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Questions 1 4
Choose the best word to fill in the blanks.
1 The Indian bride is wearing a ________ of flowers.
A bouquet
B garland
C bundle
D bunch
2 The lawyer adises his _______ what to say in court.
A custo!ers
B "atients
C clients
D guests
# $as!in cannot write "ro"erly because she has hurt her _________.
A toes
B knee
C fingers
D sto!ach
% &o one saw the robbers' faces because they wore _________.
A hel!ets
B a"rons
C gloes
D !asks
014/1 / Tahun 4-2011 Hak Cipta SK Bukit Kuchai SULIT 1
Questions 5 7
(tudy the "ictures carefully and choose the best "hrase to co!"lete the "aragra"h.
(hafirul is in the school bus. )e is sitting ___*_____
+n the way, the bus "assed by the "ark. (hafirul can see __-____ .
They are _____-_____.
* A by the window . A swinging fro! tree to tree
B beside the door B running on the ground
C ne/t to the door C 0u!"ing u" and down
D between the window D looking for food
- A a flock of !onkeys
B a troo" of !onkeys
C a trou"e of !onkeys
D a gaggle of !onkeys
Questions 8 10
(tudy the "ictures carefully. Then choose the best answer.
1 A The girl is lying on the !at.
B The boy is eating a sandwich.
C The children are sitting on the bench.
D 2uan 3osnah is o"ening the "icnic basket.
4 A Ayub is eating so!e bread.
B Iskandar is "assing the salt to his father.
C )il!i is "utting salt in his food.
D Didit and his fa!ily are haing breakfast.
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15 A There is a girl slee"ing on the bed.
B There are a lot of toys in the roo!.
C The girls are "laying with their toys.
D The girls are "utting away their toys.
Questions 11 - 15
Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in the "ictures.
11 A Are you in the school choir6
B Does the choir "ractice eery day6
C Is there an audition for choir !e!bers6
D )ow often do you go for choir "ractice6
12 A $ou are welco!e, (hurien7
B 8erry Christ!as to you too7
C $es, it is a holiday today.
D (orry, I forgot to bring !y gift.
1# A $es, they are ery friendly.
B $es, they always co!e here.
C $es, I would like to !eet the!.
D $es, I do. They lie in the city.
1% A This is (iew 9un s"eaking.
B $es, she's here with !e.
014/1 / Tahun 4-2011 Hak Cipta SK Bukit Kuchai SULIT 3
I go for choir practice every
Merry Christmas, Jazy!
Do you have
C )ello, I'! 9elicia's brother.
D (iew 9un is not in at the !o!ent.
15 A $es, the book is ery thick.
B $es, I'e sent it to !y best friend.
C $es, I did. The story is ery e/citing.
Questions 1 - !1
Choose the best answer to co!"lete the sentences.
1- &abilah is _______ than you but :ulianah is the _______ in our class.
A tall, taller
B taller, taller
C tallest, taller
D taller, tallest
1. )ae you seen Ada! and Arif6 I need _______ to carry these bo/es.
A they
B their
C the!
D theirs
11 There is a wooden bridge _______ the rier.
A through
B across
C along
D under
14 The robbers ran away when the "olice!en _______.
A arrie
B arries
C arried
D are arriing
25 $esterday, A!irul wanted to _______ the !useu! but it ________ closed.
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Hello, may I speak
to Siew Fun, please?
Have you read the
latest Harry Potter
A isited, was
B isits, was
C isit, was
D isit, is
Questions !1
Choose the word that has the sa"e "eanin# as the word underlined.

21 The "u"ils were sad because one of their class!ates was inoled in an accident.
A grateful
B annoyed
C regretful
D unha""y

Questions !! !$
Based on the "ictures, choose the answer with the correct s%e&&in#.
22 The young of a butterfly is a _________.
A cater"illar
B catter"ilar
C cater""ilar
D cater"ilar
2# The _______ is a wild ani!al with a ery long neck.
A girafe
B girrafe
C giraffe
D giraffee
Questions !4 !5
Choose the sentence with the correct %un'tuation.
2% A This is :enny's sister, she is a well;known concert "ianist.
B This is :ennys sister. (he is a well;known concert "ianist.
C This is :enny's sister7 (he is a well;known concert "ianist.
D This is :enny's sister. (he is a well;known concert "ianist.
2* A dr 0a!al is a friendly and gentle dentist.
B Dr :a!al is a friendly and gentle dentist.
C Dr :a!al is a friendly and gentle dentist6
014/1 / Tahun 4-2011 Hak Cipta SK Bukit Kuchai SULIT 5
D Dr :a!al, is a friendly and gentle dentist.
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Questions !7-$0
<ook at the "icture carefully and choose the correct answer to fill in each blank.
8rs Tan s"ends a lot of ti!e in her kitchen. (he is a housewife and she loes to cook =2->
___________________ her fa!ily. )er kitchen is always ery clean and tidy. After

=2.> _____________, she usually swee"s and !o"s the kitchen. The sink is 0ust =21> __________
the kitchen window. (o, when =24> ____________________ is washing u", she can en0oy the
beautiful scenery outside. 8rs Tan has a =#5> ____________________ under the sink. (he kee"s all
her "ots and "ans in it.
2- A for
B to
C at
24 A they
B she
C he
2. A cho""ing
B washing
C cooking
#5 A cabinet
B table
C chair
21 A under
B on
C in
014/1 / Tahun 4-2011 Hak Cipta SK Bukit Kuchai SULIT 7
( at
Questions $0 -$5.
Read the letter and answer the questions that follow.
Dear Suzana,
Dad and I have to go to the hospital. Your grandfather injured himself while
climbing a coconut tree. I kept your lunch in the refrigerator. You can heat it up in
the microwave oven. I want you to lock all the doors and windows. Do not open
the doors to strangers. Your favourite aunt will be coming to baby sit you later.
31 Who has to stay at home alone?
A Suzana
B Suzanas mother
C Suzanas grandfather
D Suzanas aunt
32 Who will baby sit Suzana?
A Her father
B Her mother
C Her grandfather
D Her aunt
33 Who cant Suzana open the doors to?
A Her aunt
B Strangers
C Her grandfather
D Her mother
34. What did Suzanas mother ask her to do?
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A Go to the hospital
B Climb a coconut tree
C Close the doors and windows
D Baby sits her sister
35. How did Suzanas grandfather injure himself?
A By drinking coconut water
B Eating lunch which is in the fridge
C While climbing the coconut tree
D While locking all the doors and windows

Questions $ - 40
Look at the map below carefully. Then answer the questions that follow.
#- This island can only be reached by???..
A bus
B boat
C bicycle
D aero"lane
014/1 / Tahun 4-2011 Hak Cipta SK Bukit Kuchai SULIT 9
#. The "hrase @&o ehicles on the island' !eans that isitors who co!e to this island
will hae to ???????..
A learn how to fish.
B feed the dugongs.
C stay in the fishing illage.
D walk fro! one "lace to another.
38 The people who live on this island work as
A tourist guides.
B taxi drivers.
C fishermen.
D farmers.
39 Which of the following statements is true?
A Many natural attractions are found around the island.
B Modern tourist facilities are available on the island.
C Visitors have to sleep in tents on the beach.
D There are hotels on the island.
40 There are many sea animals around the island because it is
A clean
B famous
C beautiful
D interesting
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014/1 / Tahun 4-2011 Hak Cipta SK Bukit Kuchai SULIT 11

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