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B.Sc. (Hons.) FIRST YEAR
Industrial Chemistry Foundation Course
Second Subsidiary
Statistics & Maths (IF-104)
M. M.: 40 (32 +08)

IF-104A: Statistics
M.M: 25 (20+5)
1 Period/week

Unit I. Graphical representation of data:
Classification, bar diagram, pie diagram, histogram. Frequency polygon and curve. Cumulatic
frequency curve.

Measures of central tendency: Mean, median and mode, mean of combined series.
Measures of dispersion: Absolute mean deviation from mean, variation, standard deviation,
coefficients of variation, variation of combined series.

Unit II. Correlation:
Bivariate data. Idea of linear relationship between two variables, scatter diagram, coefficients
of correlation r. Limits of r, effect of change of origin and scale on r, rank correlation,
repeated ranks.

Regression: Coefficients of determination, the problem prediction. Least square methods of
fitting of regression line. Plotting of regression line. Regression coefficients and their relation
to r.

Unit III. Association and attributes:
Classes and class frequencies and their order. Relation between class frequencies. Conditions
for consistency of an independence and association of attributes, coefficients of association.

Books recommended:
1. Elhance, D.N.: Fundamentals of Statistics.
2. Kapoor, S.K.: Elements of Practical statistics.



IF-104B: Maths.
M.M: 15 (12+3)
1 Period/week
A. Algebra and Complex numbers.
Quadratic equations and their solutions, complex numbers and their algebra, Argument and
modules of a complex number, De Moveirs theorem and vectorial representation of a complex

B. Functions, limit and continuity

Concept of a real function, its domain and range, polynomial, exponential, logarithmic,
trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, modulus, greatest integer and signum functions and their
graphs, composite functions.

Limit of a function and related theorems on limits (without proof).
Continuity of function at a point, over and open/close interval, algebra of continuous functions.

C. Differential Calculus

Derivative of functions, its geometrical and physical meanings, derivatives of X
trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions and related
theorems. Implicit of differentiations, cleain rule, parametric differentiation, higher order
derivatics, application of differentiation, increasing and decreasing functions, maximu and
minima, Rolls theorem and mean value theorem.

Unit V

A. Integral Calculus
Indefinite integral and its properties, fundamental integrals involving algebraic, trigonometric,
exponential and logarithmic functions, integration by substitution and by parts, integration of
rational functions, integration involving partial fractions.

B. Ordinary differential equations
Basic definitions, solutions of first order differential equation by separating the variables,
homogeneous differential equation, linear differential equation of first order. Elementary
ordinary differential equation of second order and their solutions.

Note: Tutorial sheet for each chapter is to be prepared by the teacher concerned and it may be
considered as one of the components of the sessional marks.

B.Sc. (Hons.) FIRST YEAR
Industrial Chemistry Foundation Course
Computer I (IF-105),
Second Subsidiary
M. M. : 40 (32+08)
2 Periods/week
Unit-I Introduction to Computers
1.1 Basic Structure and functioning of computer with PC as an illustrative example.
1.2 Characteristics of computer
1.3 History of Computer
1.4 Generation of Computers
1.5 Classification of Computers
1.6 Application of Computers

Unit-II Data Processing & Computer Software
Data Processing & Storage including related devices.
Hardware, software & types of software
System software: Operating system, assembler, compiler, Interpreter, Simulator.
Utilities-Disk degragmenter, Virus, Virus Scanner & Remover
Computer Language & Generation of languages.

3.1 Basic Components of DOS
3.2 Booting, Warm & Cold Reboot, Booting from Floppy & HDD
3.3 Directory structure & Commands for listing files & ddirectories, Creating, changing & Deleting
3.4 Types of DOS Commands: Internal & External
3.5 File Management Commands (COPY, XCOPY, DEL, RENAME, ATTRIB, BACKUP, FIND, SYS).
General commands (TYPE, DATE, TIME, PROMPT).
3.6 Disk Organisation: Disk Storage Capacity, Sectors in disk, boot Record FAT, Disk partitioning.
Unit-IV Unix
4.1 Login and Logout process
4.2 UNIX file system, basic file manipulation commands.
4.3 Diectory structure & commands
4.4 File Security
4.5 UNIX Shell

5.1 Definition of GUI and Windows, Anatomy of windows.
5.2 Using Accessories
5.3 Using Windows help
5.4 Customizing Windows
5.5 Using Windows Explorer
5.6 Introduction to Internet

Books Suggested:
1. Computer Today, Suresh K Basandra, Galgotia
2. Mastering DOS-the Computer Tutorial & up-to-date users guide, Judd Robins
3. Exploring UNIX, Kochan
4. The Big Basics Book of Windows 98, Kraynak, PHI

Industrial Chemistry Foundation Course
Legal & Economic Aspects of Industry I (IF-106)
Second Subsidiary
M. M.: 40 (32 +08)
2 Periods/week

Unit-1 Fundamental concepts of economics
Goal of an industry
Theory of demand
Production analysis
Cost analysis

Unit-2 Pricing policy
Project analysis
Capital budgeting

Unit-3 Industrial spectrum
Size of a firm
Industrial productivity
Industrial Location
Industrial sickness

Unit-4 Industrial finance
Plant layout
Social responsibility of an industry

Note: Tutorial sheet for each chapter is to be prepared by teacher concerned and it may be considered
as one of the components of the sessional marks.

B.Sc. (Hons.) FIRST YEAR
Computer Lab Course (IF-1P1)
M. M. : 30
2 Periods/week

Computer Lab Course
1. Hands on practice of DOS Commands
2. Hands on practice of UNIX Commands
3. Hand on practice of Windows Commands
Industrial Aspects of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry (CV-104)
M.M : 33 (26+07)
CV- 104 A : Industrial aspects of Organic Chemistry
M.M.: 16.5 (13+3.5)
1 Period/week

(a) Nomenclature - Generic Name, Trade names
(b) Raw materials for organic compound : Petroleum Natural gas, Fractional of crude oil,
cracking, reform, hydroforming, isomerisation,
Coal : types, structures, properties, distillation of coal, chemicals derived therefrom
(c) Renewable natural resources : Cellulose, Strach - Properties, modification, important, ind.
chemical derived from them, Alcohol and alcohol based chemicals, oxalic acid, furfural.

CV - 104 B : Industrial Aspects of Inorganic Chemistry
M.M.: 16.5 (13+3.5)
1 period/week

(a) Basic Metallurgical operations : Pulverisation, Calcination, Roasting, Refining.
(b) Physicochemical Principles of extraction of : Iron, Copper, Lead, Silver, Sodium,
Aluminium, Magnesium, Zinc, Chromium.

(c) Inorganic materials of industrial importance : Their availability, forms structure and
modification, Alumina, silica, silicates, clays, mica, carbon, zeolites.

Note : i) The examination will be of 2 hours duration i.e. 1 hour each for paper A and paper B:
Industrial Aspects of Physical Chemistry/Materials and Energy Balance (CV-105)

M.M. 33 (26+07)
CV- 105 A : Industrial Aspects of Physical Chemistry
M.M.: 16.5 (13+3.5)
1 Period/week

a) Surface chemistry and Interfacial phenomena : Adsorption isotherm, Sols, Gels
Emulsions, Microemulsions, Micellers, Aerosols, Effects of Surfactants Hydrotropes

b) Catalysis : Introduction, Types - Homogeneous and Heterogeneous, Basic principles,
mechanism, factors, affecting the performance
c) introduction to phase transfer catalysis, Enzyme, catalysed reactions - rate model,
industrially important reactions.

CV - 105 B : Materials and Energy Balance
M.M. : 16.5 (13+3.5)
1 Period/week


Dimensions and Units : Basic Chemical Calculations - Atomic weight, molecular weight,
equivalent weight, mole, compostion of (i) liquid mixtures and (ii) gaseous mixture.

Material balance without Chemical Reactions: Flow diagram for material balance, simple
material balance or without recycle or by-pass for chemical energing operations such as
distillation, absorption, crystallization, evaporation, extraction, etc.

(c) Material Balance involving Chemical Reaction : Concept of limiting reaction conversion,
yield, Liquid phase reaction, gas phase reactions, with/without recycle or by-pass.

(d) Energy balance - Heat capacity of pure gases and gaseous mixtures at constant pressures,
sensible heat change ion liquids, enthalpy changes.

Note : i) The examination will be of 2 hours duration i.e. 1 hour each for paper A and paper B:
Unit Operations and Utilities in Chemical Industry (CV-106)
M.M.: (27 +7)

CV 106A Unit Operations in Chemical Industry
M.M.: 17.5 (14+3.5)
1 Period/week

(a) Distillation Introduction; batch and continuous distillation, Separation of Azeotropes;
plate columns and packed columns.
Absorption - Introduction; Equipments - packed columns, spray column, bubbles columns,
packed bubble columns, mechanically agitated contractors.

(b) Evaporation - Introduction; Equipments - short tube (standard) evaporator, forced circulation
evaporators, falling film evaporators, climbing film (upward flow) evaporators, wiped
(agitated) film evaporator.

Filteration - Introduction; Filter media and filter aids, Equipments plate and frame filter
press, nutch filter, rotary drum filter, sparkler filter, candle filter, bag filter, centrifuge.

Drying - Introduction; Free moisture, bound moisture, drying curve; Equipments tray dryer,
rotary dryer, flash dryer, fluid bed dryer, drum dryer, spray dryer.


Crystallization - Introduction : Solubility, super saturation, nucleation, crystal growth;
Equipment tank crystallizer, agitated crystallizer, evaporator crystallizer, draft tube
Extraction - Introduction, selection of solvents; Equipments - spray column, packed column,
packed column, rotating disc column, mixer settler.
Mixing - Introduction; Mixing of liquid - liquid, solid- solid, liquid solid systems..

CV - 106 B Utilities in Chemical Industry
M.M.:16.5 (13+3.5)
1 Period/week


Fuel - Types of fuels - Advantages and disadvantages combustion of fuels, calorific value.
Specifications for fuel oil.
Boilers - Types of boilers and their functioning.
Water - Specifications for industrial use, various water treatments.
Steam - Generation and use

(c) Air - Specification for industrial use, Processing of air.
Fluid Flow - Fans, blowers, compressors, vacuum pumps, ejector

Pumps : Reciprocal pumps, Centrifugal pumps, gear pumps
Heat Transfer : Heat Exchangers - shell and Tube type; finned tube heat exchangers,
refrigeration Cycles.
3. Note : i) The examination will be of 2 hours duration i.e. 1 hour each for paper A and paper B:

Industrial Chemistry Practical (CV1P1)

M.M. 50 (30+20 V.V.)
3 Periods/week

1. Preparation of standard solution of K
. To find out the concentration of unknown
solution using Na
solution in intermediate.

2. Preparation of standard solution of copper sulphate. to find out the concentration of unknown
copper sulphate solution using Na
solution as an intermediate.

3. Preparation of KMnO
and ferrous ammonium sulphate solutions. To find out the strength of
unknown ferrous ammonium sulphate solutions using KMnO
as an intermediate.

4. Analysis of iron in iron alloy and razor blade.
i. Determination of iron alloy by tipaling against standard K

ii. Determination of iron in iron alloy and razor blade by titrating against standard KMnO


5. Analysis of dolomite and lime stone.
6. To separate and identify the amino acids by ascending paper chromatography.
7. To separate and identify and sugars by ascending paper chromatography.

8. Determination of the amount of KNO
in black explosive powder by column chromatography.
9. To deparate and identify amino acids by this layer chromatography.
10. Determination of surface tesnsion and to study and effect of surfactants and additives.
11. Determination of viscosity and to sduty the effect of surfactants and additive.
12. Determination of angle of rotaiton fo sucrose by polarimeter.
13. Determination of refrective index and to study and effect of surfactants and additives.
14. i) To find out the partition coefficient of iodine between CCl
and water.
ii) To find out the partition coefficient of acetic acid between water and benzene.
15. To find out the melting points of following organic compounds
a) Oxalic acid, (b) Tartaric Acid, (c) Succinic Acid (d) Naphthyl amine, (e) - nephthyl
amine (f)-naphthel (g) - naphthal.
16. Report the boiling points of following organic skikvebts.
17. To purify the organic solvent by distillation process.
18. To find out the % pure organic compound y crystallization method.
19. To separate the organic liquids/solvent through distillation process.
20. To prepare Acetylated hydroquinons.
21. To prepare basic amino dyes.

Industrial Chemistry Foundation Course
Statistics and Maths (IF-204)
M.M. 40 (32 +08)

IF: 204A: Statistics
M.M.: 25 (20+5)
1 period/week
Unit I. Probability:
Determinnsitic and Non-deterministic experiments. Sample space, Events and trials. Mutually
exclusive, exhaustive and equally likely events, Mathematical definition of probability:
Addition and multiplication theorems. Simple numerical problems.

Discrete and continuous variables. Binomial and poisson distributions and their recurrence
relation. Normal distribution. Chief features of normal curve. Fitting of bionomial, Poisson
and Normal distributions.

Unit-II Sampling and sampling distributions
Definition of random sampling. Advantages sampling over census. Procedure of selection of a
simple random sample. Estimate of the population means and its variance in SRS. Degrees of
freedom. Definition of t, x
and F distributions.

Unit-III Tests of significance
Statistical hypothesis, Null and alternative hypothesis. Testing of statistical hypothesis. Types
of error. Level of significance. Tests based on Normal, t, x
and F distributions.
Analysis of variance: One way and two-way classifications. Analysis of Latin square design.
Books recommended
1. Elhance, D.N.: Fundamentals of Statistics.
2. Kapoor, S.K.: Elements of Practical Statistics.

IF-201B: Maths
M.M.: 15 (12+3)
1 Period/week
Unit -1 Matrix and Determinants
Basic definition, algebra of matrix and related results, Properties and elementary
transformation of a determinant, cofactor of a determinant. Application of determinants in the
solution of equations, Grammers rule, adjoint and inverse of a matrix.

Unit 2 Partial Differentiation and elementary partial differential equation.
Function of several variables, partial differential and related results, Eulers theorem,
elementary partial differentiation equation (PDE), their classification and methods for solving
such PDE.

Note: (1) The tutorial sheet for each chapter is to be prepared by the teacher concerned and it may be
considered as one of the components of the sessional marks for the students.
(2) The examination will be of 2 hours duration.
Industrial Chemistry Foundation Course
Computer-II (IF-205)
M.M. 40 (32+08)
2 Peroids/week
Unit-I Computer Hardware
1.1 Definition of an electronic digital computer, architecture of computer, microcomputer,
capabilities & limitations of computer.
Concept and definition of hardware, CPU, peripherals, devices, media and communication
1.2 Primary memory & CPU: representing characters in memory with binary codes, memory
capacity, addressing word, RAM and ROM, volatibility, ALU, registers, control unit,
multiprocessing, multiprogramming, time sharing, multitasking.
1.3 Input Unit: Importance of inputer, key entry device, VDU terminal inputs (dumb and smart
terminals), advantages and disadvantages of terminal input, Scanning devices, MICR, OCR,
OMR, mouse, joysticks, light pens, voice inputs.
1.4 Output Units: Spooling and buffer memory, impact and non impact princters, terminal output
softcopy/hardcopy terminals, graphic/non-graphics monochrome/color display, other types of
output plotters, microfilms and audioresponse.
1.5 Characteristics of secondary storage: Magnetic disks: Definitions of sector, track, access time,
seek time, latency. Hard Disk: removable/fixed disk packs, Winchester disk. Floppy Disks,
coding data on magnetic disks, addressing record on disks, advantages and disadvantages of
disks in comparison to tapes.
1.6 Video or optical disks (CD-ROM): Types, advantages and disadvantages.
Algorithms & Flowhcarts
Elements of BASIC language: BASIC number, character set, constants, variables, expression,
assignment statements, subscripted variable (arrays), specification statements, input/output
Conctrol Statements. If-the, If-the Else, Goto, For-Next, concept of subroutine, Gosub, On-Gosub
Graphics Statements: Line, circle, Pset, colors, paint.

Unit-III Programming in Chemistry
3.1 Development of small computer codes/programs involving simple formulae in chemistry,
such as Vander Waals equation, pH titration, kinetics, radioactive decay.
3.2 Evaluation of lattice energy & ionic radii from experimental data.
3.3 Programs with data preferably from physical chemistry laboratory.
Unit-IV Introduction to numberical methods or analysis and their application in chemistry.
Error in numberical computation, metric manipulation-addition, subtraction, multiplication,
inversion, determinant of matrix.
Solution of simultaneous equations, roots of non-linear equation (iterative method, Newton-
Raphson method and successive bisection method), numberical integration (Trapezoidal rule
and Simpsons rule), linear regression analysis by Least Square method.
Introduction to FOXPRO:
5.1 Introduction to database: Concept of field, record, file, primary eky, foreign key.
5.2 Introduction to FOPRO: Data types, creating database structure, entering data into the
database, opening a database file, modifying existing record(s) with Edit & BROWSE option,
displaying the contents of a data base, deleting records.
5.3 Elementary structures such as bond length, bond angles, dihedral angles etc. of molecules
extracted from a database.
Computer Lab
1. Programs in BASIC for the numerical Analysis of data.
2. Hands of practice of available computer packages of chemistry
3. Introductory experiments on data acquisition using BASIC and computer .
4. Hands on practice of FOXPRO
Books recommended
1. Programming in BASIC, Shaum Series
2. Computer today, Suresh K. Basandra, Galgotia
3. P.C. Software, R.K. Taxali.
4. Computer based numerical analysis, Shanta Kumar
5. Computational Chemistry, A.C. Norris
6. Computers & Common Sense, R. Hunt & J . Shelley.
7. FOXPRO 2.5, R.K. Taxali, BPB Publication.
Note: Tutorial sheet for each chapter is to be prepared by the teacher concerned and it may be
considered as one of the components of the sessional marks for thes students.
Industrial Chemistry Foundation Course
Legal and Economic Aspects of Industry-II (IF-206)
w.e.f. : Academic Session 2003-2004

M.M. 40 (32 +08)
2 Peroiods/week
Unit-I : Management
(a) Nature of management, (b) Scientific management, (c) Funciton of management, (d)
Principles and Practices of Organization, (e) Office Organization and management.

Unit-II a) Labour legislation, b) Labour welfare and Social Security, (c) Trade, (d) Industrial
relation, (e) Labour Welfare

Enviro-Legal Dimensions of Chemical Process Technology

IF-206B Unit-III International & National Legal Framework of Environment & Chemical Process
International Conventional, Agreement & Proctocol
Based Conventional on Trans Boundary Movement of Hazardous Waste, 1989.
Bamko Convention on Hazardous Waste, 1989.
Pesticide & Inorganic Chemical Convention, 1999.
National Legislation Relating to Chemical Process Technology
CPT Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.
Hazardous Waste (Management & Handling) Rule, 1989.
Hazardous Waste (Export, Import & Storage) Rule, 1989.
Hazardous Waste (Micro-Organism) Ruel, 1992.
Chemical Technology (Emergency Preparadeness) Rule, 1995.

Unit-IV: Chemical Process Technology & Health, Safety Management Law & Policy.

Health & Safety law & Indian Factories Act, 1948.
Environment Impact Assessment Law & Chemical Process Technology.
Enviro-Health Policy & Standards.
Eco-mark & Labelling Standards Law.
Health & Safety Management Certificaiton Rules.

Note: Tutorial sheet for each chapter is to be prepared by the teacher concerned and it may be
considered as one of the components of the sessional marks for the student.

Industrial Chemistry Foundation Course
Computer Lab Courses (IF-2P1)
w.e.f. : Academic Session 2003-2004
M.M. 30
2 Peroiods/week
Computer Lab
1. Programs in BASIC for the numerical Analysis of data.
2. Hands of practice of available computer packages of chemistry
3. Introductory experiments on data acquisition using BASIC and computer .
4. Hands on practice of FOXPRO

Industrial Chemistry
Material Science/Process Instrumentation (CV-204)
M.M.: 33 (26+07)
CV - 204 A : Material Science
M.M.: 16.5 (13+3.5)
1 Period/week

a) Mechanical properties of material and change with respect to temperature.
Materials of construction used in Industry
Materials and Alloys - Important metals and alloys, iron, copper, aluminum, lead, nickel,
titanium and their alloys - Mechanical and chemical properties and their applications.

b) Cement - Types of cement, composition, Manufacturing process, setting of cement.
Ceramics - Introduction, Types, Manufacturing process, Applications Refractories.
Polymer materials : Industrial polymer and composite material - their construction, chemical
and physical properties, Industrial applications.
c) Glass - Types, composition Manufacture, physical and chemical properties, Applications.
Corrosion - Various types of corrosion relevant to chemical industry Mechanism, Preventive

CV - 204 B: Process Instrumentation
M.M.: 16.5 (13+3.5)
1 Period/week

(a) Concept of measurement and accuracy.
Principle, construction and working of following measuring instruments.
(b) Temperature: Glass thermometers, bimetallic thermometers, pressure spring thermometer,
vapour filled thermometers, resistance thermometers, radiation pyrometers.

(c) Pressurre - Manometers, Barometers, bourbon pressure gauge; below type, diaphragm type
pressure gauges, macleod gauges, prisni gauges, etc.
Direct -Indirect level measurement, Float type liquid level Gauge, ultrasonic level gauges; bubble
system. Density measurement, Viscosity measurment

Note:The examination will be be of 2 hours duration i.e. 1 hour each for paper A and paper B.
Industrial Chemistry
Processes in Organic Chemicals Manufacture (CV-205)

M.M : 33 (26 +7)
2 Periods/week

Unit 1(a) Nitration : Introduction - Nitrating agents, kinetics and mechanism of nitration process
such as nitration :
i) Praffinic hydrocarbons
ii) Benzene to nitrobenzene and m-dinitrobenzene
iii) Chlorobenzene to 0- and p-nitrochlorobenzenes
iv) Toluene.
Continuous vs batch nitration.
Unit 2 (b) Halogenation : Introduction - kinetics of halogenation of reactions, Reagents for
halogenation, halogenation of aromatics - side chain and nuclear halogenations,
Commercial manufactures - chlorobenzenes, chloral, monochloracetic and
chloromethanes, dichloro fluoromethane.
Sulphonation - Interaction - sulphonating agents, Chemical and physical factors on
sulphonation kinetics and mechanism of sulphonation reactions, Commercial
sulphonation of benzene, naphthalene, alkyl benzene, batch vs continuous sulphonation.

Unit 3

Oxidation : Introduction - Types of oxidation reactions, Oxidizing agents, kinetics and
mechanism of oxidation of organic compounds, liquid phase oxidation,vapor phase
oxidation, commercial manufacture of benzoic and maleic anhydride, phthalic
anhydride, acrolein, acetaldehyde, acetic acid.

Hydrogenation: Introduction - Kinetics and thermodynamics of hydrogenation
reactions, Catalysts for hydrogenation reactions, Hydrogenation, of vegetable oil,
manufacture of methanol from carbon monoxide and hydrogen, hydrogenation of acids
and esters in alcohols, catalytic regorming.
Unit 4

Alkylation: Introduction, Types of alkylation, Alkylating agents, thermodynamics and
mechanism of alkylation reactions, manufacture of alcohol, N-alkyl anilines (mono
dimethyl and ethyl anilines.).
Esterfication: Introduction, Hydrodynamics and kinetics of esterification reactions,
Esterfication by organic acids, by addition of unsaturated compounds, esterification of
carboxyl acid derivatives, commercial manufacture of ethyl acetate, dioctle phthalate,
vinyl acetate, cellulose acetate.
Amination: A by reduction: Introduciton, Methods of reduction-metal and acid,
catalytic sulfide, electrolytic caustic oxidation, reduction, commercial manufacture of
aniline, m-nitroaniline, p-amino phenol.

By aminolysis : Introduction, aminating agents, factors affecting
Hydrolysis : Introduction; hydrolysis agents, kinetics, thermodynamics and mechanism
of hydrolysis.
Industrial Chemistry

Pollution (CV-206)
M.M: 34 (27+07)
2 Periods/week

Unit- 1 Air, oxygen, nitrogen cycle, water, Biosphere, Flora and Fauna, Energy, Soil.
Pollutants and their statutory limits, pollution evaluation methods
Air pollution - various pollutants. Water pollution-organic/inorganic pollutants
Unit-II Pollution evaluation methods
Noise pollution
Sewage analysis
Pesticide pollution
Radiation pollution, Green house effect, Future

Unit III Industrial Pollution
Cement, sugar, sidtillery, drug, paper and pulp, thermal power plants, nuclear power plants,
metallurgy. Polymers, drugs etc. Radionuclide analysis. Disposal of wastes and their

Unit IV Environmental Toxicology
Chemical solutions to environmentals problems, biodegradability, principles of
decomposition, better industrial processes.
Bhopal gas tragedy, Chernobyl, Three miles island, Sewozo and Minamata disasters.
Corrosion: Types, theories and methods of combating it.
Micellar solubilization and use of surfactant micelles in pollution abatement, micellar
enhanced ultrafiltration.

Industrial Chemistry Practical (CV-2P1)
M.M. 50 (30 + 20 V.V.)
3 Periods/week

1. Spectrophotometric determination of paracetamol in commercial tablets and syrups.
2. Determination of acetylsalicylic acid in commerical aspirin tablets by conductometric titration.
3. Determination of acetylsalicylic acid in commercial aspirin tablate by pH-tration.
4. Determination of glucose in commercial syrups by potential lablate tiration.
5. Determination of concentration of sucrose by polarimert.
6. Determination o composition of solution by refractometer.
7. Determination of total alkalinity and acidity of water.
8. Determination of hardness of water by chelometric titration.
9. Determination of chemical oxygen demand (COD of water).
10. To analysis the heavy metal is water.
11. To prepare the diazoamines benzene and also report the yield.
12. To prepare and recrystilise the methyl organe and report the yield.
13. To purity the organic compounds through crystallization process.
14. To prepare acetanilide from aniline.
15. To prepare P-Bromo acetanilide.
16. To prepare 2:4; 6 Tribroma Aniline.
17. To prepare 2:4;6 Tribroma Phenol.
18. To prepare Benzil froms Bezoin.
19. To convert hydrocarbon in carbonylic acid through oxidation process.
20. To prepare the picric Acid through sulphonation and nitration process.
21. To prepare P-Nitro acetanilide.
22. To prepare sulphanilic acid.
23. To convert nitro compounds into amino compounds through reduction process.
24. To convert hydroquinone into Acetylated form.
25. To prepare Dihezolacetone from Acetone.
Industrial Chemistry
Pharmaceuticals (CV-304)
M. M.: 50 (40+10)
3 Periods/week

Unit-1: Historical background and development of pharmaceutical industry in India in brief,
Pharmacopoenias-development of Indian Pharmacopoeia and introduction to B.P., U.S.P., E.P., N.F.,
and other important pharmacopoeias.
Introduction to various types of formuations and roots of administration.
Aseptic conditions, need for sterlisation, various methods of sterilization.
Various methods of pharmaceutical excipients their chemistry process of manufacture and quality,
specifications-Glidants, lubricants, diluents preservatives, antioxidants. Emulsifying agents, coating
agents, binders, colouring agents, flavouring agents geltin and other additives. Sorbital, mannitol,
viscosity builders etc.
Surgical dressing, sutures, ligatures-with respect to the process, equipments used for manufacture,
methods of sterilization and quality control.
Pharmaceutical packaging materials, ancillary materials, packging machinery, quality control of
packaging materials.

Unit 2: EDA, Important schedules and some legal aspects of drugs.
Phytochemicals-Introduction to plan classification and crude drugs, cultivation, collection, preparation
for the market and storage of medicinal plants.
Evaluation of crude drugs-Moisture content, Extractive value, volatile oil rotten, foraging organic
matter quantitative microscopic exercises, including of starch, leaf content (palisade ration, sotmatal
number, and Index vein is let number and vein termination number) crude fibre content. Introduction
to chromatographic method of indentification of crude drugs.
Chemical constitution of plants-including carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins, fats, waxes, volatile,
oils, terpenoids, steroids, saponins, flavonoids, tannins, glycosides, alkaloids.

Unit-3: Photochemical & classification
Various isolation procedures for active ingradients with example for alkaloid, e.g., vincaalkaloids,
reserpine; one for steroids sapogenin, disgenin, diagroh.

Pharmaceutical quality control (other than the analytical) methods convered under core subject)
sterility testing, pyrogenic testing, glass testing, bulk density of powders etc.

Unit-4: Classification of various types of drugs with examples
Raw materials, process of manufacture, effluent handling etc., of the following bulk drugs.
(i) Sulpha drugs-Sulphaguandine, sulphametho-xazole.
(ii) Antimicrobial-chloramphenicoal, furazoli-dine, mercurochrome, isoniazid, Na-PAS.
(iii) Antalgesic-Antiinflammatory-salicylic acid and its derivatives, Iuprofe, mefenamic acid.
(iv) Steroidal harmones-Progresterone, Testosterone, methyl testosterone.
(v) Vitami-Vit. A, Vit. B6, Vit. C.
(vi) Barbiturates Pentabarbital
(vii) Blockers-propranol, atenlol
(viii) Cardiocascular agent-methyl dopa
(ix) Antihistamines-Chloropheneramine maleate, products based on fermentation processes.


Unit V Brief idea of micro-organism, their structure, growth an usefulness. Enzyme systems useful
for transformation microbial products, general principle of fermentation processes and product
processing. Manufacture of antibiotics-Pencilling-G and semisynthetic penicillins, Rifamycin.
Tetracycl-incs, vit. B-12.
Biotransformation processes for prednisolone, 11-hyddroxylation in steroids. Enzyme catalyzed
transformation, manufacture of ephidrinc.
Industrial Chemistry
Petrochemicals (CV-305)
M. M.: 50 (40+10)
3 Periods/week

Introduction to crude oil, explanatory methods, oil reservoirs, transportation of crude oil.
Constitution of crude oil, Natural gas-constituents
Distillation of crude oil, separation of natural gas and different fractions based on relative volatilities,
composition of different distillates.
Meaning of terms such as-pour point depressants, drag reducers, viscosity reducers, ignition point,
flash point, octane number, doctor solution.
Types of hydrocarbon fuels and their characteristics.

Detailed discussion of the following operations :
With respect to process, mechanism, catalysts used and applications : Crackling-catalytic cracking,
Hydrocracking, Isomerization, Reforming, Isomerization, Alkylation.

Sulphur, hydrogen, petroleum coke and nitrogen compounds from petroleum.
General discussion of the following reactions with respect of mechanise and applications -
Oxidations, ommoxidation, hydro-formylation, hydration.
Manufacture of the following compounds : Methane, ethylene acetylene, propylene, C-4
hydrocarbons, higher olefins.

Preparation of the following from methane-methanol, carbon black, hydrogen cynide, chlorinate
methane, carbon disulphides.
Preparation of the following from methane-Methanol, carbon black, hydrogen cyanide, chlorinated
methane's, Carbon disulphide.
Preparation of the following from ethylene-Ethyl chloride ethanol, ethylens oxide, ethylene glycol,
acetaldehyde, acetic acid, styrene, vinyl acetate, ethanolamines, vinyl chloride, acrylonitrile.
Manufacture of the following from propylene :
Isopropanol, cumene, glycerine, acrylonitrile, Manufacture of the following from acetylene : vinyl
chloride, chlorprene, acrylonitrile, acetaldehyde.
Manufacture of the following from C-4 hydrocarbons :
Butadiene, isobutene, isobutane, butanediols, oilgomers, Manufacture of aromatic compounds-
Benzene, toluene, xylines,

Various catalysts used in petrochemical industry.
Preparation, structure, applications and selectivity.
Importance of petroleum industry in the context of Indian economy.
Indian Petrochemical industry-Indian reserves, quality and petroleum distribution, Future.

Industrial Chemistry
Waste Recycling Management (CV-306)

M. M: 50 (40 +10)
3 Periods/week
Unit -I Introduciton water and waste water characteristics, unit operations, unit processing and
system for waste water treatments flow sheets for various methods of industrial waste
water treatment. Trickle filters. Aerated lagoomns, ponds, septic tanks. Anaerobic filters
UAS reactor, fluidzed hybrid reactors, and other low cost treatment methods sludge.

Unit - II: Air-Pollution and Central
Sources of waste (Air pollutants) and effect. Distribution sources, collection and removal of
particulate matter, control methods of gases SO2 and Oxides of Nitroent Photochemical
reductions exhaust pollution, gasoline and diesel engine emissions, odour management and
Unit - III: Solid-waste management
Types of solid wastes municipal, industrial and hazardous, sources, characterization,
generation rates, factors affecting solid waste generation. Individual particle size, moisture
control and density, solid waste treatment, size reduction, component separation, dring,
recovery processes. Compositing an aerobic combustion of solid wastes, incineration
gasification, pyrolysis.
Unit-IV: Hazardous waste management
(a) Defining a hazardous material or waste
(b) Tank System
(c) WTDT
(e) Waste treatment and Disposal Techniques
(f) Ground water and soil assessment and remediation.
(g) Assessing and managing water quality
(h) Air quality assessment and control
(i) Administrative requirements for proper management of Hazardous materials and
hazardous waste.
(j) Process Safety management.
Unit-V: Bioconversion of waste materials to Industrial Products
(a) Enzymes with modified activities (AMT, NALWS)
(b) Bioconversion of starch wastes.
(c) A biotechnology approach to bioconversion of wastes
(i) Introduction
(ii) Critical factors for MBGSS
(iii) MBGP and CF
(iv) Genetic engineering for biodegradation of lingocellulotic water.
(v) Reactors for SSF.
(vi) Fermentation processes and compositional changes.
(vii) Advantages/Disadvantages and future prospects of SSF.
(d) Bio-recovery of metals from mining waste.

Industrial Chemistry
Agrochemicals (CV-307)
M. M: 50 (40 +10)
3 Periods/week

Unit-I: Pests and pestscontrol: General introduction, types of chemicals used to control pests.
Types of pesticides-stomach poisons, contact poisons, systemic poisons, fumigants.
Inorganic insecticides, -introduction, arsenic insecticides, acid lead arsenate, calcium
arsenate, parisgreen. Fluoroinsecticides.

Natural organic insecticides-nicotinoids, nicotine, nornicotine, anabasine, pyrethroids,
pyrethrins, jasmolins, allethrin; rotenoids, rotenone, dihydro-rotenone, elliptone.

Unit-II: Synthetic insecticides, chlorinated hydrocarbons, DDT, DDD, neotran, dilan, DFDT, dimite,
prethane, SAR in the class and mode of action.
BHC, Chlordan, heptachlor, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, SAR in the class and mode of action.

Unit-III: Organophosphorus insecticides: Introduction and classificiation.
Phosphoric acid derivatives-dimecron, phosphinon. dichlorovos, naled.
Pyrophosphoric acid derivatives-EPN, TEPP, schradan, sulfotepp.
Thiophosphoric acid derivatives-parathion, methyl parathion, demeton, chlorothion.
Dithiophosphoric acid derivatives-malathion, formothion, thiocron, mecarbam.
Carbamate insecticides-introduciton, carbaryl, baygon, mesurol, zectran, pyrolan.

Unit-IV: Fungicides- General introduction and classification.
Inorganic fungicides-sulphur, copper sulphate, mercurous chloride, bordeaux mixture,
Organomercuric compounds-ethylmercuric chloride, ceresan-M, panogen, uspulan,
germisan, agrosan-GN, mode of action.
Dithiocarbamates-introduciton, classification, ziram, ferbam, nabam, thiram, zineb. maneb.
Miscellaneous fungicides-captan, folpet, dithianon, dichlon, difolatan, mesulfan.

Unit V: Herbicides-introduction, 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T, MCP, TCA.
Fumigants HCN, CS
, ethylene halides, methyl halides.
Nematicides-aldicarb, fensulfothion.
Rodenticides-zinc phospide, warfarin.
Plant growth regulators-gibberellic acid, indole acetic and butyric acids, naphthalene acetic

Industrial Chemistry
Polymers (Optional) (CV-308)
M. M.: 50 (40+10)
3 Periods/week
CV-303: Polymers (Optional)
Introduction : Brief history of macromlecular science, general characteristics of polymers in
comparison to common organic compounds, some basic definitions (flunctionality, polymer,
polymerization, homopolymer, copolymer terpolymer etc.).
Classification of polymers : Natural synthetic, inorganic, organic, thermoplastics, thermosets,
glasses, elastomers, fibres, commodity engineering, speciality, linear, branched, cross-linked
copolymers (random, alternative, block and graft), tacticity (isotactic, and atactic polymers),
crystallinity (crystalline, semi-crystalline and amorphous polymers.

Types of polymerization : Addition polymerization (mechanism of free-radical, anionic and
cationic polymerization), initiators, inhibitors, retarders, living polymers, condensation
polymerization copolymerization, coordination polymerization (bulk, suspension, emulsion,
Molecular weight and molecular weight distribution : Average molecular weight, number -
average and weight-average molecular weights, sedimentation and viscosity average, molecular
weights, practical significance of molecular weight and molecular weight distribution, size of
polymer milecules, determination, of molecular weight (viscosity, osmometry, light scattering).

Polymer properties : Glassy state and glass transitio temperature, factors influencing Tg, Tg and
Tm, Importance of Tg, amorphous state, viscoelasticity and five regions of viscoelastic behaviour
of polymers, rubber elasitcity, mechanical properties of polymers, polymer degradation Thermal,
oxidative, photo-degradation), polymer stabilization.

Polymer processing : Compounding, vulcanization reinforcement, calendering, die-casting,
filmcasting, compression moulding, injection moulding, blow moulding, extrusion moulding,
thermoforming, foaming, melt spinning.

Polymer structure-property relationship : General considerations, control of Tm and Tg, relation
between Tm and Tg, dependence of Tm and Tg on copolymer composition, effect of chain length
and crystallinity, energence of special properties.
Specially polymers : Liquid crystalline polymers, piezoelectric polymers, conductive polymers,
temperature resistant polymers, polymer adhesive, biomedical polymers.

Unit V
Synthesis, properties and applications : of polythelene, polypropylene, polytetrafluroethylene
pyolystyrene, polyvinyl chloride, polyisoprene, polybutadiene, neoprene, buna-N, buna-s, phenol-
formal dehyde ureaformaldehyde, polyurethanes, epoxides, silicons, polyamides, cellulosics,
reclaimed, rubber, recycling of plastics.

Industrial Chemistry
Analytical Techniques (CV-312)
M. M.: 50 (40 +10)
3 Periods/week

Unit-I (A) Classification of Analytcal methods; Types of instrumental methods, Instruments for
Analysis, selecting an Analytical method, Factors affecting Analytical methods,
calibration of instrumental methods
(B) Application of operational amplifiers; voltage and current control, to mathematical

Unit-II (A) Limitations of Analytical methods, classification of errors, Accuracy and precision,
mean and standard deviation, Distribution of random errors, confdence intervals,
comparison of results, paired t-test, the no of replicate determinations, correlations and
regressions, Yotes methods, Data handling Factors Analysis.

(B) Sampling techniques gases and vapors, liquids and solids.

Unit-III (A) Separation techniques, solvent extraction, Ion-exchange separations, Instrumental
(B) Chromatography: TLC, LC, GC, HPLC methodology, equipment and Industrial
(C) Titrimetric Analysis: Classification of reactions, principles of potentiometric titrations.

(D) Mechanical-physical separation process: introduction, classification and Filtration in
solid-liquid seprations.

Unit IV Introduction, methodology and industrial applications of the following: UV/visible, IR,
Raman, NMR, ESR, Atomic Absorption and Electron Spectroscopy.

Unit-V (A) X-ray fluorescence: methodology, Equipment and Industrial Applications.
(B) Thermal methods: TGA and DTA, methodology, equipment and Industrial Applications.
(C) Radio Chemical methods: Activation analysis, Isotopic dilution methods.
(D) Nephelometry and trubidimetry: methodology, equipment and Idnustrial applications.

Industrial Chemistry
(Petrochemicals /Polymers) (CV3P6)
M.M.: 50
3 Periods/week

(CV3P6-A) Petrochemicals
M.M.: 25

1. To find out the C-residue in the given petroleum sample by Conradson method.
2. To determine the aniline point of given sample.
3. To determine the flash point of a given sample.
4. To determine the melting point of petroleum wax
5. To plot the cooling curve of wax.
6. To determine the vapour pressure of given sample.
7. To determine the A.P.I. gravity.
8. To carry out the distillation of kerosene.
9. To determine saybolts viscosity of a given sample.
10. To determine the level of corrosion in a given Cu-string.

CV-3P6B: Polymers
M.M.: 25
1. Preparation of Thiokol rubber
2. Preparation of Urea-formaldehyde mouldings
3. Preparation of cold set adhesive
4. Preparation of Glyptal Resin
5. Preparation of Caprolactam and its polymerization
6. Preparation of of flourescein (xanthene dye) tetrabromide
7. Preparation of Alkyl Aryl Sulphonate detergent
8. Estimation of (i) amino group (ii) hydroxy group (iii) iodie value.
Industrial Chemistry
(Instrumentation Methods of Analysis/Agrochemicals) (CV-3P7)

M.M.: 50
3 Periods/week

CV-3P7 A: Instrumentation Methods of Analysis
M.Mark 25

1. To determine the wave length of maximum absorption (
) and to verify the Bear-Lamberts
law and to determine the concentration of cobalt nitrate solution by spectrometry.
2. Determination of Iron by spectrometry with the help of potassium thiocynate as a complexing
3. To determine the milli equivalent of SO
ions present in the given amount offerrous ammonium
sulphate by ion-exchange method.
4. Separation of iron-cobalt ion-exchange chromatography.
5. Determination of sodium in a sample of sodium chloride solution with the help of flame

M.Mark 25

CV-3P7 B: Agrochemical
1. To determine tota phosphorous in a given sample of fertilizer by spectrophotometric
molybdovanadophosphate method.
2. To determine total arsenic in pesticide formulations by ion exchange method.
3. To detect the contamination of pesticides formulations (aldrin, DDT, dieldrin, endrin,
chlordane, strobane and toxaphene) in water by thin layer chromatographic method.
4. To detect and clean up plant growth regulator indole-3-acetic acid in roots and shoots of plants
by paper chromatographic method.
5. To synthesize and prepare the formulations of zinc dimethyldithiocarbamate for use in
fungicidal protection of crops.
6. To detect carbamate of pesticides, carbaryl, in water samples by spot test analysis.

Industrial Chemistry
Practical (Waste Mangement/Pharmaceuticals/Microbiology [CV-3P8])
M.M.: 50
3 Periods/week

CV-3P8A : Waste Management
M.M. 25

1. To determine phenophthalein alkalinity methyle alkalinity and total alkalinity in given sample .
2. To determine total hardness & calcium hardness in the given of water.Express your result in
moles/litre and mg/l as CaCO
3. To determine acidity in the given sample of water.Express your result in equivallance/L and
mg/L as CO

4. To determine the percentage of available chiorine in the given chlorine solution sample.
5. To determi the chloride content in a given sample of water.
6. To determine the dissolved oxygen in the given sample of water.
7. To determine the 3 day BOD of the given sample of water.
8. To determine COD of the given waste water sample.
9. To determine total solids (T.S) and total dessolved solids (T.D.S) in the given sample of water.
10. To determine pH of the given different sample of water.
11. To determine the conductivity of the sample of water.
12. To find out the potassium in given sample of water.
13. To find out perticular matter in the air.

CV-3P8B: Pharmaceuticals /Microbiology
M.M: 25
a: Pharmaceuticals

1. To determine the refractive index of given liquid.
2. To determine the acid value of a given substance.
3. To determine the saponificaiton value of given substance.
4. Thin Layer Chromatography.
5. To determine the loss in weight on drying of drugs.
6. To determine the percentage of sulfated ash in crude drug.
7. To determine the successive extractive value of the crude drug.
8. To determine the Cl-value in crude drug.
9. To determine the the Iodine value.
10. To estimate Tannins in crude drug.

b. Microbiology
11. To find the sensitivity of a drug by Cup plate method.
12. To find the sensitivity of a drug by Disc method.
13. To find the sensitivity of a drug by Stokes method.
14. Testing of gram +ve and gram ve bacteria.

CV3V1: Project + viava voce M. M.: 50
First Semester (2003-2004)
Industrial Chemistry
Transfer process & Unit operations-I
Credit =4
M.M. =100 (30+70)
4 Periods/week

Unit-I. General Introduction to transport process: Continuum concept of medium transport &
it classification. Rate of deformation and shearing stress. Hydrostatic law. Manometers
Fluid Kinetics: Concept of velocity, steady/unsteady flow streamlines and pathlines
Laminar & turbulent flow. Basic laws of fluid motion.

Unit-II. Flow through tube and annules: Capillary flow viscometer. Mechanical energy balance
equation, Bernoulli equation and its application. Frictional losses in pipes and fittings.
Calculation of power requirement of pipes-line-flow. Flow through packed beds &

Unit-III. Fluid Machines: Pumps, compressor blower commercial pipes & fittings: size
specification and size selection, valves, Flow meters. Variable head and variable area

Unit-IV. Laminar flow: Laminar and twibulent flows; Laminar flow through a round pipe, laminar
flow between coaxial rotating cylinders. Dimensional homogeneity. Dimensionless
groups; Baaeingbam theorem group method, They Rayleighs indicial method.
First Semester (2003-2004)
Industrial Chemistry
Statistical Methods of data Analysis (ICM-7002)
Credit =4
M.M. =100 (30+70)
4 Periods/week

Unit-I. Elementary concepts of Statistics: Measures of focation, Dispersion, skewness kurtosis,
coefficient of variation, association of attributes, Elementary concept of probability.

Unit-II. Correlation and Regression: Coefficient of correlation, rank correlation, Lu regression,
fitting of non-linear curves, multiple & partial correlation (3 variables only).

Unit-III. Tests of significance, Basic idea of hypothesis testing tests based on normal t, chi-square and
F7 distributions.

Unit-IV. Applied Quantitative methods: Time series analysis, inventory control, replacement
reliability and quality control.

First Semester (2003-2004)
Industrial Chemistry
Advanced Analytical Techniques-I (ICM-7003)
Credit =4
M.M. =100 (30+70)
4 Periods/week

Unit-I. (a) Chemical Analysis: Introduction, Applications, stages of analysis. Selecting the method,
Special technique, quantitative analysis. Factors affecting the choice of analytical
method. Data handling. Instrumental/non instrumental methods.
(b) Sampling: Introduction, gases and vapours, Liquid solids.
(c) Separation: Introduction, separation technique solvent extraction-crystallization and
precipitation Ion-exchange separation. Dialysis, instrumental separation, comparing
separation efficiencies.

Unit-II. Molecular Spectroscopy: Introduction Theory/principle/methodology/ Technique/
Instrumentation and applications of the following.
(a) UV-visible molecular absorption spectrometry.
(b) Molecular Luminescence spectrometry.
(c) IR-spectrometers
(d) Raman spectrometer

Unit III. Introduction, theory/principle/methodology/Technique/Instrumentation and
application/the following:
(a) NMR spectroscopy
(b) Molecular Mass spectrometery
(c) ESR

Unit IV. Introduction/theory/principle/methodology/Technique/Instrumentation and applications of
the following.
(a) Plasma Resonance spectrometer
(b) Circular dichroism
(c) X-ray diffraction
(d) Surface characte
First Semester (2003-2004)
Industrial Chemistry
Advanced Organic Synthesis-1 (ICM-7004)
Credit =4
M.M. =100 (30+70)
4 Periods/week

Unit-I. Organometallic Reagents-I: Principle, Preparation properties and applications in organic
synthesis with mechanistic details of group I and II metal compounds. Li, Mg, Hg, Zn, Ni

Unit-II. Organometallic Reagents-II: Principle, preparation, properties and applications in
organic syntheses with mechanistic details of:

(a) Transition Metals : Cu, Pd, Ni, Fe, Co, Ti complex
(b) Other elements: S, P, Si and B compounds

Unit-III. Methods in Organic Chemistry.
(a) Hydrogenation method and cleavage of glycerols
(b) Rearrangement: Nature of migration, migratory aptitude: A detailed study of the
following rearrange peniacol-pinacolon, waqnor, Merevin, Benzil-Benzilic acid, Neber,
Beckman. Hoffman, Losse Dienone-Phenol, Stevens,
(c) Convection and Disconvection to Synthesis
(d) Protection of groups.

Unit-IV. Manufacture of Industrial Organic Chemicals: BTX, Acetone, Aldehyde, Aniline, Phenol,
Fischer propsen synthesis (alcohol), Nitrobenzene, Chemical derived from acetylene,
calcium carbide. 1,3-Didefins (1-3 butact) isoprene, cyclopentadien, glycerol, formaldehyde
and formic acid.

First Semester (2003-2004)
Industrial Chemistry Practical-I (ICM-7071)
Credit =4
M.M. =100(30+70)
6 Periods/week
1. Flow through straight Circular Tubes.
2. Flow through Annulus.
3. Flow through Coiled tube.
4. Velocity profile and flow rate determination in cicular closed channel.
5. Capillary flow Viscometer.
6. Flow through a convergent-divergent circular channel
7. Stefan's tube diffusitivity measurment.
8. Plate and frame filter press filtration.
9. Flow through packed and fluidized bed.
10. Grinding characteristics of crushing machines.

First Semester (2003-2004)
Industrial Chemistry Practical-II A & B (ICM-7072)

Credit =4
M.M. =100 (30+70)
6 Periods/week
(1) Analysis of pharmaceutical mixtures by UV-Visible spectroscopy.
(2) Simultaneous determination of Fe(II) and Fe(III) by UV-visible.
(3) Simultaneous determination of vitamin C and vitamin E.
(4) Separation of several cations in mineral water pond water or low acid foods.
(5) The Determination of sulfamthazine, sulfametrazine and sulfadiazine in.
(6) Separation and Recovery of Dyes.
(7) Separation of artificial colorants in confectionary.
(a) Determination of pharmaceuticals by HPLC.
(b) Determination of caffeine in Beverages by HPLC.
(c) Determination of Antibiotics by HPLC.

(9) Separation and qualitative analysis of sugar alcohols in foods by GC.
(10) Determination of ethanol content of an alcoholic liquor by NMR.
(11) (a) Determination of Mg and Ca in Tap water by AAS
(b) Determination of vanadium in lubricating oil by AAS.
(c) Determination of Tin in canned fruit J uice by AAS.

(12) Determination of alkali metal by S.P.

Note: The students are advised, before carrying out any experiments they should pay full attention to
any safety warnings and make sure they adhere to national laboratory and safety regulations.

Second Semester (2003-2004)
Industrial Chemistry
Transfer Process & Unit Operations-II (ICM-8001)
Credit =4
M.M. =100 (30+70)
4 Periods/week

Unit-I. Heat Transfer: Fourier's law of conduction: Conduction through plain wall, hollow
cylinder, composite walls and multilayer tubes. Concept of convection heat transfer. Heat
transfer coeff. Heat exchangers and heat exchange balance.
Unit-II. Species Transfer: Definition of concentrations, velocities and fluxes in multi species
systems. Fick's law of diffusion. Diffusion of species through stagnant species, equimolar
counter diffusion. Fick's 2
law of diffusion.
Unit-III. Mass Transfer and its Application: Introduction, equilibrium stage, Distillation, Flash
operation. Distillation, Continuous distillation with Reflux Design and operating
characteristics of plate volumes, McCabe-Triele Method, Batch Distillatin, plats
efficiency. Multicomponent Distillation:- Phase equilibrium with multicomponent
distillatin, Flash distillation of multicompoenent mixtures, Fractionation of
multicomponent mixtures.
Unit-IV. Leaching and extraction: Leaching, Principles of continuous countercurrent laching,
Liquid extraction, Principles of Extraction. Gas Absorption: Design of packed towers,
contact between liquid and gas, Principles of absorption, rate of absorption. Adsorption:
adsorption equipment, adsorption isotherms, principles of adsorption.

Second Semester (2003-2004)
Industrial Chemistry
Computational Methods of Data Analysis (ICM-8002)
Credit =4
M.M. =100 (30+70)
4 Periods/week

Unit-I. Computer Programming: Elements of C language, functions and subroutines, Graphics
commands, commands for accessing hardware (data acquisition).

Unit-II. Windows: Introduction and application. Programming in Visual Basic: Introduction,
different controls and their properties, application.

Unit-III. Application Package for Report Generation and Presentation: MS-Office: Introduction
to WORD, and Power Point. MS-WORD: Document and manipulation, saving and printing,
incorporation of graphs, tables, pictures and chemical structures into the document.
Excel: Spreadsheets, report generation, cell manipulation, data base management; Graphical
representation of tabulated data-pie charts, bar & line graphs, surfaces and 3D graphs.
Power Point: Application of Power Point for the presentation reports and slides.

Unit-IV. Computer for Industrial Chemists:
a) Introduction to CAD, a balance approach to computer aided process design.
b) Computers interfacing with instruments and as laboratory information systems.
c) Computers in Fault Tree Analysis
d) Computers in Communication:
e) Internet: Basic concepts, importance in chemical industry, design and maintenance of a
small web site.
E-mail: Basics, methodology and usage.
Second Semester (2003-2004)
Industrial Chemistry
Advanced Analytical Techniques-II (ICM-8003)
Credit =4
M.M. =100 (30+70)
4 Periods/week
Unit-I. Electron Analytical Techniques
Introduction, theory, principle, Methodology, Tech. Instrumentation and application of the
(a) Potentiometry (b) Coulometry (c) Voltammetry
(d) Amperometry (e) Conductometry

Unit-II. Separation Methods
(a) An introduction to chromatographic separation LC.
(b) TLC, HPTLC, Gas Chromatography, Introduction, methodology, Instrumentation and
(c) HPLC, FPLC Principle, Instrumentation and application

Unit-III Miscellaneous methods
(a) Thermal methods (TG, DTA, DSC).
(b) Radiochemical methods, Radioactive isotopes, Instrumentation, NAM, IDM.
(c) Automated methods of Analysis (FIA, DAS, ABMF).
Unit-IV. Supercritical fluid chromatography and extraction.
(a) Properties of SCF (b) SCFC (c) SCFE
Capillary electrophoresis: An overview of electrophoresis, CE, ACE, CEC.

Second Semester (2003-2004)
Industrial Chemistry
Advanced Organic Synthesis-II (ICM-8004)
Credit =4
M.M. =100 (30+70)
4 Periods/week
Unit-I. Organic Synthesis Design:
(a) Introduction, conversions and interconversions of functional groups-selective reactions.
(b) Formation of various types of bonds between like and unlike atoms.
(c) Disconnection approach and application of a & b in synthetic design.
(d) Problems for synthesis of new and simple molecules.

Unit-II. (a) Introduction of the following functionalities at carbon center starting with saturated and
unsaturated (aromatics alikeness, and likeness) compounds/residues.
(i) X, OH, CO, C-C, COOH, CN, CHO
(b) General approach to synthetic problems. Relay synthesis and convergent synthesis.

Unit-III. Synthesis of complex molecules. Camphor, Longifolline, Cartisone, Reser vitamin D,
J avablone, Aplidicolin and Frederic mycine-A, Eremophilone, Bisabolene, Phenon methyl

Unit-IV. Extraction of edible oils, fat splitting, hydrogenation of oil, soap and detergent, production
of glycerine.

Second Semester (2003-2004)
Industrial Chemistry Practical-I (ICM-8071)

Credit =4
M.M. =100 (30+70)
6 Periods/week
1. Batch sedimentation test.
2. Gravity Thickening.
3. Heat Transfer coefficient in a shell and tube heat exchanger.
4. Rate of evaporation in an open pan evaporator.
5. Pool boiling heat transfer coefficient.
6. Film and dropwise condensation.
7. Rate of drying in a batch drier.
8. Solid-Liquid Extraction of oil from oil seeds.
9. Rate of dehydration of vegetable products.
10. Distillation.

Second Semester (2003-2004)
Industrial Chemistry Practical-II A & B (ICM-8072)

Credit =4
M.M. =100 (30+70)
6 Periods/week
A: Analytical Techniques:
1. Qualitative analysis of APC Tablets by UV-Visible.
2. Determination of cations, Anions, organic compounds.
3. Determination of glycerol in fruit juice
4. Determination of cholesterol in Mayonaise.
5. Separation of iron and cobalt by I.E.C.
6. Determination of Quinine in toxic water by Floero.
7. Determination of Na and K in cement.
8. Determination of Hg in Air, water, and Fish.
9. Analysis of APC Tablets by NMR
10. Purity of commercial benzoid acid by IR.

B: Computer Practical
1. Programming in C
2. Designing VB applications
3. Hand Practice in MS-Office-MS word, MS-Excel & MS-Power Point
4. Hand Practice in CAD & use of internet.

Note: The students are advised, before carrying out any experiments they should pay full attention
to any safety warnings and make rule. They adhere to national laboratory and safety

Third Semester (2004-2005)
Industrial Chemistry
Chemical Reaction Dynamics and Plant Design-I (IC-301)

Credit =4
M.M. =100 (30+70)
4 Periods/week

Unit-I. Molecularity and order of reactions, Reaction mechanism and kinetics models for non-
elementary reactions. Temperature dependent term of reaction rate and activation energy.

Unit-II. Determination of kinetic expressions from constant volume/constant pressure batch reactor
data: Integral and differential methods of data analysis, authocatalytics, enzyme catalyzed
and surface catalyzed reactions, reversible and irreversible reactions of zero, first, second
th order reactions.

Unit-III. Brief review of industrial reactors, introduction to reactor design. Single ideal reactors:
space time and space velocity, Design for single reactions: Size/Batch, CSTR, PFR,
graphical procedure, Multiple reactor system and optimum reactor size. Recycle reactor
and autocatalytic reactions.

Unit-IV. Process Synthesis and Design: The hierarchy of process design and orion model. Principle
and approaches to process synthesis engineering large scale low cost processing systems.
Choice of reactors, choice of separators. Reaction path synthesis.

Process Development: Process selection, study of alternate process-scale up methods,
Flow sheet preparation, sketching techniques, equipment numbering, stream desigration,
Material and energy balances in process flowsheet.

Third Semester (2004-2005)
Industrial Chemistry
Solid State and Catalyst Characterization (IC-302)

Credit =4
M.M. =100 (30+70)
4 Periods/week

Unit-I. Principles of catalysis: Catalysis sites yield, selectivity, Introduction to Industrial catalysis.

Unit-II. Relationship between reactivity and the structure and composition of surfaces in the atomic
scales (i) Static Technique: LEED, AES and (ii) Transport Techniques.

Unit-III. Texture of catalyst : Parameters describing the catalyst texture, Analysis of Physical
adsorption isotherms to determine the porous texture of solids. Pore size distribution and
particle size analysis.

Unit-IV. Electronic states in Solids:-
Energy Bonds electron mobility, Fermi energy, electron gas approximation, Blocks
theorem, Brillwon zone electrons and holes band structure of metals.

Crystal Structure and Geometry: Unit cell, Lattice planes, direction zones rules, crystal
system. Space crystal structure, peroxkies and relite structure. Closed pack structure, allays.
Ionic and covalent structures. Distribution of interstitical siles, space-filling polyhedron,
Rocsalt zinc. Blende, nicle arsnicks and titanium oxide.

Third Semester (2004-2005)
Industrial Chemistry
High Temperature Chemistry (IC-303)
Credit =4
M.M. =100 (30+70)
4 Periods/week
Unit-I. Structure and properties
(a) Atomic Bonding and Crystal structure
(b) Physical, thermal, Electrical, Magnetic and optical proerties.
(c) Mechanical properties and their measurement
(d) Time, Temperature, environmental effects.

Unit-II. Processing of Ceramics:
Powder processing: raw material of traditional and modern ceramics, selection criteria,
powder sizing, screening, elutriation, ball milling precipitation, freeze drying, cakining,
Preconsolidation, different additive, spray drying, grannulation.
Unit-III. Shape forming process:
Pressing: binder and lubricant selection, uniaxial pressing, dry pressing, wet pressing, types
of presses, uniaxial pressing problems, isostatic pressing, casting-slip casting, raw material
selection, powder pressing slip preparation, mould preparation, casting, casting process
Densification : Theory of sintering, vapour phase sintering solid state sintering liquid phase
sintering, hot pressing and its limitations.

Unit-IV. Factors influencing glass formation : Electonegativity and bond type viscosity, structural,
effects, zoechaviasens rule, sun and piaco, Behaviour of glass forming liquids on coating,
glass transition temperature, ideal glass transition temperature.

Structure of glasses, theories of liquid immisicibility and phase separation on glasses.
Alloys: Structure of alloys, alloy formation, order-disorder phenomenon, precipitation, eutectic
formation, Ferrous alloys, Classification and characteristics of non-ferrous alloys.

Third Semester (2004-2005)
Industrial Chemistry
Food Science Technology and Bio-technology (IC-304)

Credit =4
M.M. =100 (30+70)
4 Periods/week

Unit-I. Defining Food Science, status of food industry in India and abroad, constituents of foods,
nutritive aspects of food constituents. Unit operations of the food industry, quality factors
and how they are measured, deterioration factors and their control.

Unit-II. Heat preservation and processing, cold preservation and processing: Distinction between
refrigeration and freezing, refrigeration and cool storage, various waters present in foods,
freezing and frozen storage.

Unit-III. Food dehydration and concentration, food dehydration, food concentration, intermediate
moisture food, various foods and their processing and preservation methods, vegetables and
fruits, beverages, cereal, grains, begums and oil seeds, food packaging.

Unit-IV. Industrial uses of bacteria, Lactic acid fermentation, Vinegar production, Amin acid
production, Industrial uses of yeasts, Alcoholic fermentation, Bakers yeast, Food yeast,
Industrial uses of molds, Antibiotic microbiology, Microbial leaching, Organisms for
leaching, chemistry of microbial leaching, commercial processes.
Microbial transformations: Types of bioconversion reactions, Procedures for
biotransformation, Applications of bioconversions.

Third Semester (2004-2005)
Industrial Chemistry Practical-I (IC-371)

Credit =4
M.M. =100 (30+70)
6 Periods/week
1. Extraction of essential oil
2. Analysis of OPC
3. Paint Testing
4. Mass Transfer coefficient
5. Steam Distillation
6. Solid-liquid extraction
7. Liquid-liquid extraction
8. Bomb calorimeter determination of calorific value
9. RTD in CSTR
10. Solid-fluid reaction
11. Dynamics of thermal
12. Dynamics of Thermometers
13. Control of liquid level system
14. Distribution control system, T, P flow level.
15. Determination of viscosity average Molecular weitgh of polymer
16. Spectral characterization of polymers
17. Kinetics of polymerization
18. Fabrication plastic
M.Sc. Second year
Third Semester (2004-2005)
Industrial Chemistry Practical-II A & B (IC-372)

Credit =4
M.M. =100 (30+70)
6 Periods/week

1. Determination of moisture content by hot air oven and infra-red moisturometer:
2. Estimation of titrable acidity in the given food sample.
3 Determination of fat content of given soy flavour sample using soxhelt apparatus.
4. Estimation of protein content by Kjeldhal apparatus.
5. Determination of Vitamin C in the citrus fruit/juice/squash.
6. Determination of total and reducing sugar by Lane and Eynon method.
7. Determination of pectin content of guava fruit.
8. To identify the bacteria by Gram staining method.
9. Estimation of total plate, plate counts of a given food sample.
10. To identify the mold containing the food samples.


(1) Determination of plastic and Dry properties of Ceramic Raw materials.
(2) Estimation of moisture in powder/Raste/Cake etc.
(3) Determination of pH of suspension/solution.
(4) Determination of specific gravity of material.
(5) Determination of dry/green shrinkage of products/fabricated items.
(6) Determination of compressive, Tensile strength and MOR of green pieces in proper
(7) Stirring/dispersion of solid in liquid and preparation of casting slip etc.
(8) Demagnetization.
(9) Determination of Solid contents in the slip.
(10) Ecological properties of casting slip.
Fourth Semester (2004-2005)
Industrial Chemistry
Chemical Reaction Dynamics and Plant Design-II (IC-401)

Credit =4
M.M. =100 (30+70)
4 Periods/week

Unit-1. Design for multiple reactions: Competing and series reactions, Complex reactions, Yield,
conversion and selectivity, choice of reactors for single, simple and complex reactions.

Unit-II. Temperature and pressure effects in a reactor design: Heat of reaction and equilibrium
constant from thermodynamics. Graphical design procedures, optimum temperature
progression, adiabetic and non-adiabetic.

Multiple reactions: Product distribution and temperature. Temperature and vessel size for
maximum production.

Unit-III. Non-ideal flow in chemical reactors: RTD of fluids in vessels, for ideal and non-ideal
reactors, conversion from RTD. Non-ideal flow models: Introduction to Heterogeneous
Reactions: Fluid-particle non-catalytic reactions: Unreacted core model and shrinking
spherical particle models, rate controlling step, Introduction to Design of Fluid Particle

Unit-IV. Process engineering structure and analysis of systems with respect to design variables and
design equations, degree of freedom in a system. Design variable selection. Algorithm for
simple and recycle systems. Analysis of some typical separation operation elements and
units, enumeration algorithm for combination of elements to form units, analysis of complex
process units.
Fourth Semester (2004-2005)
Industrial Chemistry
Pulp and paper Technology (IC-402)
Credit =4
M.M. =100 (30+70)
4 Periods/week

Unit-I. History of paper making, pulp and paper industry in India, future prospects.
Raw materials for pulp industry, classification and properties of fibrous raw materials, fiber
morphology and chemical composition of wood and grass species. Chemistry of wood
lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose and extraneous components, reaction of wood constituents.

Unit-II. Preparation of raw material for pulping, general Principles of mechanical and chemical (acid,
neutral and alkaline) pulping processes, continuous and batch digestion material and energy
balances in a pulp mill, pulping kinetics.

Unit-III. Treatment of spent liquors and recovery of pulping chemicals and byproducts, pulp bleaching
(single and multi-stage), new techniques in bleaching, bleaching sequence.

Stock preparation, paper making and coating, modern paper machine, sizing, dying and wet
strength additives. Air and steam pollution aspects.

Unit-IV. Pulp and paper properties and testing, process instrumentation, Dissolving grade pulps,
special papers, paper grades, lignin as a Chemical raw material.

Introduction to modern pulping technology, advances in pulping.
Secondary fibres: Recycling and deinking of waste papers.

Fourth Semester (2004-2005)
Industrial Chemistry
Polymer and Plastic Technology (IC-403)
Credit =4
M.M. =100 (30+70)
4 Periods/week

Unit-I. Polymer and Polymerization: Addition polymerization, condensation polymerization,
copolymerization, Ring opening polymerization, sterioselective polymerization,
electrochemicals polymerization, solid state polymer and kinetic length.

Unit-II. Characterization of polymers: End group analysis, colligative property measurement,
solution viscosity and molecular size, IR of polymers, NMR and ESR of polymers, Thermal
analysis, Microscopy, Physical testing.

Unit-III. Polymer reaction: Hydrolysis, Audolysis, Aminolysis, Hydrogenation, addition and
substitution reaction, reactions of various specific groups, cyclization reaction, cross-linking
reaction, leading to graft and block copolymers, Miscellaneous reactions (Polymerization by
step reaction).

Unit-IV. Rheology of polymers : Viscous flow, kinetic theory of rubber elasticity, Viscoelasticity,
The mechanical properties of polymer.
Morphology of polymers : Configuration of polymer chain-crystal structure, Morphology of
crystalline polymers, Strain induced morphology.

Polymer processing by molding and other processing methods, platicizers and other
additives, fibres manufature technology.
Fourth Semester (2004-2005)
Industrial Chemistry
Printing and Paint Technology (IC-404)
Credit =4
M.M. =100 (30+70)
4 Periods/week

Unit-1. Introduction of Paints . Ingredients and Classification of Paints. New Technologies and
their Scope in India. Industrial Paint Applications.

Unit-II. Pigments: General Physical Properties. Properties of coatings, solvents, plasticizers,
dries and bioactive additives. Decorative and Building Paints. Paints for industrial
structure and industrial buildings.

Unit-III. Paint Formulations. Essential concepts of Paint formulations. Mathematics in paint
formulation. Formulation of coatings for masonry, steelwork, aircraft and automobile,
marin finishes, Distemper etc.

Testing and Evaluation. Tests on Liquid Films, Dry films, Application and wet
films, Performance and weathering test. World standard specifications for Paints
and allied materials. Common faults and remedies.

Unit-IV. Chemistry of Dyes:
Introduction, classification of dyes on the basis of structure and mode application to the
fibre. Colour and chemical construction of dyes. Chemistry of following dyes with
respect to general features, chemistry, mode of application to fibre color shades,
synthesis of typical 4-5 dyes, uses.

General control and factory layout for dye stuff industry. Effluent treatment and
pollution control in dye stuff industry.

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