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Spiritual Advancement Through Vai nava Aociation

A Look at Bh 3.25.25 ith the !ommentar" o# Vi$van%tha !akravart& T h%kura

A eminar preented '" (vi)a *ani d%a
Vere +andout
rmad Bhgavatam 3.25.25
sat prasa gn mama vrya-sa vido, bhavanti hr t-karn a-rasyanh kathh
taj-jos an d v apavarga-vartmani, raddh ratir bhaktir anukramis yati
satm/o# pure devotee0 prasa gt /through the aociation0 mama/*"0 vrya/onder#ul activitie0 sa vidah /'"
dicuion o#0 bhavanti/'ecome0 hr t/to the heart0 karn a/to the ear0 rasa1ayanh /pleaing0 kathh /the torie0 tat/o# that0
jos an t/'" cultivation0 u/2uickl"0 apavarga/o# li'eration0 vartmani/on the path0 raddh/#irm #aith0 ratih /attraction0
bhaktih /devotion0 anukramis yati/ill #ollo in order.
4n the aociation o# pure devotee5 dicuion o# the patime and activitie o# the Supreme
6eronalit" o# 7odhead i ver" pleaing and ati#"ing to the ear and the heart. B" cultivating uch
knoledge one graduall" 'ecome advanced on the path o# li'eration5 and therea#ter he i #reed5 and hi
attraction 'ecome #i8ed. Then real devotion and devotional ervice 'egin.
Bhakti-rasmr ta-sindhu 1.4.15-16
(Caitanya-caritmr ta adhya-!! 23.14-15"
dau raddh tatah sdhu-, sa go tha bhajana-kriy
tato nartha-nivr ttih syt, tato nis t h rucis tatah
athsaktis tato bhvas, tatah prembhyudacati
sdhaknm aya premn ah , prdurbhve bhavet kramah
dau/in the 'eginning0 raddh/#irm #aith5 or diinteret in material a##air and interet in piritual advancement0 tatah
/therea#ter0 sdhu1sa gah /aociation ith pure devotee0 atha/then0 bhajana1kriy/per#ormance o# devotional ervice to
9r na :urrendering to the piritual mater and 'eing encouraged '" the aociation o# devotee5 o that initiation take
place;0 tatah /therea#ter0 anartha1nivr ttih /the diminihing o# all unanted ha'it0 syt/there hould 'e0 tatah /then0 nis t h/
#irm #aith0 rucih /tate0 tatah /therea#ter0 atha/then0 saktih /attachment0 tatah /then0 bhvah /emotion or a##ection0 tatah
/therea#ter0 prema/love o# 7od0 abhyudacati/arie0 sdhaknm/o# the devotee practicing 9r na concioune0 ayam
/thi0 premn ah /o# love o# 7odhead0 prdurbhve/in the appearance0 bhavet/i0 kramah /the chronological order.
4n the 'eginning there mut 'e #aith. Then one 'ecome intereted in aociating ith pure
devotee. Therea#ter one i initiated '" the piritual mater and e8ecute the regulative principle under
hi order. Thu one i #reed #rom all unanted ha'it and 'ecome #irml" #i8ed in devotional ervice.
Therea#ter5 one develop tate and attachment. Thi i the a" o# sdhana-bhakti5 the e8ecution o#
devotional ervice according to the regulative principle. 7raduall" emotion inteni#"5 and #inall"
there i an aakening o# love. Thi i the gradual development o# love o# 7odhead #or the devotee
intereted in 9r na concioune.

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