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1. Think back to your primary and secondary school years. What do you remember about your
science classes? Use these questions:
(a) What do you think science is?
(b) Is science important? Why?
(c) What is the most important thing you hae learnt in science?
(d) What sort o! people make good scientist? "ra# a picture o! a scientist.
(e) $re you a scientist? Why? or %an you be a scientist? Why?
&. 'o# do your memories compare #ith those o! your classmates?
(. "eelop a summary o! the ie#s and speculate about reasons.
OR: )ou may do hands*on actiities related to science inquiry to understand #hat is science.
+,roup #ork
&. (a)-ead t#o research papers on brain*based learning and construction o! kno#ledge in science.
(b) .resent the main ideas o! one o! the research papers that relate to ho# children learn
+,roup #ork
(.1 (a)"iscuss #hy e/periments and hands*on actiities related to science inquiry are important
in a science classroom.
(b) To #hat e/tent are .iaget0s deelopmental principles applied #hen children hae these
science e/periences?
(.& Write a #ritten report o! about 122 #ords and state at least t#o re!erences.
+Indiidual #ork
3. -e!er to the primary science school curriculum.
(a) %hoose at least t#o science concepts to teach4 then
(b) .lan hands*on actiities related to science inquiry that apply 5runer0s learning principles in
the science classroom.
(c) "emonstrate these learning principles in a concept map.
+,roup #ork
6. 5ased on your personal e/periences as a student4 to #hat e/tent are behaiourist principles
applied #hen children hae science e/periences?
.roide as many !irst*hand e/amples as you can.
+,roup #ork
7. -e!er to the primary science school curriculum.
(a) %hoose at least t#o science concepts to teach4then
(b) .lan hands*on actiities related to science inquiry that apply $usubel0s learning principles in
the science classroom.
(c) "emonstrate these actiities and learning principles to your peers.
+.air #ork
8. -e!er to the primary science school curriculum.
(a) %hoose at least t#o science concepts to teach4 then
(b) .lan t#o hands*on actiities related to science inquiry that apply ,agne0s learning principles
in the science classroom.
(c) "emonstrate these actiities and learning principles to your peers.
8.& Write a #ritten report o! the task gien (122 #ords) and state at least t#o re!erences.
+.air #ork
1. "iscuss ho# you can help your students to improe their memory and recall o! science content
through the use o! memory techniques (mind map4 association4 linking4 acronyms4 peg system
etc) and hands*on actiities related to science inquiry.
+,roup #ork
9.1 Interview a primary or seon!ary s"oo# tea"er or a #et$rer to !etermine w"at %ators
"e or s"e &e#ieves a%%et "ow we## a "i#! #earns siene an! w"at types o% siene
e'perienes s"o$#! o$r in t"e #assroom. A%ter t"e interview:
(a) prepare a #ist t"at s$mmarises t"e *ey %ators i!enti%ie! &y t"e tea"er+ an! try to ,ro$p
t"e items in t"e #ist wit" t"e ma-or i!eas o% onstr$tivism.
(&) Present t"e *ey %ators t"at yo$ "ave i!enti%ie! to yo$r peers.
/ 0ro$p wor* o% 1
9.2 3rite a re%#etive -o$rna# o% a&o$t 144 wor!s o% yo$r e'periene
/ in!ivi!$a# wor* (556I)
(a) %hoose a particular science concept to teach !rom a learning area in the primary school
science curriculum.
(b) "emonstrate an actiity using a constructiist teaching and learning model 9:eedham0s 6
.hase model or generatie model or interactie model.
+,roup #ork
11. -e!er to the primary school science curriculum.
%onduct a hands*on actiity related to science inquiry.
+,roup #ork
(a)"iscuss ho# might children0s science misconceptions a!!ect ho# you teach.
(b) What #ould you do to learn about children0s prior ideas and to identi!y misconceptions?
+,roup #ork
a) ;elect seeral science concepts.
(b) Interie# seeral children4 perhaps !rom di!!erent age group4 to determine their ideas about
the concepts.
(c) What similarities or di!!erences do you detect across the age groups you hae selected?
+.air #ork
(a) ;elect seeral concepts !rom the themes4 learning about liing things and learning about the
#orld around us4 in the primary school science curriculum.
(b) <ist some o! the common misconceptions. What can you do to correct these misconceptions?
13.& Write a detail description o! your procedure in about 322 #ords. ;tate at least t#o
)ou might try using ;uchman0s inquiry method and science discrepant eents to encourage
children to reeal their understanding.
+,roup #ork
(a) ;elect seeral concepts !rom the themes4 material #orld4 earth and the unierse4 the #orld o!
technology4 in the primary school science curriculum.
(b) <ist some o! the common misconceptions. What can you do to correct these misconceptions?
16.& Write a detail description o! your procedure in about 322 #ords. ;tate at least t#o
)ou might try using ;uchman0s inquiry method and science discrepant eents to encourage
children to reeal their understanding.
+,roup #ork

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