Questionnaire Analysis

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What is your opinion on my plot?

I received several answers ranging from "it sounds interesting" to "I

think there is far to much detail to include in such a short space of time,
however I believe the story to be appropriate and interesting, I would
watch it". All of the answers I received were either wholeheartedly
positive, or had a few concerns such as the length of the piece.

Having watched films before, what would your favorites be in the
0 2 4 6 8
Number of people
Number of people
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
The time travellers life
The lake house
Benjamin Button
Number of people
Number of people
What do you personally look for in a supernatural and a romantic
film separately?

Key messages I gleaned from this question were the need for suspense throughout
the film, in either the romantic or supernatural scenes. However one aspect was
stressed in all responses to the question, which was to distance the plot from the
clich chick flick or made for TV romance. Try and be as independent and different
as possible.

Do you watch these types of films with another person? If so

I asked this question purely to identify a secondary audience, with any product you wish
to expand the amount of people that would want that product. In this case I got two
different answers across all 19 candidates; either a partner of either opposite or same sex
relation, as well as a night in with friends, however all female. With this new information
I can therefore expand my focus group, targeting both sexes.

What genre do you prefer?
As you can see through my plot, my story could be tweaked to fit into three different
categories Supernatural romance, horror with a romantic twist or indeed a romantic
comedy. Through the answers I got back no one chose the romantic comedy,
however all but two chose supernatural romance as they believed it would be most
appropriate and less gory than horror.
Do you prefer music to be used throughout a film?
As with the A2 course opposed to the As course for the video all music used has to be
composed yourself, so first to know if indeed I need to know if my target audience wish
for the film to include music, before going out my way to compose. Only three people
asked for the piece to be music heavy, whereas 16 chose for the piece to be heavily
reliant on diegetic sound, especially during the ghost scenes, to improve the mise-en-
Currently I am unsure of names for my two main characters, do
you have any suggestions?
This question is incredibly open to any interpretation of the reader, with a million
possibilities, thus allowing for open and new thoughts to come forward. I received many
responses ranging from Gavin and Stacey which I took with a pinch of salt, to Adam
and Jane. However I have chosen from the answers given; Gavin and Emily. I believe
they are different from the predictable choices but are still appropriate at the same time.
Do you think my title, Youve got to have lived, to die is
I chose the title in the heat of the movement, without due thought and consideration
whether it would appeal to my target audience. So therefore to remedy such a situation I
placed the question in my questionnaire. All but two responses were positive, however
the two negative responses left no idea for improvement.
The ending to my short film is still open, I am unsure of to either
leave it with him sat in his empty front room or with him
subsequently taking his life. What are your opinions on each
idea? Or do you have a different idea?
Obviously due to the time constraints of a short film the ending has to be apt and fitting,
summarizing all plots or ideas started. However my final ending could go through two
different roots, depending on the opinion of my target audience, as obviously someone
taking there own life is extremely distressing and unpleasant. I received 9 votes in favor
of leaving it with him in his room alone and ten for him taking his own life. The common
reasoning for the latter option was that it was different from the norm and could be more
striking if done properly.

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