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Lower Ground Level, Below Dubai Aquarium, Dubai

Contact: +971 4 3 !!"
#mail $D: in%o&t'eto()tore*com
Visit To : 'tt+:,,www*t'eto()tore*com,
Copyright 2012 by RM Brands JLT
About The Toy Store
-'e -o( .tore i) t'e world/) leadin0 c'ildren1) to() and +roduct) retailer, o%%erin0 a di%%erentiated
)'o++in0 e2+erience to our +re)ti0iou) cu)tomer)* 3it' our ric' indu)tr( e2+erti)e, we 'ave
)ucce))%ull( mana0ed to become t'e one4)to+ de)tination %or c'ildren and +arent) in t'e GCC and
are now loo5in0 %orward at enterin0 new territorie)* 6ur )tore i) equi++ed wit' attractive to() and
ot'er c'ildren +roduct)* 3e are re%erred a) t'e %avorite de)tination %or c'ildren and +arent)*
Bein0 t'e lar0e)t to( retail c'ain in t'e re0ion, we o+erate 11 )tore) and 3 more o+enin0 t'i) (ear*
3e 'ave mar5ed our +re)ence in 7A#, Ba'rain, 6man and 8atar* 3'at 5ee+) u) a'ead o% our
com+etitor) i) our innovative and di)tinctive conce+t o% attractin0 cu)tomer)* 3e or0ani9e in4)tore
demon)tration), com+etition), live event) and man( more %un activitie) to en0a0e our cu)tomer)*
C'ildren 'ave 0reat o++ortunitie) to +la( 0ame) in t'e )tore* 3e are con)tantl( )trivin0 to im+rove
ma5in0 our)elve) a bi00er and better name in t'i) domain*
-'e -o( .tore i) 0oin0 0lobal b( e2+andin0 it) bu)ine)) into 7:, -ur5e(, ;orocco and a li)t o%
ot'er countrie)* -'e %ollowin0 are )ome im+re))ive %eature) t'at we o%%er to our cu)tomer) acro))
t'e 0lobe:
< =la( be%ore (ou +a(: At -'e -o( .tore, c'ildren 0et 0ood o++ortunitie) to e2+lore t'eir )5ill) b(
+la(in0 di%%erent 0ame) and interactive activitie) wit' t'eir %avorite c'aracter)* $t can not onl( be a
%un time %or 5id) but al)o %or t'eir +arent)*
< >an0e over volume: 3e believe in variet( and o%%er a wide ran0e o% to(), in)tead o% )toc5in0 lar0e
volume) o% t'e )ame +roduct)* C'ildren and +arent) will )urel( %ind )omet'in0 o% t'eir intere)t*
< #ntertainment: 3e do not leave a )in0le )tone unturned in entertainin0 our cu)tomer) at t'e )tore*
3it' our in4)tore demon)tration), com+etition), live event), wor5)'o+), +roduct) launc'e), and
ot'er educational, interactive activitie) en0a0e cu)tomer) wit' u)*
< .a%e and )ecure environment: =arent) can re)t a))ured at our )tore a) c'ildren are in a com+lete
)a%e and )ecure environment* 3e 'ave de)i0ned our )tore) 5ee+in0 t'e )ecurit( o% 5id) in mind
w'ic' 'el+ed u) in im+re))in0 mo)t individual) acro)) t'e 0lobe*
< .ervice e2cellence: 6ur 'i0'l( trained )ta%% en)ure) to entertain t'e cu)tomer at t'e earlie)t* -'e(
'el+ t'e cu)tomer) and +rovide t'em wit' 0reat +roduct 5nowled0e and e2cellent cu)tomer )ervice*
Copyright 2012 by RM Brands JLT
Razor Crazy Cart: Drive, Spin, or Drift Lie A !ro
The Razor Crazy Cart features a drive system that ao!s it
to drive for!ard" reverse" side!ays" diagonay and
everything in bet!een#
$o%&art and 'razy 'art modes offer t!o different !ays to
ride" and the variabe%speed foot peda ets you a''eerate to
speeds of up to 12 mph#
The (rift Bar provides ad)ustabe 'aster te'hnoogy and
heps you 'ontro ba'&%end drifts" and the Crazy Cart offers
*+0, steering 'apabiity so you 'an ma&e sharp turns in
tight -uarters#
T!o modes" go%&art and 'razy 'art" et you ride in different styes# (rive system goes for!ard"
reverse" side!ays and diagona *+0, steering ets you pivot in pa'e and ma&e tight turns#
.ariabe%speed foot peda heps you rea'h speeds of up to 12mph" (rift Bar heps 'ontro ba'&%end
drifts and provides ad)ustabe 'aster te'hnoogy#
/ffers up to 00 minutes of 'ontinuous use#
1n'udes a 20. 2t!o 12.3 seaed" ead%a'id battery system !ith a 'harge time of 12 hours#
Ma4imum !eight5 100 bs#
Dimension 91.00 L x 68.00 W x 51.00 H
Copyright 2012 by RM Brands JLT
Than You
Copyright 2012 by RM Brands JLT

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