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International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering

Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2013)

Reliable Load Flow Solution for Controlling Power Network by
FACTS Devices
C. Sreenivasulu
, Dr. G. Madhusudhana Rao
, Dr.B.V.Sanker Ram

S.S. Institute of Technology, JNTU, Hyderabad, INDIA.
JJ Group of Institutions, Hyderabad, INDIA.
Professor of EEE,JNTU, Hyderabad, INDIA.
Abstract-- In this paper a new and efficient method for
the reliable load flow solution of power network branches
controlled by flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) is
presented. In the various methods proposed in past, the
formulations was derived in which the Jacobian matrix is in
form, where U is a constant upper triangular matrix
depending solely on system topology and D is a block
diagonal matrix. Now this paper is presenting a new
technique consisting of embedded series Flexible AC
Transmission System (FACTS) devices, facilitated by a
formulation of power flow equations with bus voltage
magnitudes and line flows as independent variables. Using
IEEE standard systems, the line flow-based (LFB)
formulation is shown to provide easy implementation with
multiple series and shunt FACTS devices. The proposed
method is very reliable with comparison to N-R method.
Keywords-- Distribution power flow analysis, flexible AC
transmission system (FACTS), power system planning and
modeling, voltage controls.
Power flow is the most fundamental numerical
algorithm for power system analysis. In 1967, Tinney
and Hart developed the classical Newton based power
flow solution method[l]. Later work by Stott and Alsac
[2] made the fast decoupled Newton method as well as its
various alternatives a kind of standard power flow
method for EMS systems. Even though the fast
decoupled Newton method works well for transmission
systems, its convergence performance is poor for most
distribution systems due to their high r/x ratio which
deteriorates the diagonal dominance of the Jacobian
matrix. For this reason, several non-Newton types of
methods have been proposed [3-6].
Increased use of transmission facilities due to higher
industrial output and deregulation of the Power Supply
Industry have provided the momentum for exploring new
ways of maximizing power transfers in existing
transmission facilities while, at the same time,
maintaining acceptable levels of network reliability and
stability. In this environment, high performance control
of the power network is mandatory. An in-depth analysis
of the options available for achieving such objectives has
pointed in the direction of power electronics.

The major objectives of FACTS devices installed on a
distribution feeder are to improve voltage profiles,
correct power factor, and reduce line losses. Distribution
lines have high R/X ratios, leading to convergence
problems in traditional approaches. Modifications and
extensions to standard load flow algorithms with FACTS
devices are reported. Samlyen et al. [10] have exploited
the analogous model of thyristor-controlled- series-
capacitor (TCSC) to improve voltage control in a radial
distribution system. chung et al. [11] derived a modified
Newton method in rectangular coordinates by requiring
an augmented Jacobian matrix to incorporate the
additional series FACTS devices relationships between
each control action and controlled variable. Most of these
contributions on FACTS device applications to
distribution systems focus on using the NewtonRaphson
formulation. The difficulties encountered in convergence
in such formulations due to the ill-conditioned nature of
the radial system and the high R/X ratios of the
distribution line sections are well documented [7].
Distribution power flow methods reported in the
literature and actually implemented prefer to calculate
line flows and voltage magnitudes using forward and
reverse sweeps along a radial line [8], [9]. Line current
and bus voltage phasors with simple voltage drop
calculations in the section impedances enable easy
handling of the highly unbalanced nature of the
distribution networks. Luo and Semlyen [12] used branch
power variables rather than complex current injections
and applied tree-labeling technique in a radial
distribution network. Cheng and Shirmohammadi [11]
extended the method to three-phase load flow solution
with real-time radial distribution system functions. Baran
and F.F.Fu [14] presented power flow equations for the
radial distribution system, called Dist-Flow, for
determining optimal capacitor sizing and location.
Exposito and Ramos [15] use a linear framework
embedded in a nonlinear outer loop and show that the
convergence rate is enhanced due to the intuitive idea
that the more linear an equation system, the better its
convergence rate. The results in their paper show how
the NewtonRaphson algorithm fails to converge in a
number of cases. Analysis of embedded FACTS devices
in line-flow-based (LFB) algorithms should be
advantageous since the control variables are directly
available for determination.

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2013)

The main objective of this paper is to develop an LFB
formulation of power balance equations for analyzing a
radial distribution system that will efficiently incorporate
embedded series and shunt FACTS devices. The LFB
equations use bus voltage magnitudes and line power
flows as independent variables and directly relate the
FACTS device variables with system operating
conditions. The line loss terms are the only nonlinear
terms in the formulation. By adding them to bus power
injections, the coefficient matrix of LFB equations is
rendered linear. A preliminary Breadth-First-Search
(BFS) ordering of the branches transforms the coefficient
matrix structure to strictly upper/lower diagonal and
leads to simple backward/forward substitution for
calculating real and reactive line power in each branch
and voltage at each bus. The FACTS device models are
described first, and the development of LFB equations
follows. Numerical examples, including multiple FACTS
devices in the standard IEEE systems, illustrate the
power of the new approach. The procedure exhibits good
convergence characteristics, high reliability, and
computational efficiency. A balanced distribution feeder
modeled by the positive sequence impedance is used in
the paper, since the aim of this paper is to demonstrate
the advantages of the LFB formulation in handling the
embedded FACTS devices. FACTS devices can be
assumed to be cost-effective when deployed on the main
distribution feeder.
For a linear, time-invariant RLC circuit with a
sinusoidal voltage source, the basic circuit theory can be
expressed as (see Appendix A for details):
Ohm's Law: i
= y
, =0 (3)
For fundamental frequency power flow calculations, a
distribution system is always modeled as a linear, time
invariant RLC circuit. Earth is always treated as a
reference node. For a radial distribution system with n
nodes and without shunt branches, the number of
branches is n-1. Therefore, the dimension of matrix A is
n x (n-1).

Figure.1Single line diagram for independent radial distribution
The independent loop for radial distribution systems
can always be formed by a branch with its two shunt
branches. Since shunt branches are usually neglected in
modeling distribution lines, a fictitious shunt branch can
be placed with branch voltage to be the nodal voltage as
shown in Figure 1 can be written as:
Combining (l), (2), and (4), we have:
By knowing the nodal voltage at one node, assuming it
is the first node for convenience, and nodal current
injections at the other n-1 nodes, (6) can be derived from
(5) for solving the remaining n-1 unknown nodal


Note matrix A
is a square matrix Since every branch
is always directed away from one node and towards the
other node, we have:

Where e
and e
are unity column vectors with
dimension n and n-1 respectively. Then (6) can be
simplified as:

is the Nodal Admittance Matrix which
most power engineers are familiar with. In other words,
for a radial system without shunt branches, the Nodal
Admittance Matrix is formed as the product of three
square matrices. It is interesting to note that the back
forward sweep method proposed in [5] for a radial
system is exactly the same as solving V
from (8) if we
organize (8) as follows:

Solving I
from (8a) is equivalent to the 'Backward
Sweep', and solving V
from (8b) is equivalent to the
'Forward Sweep'. This observation is very important as it
motivated us to derive a Jacobian matrix in UDU
and a back/forward sweep algorithm for the Newton

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2013)

The radial distribution network graph has a tree
structure with no loops as shown in Fig 2. The total
number of lines equals the number of buses minus one.
The pattern of incidence matrix depends on the order of
lines and nodes, the incidence matrix of given
distribution network is shown Fig.3 The Arbitrary order
incidence matrix has a structure that depends on the order
in which the lines are read from the data. Further, the
incidence matrix is non square and singular. Any line
oriented from a bus is given +1 and for towards node - 1
is assigned if the slack bus is excluded, the incidence
matrix becomes square and non singular.

Fig.2 IEEE 13-node test feeder

Fig.3: Graph of IEEE 13-node feeder

Fig.4: Incidence matrix with nodes in arbitrary order
The below matrix may be split into three decoupled
equation sets and rewritten as follows:

With BFS ordered lines, the bus incidence matrix A
and as (8) A
and are upper triangle matrixes and A
is a
lower triangle matrix in nature. There is no need for
factorization of the coefficient matrix. The decoupled set
of equations is easier to code in a program. The
convergence behavior and computation time required of
the LFB formulation are studied and compared with the
NewtonRaphson algorithm. IEEE 13-, 34-, and 123-
node systems are calculated using the NewtonRaphson
algorithm and four variations of the LFB formulation.
The solution is obtained without iterations.

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2013)

This model is called linear LFB. The other variations
are the LFB model, including the loss term and the
decoupled formulation (D-LFB). Calculations are carried
out with a PC. For a convergence criterion of, all three
iterative methods took four iterations in each case. Table
I shows the computation time in the various cases. For
comparing the accuracy of the results, the maximum
absolute error and the mean square deviation of the bus
voltage values are calculated in the new formulations
using the NewtonRaphson results as accurate ones.
Table II shows the results from the three variations for
the various cases studied. The conclusion is that the
proposed LFB formulation is computationally superior
and acceptably accurate.

Fig.5: Bus Incidence matrix
1. Read the system line data and bus data
A) System data: no of buses, no of lines, reference bus or
slack bus
b) Line data: From bus, to bus, line resistance, line
c) Bus data: bus no , P Load, Q load..
d) Read itermax , epsilon, epsilon, base KVA , base
e) Read the initial voltage at all buses
2. using above BFS method to modify the system
3. From idegree , itagf , itagto , adjq , and adjL vectors.
4. Calculate effective load at each bus starting from the
last bus P
effective load
, Q
effective load.

5. Initialize sum of active power loss slp=0, sum of
reactive powerloss
slq=0, Previous iteration active power loss pl=0, reactive
power loss ql=0
6. Start iteration count iter=1
7. Initialize total active power loss tploss [i]=0,total
reactive power loss
tqloss[i] = 0 for i = 1 to n.
8. Assign slp=pl, slq= ql, pl=ql=0
9. Find effective losses at each bus
10. Calculate load at each bus with losses
11. Calculate the voltages and phse angles, equations
12. ploss = slp pl& qloss= slq-ql then set ploss of
(i) = qloss (i)=0 for 1 to n
13.If ploss <= epsilon and qloss <= epsilon go to step
14. If iter <= itermax Then iter = iter + 1 go to step 9
15. Problem not converged and stops.
16. Problem converged and prints the results.
IEEE 13 Bus System Results (Decoupled LFB)
Table I
Line Data of load Pl and Ql at end buses of each line
L.No LP LQ R X Pl Ql
1 1 2 0.020 0.065 0 0
2 2 3 0.022 0.020 0.04 0.023
3 2 4 0.020 0.065 0.034 0.025
4 2 5 0.015 0.020 0.271 0.155
5 3 6 0.013 0.012 0 0
6 4 7 0.013 0.012 0.046 0.026
7 4 8 0.010 0.032 0 0
8 4 9 0 0 0 0
9 5 10 0 0 0.034 0.030
10 7 11 0.007 0.007 0.08 0.058
11 7 12 0.019 0.007 0.034 0.016
12 9 13 0.013 0.012 0.025 0.017
Table II
1 1
2 4
3 2
4 4
5 2
6 1
7 3
8 1
9 2
10 1
11 1
12 1
13 1

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2013)

Table III
ITAG Vector

Table IV
Real &Reactive Power at each Bus

Table V
Real &Reactive Power Loss at each line
Table VI
Voltage and Phase angle of each bus
BUSNO Voltage(v) Phase angle(deg)
1 1 0
2 0.942 -2.1729
3 0.939 -2.2039
4 0.9043 -4.0366
5 0.9394 -2.2206
6 0.938 -2.2175
7 0.9029 -4.0565
8 0.9043 -4.0366
9 0.9043 -4.0366
10 0.9394 -2.2206
11 0.9025 -4.066
12 0.9022 -4.0462
13 0.9005 -4.0946

Fig.6. Graph: Bus no Vs Voltage.
FACTS devices offer a flexible and comprehensive
solution to voltage profile control in distribution systems.
Traditional methods such as voltage regulators, series,
and parallel capacitor switching can be adapted to work
more effectively with FACTS control. Methods of power
flow analysis of distribution networks are generally
different from the NewtonRaphson algorithm used in
interconnected system analysis. This paper proposes a
line flow-based formulation, which uses line power flows
as variables instead of line currents. Since line reactive
flows and bus voltage magnitudes are of interest in
controlling voltage profiles, the line flow-based
algorithm provides a direct and simple approach to
handle single or multiple devices. This will enable easy
determination of size and placement of such devices. The
line flow-based equations have constant coefficient
matrices and need no updating during the iterative
1 1 1 1
2 2 5 4
3 6 7 2
4 8 11 4
5 12 13 2
6 14 14 1
7 15 17 3
8 18 18 1
9 19 20 2
10 21 21 1
11 22 22 1
12 23 23 1
13 24 24 1
BUSNO Peff Qeff
1 0.7332 0.4436
2 0.7332 0.4436
3 0.08 0.0514
4 0.5332 0.311
5 0.08 0.058
6 0.046 0.0264
7 0.0596 0.0332
8 0 0
9 0.2026 0.1226
10 0.08 0.058
11 0.034 0.016
12 0.0256 0.0172
13 0.1686 0.0924
1 0.0216 0.0694
2 0.0002 0.0002
3 0.0104 0.0333
4 0.0002 0.0002
5 0 0
6 0.0001 0.0001
7 0 0
8 0 0
9 0 0
10 0 0
11 0 0
12 0.0006 0.0006

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2013)

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Mr. C. Sreenivasulu, Associate Professor
in S.S. Institute of Technology in the
Department of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering, AP, Hyderabad. He received
his M.Tech & B.Tech from Sri
Venkateswara University, Tirupati, AP, INDIA. Both in
Electrical and Electronics Engineering. His research
interests are power system opration and control, power
system stability, FACTS and new type of A.C
transmission system. Email:

Dr. G. Madhusudhana Rao, Professor in
JJ Group of Institutions, Hyderabad.
Obtained his PhD from JNT University
Hyderabad and completed M.Tech from
JNT University-Hyderabad. He has
Published 14 research papers in International Journals
and more than 15 International conference papers and
more than 10 national conference papers. His area of
interest is Power Electronics and Drives with Expert
Systems. E-mail:

Dr. B.V.Sanker Ram, Professor, JNTUH,
B.E. (Electrical) O. U, M.Tech. (PS) O.U,
Ph.D, JNTUH. He has Published more than
20 Research papers in International
Journals, more than 30 papers in
International and National Conference. He is Guiding 15
Ph.D. Candidates. His area of interest is Power
Electronics with FACTS devices.

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