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SMP(Scottish Mathematics Project)

Scottish Mathematics Project (SMP) was started in 1961 for making
importance in Mathematics curriculum. The mathematics curriculum was
reconstructed in Scotland with the intention of teaching mathematics heuristically in
schools. They prepared with this intention 5 textbooks pupils studying for GCE
(General Certificate of Education) examination at O level. Later in 1967 they a
prepared a series of textbooks from A to H levels for the students studying for CSE
examination. These text books were prepared by considering the problems and needs
of teachers and students. It includes a number of experiments and problem solving
activities. They also prepared hand books for the teachers for effective teaching.
The School Mathematics Study Group
It was an American academic think tank focused on the subject of reform in
mathematics education. SMSG is a curriculum group sponsored by the National
Science Foundation in the area of mathematics. A conference of mathematicians held
at the Massac estersInstitute of Technology in February 1958 in the wake of Sputnik
crisis, laid the foundation of SMSG. The primary purpose of SMSG is to improve result
and development in the teaching of school mathematics. The foundation of SMSG
consists primarily in the development of curriculumteaching material and teaching
method. The SMSG program m has broad scope of materials consists of all
elementary and secondary school gratins. It has produced special books for teachers
monographs on various topics in mathematics films, translations of materials into
other languages. The SMSG was under the direction of Edward G.Begle. It has carried
out the most extensive and carefully controlled long range education of various
school mathematics. The one of the most comprehensive and distinctive collection at
the Archives of American Mathematics is the School Mathematics Study Group
Records. In order to make this collection more accessible to our researchers, the
archivist has recently completed a project to transfer the ninety-five linear feet of
files and publications from hanging file folders in cabinets into archival boxes. During
the process of re- housing this materials staff also enhanced the inventory by adding
more details to the existing content in the folder list.
SMSG materials: Text books are provided for students from kinder gratin to
secondary schools. Special text books adapted to various categories are also available.
A series of paper back books called new mathematical library have also be
published . The purpose of this series is to determine sound mathematics in way that
will awaken the interest of students and present mathematics as a meaningful human
activity. 15 such books were published . By 1965 SMSG published Pamphlet series
which supplements the regular text books with new topics or new treatments of old
topics and provides enrichment materials for special interest of the dents.
The general objectives of SMSG
To improve the teaching of mathematics in the school
To update curriculum of mathematics in USA
To give new vision to mathematics education
To initiate interaction with new examples and situation
To include learning of mathematics in school
To enlist resourcebooks for further reading to give enrichment programsfor
gifted children.
Characteristics of SMSG
Spiral arrangement of subject matter
The placement of same topics, one or two grades earlier than they were
previously placed
The use of some concepts such as numbers, sets relation function etc to
organize subject matters
Great emphasis should be given the structure of algebra
Inequalities should be taught at the same as quality
A wider concept of function should be given
Practice should be given in consultation of an equation or a set of
The SMSG has undoubtedly been the most influential of the projects in the new
mathematics. The inventory of the school mathematics study group is available
online at

Ancient Mathematical Symbols

The Nuffield Foundation Mathematics Projects
In 1960 this movement gained official backing through the work of Miss. Bigge
travelled the country and held short coursed at which she expected wig some
teachers to the liberal philosophy of learning through discovery. In May 1964,
the Nuffield project was formally called into existence and the Ministers
sponsorship was passed on to newly formed school council, a few months later.
NFMP covered the age range from 5 to 13 and sought effect a smooth transition
from the work of the primary to that of the secondary schools. It also sought to
extent its influence to subjects other than mathematics and science
Instead of conventional textbooks,NFMP published teachers guides
appropriate to all the age groups and work cards and modules of selected topics
for lower secondary range. The writing team completed its work in 1962 and NFM
has set up ten regional organization to continue the work.
The main ingredients of Nuffield approach are imaginative enquiry,
judging evidence and deriving conclusions. The major objectives are level and
encourage our attitude of enquiry and curiosity and to develop contemporary
outlook as the subject . The NFMP lays emphasis on experimentation and the
critical evaluation of evidence . In this project learning is based on project work .
Instead of conventional textbooksNFMP published teachers guides appropriate to
all age groups, workcards, modules on selected topic for the lower seconds range,
background reading materials, films, film loops and other materials. Nuffield
course provides reading materials particularly to more able students which they
can read on their own. This is beingdone by providing reference to teachers so
that they can get books in the library, The course has included at the end of each
chapter a short section entitled background reading.
Nuffield project gives special attention to examinations. It has
dependent largely upon objectives and short answer type tests. The questions
include simple recall association recall, experimental recall, experimental design,
deductive and continues prose (a short essay of 250 words) The organizers of its
course have close consultation at various level of the educational expert of
schools, training colleges, technical colleges and university departments. In this
project, students and teachers work in collaboration on the voyage of discovery
were the teachers duty does not end . The teacher acts as a catalytic agent. He
guides the students and gives necessary introduction whenever needed or
demanded to the students.

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