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a hole is to be punched out of a plate having a shearing strength of 40 ksi. The compressive stress in the punch is limited to 50 ksi.

(a) Compute the maximum thickness of plate in which a hole

.5 inches in diameter can be punched. (b) !f the plate is 0.5 inch thick" determine the diameter of the smallest hole that can be punched.

Solution 116
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(a) Maximum thickness of plate:
$ased on puncher strength%
& Equivalent shear force of the plate

$ased on shear strength of plate%

(b) Diameter of smallest hole:
$ased on compression of puncher%
& Equivalent shear force for plate

$ased on shearing of plate%
Problem 305
'hat is the minimum diameter of a solid steel shaft that will not twist through more than () in a *+m length when sub,ected to a tor-ue of . k/0m1 'hat maximum shearing stress is developed1
2se 3 4 5( 36a.

Solution 305
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Problem 33
7 steel bar 50 mm in diameter and m long is surrounded b8 a shell of a cast iron 5 mm thick. Compute the load that will compress the combined bar a total of 0.5 mm in the length of m. 9or
steel" : 4 00 36a" and for cast iron" : 4 .00 36a.

Solution 33
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Problem 06
7 steel rod having a cross+sectional area of (00 mm

and a length of .50 m is suspended verticall8 from one end. !t supports a tensile load of 0 k/ at the lower end. !f the unit mass of steel is
;550 kg<m
and : 4 00 = .0

" find the total elongation of the rod.

Solution 06
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!lon"ation #ue to its o$n $ei"ht:

6 4 ' 4 ;550(.<.000)
6 4 (4*5.(55 /
B 4 ;5(.000) 4 ;5 000 mm
7 4 (00 mm

: 4 00 000 >6a


!lon"ation #ue to applie# loa#:

6 4 0 k/ 4 0 000 /
B 4 .50 m 4 .50 000 mm
7 4 (00 mm

: 4 00 000 >6a


%otal elon"ation:
Problem 1&
7 pipe carr8ing steam at (.5 >6a has an outside diameter of 450 mm and a wall thickness of .0 mm. 7 gasket is inserted between the flange at one end of the pipe and a flat plate used to cap the
end. #ow man8 40+mm+diameter bolts must be used to hold the cap on if the allowable stress in the bolts is 50 >6a" of which 55 >6a is the initial stress1 'hat circumferential stress is
developed in the pipe1 'h8 is it necessar8 to tighten the bolt initiall8" and what will happen if the steam pressure should cause the stress in the bolts to be twice the value of the initial stress1

Solution '
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sa8 .; bolts answer

(ircumferential stress (consi#er 1)m strip):


problem 3&3
Cetermine the maximum shearing stress and elongation in a helical steel spring composed of 0 turns of 0+mm+diameter wire on a mean radius of ?0 mm when the spring is supporting a load of
..5 k/. 2se :-. ((+.0) and 3 4 5( 36a.

Problem 3&3
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& :-uation ((+.0)

6 4 ..5 k/ 4 .500 /D E 4 ?0 mm
d 4 0 mmD n 4 0 turns
m 4 E<d 4 (?0)<0 4 ?



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