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You don't need to have a budget segment in your COA structure in order to create Mater-Detail budget


This is how it is done.

Lets say this is your COA structure:

Lets say you have following values in your value set associated with DEPARTMENT Segment:

00 - Corporate
01 - Department 1
02 - Department 2

Value 00 would be used to book entries against Corporate.
Values 01 and 02 would be used to book entries against department 1 and 2 respectively.

You want to have three budget organizations for a range of expense accounts:

Corporate Budget
Department 1 Budget
Department 2 Budget

In this example we will assume that we are entering budgets just for account 5000.

Create three budget organizations as follows:

1) Corporate Budget Org:
Account Range: 01-5000-00 - 01-5000-00

2) Department 1 Org:
Account Range: 01-5000-01 - 01-5000-01

3) Department 2 Org:
Account Range: 01-5000-02 - 01-5000-02

Create three budgets as follows:

1) Corporate Budget
2) Department 1 Budget. Specify Corporate Budget as a master budget.
3) Department 2 Budget. Specify Corporate Budget as a master budget.
Open first years in all the budgets.

Enter budget amounts in the three budgets for the account 5000.
While entering amounts, use budget 1 with organization 1 and so on.

Enter $100 in corporate budget.
Enter $50 in department 1 budget.
Enter $40 in department 2 budget.
There is a variance of $10 in master and detail.

In order to tie the master and detail budgets together you need to create a summary template.
This is how Oracle can find out the variance between master and detail budgets.

Create a rollup group ALL in department segment.

Create a parent value ALL in department segment value set. Assign the child range as 00-02.
ALL is a sum of corporate and the two departments. Assign rollup group ALL to this parent value.

Create a new summary template as: D-ALL-D.

Now you are all set to:
* Run "Budget - Master/Detail" report.
* Perform master-detail inquiries using the form: GL->Inquiry-Budget

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