D converter
Component Level: High
Category: CPU Internal Peripherals-Converter-ADC
Component types:
(User types are derived frombasic types andthey are designedfor usage in the driver interface. Theyare declared in the generatedcode.)
ComponentName_TError : user definition
t ypedef uni on {
wor d er r ;
st r uct {
wor d : 1; / * Reser ved */
wor d : 1; / * Reser ved */
wor d : 1; / * Reser ved */
wor d : 1; / * Reser ved */
wor d : 1; / * Reser ved */
wor d : 1; / * Reser ved */
wor d Conver si onOver r un_Er r or : 1; / * Over r un of t he ADCxCONI F r egi st er */
wor d : 1; / * Reser ved */
wor d : 1; / * Reser ved */
wor d LDOK_Er r or : 1; / * Rest ar t wi t hout Load OK */
wor d Rest ar t _Er r or : 1; / * Rest ar t i n t he wr ong t i me */
wor d Tr i gger _Er r or : 1; / * Tr i gger i n t he wr ong t i me or t r i gger over f l ow - Cease ADC oper at i on. */
wor d Compar eVal ue_Er r or : 1; / * Compar e val ue not avai l abl e - Cease ADC oper at i on. */
wor d EOL_Er r or : 1; / * End of l i st command mi ssi ng i n t he cur r ent CSL - Cease ADC oper at i on. */
wor d CommandVal ue_Er r or : 1; / * I nval i d conver si on command l oaded - Cease ADC oper at i on. */
wor d I l l egal Access_Er r or : 1; / * Wr ong DMA access t o i l l egal memor y ar ea - Cease ADC oper at i on. */
} er r Name;
} Component Name_TEr r or ; / * Er r or f l ags. For l anguages whi ch don' t suppor t bi t access i s wor d access onl y t o er r or f l ags possi bl e. */
Error flags. For languages which don't support bit access is word access only to error flags possible.
Component constants:
(Constants definedby this component for usage in the driver interface. Theyare definedin the generated code.)
ComponentName_CHANNEL_ADChannelSignal - Every A/D channel (pin) with the A/D channel (pin) signal defined has a constant representing number of this channel
assigned. This constant is supposed to be used as a parameter of channel oriented methods, e.g. MeasureChan or GetChanValue. The signal name is used as a part of the
constant name as defined by the user with no upper-case/lower-case conversion. They are not defined if channel oriented methods use sample instead of channel.
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Copyright 1997 - 2013Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
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