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Dalet WebSpace

JANUARY 9, 2014 User Manual

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 2

The information provided in this document contains proprietary and confidential information that is the
property of Dalet. Distribution of any information contained in this document to third parties including, but
not limited to contractors, system integrators, and other vendors is strictly prohibited without prior written
consent of Dalet.

Product specifications and availability are subject to change without notice. Dalet is a registered trademark
owned by Dalet. All other brands and trademarks are those of their respective owners.

Version Version Version Version Date Date Date Date o!!ent o!!ent o!!ent o!!ent Aut"or Aut"or Aut"or Aut"or
1 11 1 Jul# 12 2011 Docu!ent creation $%N&Docu!entation
1'1 1'1 1'1 1'1 No( 1), 2011 Up*ate $%N&Docu!entation
1'2 1'2 1'2 1'2 April 10, 2012 %eature correction $%N&Docu!entation
1'+ 1'+ 1'+ 1'+ Au,ust 2+, 2012 Ma-or re(ision $%N&Docu!entation
1'. 1'. 1'. 1'. Marc" ., 201+ %eature up*ates $%N&Docu!entation
1'/ 1'/ 1'/ 1'/ Jul# 0, 201+
%eatures up*ates an* pla#er
1') 1') 1') 1') Au,ust 19,201+
Associatin, subtitle titles to (i*eo
titles, settin, t"e pre(ie2 pla#er open
!o*e, !e*ia properties up*ate
1'0 1'0 1'0 1'0 3ctober 20, 201+
Usin, t"e User !anual 4earc",
,et5set a ti!eco*e 1or a locator 1ro!
a locator (ie2 1iel*
1'9 1'9 1'9 1'9 Januar# 9, 2014
Up*ate* pre(ie2 pla#er an* s6ip
inter(al buttons, open !o*e 1or
creatin, ne2 ,roups

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 +
Table of Contents
Dalet WebSpace '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1
1' 7ntro*uction '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' )
W"# Webspace8 ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' )
W"o is Webspace 1or8 ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' )
9o2 to Use t"is Manual ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' )
:art 3ne; 7ntro*uction, 3(er(ie2 an* $ettin, 4tarte*, Wor6in, 2it" <itles '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' )
:art <2o; Wor6in, 2it" Vi*eo ="apters ., / > )? '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' )
:art <"ree; Wor6in, 2it" Web4pace ="apters 0, 9, 10 > 11? ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' )
on(entions Use* in t"is Manual'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' )
Dalet Web4pace <er!inolo,# '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 0
2' 3(er(ie2 ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 9
Wor6in, 2it" Web4pace '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 9
W"at an You Do 2it" Web4pace8 ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 9
Wor6in, 2it" <itles ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 10
Wor6in, 2it" Vi*eo ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 10
reatin, an* @*itin, 4tories '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 11
Usin, Asset Man,er %or!s '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 11
reatin, @(ents an* Vie2in, Run*o2ns ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 11
<rac6in, Job :ro,ress '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 12
+' $ettin, 4tarte* ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1+
Ao,,in, 7n an* 3ut o1 Web4pace '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1+
Ao,,in, 7n to Web4pace '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1+
Ao,,in, 3ut o1 Web4pace '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1+
Main Web4pace 7nter1ace ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 14
Main Menu'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 14
Usin, t"e User Manual 4earc" in Dalet Web4pace ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1.
Na(i,ator Area '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1/
onteBtual Menu o1 t"e Na(i,ator <abs ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1/
CaseCro2ser Area '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1)
Me*ia CaseCro2ser ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1)
Wires CaseCro2ser '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 10
3penin, Wires '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 10
Docu!ent Area Na(i,atin, D 9an*lin, Docu!ent <abs ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 19
ontacts CaseCro2ser ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 19
Web CaseCro2ser '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 21
3penin, Web lin6s ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 21
4ettin, t"e 3pen Mo*e 1or <itles in CaseCro2ser an* in 4earc" Results '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 21
Messa,es in Webspace ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 22
Web4pace Ee#boar* 4"ortcuts ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 22
Application&4peci1ic Ee#boar* 4"ortcuts '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 2+
4' Wor6in, 2it" <itles ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 24

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 4
reatin, a Ne2 ate,or#, <itle or :lace"ol*er ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 24
4ortin, an* 4ettin, t"e Runnin, 3r*er o1 <itles ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 2.
Vie2in, %ra!e Rates in t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 2.
:er1or!in, 4earc"es ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 2/
reatin, a 4earc" :ro1ile ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 2/
4earc"in, 1or a <itle ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 2/
Vie2in, an* 4a(in,5learin, 4earc" 9istor# ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 2)
4toppin, a 4earc" '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 20
Fuic6 4earc" '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 20
<"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser onteBtual Menu '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 29
@*itin, a <itle '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 29
<itle Aoc6in, '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 29
Deletin, a <itle'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 29
Deletin, a <itle 2"ic" "as Usa,es ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' +0
Deletin, Associate* Versions an* 4ubtitles 2"en Deletin, a Cun*le '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' +0
op#in, or Mo(in, a <itle ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' +1
Dra,,in, an* Droppin, <itles to t"e ate,or# <ree ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' +2
Aocatin, <itles, Cun*les or Versions ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' +2
Displa#in, Cro2ser Vie2s in t"e CaseCro2ser ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ++
:rintin, a Aist o1 <itles'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ++
"an,in, a <itleGs 4tatus ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' +4
Associatin, 4ubtitles to Vi*eo <itles an* :re(ie2in, 4ubtitles ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' +.
Uploa*in, Vi*eo into a <itle or :lace"ol*er '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' +)
Uploa*in, %iles an* reatin, <itles Directl# in Web4pace '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' +0
Do2nloa*in, Vi*eo''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' +9
Appl#in, Me*ia Mi,ration :olicies to <itles '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 40
@Bportin, an @DA <itle to NA@ '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 41
Wor6in, 2it" Me*ia :roperties 1or a <itle ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 4+
Displa#in, Me*ia :roperties '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 4+
Veri1#in, Me*ia :roperties ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 44
:ur,in, Me*ia '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 44
Displa#in, Ain6 7n1or!ation ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 44
3penin, a Web4pace <itle 2it" an @Bternal Web Application ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 44
.' :re(ie2in, Vi*eo '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 4/
Wor6in, 2it" t"e :re(ie2 Win*o2 Displa# ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 4)
Usin, t"e :re(ie2 Win*o2 ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 4)
:re(ie2 Ee#boar* 4"ortcuts '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 49
4a(in, a Vi*eo 4election as a Ne2 Vi*eo or a lip <itle '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 49
3pen %iles 2it" a Nati(e Me*ia :la#er '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' .1
/' Me*ia Ao,,er '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' .2
3penin, Me*ia Ao,,er ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' .2
Me*ia Ao,,er 7nter1ace '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' .2
<"e Aocator <oolbar ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' .+

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 .
A**in, a Aocator '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' .4
Up*atin, an @Bistin, Aocator ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' .4
Re!o(in, a Aocator ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' .4
$ettin,54ettin, a <i!eco*e 1or a Aocator 1ro! a Aocator Vie2 %iel* ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' .4
Vie2in, t"e Aocator Aist an* 4electin, Aocator Vie2s ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ./
@*itin, Meta*ata o1 a Aocator ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ./
Aocatin,53penin, a 4ource 1ro! a Aocator ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ./
4earc"in, 1or Aocators in t"e Aocator Aist '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' .)
)' 4tor#boar*er ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' .0
3penin, 4tor#boar*er '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' .0
<"e 4tor#boar*er 7nter1ace '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' .0
4electin, a lip Cin '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' .9
A**in, a 4"otlist to t"e lipCin ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' .9
Displa#in, 4"otlists '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' /0
Re!o(in, a 4"otlist 1ro! a lipCin ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' /0
Rena!in, a lip ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' /1
:re(ie2in, a lip in t"e 4"otlist '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' /1
Aocatin, t"e 4ource o1 a lip ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' /1
A**in, Ee#2or*s5o!!ents to a lip ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' /2
Re!o(in, a lip 1ro! a 4"otlist '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' /2
Dra,,in, a <itle or lip into 4tor#boar*er ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' /2
Wor6in, 2it" <i!eline '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' /2
A**in, a 4e,!ent to t"e <i!eline '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' /4
@*itin, t"e <i!eline ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' /4
:re(ie2in, t"e <i!eline Vi*eo ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' /4
alculatin, <i!eline Duration usin, %ra!e Rates ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' /.
4a(in, t"e ontents o1 t"e <i!eline ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' //
4ettin, t"e De1ault ate,or# 2"en 4a(in, t"e ontents o1 t"e <i!eline ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' //
Appl#in, a Me*ia Mi,ration :olic# on a $roup ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' /)
Displa#in, $roups in $roup Vie2 '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' /0
Deletin, 4e,!ents 1ro! <i!eline ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' /9
4en*in, <i!eline to NA@ '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' /9
0' <rac6in, Me*ia Jobs an* 9istor# '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' )0
Vie2in, Job :ro,ress ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' )0
<"e Job Cro6er Monitor Win*o2 ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' )0
Displa#in, t"e Job Cro6er Monitor Win*o2 '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' )1
Wor6in, 2it" t"e Job Cro6er Monitor Win*o2 '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' )1
4ettin, t"e Displa# 1or t"e Job Cro6er Monitor Win*o2 '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' )2
9' 4tor# @*itor ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' )+
reatin, a Ne2 4tor# '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' )+
Rena!in, a 4tor# ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' )+
@*itin, a 4tor# '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' )4
Displa#in, t"e ontent o1 4tor# @*itor o!!ents ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' )4

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 /
10' <"e Asset Mana,er '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' )/
Up*atin, an Asset Mana,er %or! ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ))
Usin, :lain <eBt Autoco!plete to Asset Mana,er %or!s '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ))
Vie2in, <itle Duration Accor*in, to %ra!e Rate in Asset Mana,er %or!s ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' )9
Ee#boar* 4"ortcuts 1or Na(i,atin, Asset Mana,er %or!s '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' )9
11' 4c"e*ulin, Applications ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 00
:lannin, '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 00
Vie2in, a alen*ar an* reatin, a Ne2 @(ent '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 00
4en*in, a :lannin, @(ent to a Run*o2n an* Vie2in, Associate* 4tories5:lannin, @(ents '''''''''''''''''' 01
Run*o2ns ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 04
3penin, a Run*o2n ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 04
4en*in, an @Bistin, 4tor# <itle to a Run*o2n '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 0.
7nsertin, a 4tor# <e!plate in a Run*o2n ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 0/
Reor*erin, 7te!s in a Run*o2n '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 0)
"ec6in, i1 a <itle is 4c"e*ule* in a Run*o2n ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 0)
@Bportin, a Run*o2n ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 00
12' @rror an* 7n1o 9istor# ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 09
Vie2in, @rror an* 7n1o 9istor# ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 09
Mana,in, @rror an* 7n1o 9istor#'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' 09

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 )
1. Introduction
Why Webspace?
Dalet Webspace is a po2er1ul Web&base* !e*ia asset !ana,e!ent =MAM? an* ne2s pro*uction
application' Web4pace runs on Win*o2s an* Mac plat1or!s an* connects to t"e Dalet core t"rou," a 2eb
ser(er' 7t ,i(es bot" local an* re!ote users a co!plete set o1 MAM an* ne2sroo! 1unctionalities on a
stan*ar* bro2ser plat1or!'
Web4pace inclu*es t"e 1ollo2in, eas# to use 1eatures 2"ic" !a6e it an eBcellent c"oice 1or 6eepin, in
touc" 2it" #our !ain Dalet installation;
No co!plicate* installation or eHuip!ent
%ull access to core Dalet site an* content
%a!iliar Dalet inter1ace
Access to Dalet teBt, (i*eo an* au*io e*itin, 1unctionalities
Wi*esprea* a(ailabilit# an* access
Who is Webspace for?
Webspace allo2s #ou to per1or! searc", si!ple !e*ia e*itin, an* ne2s contribution tas6s 2"ere(er #ou
are' All #ou nee* is a co!puter an* access to t"e internet' <"is !a6es Webspace an in(aluable tool 1or
-ournalists in t"e 1iel*, 1or pro*uction assistants loo6in, 1or !aterial to use in t"eir pro-ects, etc' <"e# can
use it 1or stor# creation, uploa*in, (i*eo content, preparin, si!ple @DAs, eBc"an,in, !aterial 2it" t"ir*
part# NA@s an* to (ie2 an* !ana,e plannin, an* run*o2ns'
How to Use this Manual
<"is !anual is *i(i*e* into t"ree !a-or sections;
Part One: Introduction, Overview and Getting Started, Working with Titles
<"is section pro(i*es an o(erall un*erstan*in, o1 "o2 Web4pace 2or6s' 7t eBplains t"e ai!s an* purpose
o1 t"e pro,ra!' 7t also ,i(es a basic eBplanation o1 t"e inter1ace an* "o2 to use it an* eBplains t"e basics
o1 2or6in, 2it" titles'
Part Two: Working with Video (Chapters 5, 6 + 7)
<"is section eBplains t"e *i11erent 2a#s #ou can use Web4pace to 2or6 2it" (i*eo titles' 7t eBplains "o2 #ou
use t"e 1a!iliar Dalet applications; :re(ie2, Me*ia Ao,,er an* 4tor#boar*er 2"ic" are t"e !ain Web4pace
e*itin, tools'
Part Three: Working with WebSpace (Chapters 8, 9, 10 + 11)
<"is section eBplains t"e a**itional Dalet !e*ia asset !ana,e!ent 1eatures inclu*e* in Web4pace; Jobs
Monitor, 4tor# @*itor, Asset Mana,er an* 4c"e*ulin, applications'
Conventions Used in this Manual
7n t"is !anual t"e 1ollo2in, *esi,n con(ention is use*;
Menu options Menu options Menu options Menu options an* Ee#boar* s"ort cuts Ee#boar* s"ort cuts Ee#boar* s"ort cuts Ee#boar* s"ort cuts in operatin, instructions appear bol* bol* bol* bol*' %or eBa!ple; 7n t"e
Me*ia CaseCro2ser ri,"t clic6 on t"e title to be opene* an* select 3pen Wit" 4tor#boar*er 3pen Wit" 4tor#boar*er 3pen Wit" 4tor#boar*er 3pen Wit" 4tor#boar*er or 1ro! t"e
3pen 3pen 3pen 3pen !enu select 3pen 4tor#boar*er 3pen 4tor#boar*er 3pen 4tor#boar*er 3pen 4tor#boar*er or select t"e title an* press 4 44 4' '' '

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 0
Dalet WebSpace Terminology
<"is section eBplains a nu!ber o1 ter!s use* in t"is !anual 2"ic" "a(e a particular !eanin, in Dalet W
Term Explanation
Title An asset and its corresponding meta-data togetherare referred to as a title.
Parent/Source Video The original source video title from which other titles, clips, locators are created.
Clipbin A media library for storing, arranging and rendering clips extracted in the Preview
window, Media Logger and Storyboarder.
Shotlist A sub-category of a clipbin used for organizing clips. You must have at least one shotlist
before you can create clips.
Group In WebSpace, a group is a number of segments of media whose in/out points have been
saved together but have not been rendered into a single video title.
Media Migration Policy A rule which governs the movement of media files from one location to another.
Preview Window All video titles for all media applications are previewed in this window.
Media Logger Application to open video titles to add locators and extract clips into the
ClipBin or to render them directly into new video titles.
Storyboarder This is the video editor of WebSpace. It is also sed to create grops.
Asset Manager Form The !alet Asset "anager display that allows sers to enter#modify# or view a
collection of related media assets and metadata.

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 9
2. Overview
<"is c"apter eBplains 2"at Web4pace is an* t"e !ain 1eatures t"at #ou use to 2or6 2it" #our (i*eo titles'
Woring with WebSpace
Web4pace is a (ersion o1 Dalet client 2"ic" is a(ailable on a stan*ar* internet 2eb bro2ser' Aocal an*
re!ote users can use Web4pace to access a co!plete set o1 !e*ia asset !ana,e!ent =MAM?
1unctionalities an* Dalet tools' Usin, Web4pace #ou can contribute to content, !eta*ata an* 2or61lo2
1ro! an#2"ere in t"e 2orl*' Web4pace is a portal to t"e core client an* is !ostl# con1i,ure* in re!ote
Dalet a*!in, "o2e(er certain 1eatures can be c"an,e* in t"e 1iel*' Web4pace can be use* as an eBtension
o1 t"e client in t"e !ain Dalet site or as #our sole inter1ace 2it" Dalet' 7n t"is case #ou 2ill not be able to
ta6e a*(anta,e o1 all t"e 1eatures in Dalet but #ou 2ill "a(e a use1ul portable solution 1or #our basic e*itin,
nee*s an* users in t"e !ain Dalet site 2ill "a(e i!!e*iate access to !e*ia content 2"ic" #ou create in
W"en #ou lo,on to Web4pace t"rou," a stan*ar* internet bro2ser, suc" as %ire1oB or 7nternet @Bplorer, #ou
can (ie2 all #our assets in an inter1ace 2"ic" is base* on t"e client inter1ace' You "a(e t"e sa!e user
restrictions an* con1i,urations as in client' <"e inter1ace inclu*es a CaseCro2ser area opene* usin, tabs'
W"en #ou open t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser #ou see t"e sa!e cate,or# tree as in #our core client an* all #our
eBistin, !e*ia titles' <"ere is also a *ocu!ent area 2"ic" is si!ilar to t"e e*itin, area in t"e client' <"is is
2"ere #ou e*it stories an* (i*eo, create s"otlists, (ie2 asset !ana,e!ent 1or!s, plannin, calen*ars an*
run*o2ns, -ust as #ou 2oul* in t"e core client'

Figure 1: The WebSpace Interface with Storyboarder Open in the Document Area
What Can !ou Do with WebSpace?
Wit" Web4pace #ou can;
Wor6 2it" titles
:er1or! a (ariet# o1 si!ple (i*eo e*itin, acti(ities
reate an* e*it stories
Use asset !ana,er 1or!s
reate e(ents an* (ie2 run*o2ns
<rac6 -ob pro,ress

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 10
Working with Titles
7n Web4pace #ou can per1or! a nu!ber o1 acti(ities 2it" #our titles, =see Wor6in, 2it" <itles?' You can
create place "ol*ers, =titles 2it"out associate* !e*ia?, e*it an* *elete titles' You can cop# an* !o(e titles
bet2een cate,ories in t"e Dalet cate,or# tree' You can associate subtitle titles 2it" (i*eo titles to pre(ie2 in
Dalet Web4pace' You can *ra, an* *rop 1iles 1ro! outsi*e Web4pace *irectl# into t"e cate,or# tree an*
Web4pace creates t"e ri,"t t#pe o1 title 1or t"e 1ile' You can *o2nloa* (i*eo content 1ro! Dalet Web4pace
an* (ie2 it outsi*e Web4pace or eBport it to an NA@ 1or !ore a*(ance* e*itin,' You can also uploa* (i*eo
1iles to Dalet Web4pace an* a** t"e! to e!pt# place"ol*ers or e(en uploa* t"e! *irectl# 2it"out 1irst
creatin, a place"ol*er' Web4pace *ispla#s in1or!ation about 1ra!e rates 1or *i11erent !e*ia in all ti!e
co*e t#pe !eta*ata 1iel*s' <"is !eans t"at t"ese 1iel*s 1ollo2 t"e proper "";!!;ss;11 con(ention. You can
!a6e use o1 t"is in1or!ation in a nu!ber o1 t"e Web4pace applications; Me*ia CaseCro2ser, :re(ie2
Win*o2, Me*ia Ao,,er, <i!eline an* Asset Mana,er 1or!s' You can also create NetIc"an,e sessions 1or
titles or cate,ories to !onitor c"an,es in t"e content'

Figure 2: The Upoad Diaog
You can searc" 1or assets in Web4pace' You *e1ine searc" pro1iles in t"e Webspace a*!in !o*ule an*
t"en #ou carr# out t"e searc" in Web4pace'

Figure !: The Tite "ame and Author Search #rofie
Web4pace also inclu*es a Huic6 searc" 1eature 1or loo6in, 1or 2ires an* assets b# na!e or b# 7D'
Working with Video
You e*it (i*eo in Web4pace usin, 1a!iliar Dalet (i*eo applications; :re(ie2, Me*ia Ao,,er an*
4tor#boar*er =base* on <i!eline?' 7n Web4pace #ou use t"e :re(ie2 2in*o2 to pre(ie2 au*io, (i*eo an*
clips, t"e Me*ia Ao,,er to insert locators an* t"e 4tor#boar*er to create s"otlists an* e*it (i*eo on t"e
<i!eline' 3nce a user "as create* ne2 (i*eo clips or a ,roup, "e can eBport t"e! to a t"ir* part# NA@
pro,ra!, suc" as %inal ut :ro'

Figure $: The Storyboarder Interface

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 11
Creating and Editing Stories
Web4pace inclu*es a 4tor# @*itor in 2"ic" #ou can 2rite ne2 stories an* e*it eBistin, ones' <"is !eans
t"at an# -ournalist can 6eep "is ne2sroo! up*ate* 2it" t"e latest ne2s' <"e 4tor# @*itor is a stan*ar* teBt
e*itor an* inclu*es 1a!iliar 1or!attin, 1eatures suc" as 1onts, e11ects an* ali,n!ent, =see 4tor# @*itor?'

Figure %: The Story &ditor
Using Asset Manger Forms
All titles inclu*e !eta*ata suc" as t"e title na!e, creation *ate, aut"or, cate,or# etc' An# title can inclu*e a
lar,e a!ount o1 !eta*ata an* DaletGs Asset Mana,er 1or!s or,aniJe t"e *ata to "elp #ou !ana,e #our
!e*ia assets' 7n Web4pace #ou can open t"e Asset Man,er 1or!s o1 #our titles an* in certain instances
#ou can e*it t"e 1iel*s in t"e 1or!, =see <"e Asset Mana,er?' <"e associate* 1or! 1or a title is *e1ine* in
Dalet re!ote a*!in an* i1 !ore t"an one is a(ailable 1or a particular title, #ou can select 2"ic" one to

Figure ': The A((et )anager Form for the *ideo Tite Word +up 2,1,
Creating Events and Viewing Rundowns
Dalet is use* 1or plannin, e(ents an* sc"e*ulin, pro,ra!s' 7n Web4pace #ou can create e(ents an* (ie2
an* !o*i1# run*o2ns 2"ic" "a(e been sc"e*ule* in t"e Dalet client' <"e plannin, an* run*o2n (ie2s are
*e1ine* in re!ote a*!in an* #ou can c"oose 2"ic" (ie2 is *ispla#e* in Web4pace' 7n Web4pace #ou can
a** ne2 stories to run*o2ns an* #ou can c"an,e t"e sc"e*ulin, or*er' You can (ie2 t"e content o1 a ,roup
title in a run*o2n' You can also eBport a run*o2n b# tri,,erin, a NetIc"an,e session'

Figure -: .undown 1 Di(payed in "ew .undown *iew 1

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 12
Tracking Job Progress
7n Dalet, Me*ia con(ersions an* trans1ers are !ana,e* as -obs' Web4pace inclu*es a Job Monitor, 2"ic"
lets users 6eep trac6 o1 t"e -obs t"e# "a(e create* or tri,,ere*' <"is !onitor inclu*es a *escription o1 t"e
-ob 2"ic" "as been per1or!e* on t"e title an* 2"et"er or not t"e -ob "as been success1ul'

Figure /: The 0ob 1ro2er )onitor

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 1+
3. Getting Started
<"is c"apter eBplains "o2 to use Web4paceGs !enus an* options an* ,ets #ou starte*'
Logging In and Out of WebSpace
<o access or lea(e t"e Web4pace plat1or!, #ou !ust lo, in an* lo, out' You lo, in to t"e Web4pace
plat1or! (ia a stan*ar* 2eb bro2ser' Webspace runs on %ire1oB, $oo,le "ro!e an* 7nternet @Bplorer 9'
You can also use ol*er (ersions o1 7@ to,et"er 2it" t"e use o1 t"e $oo,le "ro!e %ra!e plu,in'
Logging In to WebSpace
You lo, in to Web4pace usin, t"e particular 2eb site a**ress 1or #our core Dalet site' onsult #our Dalet
site a*!inistrator to recei(e t"is in1or!ation'
<o lo, <o lo, <o lo, <o lo, in in in in to Web4pace; to Web4pace; to Web4pace; to Web4pace;
1' Run a 2eb bro2ser, 1or eBa!ple %ire1oB'
2' <#pe in #our 2eb site a**ressK a 2eb pa,e opens as6in, 1or lo,in in1or!ation'

+' <#pe in #our user na!e an* pass2or* an* select a ti!e Jone an* inter1ace lan,ua,e'
4' lic6 3E 3E 3E 3EK Web4pace opens'
Interface languages other than English will only be available, if your mother
site uses the corresponding language as well.
Logging Out of WebSpace
You !ust al2a#s lo, out o1 Web4pace to en* #our session' Usin, t"e lo,out button 2ill store #our last
<o lo, <o lo, <o lo, <o lo, out out out out o1 Web4pace; o1 Web4pace; o1 Web4pace; o1 Web4pace;
:ress t"e lo,out button on t"e !ain !enu'
Your Dalet WebSpace session will be automatically terminated and your
work lost if you do not perform any activities in WebSpace for more than
a predefined latency period. he length of this period of inactivity is
defined by the administrator.

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 14
Main WebSpace "nterface
<"e *e1ault Web4pace inter1ace co!prises a !ain !enu an* t"ree 2or6in, areas, Na(i,ator, CaseCro2ser
an* Docu!ent'

Figure 3: The )ain WebSpace Interface
You can resiJe t"ese areas b# *ra,,in, t"e 2"ite bar bet2een t"e areas 2"en t"e cursor c"an,es to a
*ouble "ea*e* arro2

or #ou can "i*e t"e! b# clic6in, on t"e blac6 *ots on t"e area separator or usin, t"e Vie2 !enu'
Main Menu
You use t"e !ain !enu to control t"e inter1ace an* ,eneral 1eatures o1 Web4pace'

Figure 1,: The )ain )enu
Menu Activity
Actions Sends story titles to an available rundown, opens the quick find asset window
Open Allows you to change your Dalet password, shows/hides the status comment dialog box, opens the job
broker window in the document area, opens Storyboarder
View Switches the interface to a predefined layout of WebSpace.
Mode 1 maximizes the Document area. Both the Navigator and the BaseBrowser are minimized.
Mode 2 maximizes the BaseBrowser but still displays the Navigator.
Mode 3 displays the three working areas: the Navigator, BaseBrowser, and Document. This is the
standard working layout for WebSpace.
Tools Sets the preferred open mode for titles, sets the activation mode for the open mode feature. Sets user
preferrences for: drag and drop within WebSpace (link/move), displaying story editor content, default
save options in Storyboarder, default open mode for the Preview window, Jobs Broker display options,
displaying the job progress bar on title thumbnails.
Help Displays a user manual in a new web browser window, performs searches of the user manual including
Na(i,ator area
Docu!ent area
Main !enu

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 1.
auto-complete. Displays the version information of Webspace.
Logout Closes the WebSpace session.
Using the User Manual Search in Dalet WebSpace
Dalet Web4pace inclu*es an inte,rate* lin6 to t"e user an* installation !anuals' 7t also "as a !anual
searc" tool' You enable t"e searc" tool in #our %ire1oB bro2ser an* t"en #ou can searc" 1or (alues in t"e
<o enable !anual searc"; <o enable !anual searc"; <o enable !anual searc"; <o enable !anual searc";
1' 7n t"e %ire1oB bro2ser, ,o to <oolsL3ptionsLApplications'
2' 4elect :ortable Docu!ent %or!at =:D%?LUse A*obe Acrobat =in %ire1oB %ire1oB %ire1oB %ire1oB?' Do not use t"e *e1ault option,
t"is opens t"e %ire1oB rea*er an* 2ill not 2or6' lic6 3E 3E 3E 3E'

<o searc" !anuals in Dalet Web4pace; <o searc" !anuals in Dalet Web4pace; <o searc" !anuals in Dalet Web4pace; <o searc" !anuals in Dalet Web4pace;
1' 7n 9elp, select User Manual 4earc" or 7nstallation $ui*e 4earc"K t"e 4earc" t"e User Manual *ialo,

2' <#pe in t"e (alue #ou 2ant to searc" 1orK Dalet Web4pace o11ers autoco!plete su,,estions'

+' 4elect #our (alue an* clic6 4ub!it 4ub!it 4ub!it 4ub!itK t"e !anual opens *ispla#in, a list o1 rele(ant results'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 1/

#avigator $rea
<"e Na(i,ator area contains tabs 2"ic" allo2 access to t"e (arious co!ponents o1 #our Dalet client' <"e#
correspon* to tabs in t"e CaseCro2ser o1 #our core client an* are use* in t"e sa!e 2a# as t"e tabs in
When you work in Webspace you are accessing the Dalet site using the
same credentials as you would use when using the Windows!based client
so the same access rights restrictions of the Dalet mother site apply in
WebSpace. herefore, for e"ample, if you are not authori#ed to browse
wires in the Dalet $lient, you will not be able to do so in WebSpace.
Button Tab Function

Media Opens the categories tree to display media titles in the BaseBrowser. You can create new
categories and titles using the media tab as you would in Dalet client.

Wires Displays wires. The contents of a selected folder are displayed in the BaseBrowser.

Contacts Displays your contact list. The contents of a selected folder are displayed in the BaseBrowser.

Web Displays links to the web. The contents of a selected folder are displayed in the BaseBrowser.

Planning Displays the events calendar and news planning forms. When you select a day in the calendar
the corresponding events are displayed in the Document area.

Rundowns Displays available rundowns. The rundowns are displayed in the Document area

Search Performs searches with profiles predefined in the WebSpace admin module. The search results
are displayed in the BaseBrowser.
Contextual Menu of the Navigator Tabs
<"e, Me*ia, Wire, ontact, an* Web tabs inclu*e a conteBtual !enu 1or t"e respecti(e cate,ories' <o
*ispla# t"e conteBtual !enu, ri,"t clic6 on a cate,or# in t"e one o1 t"ese na(i,ator tabs' <"e conteBtual
!enu o1 t"e Wire, ontact an* Web tabs allo2s #ou to (ie2 t"e properties o1 t"at cate,or#' You can also
use t"e conteBtual !enu o1 t"e ontact tab to create ne2 contacts in Web4pace' <"e conteBtual !enu o1
t"e Me*ia tab inclu*es a nu!ber o1 options'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 1)
Figure 11: The )edia Tab +onte4tua )enu
7n t"e !e*ia !e*ia !e*ia !e*ia Na(i,ator tab, #ou can use t"e conteBtual !enu to;
Vie2 t"e : :: :roperties roperties roperties roperties o1 a cate,or# =7D, na!e, o*e, *escription?
reate a N NN Ne2 e2 e2 e2 ate,or#5<itle54tor#5 $roup5 Vi*eo5 Au*io5 7!a,e etc'
Rena!e Rena!e Rena!e Rena!e a cate,or#
Delete Delete Delete Delete a cate,or#
:er1or! a Huic6 4 44 4earc" earc" earc" earc" 1or a title =asset?
4et5 4et5 4et5 4et5U UU Unset nset nset nset t"e t"e t"e t"e runnin, or*er runnin, or*er runnin, or*er runnin, or*er Mt"e or*er o1 appearance is as #ou *ra, an* *rop titles into t"at cate,or#,
*isablin, auto&arran,e!ent accor*in, to *ate, i* nu!ber etc'N
Uploa* <itle Uploa* <itle Uploa* <itle Uploa* <itle & && & !e*ia or ,eneric 1iles *irectl# into a cate,or#
Manuall# tri,,er eBport o1 NetIc"an,e eBport o1 NetIc"an,e eBport o1 NetIc"an,e eBport o1 NetIc"an,e session 1or aut"oriJe* users5,roups
%ase%rowser $rea
<"e CaseCro2ser *ispla#s t"e content o1 t"e tab c"osen in t"e Na(i,ator' <"e (ie2 c"an,es auto!aticall#
accor*in, to t"e selecte* tab'
Media BaseBrowser
71 t"e selecte* cate,or# contains titles, t"ese are *ispla#e* in t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser' <"e *ispla#e* 1iel*s
correspon* to t"ose in t"e core client an* can onl# be c"an,e* b# c"an,in, t"e Cro2ser Vie2s in Dalet
a*!in' 71 t"e cate,or# contains a lar,e nu!ber o1 titles, #ou can use t"e list or,aniJation buttons at t"e top
o1 t"e screen, 1irst, pre(, etc to c"oose 2"ic" titles to *ispla#' You can also print out a list o1 titles in a
particular cate,or#'

Figure 12: The )edia 1a(e1row(er
You can !a6e !ultiple title selection as in Win*o2sO an* t"en per1or! (arious actions 1or one or !ore
selecte* titles' You can also use t"e %ilter boB to searc" 1or titles 2it" a particular na!e' You can c"an,e
t"e siJe o1 t"e *ispla#e* 1iel*s b# *ra,,in, t"e colu!n in t"e "ea*er'

71 t"e (ie2 #ou use is con1i,ure* to inclu*e t"e 4tart <"u!bnail 1iel*, t"e t"u!bnail pre(ie2 o1 eac" title
to,et"er 2it" a nu!ber o1 in1or!ati(e icons is *ispla#e*'' <"e upper!ost icon =1? represents t"e title t#pe,
t"e *ot icon =2? in*icates t"e Me*ia :rocess 4tatus =M:4? o1 a title; 2"et"er a title is online, nearline,
arc"i(e* or o11line, t"at is, i1 its !ain "i," resolution 1ile eBists or not, i1 it is arc"i(e* or not, etc' <"e color
con(ention use* 1or t"ese *ot icons can be con1i,ure* b# a*!inistrators' <"e neBt icon =+? pro(i*es
in1or!ation about t"e usa,e restrictions attac"e* to t"e title' <"e restriction le(els inclu*e;
%ree to use

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 10
%ull restricte* =t"e 2"ole content is restricte*?
:artl# restricte* =part o1 t"e content is restricte*?
Not speci1ie*

Figure 1!: )edia .e(triction Option(
<"e 1inal icon =4? in*icates t"at t"e title is lin6e* to a parent title else2"ere'
71 t"e 4tart <"u!bnail 1iel* is not inclu*e* in #our Cro2ser (ie2 t"en t"u!bnails 2ill not be *ispla#e*'

You can use t"e print icon to print out a list o1 titles *ispla#e* in t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser' <"e Me*ia
CaseCro2ser inclu*es a conteBtual !enu 2"ic" #ou open b# ri,"t clic6in, on a title' <"e 1eatures o1 t"is
!enu are eBplaine* in "apter 4, Wor6in, 2it" <itles'
Wires BaseBrowser
<"e Wires CaseCro2ser s"o2s t"e 2ires #our site is subscribe* to' Ne2 2ire subscriptions can onl# be
a**e* usin, Dalet a*!in' Wires 2it" an eBcla!ation !ar6 are ur,ent 2ires' <"e encircle* nu!ber o1 a 2ire
in*icates t"e priorit# t"at "as been assi,ne* to it b# t"e 2ire a,enc#'

Figure 1$: The Wire( 1a(e1row(er
Opening Wires
W"en #ou open 2ires t"e content is *ispla#e* in t"e Docu!ent area'
<o open a 2ire; <o open a 2ire; <o open a 2ire; <o open a 2ire;
:oint to a 2ire, ri,"t clic6 an* select 3pen 3pen 3pen 3pen 1ro! t"e conteBtual !enu'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 19

3R 3R 3R 3R
lic6 on t"e #ello2 boB t"at is *ispla#e* 2"en t"e !ouse rests on a 2ire entr#'
3R 3R 3R 3R
Double clic6 t"e 2ire entr#'
Document Area Navigating & Handling Document Tabs
Applications 1or 2or6in, 2it" titles =stor# e*itor, (i*eo applications, Asset Mana,er 1or!?, open in tabs in
t"e Docu!ent area' You can s2itc" bet2een opene* applications b# clic6in, on t"eir respecti(e tabs'
@ac" tab "as a**itional control icons; <"e list icon to access 1urt"er co!!an*s 1or t"at title, a
!aBi!iJe5!ini!iJe icon to c"an,e t"e screen siJe o1 t"e *ocu!ent area' <"e acti(e tab inclu*es a 4a(e
icon an* t"e lose icon, B, to close t"e tab' :ressin, t"e @4 button on t"e 6e#boar* 2ill also close an
acti(e 2in*o2'

Figure 1%: The Document Area
Contacts BaseBrowser
<"e ontact CaseCro2ser *ispla#s a list o1 t"e contacts in t"e selecte* cate,or#' You can create ne2
contacts an* *elete unnecessar# contacts *irectl# in Web4pace'

Figure 1': The +ontact( 1a(e1row(er
You can (ie2 or c"an,e t"e contact *etails in t"e bro2ser list *irectl# in Web4pace'
<o create a ne2 contact; <o create a ne2 contact; <o create a ne2 contact; <o create a ne2 contact;
1' 7n t"e ontacts tab, ri,"t clic6 on t"e cate,or# in 2"ic" #ou 2ant to create a ne2 contact'
2' %ro! t"e conteBtual !enu, select Ne2 ontactK

+' A ne2 contact is create* in t"e CaseCro2ser area an* t"e contact opens in t"e *ocu!ent area' <"e
contact opens on t"e 4u!!ar# tab'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 20

4' %ill in t"e $eneral, A**ress, :"ones, @!ails an* 3t"ers tabs'

.' You can create !ore t"an one a**ress, p"one nu!ber an* e&!ail 1or an# ,i(en contact' %or eBa!ple,
clic6 on t"e iconK Web4pace a**s ne2 line to t"e ri,"t "an* o1 t"e a**ress an* tab an* #ou can 1ill
in t"e *etails in t"e 1iel*s on t"e ri,"t "an* si*e o1 t"e tab'

/' Use t"e sa(e icon, , to sa(e #our in1or!ation be1ore closin, t"e contactK
t"e in1or!ation is *ispla#e* in t"e 4u!!ar# tab' lic6 t"e close icon in t"e tab to close t"e contact'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 21
<o <o <o <o (ie2 (ie2 (ie2 (ie2 or c"an,e contact *etails or c"an,e contact *etails or c"an,e contact *etails or c"an,e contact *etails; ;; ;
Ri,"t clic6 on t"e contact in t"e bro2ser list an* select 3pen ontact 3pen ontact 3pen ontact 3pen ontactK KK K

t"e contact opens in t"e *ocu!ent area an* can be e*ite*'

<o *elete a contact; <o *elete a contact; <o *elete a contact; <o *elete a contact;
Ri,"t clic6 on t"e contact in t"e bro2ser list an* select Delete Delete Delete DeleteK KK K t"e contact is *elete*'

Web BaseBrowser
<"e Web CaseCro2ser *ispla#s a list o1 t"e 2eb lin6s in t"e selecte* cate,or#' You *e1ine 2eb lin6s in t"e
core client'

Figure 1-: The Web 1a(e1row(er
Opening Web links
You can open lin6s to internet sites *irectl# 1ro! Web4pace'
<o open a 2eb lin6; <o open a 2eb lin6; <o open a 2eb lin6; <o open a 2eb lin6;
Ri,"t clic6 on a lin6 an* c"oose 3pen Ain6 3pen Ain6 3pen Ain6 3pen Ain6K t"e 2ebsite opens in a ne2 2in*o2 outsi*e t"e Web4pace
!ain 2in*o2'

Setting the Open Mode for Titles in BaseBrowser and in Search Results
Web4pace allo2s #ou to con1i,ure 2"ic" is t"e pre1erre* Web4pace !o*ule 2"ic" 2ill open 2"en #ou
*ouble clic6 on a title' 3nl# one open !o*e can be selecte* at a ti!e'
<"e possible open !o*es are;
Asset Mana,er
Me*ia Ao,,er
<"e be"a(ior o1 t"e open !o*e *epen*s on t"e selecte* title t#pe as 1ollo2s;

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 22
Title Type/Open Mode Preview Production Media Logger Asset Manager
Preview Player Story Boarder Media Logger Asset Manager
Preview Player Story Boarder Group Viewer Asset Manager
Preview Player Media Logger Media Logger Asset Manager
Preview Player Preview Player Preview Player Asset Manager
Story Editor Story Editor Story Editor Asset Manager
<"e 1irst ti!e #ou open Web4pace, :re(ie2 !o*e is *e1ine* as t"e *e1ault 3pen !o*e'
<o set t"e 3pen Mo*e 1or <o set t"e 3pen Mo*e 1or <o set t"e 3pen Mo*e 1or <o set t"e 3pen Mo*e 1or t tt titles in CaseCro2ser an* in 4earc" itles in CaseCro2ser an* in 4earc" itles in CaseCro2ser an* in 4earc" itles in CaseCro2ser an* in 4earc" r rr results; esults; esults; esults;
1' %ro! t"e <ools !enu select 3pen Mo*eK t"e 3pen Mo*e options are *ispla#e*'

2' 4elect a !o*eK Web4pace sets t"e open !o*e accor*in, to #our selection, in t"e abo(e eBa!ple
!e*ia Ao,,er Mo*e'
Messages in Webspace
Web4pace *ispla#s !essa,es at t"e botto! ri,"t "an* si*e o1 t"e screen to up*ate #ou re,ar*in, -obs
2"ic" #ou "a(e sent' <"e !essa,es !a# be in1or!ati(e, 1or eBa!ple, i1 a -ob "as been sub!itte*
success1ull#, or t"e# !a# be alerts eBplainin, 2"# a particular -ob "as not been per1or!e*' <"e !essa,es
re!ain on t"e screen as lon, as #ou "o(er o(er t"e! 2it" t"e !ouse' You can also pause a !essa,e on
t"e screen or re!o(e it usin, t"e icons on t"e !essa,e'

Figure 1/: An &rror )e((age .egarding an Undefined Format
WebSpace Keyboard Shortcuts
<"e 1ollo2in, is a list o1 6e#boar* s"ortcuts 2"ic" can be use* at an# ti!e 2"en #ou are 2or6in, in
Web4pace' <o *ispla# t"e list o1 s"ortcuts on t"e screen, press 9'
If your WebSpace installation does not respond to the %!key, try &lt!'.
Key Effect Explanation
Esc Quit Closes the shortcut or quick search windows. Closes open tabs in
the document area.
1 Activate view 1 Changes the layout to mode 1
2 Activate view 2 Changes the layout to mode 2
3 Activate view 3 Changes the layout to mode 3
A Open With Asset Manager Opens the selected title with an asset management form
C Locate Locates a clip in the Media BaseBrowser
D Delete Delete the selected title
Alt + E Show error and info history Opens the error and info history window
F Quick Find Asset Opens a quick search box to find a title

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 2+
G Quick Find by Title ID Opens a quick search box to find a title by ID
M Open With Media Logger Opens the selected title with the Media Logger
P Preview Opens the Preview window with the last previewed title
R Open wih Group View Opens groups in a rundown view
S Open With Storyboarder Opens the selected title with Storyboarder
T Toggle Toggles the tabs in the Navigator from left to right
W Quick Find Wire Opens a quick search box to find a wire
Application-Specific Keyboard Shortcuts
Web4pace inclu*es so!e 6e#boar* s"ortcuts 2"ic" are onl# a(ailable 1or particular applications' <"ese are
t#picall# *irect letter inputs an* are liste* per application 1urt"er on in t"is !anual'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 24
4. Working with Titles
<itles are t"e basic entities in Dalet an* t"e# are ,roupe* to,et"er into cate,ories' 7n Dalet, #ou can create
place"ol*ers; o11line (i*eo titles 2"ic" contain !eta*ata, but "a(e no associate* (i*eo' At a later sta,e t"e
(i*eo is a**e* to a place"ol*er eit"er b# ren*erin, or b# uploa*in, a (i*eo 1ile' You can also *ra, an* *rop
1iles 1ro! outsi*e Web4pace *irectl# into t"e cate,or# tree an* *epen*in, on #our site con1i,uration,
Web4pace creates t"e correct title t#pe 1or t"e 1ile, 2"et"er (i*eo, au*io or i!a,e' <"is c"apter eBplains
so!e o1 t"e basic acti(ities connecte* 2it" titles suc" as creatin,, sortin, an* arran,in, titles, an*
searc"in, 1or titles' 7t also eBplains a nu!ber o1 acti(ities 2"ic" #ou can per1or! on titles usin, t"e
conteBtual !enu o1 t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser' More co!pleB actions speci1icall# connecte* 2it" (i*eo !e*ia
are eBplaine* in t"e !anual c"apters; :re(ie2in, Vi*eo, Me*ia Ao,,er an* 4tor#boar*er'

Figure 13: +reating a "ew +ategory or Tite
Creating a New Category, Title or Placeholder
You create cate,ories an* titles usin, t"e ne2 option in t"e conteBtual !enu o1 t"e !e*ia tab'
<o create a ne2 cate,or#; <o create a ne2 cate,or#; <o create a ne2 cate,or#; <o create a ne2 cate,or#;
1' Ri,"t clic6 on t"e cate,or# to 2"ic" #ou 2ant to a** a ne2 cate,or#'
2' %ro! t"e conteBtual !enu, select Ne2 Ne2 Ne2 Ne2 an* c"oose cate,or#K a Ne2 No*e opens'

+' <#pe in a na!e an* press @nterK t"e ne2 cate,or# appears in t"e tree
<o create a title or place "ol*er; <o create a title or place "ol*er; <o create a title or place "ol*er; <o create a title or place "ol*er;
1' Ri,"t clic6 on t"e cate,or# to 2"ic" #ou 2ant to a** a ne2 title'
2' %ro! t"e conteBtual !enu, select Ne2 Ne2 Ne2 Ne2 an* c"oose t"e t#pe o1 title #ou 2ant to a**K t"e reate Ne2
Asset *ialo, boB opens'

+' <#pe in a na!e an* clic6 3E 3E 3E 3EK t"e ne2 title appears in t"e tree'
<o create a ,roup title <o create a ,roup title <o create a ,roup title <o create a ,roup title
1' Ri,"t clic6 on t"e cate,or# to 2"ic" #ou 2ant to a** a ne2 $roup title'
2' %ro! t"e conteBtual !enu, select Ne2 Ne2 Ne2 Ne2 an* c"oose $roupK t"e reate Ne2 Asset *ialo, boB opens'

+' <#pe in a na!e an* clic6 3E 3E 3E 3EK t"e ne2 ,roup is a**e* to t"e cate,or# an* is opene* in 4tor#boar*er'
<o rena!e a title <o rena!e a title <o rena!e a title <o rena!e a title

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 2.
7n t"e CaseCro2ser, *ouble clic6 on t"e titleK t"e title na!e is "i,"li,"te* an* #ou can rena!e t"e title'

Sorting and Setting the Running Order of Titles
<itles are *ispla#e* in t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser' <"e *ispla#e* 1iel*s !atc" t"e Cro2ser (ie2 *e1ine* in t"e
core client, si!ilarl# t"e *e1ault title sort is t"e sa!e as in t"e client' You can c"an,e t"e sort 1or a
particular cate,or# usin, t"e 4et5Unset Runnin, 3r*er option in t"e conteBtual !enu o1 t"e Me*ia tab' 71
t"e runnin, or*er is set #ou can *ra, an* *rop titles into t"at cate,or# in an# or*er re,ar*less o1 t"e *e1ault
sort criteria'

<o set t"e runnin, or*er o1 titles; <o set t"e runnin, or*er o1 titles; <o set t"e runnin, or*er o1 titles; <o set t"e runnin, or*er o1 titles;
Ri,"t clic6 on t"e cate,or# #ou 2ant to rearran,e an* select 4et5Unset 4et5Unset 4et5Unset 4et5UnsetRunnin, 3r*er Runnin, 3r*er Runnin, 3r*er Runnin, 3r*er 1ro! t"e
conteBtual !enuK Web4pace allo2s #ou to *ra, an* *rop t"e titles in t"at cate,or# in an# or*er'

4ortin, b# !eta*ata is necessaril# *isable* 2"en 2or6in, on a runnin, or*er cate,or#' A cate,or# 1or
2"c" runnin, or*er "as been set "as an arro2 *ispla#e* on t"e cate,or# icon'

<o unset t"e runnin, or*er o1 tit <o unset t"e runnin, or*er o1 tit <o unset t"e runnin, or*er o1 tit <o unset t"e runnin, or*er o1 titles; les; les; les;
Ri,"t clic6 on t"e cate,or# #ou 2ant to rearran,e an* select 4et5Unset Runnin, 3r*er Unset Runnin, 3r*er Unset Runnin, 3r*er Unset Runnin, 3r*er 1ro! t"e
conteBtual !enuK Web4pace rearran,es t"e titles in t"e cate,or# accor*in, to t"e *e1ault sort criteria,
in t"is eBa!ple, b# title na!e' W"en 4et Runnin, 3r*e Runnin, 3r*e Runnin, 3r*e Runnin, 3r*er rr r is not selecte* #ou can sort t"e 1iel*s usin, t"e
sort arro2s at in t"e "ea*er o1 t"e CaseCro2ser'

Viewing Frame Rates in the Media BaseBrowser
Di11erent !e*ia !a# "a(e *i11erent 1ra!e rates' Web4pace *ispla#s !e*ia 1ra!e rates in all ti!e co*e t#pe
!eta*ata 1iel*s' %or eBa!ple, t"e <itle Duration 1iel* in t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser *ispla#s t"e title *uration
2it" t"e proper hh:mm:ss:ff convention for the particular frame rate of that media.

4ort arro2

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 2/

Figure 2,: The )edia 1a(e1rower with Actua Frame .ate( for Different )edia
&erforming Searches
You use t"e searc" tab in t"e Na(i,ator to searc" 1or assets in Webspace' Webspace per1or!s searc"es
base* on pro1iles 2"ic" are pre*e1ine* in t"e Webspace a*!in !o*ule' Web4pace uses t"e in*eBin,
*e1initions an* criteria 1ro! t"e Dalet *atabase an* t"ese can onl# be c"an,e* usin, Dalet a*!in'

Figure 21: The "ew Search #rofie( +onfiguration Screen in the WebSpace Admin )odue
A*!inistrators can create an unli!ite* nu!ber o1 searc" pro1iles an* !a6e t"e! speci1ic or ,eneral to
!atc" #our nee*s'
Creating a Search Profile
A*!inistrators *e1ine searc" pro1iles 1or Web4pace in t"e Web4pace a*!in !o*ule' 4earc" pro1iles can be
create* to searc" 1or bot" titles an* !eta*ata in Asset Mana,er 1or!s an* to searc" 1or !eta*ata 1iel*s in
locators' Detaile* instructions on creatin, a searc" pro1ile can be 1oun* in t"e Web4pace 7nstallation
*ocu!ent in t"e Dalet Eno2le*,e Case'
Searching for a Title
You use t"e pre*e1ine* searc" pro1iles in t"e 4earc" tab in t"e Na(i,ator to per1or! searc"es' Web4pace
*ispla#s t"e searc" results in t"e CaseCro2ser area' <"e results can be *ispla#e* as a table or as
t"u!bnails' You c"an,e t"e *ispla# usin, t"e t"u!bnail an* table (ie2s icon at t"e top o1 t"e
CaseCro2ser' <"e *e1ault *ispla# is con1i,ure* in t"e Web4pace 'c1, 1ile'
<o searc" 1or a title; <o searc" 1or a title; <o searc" 1or a title; <o searc" 1or a title;
1' 7n t"e 4earc" tab, select a searc" pro1ile an* t#pe in 6e#2or*s 1or t"e searc", lic6 4earc" 4earc" 4earc" 4earc"K Web4pace
*ispla#s all t"e !atc"in, searc" results'
2' "oose t"e table icon, , Web4pace *ispla#s t"e results in a table'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 2)

3R 3R 3R 3R
"oose t"e t"u!bnail icon, , Web4pace *ispla#s t"e searc" results as t"u!bnails'

You can use all the keyboard shortcuts for working with search results
whether they are in thumbnail or table view.
Viewing and Saving/Clearing Search History
Web4pace *ispla#s t"e searc" "istor# at t"e botto! o1 t"e 4earc" tab' You can sa(e t"e searc" "istor# 1or
1uture re1erence' 71 #ou *o t"is t"e "istor# 2ill be a(ailable e(en a1ter #ou lo, in an* out o1 Web4pace'
<o (ie2 an* sa(e5clear searc" "istor#; <o (ie2 an* sa(e5clear searc" "istor#; <o (ie2 an* sa(e5clear searc" "istor#; <o (ie2 an* sa(e5clear searc" "istor#;
1' 7n t"e 4earc" tab, select a searc" pro1ile an* t#pe in 6e#2or*s 1or t"e searc", lic6 4earc" 4earc" 4earc" 4earc"K Web4pace
*ispla#s all t"e !atc"in, searc" results an* *ispla#s t"e searc" "istor# at t"e botto! o1 t"e 4earc"

2' Ri,"t clic6 in t"e 4earc" "istor# an* c"oose Eeep Eeep Eeep Eeep to sa(e t"e 4earc" "istor# or lear searc" lear searc" lear searc" lear searc" "istor# "istor# "istor# "istor# to
re!o(e t"e 4earc" "istor# 1ro! t"e *ispla#' 71 #ou c"oose Eeep Eeep Eeep Eeep, t"e 4earc" "istor# 2ill be sa(e* an*
*ispla#e* e(en a1ter lo,out'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 20

Stopping a Search
Depen*in, on t"e nu!ber o1 titles in #our s#ste!, so!e searc"es !a# ta6e a lon, ti!e to per1or! an* t"is
!a# cause proble!s 1or Web4apce' Web4pace s"o2s #ou t"at a searc" is in pro,ress an* lets #ou stop it'
<o stop a searc"; <o stop a searc"; <o stop a searc"; <o stop a searc";
1' 7n t"e 4earc" tab, select a searc" pro1ile an* t#pe in 6e#2or*s 1or t"e searc", lic6 4earc" 4earc" 4earc" 4earc"K Web4pace
*ispla#s all t"e !atc"in, searc" results an* *ispla#s t"e searc" "istor# at t"e botto! o1 t"e 4earc"

2' lic6 4<3: 4<3: 4<3: 4<3:K Web4pace cancels t"e searc"'
Quick Search
Web4pace allo2s #ou to per1or! a Huic6 searc" 1or assets =b# title?, 2ires an* titles b# i*'
<o per1or! a H <o per1or! a H <o per1or! a H <o per1or! a Huic6 searc"; uic6 searc"; uic6 searc"; uic6 searc";
1' :ress % %% % to Huic6 1in* an asset, W WW W to Huic6 1in* a 2ire, $ $$ $ to Huic6 1in* a title b# 7DK Web4pace opens a
Huic6 1in* *ialo,'

2' <#pe in a 2or* 1or t"e searc"K Web4pace *ispla#s all t"e !atc"es in a *rop *o2n list'

+' lic6 on t"e rele(ant !atc"K t"e result is *ispla#e* in t"e CaseCro2ser'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 29
The Media %ase%rowser Conte'tual Menu
Ri,"t clic6in, on a title in t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser opens a conteBtual !enu 2"ic" #ou use to 2or6 2it" #our
titles' A!on,st ot"er t"in,s #ou can use t"is !enu to pre(ie2, e*it, *elete, cop#, !o(e, eBport an*
*o2nloa* titles' You can use t"is !enu to appl# !e*ia !i,ration policies 2"ic" "a(e been *e1ine* in t"e
core client an* to create (arious eBternal lin6s an* 1iles 2"ic" s"o2 !eta*ata about titles' %inall#, #ou can
use t"is conteBtual !enu to open titles 2it" t"e 1a!iliar Dalet applications, 4tor#boar*er, Me*ia Ao,,er an*
Asset Mana,er' 9o2 to 2or6 2it" t"ese applications 2ill be *iscusse* in t"e rele(ant c"apters in t"e

Editing a Title
Depen*in, on t"e t#pe o1 title #ou are 2or6in, on #ou use *i11erent Web4pace applications to e*it t"e title'
%or eBa!ple, i1 #ou select a stor# an* t"en select @*it 1ro! t"e Me*ia CaseCro2serGs conteBtual !enu, a
teBt e*itor opens in t"e Docu!ent area, an* i1 #ou are 2or6in, on a (i*eo title, selectin, @*it opens Me*ia
<o e*it a stor# title; <o e*it a stor# title; <o e*it a stor# title; <o e*it a stor# title;
7n t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser, ri,"t clic6 on t"e stor# title to be e*ite* an* select @ @@ @*it *it *it *itK t"e teBt e*itor
opens in t"e Docu!ent area o1 Web4pace'

Title Locking
Dalet is an enterprise&2i*e installation' As suc", !e*ia is accesse* b# !an# in*i(i*uals' <o pre(ent t"e
possibilit# t"at se(eral users 2ill e*it t"e sa!e !aterial si!ultaneousl# an* t"us o(er2rite eac" ot"erGs
2or6, titles are auto!aticall# loc6e* b# t"e 1irst user to access t"e!' <"is 1unctionalit# is supporte* b#
Web4pace bot" 1or titles opene* in Web4pace an* 1or titles opene* in Dalet client' W"en #ou open a title in
Web4pace 2it" t"e Asset Mana,er or t"e Me*ia Ao,,er 2"ic" is alrea*# bein, use* b# so!eone else =in
Web4pace or t"e Dalet client?, t"e 1ollo2in, !essa,e is *ispla#e*'

<"e 1iel*s in t"e Asset Mana,er 1or! are all rea* onl# an* t"e onl# user t"at can a** locators to t"e loc6e*
title is t"e one 2"o 1irst opene* it in t"e Me*ia Ao,,er'
Deleting a Title
You use t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser conteBtual !enu to *elete titles Huic6l# an* easil#'
<o *elete a title <o *elete a title <o *elete a title <o *elete a title

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 +0
1' 7n t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser, ri,"t clic6 on t"e stor# title to be *elete* an* c"oose Delete Delete Delete DeleteK Web4pace
as6s i1 #ou 2ant to *elete t"e title'
2' lic6 Y@4 Y@4 Y@4 Y@4K t"e title is *elete* an* sent to t"e rec#cle bin'
Deleting a Title which has Usages
Not e(er# title can be *elete* b# si!pl# clic6in, Delete' 4o!eti!es a title "as usa,es, 1or eBa!ple it is
e!be**e* in a stor#, is bein, con(erte*, "as associate* clips, "as been set o11line etc' 7n t"is case 2"en
#ou tr# to *elete t"e title a *ialo, is *ispla#e* s"o2in, t"e eBact usa,es o1 t"at title to,et"er 2it" t"eir
location' As lon, as t"e title "as usa,es it 2ill not be *elete*' You can *ouble clic6 on t"e ro2s in t"e *ialo,
to open a 1ol*er or a run*o2n etc' 7n t"is eBa!ple, t"e 1ile otta,es an* t"in,s cannot be *elete* because
it is in use in clips an* in a run*o2n'

Figure 22: The Tite( that +annot be Deeted Diaog
Deleting Associated Versions and Subtitles when Deleting a Bundle
W"en #ou 2ant to *elete a bun*le Dalet Web4pace allo2s #ou to *elete all t"e (ersions an* subtitles
associate* to t"e bun*le in one ,o' <"is is particularl# use1ul i1 #our site separates the bundle video title
1ro! t"e (ersion (i*eo title an* t"e subtitle title usin, sub&ate,ories'
<o *elete associate* (ersions an* subtitles 2"en *eletin, a bun*le; <o *elete associate* (ersions an* subtitles 2"en *eletin, a bun*le; <o *elete associate* (ersions an* subtitles 2"en *eletin, a bun*le; <o *elete associate* (ersions an* subtitles 2"en *eletin, a bun*le;
1' 7n t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser, ri,"t clic6 on t"e bun*le title to be *elete* an* c"oose Delete Delete Delete DeleteK Dalet
Web4pace as6s i1 #ou 2ant to *elete t"e (ersion=s? an* subtitle=s? associate* to t"e bun*le'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 +1

2' 71 #ou 2ant to *elete t"e associate* titles !ar6 t"e c"ec6 boB an* t"en clic6 36 36 36 36'
Copying or Moving a Title
You use t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser conteBtual !enu to cop# titles 2it"in Web4pace' <"ere are *i11erent 2a#s
to cop# a title' You can cop# a lin6 to a title, t"e !eta*ata o1 a title or t"e !eta*ata an* t"e !e*ia
connecte* 2it" t"e title' 4i!ilarl# #ou can !o(e titles bet2een cate,ories, or create a lin6 bet2een t"e
parent (i*eo an* t"e tar,et location'
<o <o <o <o cop# a title; cop# a title; cop# a title; cop# a title;
1' Ri,"t clic6 on t"e title #ou 2ant to cop# an* select op# op# op# op#'
2' 3pen t"e *esire* tar,et cate,or#, ri,"t clic6 on t"e source title an* select :aste :aste :aste :aste an* one o1 t"e :aste :aste :aste :aste
options 1ro! t"e conteBtual !enuK

:aste =Ain6? :aste =Ain6? :aste =Ain6? :aste =Ain6? PWeb4pace creates a !ar6er, 2"ic" re1ers Dalet bac6 to t"e source in t"e tar,et 1ol*er'
:aste =op# Meta*ata? :aste =op# Meta*ata? :aste =op# Meta*ata? :aste =op# Meta*ata? P Web4pace creates an o11line title, 2"ic" contains t"e sa!e !eta*ata as t"e
source title but not t"e sa!e !e*ia content'
:aste =op# Meta*ata an* Me*ia? :aste =op# Meta*ata an* Me*ia? :aste =op# Meta*ata an* Me*ia? :aste =op# Meta*ata an* Me*ia? P Web4pace creates a co!plete cop# o1 t"e !eta*ata an* ori,inal
!e*ia associate* 2it" t"e title in t"e tar,et location
<o !o(e a title; <o !o(e a title; <o !o(e a title; <o !o(e a title;
1' Ri,"t clic6 on t"e title to be !o(e* an* select op# op# op# op#'
2' 3pen t"e *esire* tar,et cate,or#, ri,"t clic6 on t"e source title an* clic6 :aste L :aste L :aste L :aste L Mo(e Mo(e Mo(e Mo(eK Web4pace
!o(es t"e title 1ro! t"e source 1ol*er to t"e tar,et 1ol*er'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 +2
3pen t"e rele(ant tar,et 1ol*er an* le1t clic6 an* *ra, an* *rop a titleK Web4pace as6s #ou i1 #ou 2ant
to lin6 or !o(e t"e title'

<itles 2"ic" "a(e been lin6e* "a(e a blue arro2 neBt to t"eir t"u!bnail'

Dragging and Dropping Titles to the Category Tree
You can *ra, an* *rop titles to t"e cate,or# tree to !o(e or lin6 t"e! to a particular cate,or#' You can
con1i,ure #our pre1erre* be"a(ior in Web4pace 2"en *ra,,in, an* *roppin, titles to t"e cate,or# tree'
<o *ra, an* *rop titles to t"e cate,or# tree <o *ra, an* *rop titles to t"e cate,or# tree <o *ra, an* *rop titles to t"e cate,or# tree <o *ra, an* *rop titles to t"e cate,or# tree; ;; ;
1' 4elect a title in t"e CaseCro2ser an* *ra, it to t"e tar,et cate,or# in t"e cate,or# treeK Web4pace as6s
#ou i1 #ou 2ant to !o(e or lin6 t"e title to tar,et cate,or#'
2' 4elect Mo(e or Ain6K Web4pace !o(es5lin6s t"e title to t"e selecte* cate,or#'
<o set user pre1erences 1or *ra, an* *rop to t"e cate,or# tree <o set user pre1erences 1or *ra, an* *rop to t"e cate,or# tree <o set user pre1erences 1or *ra, an* *rop to t"e cate,or# tree <o set user pre1erences 1or *ra, an* *rop to t"e cate,or# tree; ;; ;
1' %ro! t"e <ools !enu, select :re1erencesK

t"e :re1erences 1or *aletQa*!in !enu opens'

2' lic6 on $eneral an* select DDD Ce"a(iorK t"e DDD Ce"a(ior *ialo, opens'

+' 4elect #our pre1erence; Al2a#s As6, Al2a#s reate a Ain6 or Al2a#s Mo(e an* clic6 Appl# Appl# Appl# Appl#'
4' lic6 3E 3E 3E 3EK Web4pace applies #our c"oice'
Locating Titles, Bundles or Versions
You !a# 2ant to locate t"e parent title 1or a title, clip or run*o2n entr#, or 1in* t"e bun*le 1ro! a (ersion or
subtitle or (ice (ersa' You can *o t"is usin, t"e ri,"t clic6 conteBtual !enu'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 ++
<o locate a <o locate a <o locate a <o locate a parent parent parent parent title, bun*le or (ersion; title, bun*le or (ersion; title, bun*le or (ersion; title, bun*le or (ersion;
1' Ri,"t clic6 on a title an* select Aocate'

2' 4elect t"e ob-ect #ou 2ant to 1in*K Web4pace locates t"e parent 1ol*er5bun*le or (ersion'
Displaying Browser Views in the BaseBrowser
71 *i11erent bro2ser (ie2s "a(e been *e1ine* b# t"e a*!inistrator in t"e Dalet a*!in, #ou can c"oose 2"ic"
bro2ser (ie2 is use* to *ispla# t"e titles in t"e CaseCro2ser'
<o *ispla# Cro2ser (ie2s in t"e CaseCro2ser; <o *ispla# Cro2ser (ie2s in t"e CaseCro2ser; <o *ispla# Cro2ser (ie2s in t"e CaseCro2ser; <o *ispla# Cro2ser (ie2s in t"e CaseCro2ser;
1' Ri,"t clic6 in t"e CaseCro2ser an* select "an,e CaseCro2ser (ie2K

t"e "an,e CaseCro2ser (ie2 *ialo, opens *ispla#in, t"e a**itional a(ailable bro2ser (ie2s as
*e1ine* in Dalet a*!in'

2' 4elect a bro2ser (ie2 an* clic6 3E 3E 3E 3E, t"e CaseCro2ser *ispla#s t"e la#out o1 t"e selecte* Cro2ser (ie2'
Printing a List of Titles
You can use t"e print icon in t"e CaseCro2ser area to print out a list o1 titles associate* 2it" a particular
<o print out a list o1 titles; <o print out a list o1 titles; <o print out a list o1 titles; <o print out a list o1 titles;
1' Displa# t"e titles in t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser area an* clic6 t"e :rint :re(ie2 icon, K Web4pace
*ispla#s t"e list o1 titles in a ne2 bro2ser 2in*o2'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 +4

2' Use t"e internet bro2ser %ile !enu to print t"e list or per1or! an# ot"er stan*ar* actions'
Changing a Titles Status
71 title status "as been *e1ine* as one o1 t"e *ispla#e* 1iel*s, #ou can see t"e title status in t"e Me*ia

Figure 2!: Tite Statu( in the 1a(e1row(er
You can c"an,e t"e status o1 titles in Web4pace base* on t"e status transitions *e1ine* in Dalet a*!in'
You can c"an,e t"e status 1or in*i(i*ual titles or 1or !ultiple titles'

<o c"an,e <o c"an,e <o c"an,e <o c"an,e t"e t"e t"e t"e title status title status title status title status o1 a sin,le title o1 a sin,le title o1 a sin,le title o1 a sin,le title; ;; ;
1' Double clic6 on t"e status 1iel*K a *rop *o2n !enu is acti(ate* *ispla#in, t"e a(ailable status c"an,es'

2' 4elect a ne2 statusK i1 4tatu 4tatu 4tatu 4tatus o!!ents s o!!ents s o!!ents s o!!ents in t"e 3pen 3pen 3pen 3pen !enu is selecte*, t"e A** an# co!!ent *ialo,
opens an* #ou can t#pe in a co!!ent'

+' 71 #ou *o not 2ant t"e A** an# co!!ent *ialo, to open, c"ec6 t"e DonGt as6 !e 1or co!!ents
c"ec6boBK t"e *ialo, 2ill no lon,er open 2"en c"an,in, t"e status o1 a title' You 2ill onl# be to (ie2 t"e
A** an# co!!ents *ialo, a,ain i1 #ou select 4tatus o!!ents 4tatus o!!ents 4tatus o!!ents 4tatus o!!ents in t"e 3pen 3pen 3pen 3pen !enu' 3nce t"e *ialo, is
*ispla#e* #ou can unc"ec6 t"e DonGt as6 !e 1or co!!ents c"ec6boB'
4' lic6 3E 3E 3E 3EK Web4pace c"an,es t"e status o1 t"e title'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 +.
<o c"an,e t"e title status o1 !ultiple titles; <o c"an,e t"e title status o1 !ultiple titles; <o c"an,e t"e title status o1 !ultiple titles; <o c"an,e t"e title status o1 !ultiple titles;
1' 4elect all t"e titles 2"ose status #ou 2ant to c"an,e an* ri,"t clic6' <"e selecte* titles *o not "a(e to
"a(e t"e sa!e status'

2' %ro! t"e conteBtual !enu, select "an,e 4tatus L "an,e 4tatus L "an,e 4tatus L "an,e 4tatus L an* one o1 t"e a(ailable status transitionsK an* one o1 t"e a(ailable status transitionsK an* one o1 t"e a(ailable status transitionsK an* one o1 t"e a(ailable status transitionsK
Web4pace c"an,es t"e status o1 all t"e selecte* titles'

Associating Subtitles to Video Titles and Previewing Subtitles
71 #ou "a(e subtitle title t"at "as been create* in #our Dalet site, #ou can associate t"e subtitle tiles to
speci1ic (i*eo titles *irectl# in Dalet Webspace' <"e subtitles are *ispla#e* 2"en #ou pre(ie2 t"e (i*eo title
in Web4pace'
<o associate subtitles to (i*eo titles; <o associate subtitles to (i*eo titles; <o associate subtitles to (i*eo titles; <o associate subtitles to (i*eo titles;
1' Ri,"t clic6 in t"e CaseCro2ser an* select Associate* 4ubtitlesK

t"e 4ubtitles 1or (i*eo title *ialo, opens'

2' lic6 A** A** A** A**K t"e 4elect subtitle to associate to *ialo, opens'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 +/

+' %ro! t"e cate,or# tree, select a subtitle title an* t"e c"annel to pla# t"e subtitle on an* clic6 36 36 36 36K t"e
subtitle is associate* to t"e selecte* (i*eo title'

4' lic6 lose lose lose lose'
<o pre(ie2 t"e subtitle; <o pre(ie2 t"e subtitle; <o pre(ie2 t"e subtitle; <o pre(ie2 t"e subtitle;
1' Ri,"t clic6 on t"e title an* select :re(ie2 :re(ie2 :re(ie2 :re(ie2 or use t"e 6e#boar* s"ortcut, : :: :K t"e :re(ie2 2in*o2 opens'

2' lic6 t"e button to select t"e c"annel on 2"ic" t"e subtitle 2ill be pla#e* an* press pla#K t"e
subtitles are *ispla#e* in t"e :re(ie2 2in*o2'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 +)

Uploading Video into a Title or Placeholder
7n Dalet #ou can uploa* a (i*eo 1ile into a place"ol*er' 3nce a (i*eo 1ile "as been create*, t"e (i*eo title is
online an* rea*# to be use* 1or broa*cast, or ot"er purposes' Usin, t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser conteBtual
!enu #ou can uploa* (i*eo 1iles 1ro! local stora,e on t"e co!puter #ou are 2or6in, on or 1ro! ot"er
eBternal sources' <o be able to uploa* (i*eo, #ou !ust "a(e an instance o1 Web4paceUploa*A,ent runnin,
in #our site an* 3racle Ja(a plu,in !ust be installe* in #our bro2ser' Also in t"e about;con1i, o1 %ire1oB, =to
access; 2rite about;con1i, in #our %ire1oB bro2ser a**ress bar?, !a6e sure t"at
si,ne*' si,ne*' si,ne*' si,ne*'applets'co*ebaseQprincipalQsupport applets'co*ebaseQprincipalQsupport applets'co*ebaseQprincipalQsupport applets'co*ebaseQprincipalQsupport Rtrue b# *ouble clic6in, on t"e (alue'
<o uploa* a (i*eo <o uploa* a (i*eo <o uploa* a (i*eo <o uploa* a (i*eo; ;; ;
1' Ri,"t clic6 on t"e tar,et title an* select Uploa* Uploa* Uploa* Uploa*K Web4pace *ispla#s t"e 3pen *ialo, an* c"oose t"e 1ile
#ou 2ant to uploa*'

2' lic6 3pen 3pen 3pen 3penK Web4pace opens t"e Uploa* 1ile *ialo,'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 +0
+' lic6 4ub!it 4ub!it 4ub!it 4ub!itK Web4pace uploa*s t"e (i*eo to t"e title' You can 1ollo2 t"e uploa* t"rou," t"e -ob
pro,ress bar on t"e title t"u!bnail'

If you are working with (irefo", you can also drag and drop video into a
Uploading Files and Creating Titles Directly in WebSpace
You can *ra, an* *rop 1iles 1ro! outsi*e Web4pace an* uploa* t"e! *irectl# as titles into Web4pace or
#ou can use t"e !e*ia na(i,ator tab conteBtual !enu' <"ese 1iles can be non&!e*ia or !e*ia 1iles'
A*!inistrators can con1i,ure #our site to uploa* au*io, (i*eo an* i!a,e 1iles' Web4pace i*enti1ies t"e
(i*eo, au*io or i!a,e 1iles 2"ic" are *ra,,e* into Webspace an* creates t"e appropriate t#pe o1 title 1or
t"at !e*ia *irectl# in t"e cate,or# tree' An# ot"er t#pe o1 1ile 2ill be uploa*e* as a ,eneric title in t"e
cate,or# tree an* can t"en be use* as #ou 2oul* an# ot"er title in Web4pace' %or eBa!ple #ou coul* lin6 a
:"oto 4"op, :4D, 1ile as a ,eneric title to an asset !ana,er 1iel* o1 an associate* title'

<o uploa* <o uploa* <o uploa* <o uploa* !e*ia !e*ia !e*ia !e*ia 1iles an* create titles *irectl# in Web4pace; 1iles an* create titles *irectl# in Web4pace; 1iles an* create titles *irectl# in Web4pace; 1iles an* create titles *irectl# in Web4pace;
1' 4elect an* *ra, t"e 1ile to be uploa*e* into a cate,or# in Web4paceK t"e reatin, title 1ro! 1ile *ialo,

2' 4elect a 1or!at an* clic6 4ub!it 4ub!it 4ub!it 4ub!itK Web4pace creates t"e appropriate title =(i*eo, au*io or i!a,e? 2it"
t"e sa!e na!e in t"e tar,et cate,or# an* uploa*s t"e 1ile'

3R 3R 3R 3R
1' Ri,"t clic6 on t"e cate,or# to 2"ic" #ou 2ant to uploa* a 1ile'
2' %ro! t"e conteBtual !enu, select Uploa* Uploa* Uploa* Uploa* <itle <itle <itle <itleK

t"e 3pen *ialo, opens

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 +9

+' 4elect t"e 1ile to uploa* an* clic6 3pen 3pen 3pen 3penK t"e reatin, title 1ro! 1ile *ialo, opens'

4' lic6 4ub!itK Web4pace uploa*s t"e 1ile an* creates a ne2 Dalet title *irectl# in t"e selecte* tar,et

<o uploa* ,eneric 1i <o uploa* ,eneric 1i <o uploa* ,eneric 1i <o uploa* ,eneric 1iles an* create titles *irectl# in Web4pace; les an* create titles *irectl# in Web4pace; les an* create titles *irectl# in Web4pace; les an* create titles *irectl# in Web4pace;
4elect an* *ra, t"e 1ile to be uploa*e* into a cate,or# in Web4paceK Web4pace creates a ,eneric title
2it" t"e sa!e na!e in t"e tar,et cate,or# an* uploa*s t"e 1ile' You can 2or6 2it" t"e title as #ou
2oul* 2it" an# ot"er title in Web4pace, 1or eBa!ple a** !eta*ata to t"e asset !ana,er 1or! or create
lin6s etc'

Downloading Video
You can also *o2nloa* (i*eo or i!a,es 1ro! Web4pace to eBternal stora,e usin, t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser
conteBtual !enu'
<o *o2n <o *o2n <o *o2n <o *o2nloa* a loa* a loa* a loa* a 1ile; 1ile; 1ile; 1ile;

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 40
1' Ri,"t clic6 on t"e source title an* select Do2nloa* Do2nloa* Do2nloa* Do2nloa*K Web4pace opens t"e Do2nloa* *ialo,'

2' 4elect t"e 1or!at #ou 2ant to *o2nloa*K Web4pace opens t"e 3pen *ialo,'

+' "oose 3pen 2it" 3pen 2it" 3pen 2it" 3pen 2it" or 4a(e %ile 4a(e %ile 4a(e %ile 4a(e %ile an* clic6 3E 3E 3E 3EK i1 #ou c"oose 3pen t"e *o2nloa*e* 1ile is pre(ie2e* in a
co!patible !e*ia pla#er'
Applying Media Migration Policies to Titles
4i!ilarl# to t"e core client, #ou can initiate !e*ia !i,ration policies in Web4pace'
Me*ia !i,ration policies are use* to cop#5!o(e5con(ert 1iles in relation to t"e selecte* title i1 a particular
set o1 con*itions is 1ul1ille*' %or eBa!ple, a !e*ia !i,ration polic# can be use* to con(ert a title to
Huic6ti!e an* eBport it to a ,i(en 1ol*er, or to uploa* a (i*eo 1ile to a pla#out ser(er' <"e !e*ia !i,ration
policies can onl# be *e1ine* in t"e Dalet a*!in !o*ule an* are a*apte* to suit #our 2or61lo2'
You can tri,,er an a(ailable !i,ration rule usin, t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser conteBtual !enu' <"ere is also a
button in t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser 2"ic" can be use* to appl# !e*ia !i,ration policies' <"is button
consists o1 t2o areas;
area; Use* to select or c"an,e t"e !e*ia !i,ration polic# to appl#
area; Use* to appl# t"e currentl# selecte* !e*ia !i,ration polic# to t"e selecte* title in one clic6
<o appl# <o appl# <o appl# <o appl# a !e*ia polic#; a !e*ia polic#; a !e*ia polic#; a !e*ia polic#;
1' Ri,"t clic6 on t"e title an* select Appl# Me*ia :olic# Appl# Me*ia :olic# Appl# Me*ia :olic# Appl# Me*ia :olic#K t"e 4elect Mi,ration :olic# *ialo, opens'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 41

2' 2' 2' 2' "oose a polic# an* clic6 4ub!it 4ub!it 4ub!it 4ub!itK
3R 3R 3R 3R
lic6 on t"e 4elect Me*ia :olic# 4elect Me*ia :olic# 4elect Me*ia :olic# 4elect Me*ia :olic# button, , to c"oose a !i,ration polic# to appl#' <"e button
applies t"e currentl# selecte*, =!ost recentl# accesse*?, !e*ia !i,ration polic# to t"e selecte* title in
one clic6' Web4pace c"ec6s t"e con*itions 1or eBecutin, t"e !i,ration rule an* applies it or *ispla#s a
!essa,e eBplainin, 2"# t"e rule "as not been eBecute* i1 necessar#'

You can view the progress of a media conversion policy re)uest using the
*ob progress bar, as e"plained in Section + of the manual, racking ,obs
and %istory.
Exporting an EDL Title to NLE
71 #our site is con1i,ure* accor*in,l#, #ou can sen* or *o2nloa* an @DA title to a t"ir* part# NA@ pro,ra!,
suc" as %inal ut :ro, A*obe :re!iere or A(i* Me*ia o!poser, 1or 1inis"in,' <o tri,,er t"is eBport #ou can
use t"e conteBtual !enu in t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser or t"e button' You can eit"er *eci*e to *o2nloa*
t"e @DA locall#, or pus" it to a speci1ic e*it ba#' <"e button consists o1 t2o areas;
area; Use* to select 2"et"er t"e @DA 2ill be *o2nloa*e* locall# or pus"e* to a speci1ic e*it ba#
area; Use* to appl# t"e currentl# selecte* @DA *o2nloa* option to t"e selecte* title in one clic6

<o <o <o <o *o2nloa* an @DA *o2nloa* an @DA *o2nloa* an @DA *o2nloa* an @DA; ;; ;
1' Ri,"t clic6 on t"e title an* select @Bport @Bport @Bport @Bport L @Bport L @Bport L @Bport L @Bport to NA@ to NA@ to NA@ to NA@K t"e 4en* to NA@ *ialo, opens'
2' 4elect t"e NA@, t"e 1or!at an* clic6 Do2nloa* Do2nloa* Do2nloa* Do2nloa* @DA @DA @DA @DAK Web4pace opens t"e 3pen *ialo,'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 42

+' "oose t"e NA@ con1i,ure* 1or #our site in t"e 3pen 2it" *rop *o2n listK Web4pace opens t"e IMA 1ile
*irectl# in t"e NA@ an* #ou can continue to process #our (i*eo' Web4pace na!es t"e eBporte* 1ile
base* on t"e na!in, con(ention con1i,ure* in t"e re!ote a*!in, #ou can rena!e t"e 1ile'You can also
sa(e it locall# to 2or6 on it later'

<o sen* an @DA to an e*it ba#; <o sen* an @DA to an e*it ba#; <o sen* an @DA to an e*it ba#; <o sen* an @DA to an e*it ba#;
1' Ri,"t clic6 on t"e title an* select @Bport @Bport @Bport @Bport L @Bport L @Bport L @Bport L @Bport t tt to NA@ o NA@ o NA@ o NA@K t"e 4en* to NA@ *ialo, opens'
2' 2' 2' 2' 4elect t"e NA@, t"e 1or!at an* clic6 :us" @DA :us" @DA :us" @DA :us" @DA

Working with Media Usage Restrictions
Web4pace *ispla#s t"e Me*ia Usa,e Restrictions relate* to !e*ia content on title t"u!bnails' <"is
up*ates #ou re,ar*in, t"e ,lobal restrictions on t"e content be1ore #ou be,in to use it' 7n Web4pace, i1 #ou
tr# to use !e*ia 2"ic" is restricte*, a *ialo, opens, pro(i*in, #ou 2it" a**itional in1or!ation about t"e
restriction an* as6in, #ou i1 #ou 2ant to (oluntaril# i,nore it'
<o 2or6 2it" <o 2or6 2it" <o 2or6 2it" <o 2or6 2it" ! !! !e*ia e*ia e*ia e*ia u uu usa,e sa,e sa,e sa,e r rr reHuire!ents; eHuire!ents; eHuire!ents; eHuire!ents;
1' Ri,"t clic6 on a title 2it" %ull# Restricte* !e*ia usa,e restrictions an* select :re(ie2 :re(ie2 :re(ie2 :re(ie2K

t"e :re(ie2 2in*o2 opens 2it" t"e 1ull# restricte* !e*ia usa,e icon in t"e ri,"t "an* corner o1 t"e
pla#er' 71 #ou "o(er #our !ouse o(er t"e icon t"e *etails o1 t"e usa,e restriction are *ispla#e*'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 4+

2' 7n t"e :re(ie2 2in*o2 clic6 4a(e As 4a(e As 4a(e As 4a(e AsK Web4pace opens t"e Me*ia Restrictions *ialo,'

+' 71 #ou 2ant t"e ren*er t"e clip in spite o1 t"e restrictions, clic6 t"e c"ec6boB to con1ir! t"at #ou "a(e
rea* t"e con*itions o1 use an* clic6 3E 3E 3E 3EK t"e 4a(e As *ialo, opens an* #ou can ren*er a ne2 title 1ro!
t"e clip'
Working with Media Properties for a Title
You can (ie2 all !e*ia properties 1or a particular title' Web4pace *ispla#s in1or!ation about t"e re,istere*
stora,e units, status, 1ile na!e, *uration, 1or!at an* (ersion o1 t"e selecte* title' You can also (eri1# !e*ia
properties an* pur,e !e*ia 1ro! t"e s#ste!'
Displaying Media Properties
<o *ispla# !e*ia <o *ispla# !e*ia <o *ispla# !e*ia <o *ispla# !e*ia properties properties properties properties o1 a title; o1 a title; o1 a title; o1 a title;
Ri,"t clic6 on t"e title an* select :ropertiesK Web4pace opens t"e :roperties & Me*ia %iles *ialo,
*ispla#in, t"e !e*ia status, 1ile na!e, *uration, 1or!at, 1ra!e rate an* 2"et"er t"e !e*ia is a 2ea6
re1erence to !e*ia in a bun*le'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 44
erifying Media Properties
<o (eri1# !e*ia properties <o (eri1# !e*ia properties <o (eri1# !e*ia properties <o (eri1# !e*ia properties; ;; ;
7n t"e :roperties P Me*ia %iles *ialo,, select one o1 t"e !e*ia an* clic6 t"e buttonK Web4pace
tells #ou i1 t"e !e*ia eBists or not'
Purging Media
<o pur,e !e*ia; <o pur,e !e*ia; <o pur,e !e*ia; <o pur,e !e*ia;
7n t"e :roperties P !e*ia %iles *ialo,, select one o1 t"e !e*ia an* clic6 t"e button to pur,e t"e
!e*ia an* re!o(e t"e !e*ia in1or!ation
3R 3R 3R 3R
4elect one o1 t"e !e*ia an* clic6 t"e button to pur,e t"e !e*ia but lea(e t"e !e*ia in1or!ation''
Displaying Link Information
7t !a# be use1ul to eBport t"e speci1ic URA o1 a title in Dalet, 1or eBa!ple to s"o2 anot"er -ournalist 2"at
eBactl# #ou are 2or6in, on' Web4pace *ispla#s a 2in*o2 containin, t"e title URA 1or locatin, t"e title or its
asset !ana,er 1or! in a %ull 4creen or Nor!al *ispla#' <"e a**ress can be paste* into an internet bro2ser
an* as lon, as t"e secon* user opens Webspace "e 2ill be able to (ie2 t"e title'
<o *ispla# lin6 in1or!ation; <o *ispla# lin6 in1or!ation; <o *ispla# lin6 in1or!ation; <o *ispla# lin6 in1or!ation;
1' Ri,"t clic6 on t"e title 2"ose lin6 #ou 2ant to *ispla# an* select 3pen 3pen 3pen 3pen 2it" 2it" 2it" 2it" L LL L A AA Ain6 location in6 location in6 location in6 locationK t"e <itle URA
*ialo, opens'

2' "oose Asset Mana,er Asset Mana,er Asset Mana,er Asset Mana,er or Aocate Aocate Aocate Aocate, *epen*in, on 2"at #ou 2ant to (ie2 an* t"en c"oose 2"et"er #ou
2ant to *ispla# t"e title in %ull screen %ull screen %ull screen %ull screen or Nor!al Mo*e Nor!al Mo*e Nor!al Mo*e Nor!al Mo*eK t"e title URA appears in t"e teBt boB in t"e
*ialo,' <"e lin6 can be copie* an* sent to a secon* user'
Opening a WebSpace Title with an External Web Application
Web4pace can eBport basic in1or!ation about titles *irectl# to an eBternal 2eb app' 71 t"is application "as
been con1i,ure* 1or #our site b# a*!inistrators t"e option is a(ailable in t"e 3pen Wit" STL option in t"e
conteBtual !enu'
<o <o <o <o open Web4pace 2it" an eBternal 2eb application; open Web4pace 2it" an eBternal 2eb application; open Web4pace 2it" an eBternal 2eb application; open Web4pace 2it" an eBternal 2eb application;
Ri,"t clic6 on t"e title to be opene* an* select 3pen 3pen 3pen 3pen 2it" 2it" 2it" 2it"L 3pen L 3pen L 3pen L 3pen ST'L ST'L ST'L ST'LK

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 4.

Web4pace opens t"e 2eb pa,e t"e a*!inistrators 2ant #ou to 2or6 2it" an* eBports t"e pre*e1ine*
in1or!ation to t"is pa,e'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 4/
5. Previewing ideo
Web4pace lets #ou pre(ie2 (i*eo titles usin, t"e :re(ie2 2in*o2' <"e :re(ie2 2in*o2 is also an inte,ral
part o1 Me*ia Ao,,er an* 4tor#boar*er' Vi*eo pre(ie2 in all (i*eo applications in Webspace "a(e t"e sa!e
icons, 1unctionalities, an* 6e#boar* s"ortcuts' You can use t"e :re(ie2 2in*o2 to create ne2 (i*eo an* clip
titles' You can !o(e t"e :re(ie2 Win*o2 aroun* on t"e screen an* #ou can open it in its o2n bro2ser
2in*o2' Web4pace *ispla#s t"e title na!e an* 1or!at o1 t"e !e*ia pla#in, in t"e :re(ie2 2in*o2, to,et"er
2it" t"e 1ra!e rate o1 t"e !e*ia an* its *uration' 71 t"e 1ull na!e cannot be *ispla#e*, t"en a tooltip 2it"
t"e 1ull na!e an* stora,e is *ispla#e* 2"en #ou "o(er t"e !ouse o(er t"e botto! o1 t"e :re(ie2 2in*o2'

Figure 2$: The #re5iew Window
Dalet Web4pace allo2s #ou to pre(ie2 #our !e*ia 2"ile it is bein, in,este* so t"at #ou can be,in
pre(ie2in,, lo,,in, or creatin, clips in 4tor#boar*er on !e*ia e(ent"ou," t"e in,est -ob is not co!plete'
You can also use t"e transport buttons in t"e pla#er to na(i,ate (er# accuratel# t"rou," #our !e*ia' You
can set a speci1ic s6ip inter(al an* t"en !o(e 1or2ar*s an* bac62ar*s t"rou," #our !aterial b# eBactl# t"is
a!ount b# repeate*l# pressin, on t"e appropriate button' <"e a(ailable s6ip inter(als are con1i,ure* b#
#our a*!inistrator'
<o open <o open <o open <o open t"e pre(ie2 2in*o2; t"e pre(ie2 2in*o2; t"e pre(ie2 2in*o2; t"e pre(ie2 2in*o2;
7n t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser, ri,"t clic6 on t"e stor# title #ou 2ant to (ie2 an* select :re(ie2 :re(ie2 :re(ie2 :re(ie2K t"e pla#er
opens in an internal 2in*o2
3R 3R 3R 3R
4elect a title to pre(ie2 an* press : :: :K t"e pla#er opens in t"e position it 2as close* in' %or eBa!ple, i1 it
2as close* a1ter bein, use* in an eBternal bro2ser 2in*o2 t"en "e neBt ti!e #ou press : it 2ill also
open in an eBternal 2in*o2'
3R 3R 3R 3R
71 #our s#ste! is set to open in :re(ie2 !o*e, *ouble clic6 on a titleK Web4pace opens t"e :re(ie2
Double clicking on the -review Window opens the window in full screen

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 4)
Working with the Preview Window Display
You can collapse t"e pre(ie2 2in*o2 to *ispla# onl# t"e basic transport buttons or eBpan* it to s"o2 t"e
e*it buttons as 2ell' You can con1i,ure 2"et"er or not t"e pre(ie2 2in*o2 opens in eBten*e* !o*e or not'
<o collapse t"e pre(ie2 2in*o2; <o collapse t"e pre(ie2 2in*o2; <o collapse t"e pre(ie2 2in*o2; <o collapse t"e pre(ie2 2in*o2;
lic6 on t"e little arro2 at t"e botto! o1 t"e 2in*o2 to collapse or eBpan* t"e :re(ie2 2in*o2 *ispla#'

<o <o <o <o set user pre1erences 1or *ispla#in, t"e set user pre1erences 1or *ispla#in, t"e set user pre1erences 1or *ispla#in, t"e set user pre1erences 1or *ispla#in, t"e pre(ie2 2in*o2; pre(ie2 2in*o2; pre(ie2 2in*o2; pre(ie2 2in*o2;
1' %ro! t"e <ools !enu, select :re1erencesK t"e :re1erences 1or *aletQa*!in !enu opens'

2' 7n t"e $eneral screen, c"ec6 t"e 3pen pre(ie2 2in*o2 2it" t"e e*it panel c"ec6boB an* clic6 Appl# Appl# Appl# Appl#
an* 3E 3E 3E 3E to open t"e :re(ie2 2in*o2 in eBpan*e* !o*e b# *e1ault'
Using the Preview Window
You control (i*eo pla#bac6 in t"e :re(ie2 2in*o2 usin, a nu!ber o1 buttons an* icons' <"ese appear
2"ene(er #ou open t"e 2in*o2, re,ar*less o1 t"e application #ou are usin,' Web4pace inclu*es 6e#boar*
s"ortcuts 1or t"e applications a(ailable in t"e :re(ie2 2in*o2' You can (ie2 a list o1 6e#boar* s"ortcuts 1or
t"e :re(ie2 2in*o2 b# pressin, 9 2"en t"e pre(ie2 2in*o2 is open'
Button Function Keyboard
H Pressing H when the Preview window is open, displays the
available keyboard shortcuts for the preview window.

Counter Displays the time code for the position of the playhead.

TC/RT set

Controls the start time on the timer in the Preview Window.
You can choose two modes:
TC - Time Code. If a specific start time for a particular title
has been defined in its .tcl file, the timer in the Preview
Window will start at the defined time, for example
RT - Relative Time. The timer in the Preview begins at

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 40

Displays the duration between the mark in and mark out
points in the preview window.

Space Plays or stops a video

-1 frame Left Arrow Rewinds the video to the Previous frame

+1 frame Right Arrow Advances the video to the Next frame frame

Backwards X
Time Units
Alt + - Skips the video backwards by the selected time interval.

Go Forwards
X Time Units
Alt + + Skips the video forwards by the selected time interval.

Select Skip
Alt + Down
Sets the skipped time interval. Navigate the list with the
arrows and press enter to set the required skip interval, for
example, 5 seconds.

J Rewinds video at varying speeds every keystroke
decreases the speed x 2, 4, 8, 16

Fast Forward L Fast forwards the video at varying speeds every
keystroke increases the speed x 2, 4, 8, 16

Set Mark In I Sets the in point for a section of video

Set Mark Out O Sets the out point for a section of video

Jump to
Mark In
E Moves the playhead to the Mark in point

Jump to
Mark Out
R Moves the playhead to the Mark out point

Play to Mark
N Plays the video from the current play head position to the
out point

Reset In/Out
Ctrl+Z Resets the In/Out positions

Toggle the
time code
drop frames
and non drop
D For media which uses drop frame (29.95 or 59.95 fps),
toggles the time code counter:
DF: the time code counts drop frames, ( i.e. drops 2 frames
every minute, except every tenth minute):

NDF: the time code counter does not drop any frames.

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 49

Alt+M Mutes/Enables Sound. The slider changes the volume in
the previewed video title

Open the
Ctrl+Q Toggles the player between an internal window and an
external browser window.

Set Poster
T Sets the currently active frame as the titles thumbnail

Save As Ctrl+Shift+S Saves the selection as a new video or a clip title

Save Ctrl+S Saves changes in the files in/out points

Image to
M Extracts an image from a specific viedeo frame as a
custom format image. For this function to work the FASS
application server must be running.

Mono Audio
Mono Audio
Arrow (L)
Arrow (R)
Arrow (L+R)
Controls which audio track of a video is played when a title
is previewed in the Preview window.
You can choose:
L left only
R right only
L+R left and right together

A Controls the choice of language track for a particular clip.
In this example, you can choose a French language
version or an international versions for the language track
for a clip.
C Controls which captions/subtitles are displayed in the
Preview window when a video file has more than one
associated caption file, for example sub-titles in different
languages (English, French, etc.).
Pre!iew "eyboard Shortcuts
<"e 1ollo2in, operations in t"e :re(ie2 2in*o2 are a(ailable onl# as 6e#boar* s"ortcuts'
Effect Keyboard Shortcut Explanation
-10 frames Ctrl + <left arrow> Rewinds the video by 10 frame
+10 frames Ctrl + <right arrow> Advances the video by 10 frame
Resize screen, close
ESC Resizes full screen to normal size, closes normal-size windows
Saving a Video Selection as a New Video or a Clip Title
You use t"e :re(ie2 2in*o2 to sa(e t"e in&out ran,e o1 a (i*eo =b# *e1ault & t"e entire (i*eo? or an# ot"er
!ar6e* section o1 a (i*eo 1ile as eit"er a ne2 (i*eo title or as a clip title' You can also ren*er t"e selection
into an eBistin, title' You can also use t"e inte,ral :re(ie2 2in*o2 in Me*ia Ao,,er an* 4tor#boar*er to
create ne2 (i*eo or clip titles'
Ce1ore #ou can sa(e clips #ou !ust create a s"otlist, 2"ic" is a sub&cate,or# o1 a clipbin' Wor6in, 2it"
s"otlists is eBplaine* in "apter ), 4tor#boar*er'
<o sa(e a (i*eo selection <o sa(e a (i*eo selection <o sa(e a (i*eo selection <o sa(e a (i*eo selection as a ne2 (i*eo or clip title as a ne2 (i*eo or clip title as a ne2 (i*eo or clip title as a ne2 (i*eo or clip title; ;; ;

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 .0
1' 7n t"e :re(ie2 2in*o2, use t"e !ar6 in an* !ar6 out buttons to select a ran,e o1 (i*eo an* clic6 4a(e 4a(e 4a(e 4a(e
As As As AsK Web4pace opens t"e 4a(e As *ialo,'

2' 4elect t"e Vi*eo <itle an* clic6 4ub!it 4ub!it 4ub!it 4ub!itK t"e Ren*er *ialo, opens'

3R 3R 3R 3R
4elect lip <itle an* clic6 4ub!it 4ub!it 4ub!it 4ub!itK t"e @nter ne2 clip in1or!ation *ialo, opens'

+' 7n eit"er case, select t"e tar,et cate,or# or s"otlist an* t#pe in a na!e an* a** an# ot"er a**itional
in1or!ation =6e#2or*s etc'? to i*enti1# t"e clip, clic6 3E 3E 3E 3EK Web4pace creates a ne2 (i*eo title or clip'
4' 71 no s"otlist eBists, clic6 on reate 4"otlist reate 4"otlist reate 4"otlist reate 4"otlist, t#pe in a na!e 1or t"e ne2 s"otlistK Web4pace creates t"e
clip in a ne2 s"otlist in t"e open lipCin'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 .1

Open Files with a Native Media Player
Depen*in, on #our sit con1i,uration, #ou can pla# !e*ia 2it" t"e nati(e *e1ault !e*ia pla#er installe* on
#our operatin, s#ste!, suc" as Fuic6 <i!e or VA'
< << <o open o open o open o open !e*ia !e*ia !e*ia !e*ia 1iles 2it" a nati(e *e1ault !e*ia pla#er 1iles 2it" a nati(e *e1ault !e*ia pla#er 1iles 2it" a nati(e *e1ault !e*ia pla#er 1iles 2it" a nati(e *e1ault !e*ia pla#er; ;; ;
Ri,"t clic6 on t"e title containin, t"e !e*ia #ou 2ant to (ie2'
%ro! t"e conteBtual !enu select 3pen L 3pen 2it" T''K t"e selecte* title 2ill be pla#e* in t"e *e1ault
!e*ia pla#er o1 #our co!puterGs operatin, s#ste!

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 .2
!. "edia #ogger
You use Me*ia Ao,,er to annotate !e*ia' You use it to a** bot" sin,le point an* ran,e locators to a !e*ia
title' You can use Me*ia Ao,,er to create ne2 (i*eo or clip titles base* on locators or selections as #ou *o
in t"e :re(ie2 Win*o2' You can also use t"e :re(ie2 2in*o2 in Me*ia Ao,,er to create ne2 (i*eo an* clip
titles =as eBplaine* in "apter ., :re(ie2in, Vi*eo?' <"e Me*ia Ao,,er opens in t"e Docu!ent area o1
Opening Media Logger
You open Me*iaAo,,er usin, t"e conteBtual !enu in t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser' You can also use t"e
s"ortcut 6e# M'
<o open Me*ia <o open Me*ia <o open Me*ia <o open Me*ia Ao,,er; Ao,,er; Ao,,er; Ao,,er;
7n t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser ri,"t clic6 on t"e title to be opene* an* select 3pen 3pen 3pen 3pen L L L L Me*ia Ao,,er Me*ia Ao,,er Me*ia Ao,,er Me*ia Ao,,er or
select t"e title an* press M MM MK Web4pace opens t"e title 2it" Me*ia Ao,,er in t"e Docu!ent area'

Media (ogger "nterface
<"e Me*ia Ao,,er inter1ace in Web4pace consists o1 t"e locator toolbar, t"e Web4pace :re(ie2 Win*o2
an* t"e locator list'

Figure 2%: The WebSpace )edia 6ogger
You use t"e locator toolbar to a** locators an* control t"e locators an* t"e !eta*ata *ispla#e* in t"e
locator list'

Figure 2': The 6ocator Toobar

Aocator toolbar
Aocator list
:re(ie2 2in*o2
%ra!e rate

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 .+
The Locator Toolbar
You 2or6 2it" locators usin, t"e buttons an* icons on t"e locator toolbar' Web4pace inclu*es 6e#boar*
s"ortcuts 1or so!e o1 t"e acti(ities #ou per1or! in Me*ia Ao,,er' You can *ispla# t"e list usin, t"e 9 6e#
2"en t"e Me*ia Ao,,er is t"e acti(e area o1 t"e screen'
Button Keyboard shortcut Function Activity

W Add locator Adds a locator of the type selected in the
locator selection menu.

Q Update locator Updates a locator after changes in the in/out

X Remove locator Removes a locator.

MP Print Preview Displays a print preview of the locator list in a
new browser window.

MF Locator Family drop
Enables/disables locator families. Existing
locators from disabled locator families do not
appear in the locator list.

ML Locator Type drop menu Enables/disables locator types. Existing
locators from disabled locator types do not
appear in the locator list.

MI Locator insert selection
Sets the specific type of locator for insertion

No keyboard shortcut Locator view menu Displays available locator views.

No keyboard shortcut Search for a locator Searches locators and displays only
matching results.

No keyboard shortcut Highlight results
Highlights matching results in a locator
Aocators are a con(enient 2a# to !ar6 a (i*eo se,!ent 1or 1uture use' All locators are eit"er sin,le point or
ran,e locators' 4in,le point locators !ar6 one speci1ic point in t"e ti!eline an* ran,e locators !ar6 a
selection in t"e ti!eline' @ac" locator "as a t#pe an* a*!inistrators can create a lar,e nu!ber o1 locator
t#pes 1or *i11erent purposes' <o !a6e it easier to 2or6 2it" t"e!, locators are ,roupe* into 1a!ilies' %or
eBa!ple #our site !a# ,roup all locators use* 1or transcription in one 1a!il# an* all locators 1or close
captionin, into anot"er'
<o set a locator #ou 1irst c"oose a 1a!il# an* t"en #ou c"oose a locator t#pe 1ro! t"at particular 1a!il#' You
use t"e %a!il# *rop *o2n !enu to select 2"ic" 1a!ilies are a(ailable' You can also c"oose All an* t"en all
t"e locator 1a!ilies 2ill be a(ailable' 3nce #ou "a(e selecte* a 1a!il#, t"e locator t#pes 2"ic" belon, to
t"at 1a!il# are *ispla#e* 2"en #ou clic6 on t"e <#pe *rop *o2n !enu' You can 1ilter out locator t#pes b#
*eselectin, t"e! in t"e <#pe *rop *o2n !enu, eBistin, instances o1 *eselecte* locators 2ill no lon,er be
*ispla#e* in t"e locator area' No2, !ar6 in an* out points in t"e :re(ie2 Win*o2 an* create a locator usin,
t"e A** locator icon' 4ince t"e <i!eo*e 7n an* <i!eco*e3ut 1iel*s are ti!e co*e !eta*ata 1iel*s
Web4pace *ispla#s t"e 1ra!e rate o1 t"e !e*ia'
7n Me*ia Ao,,er #ou can (ie2 t"e associate* !eta*ata o1 a locator' <"e locator (ie2 *ispla#e* 1iel*s are
*e1ine* in Dalet a*!in an* cannot be altere* in Web4pace, "o2e(er #ou !a# be able to e*it so!e o1 t"e!,
1or eBa!ple o!!ents' Aocators an* t"eir !eta*ata are 1ull# searc"able' You can set searc" results to
*ispla# onl# !atc"in, results or #ou can "i,"li,"t t"e !atc"es in t"e co!plete locator list' lic6in, a
particular locator in t"e list loa*s it into t"e :re(ie2 Win*o2 an* it can t"en be pre(ie2e*'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 .4

Adding a Locator
You can a** locators Huic6l# an* easil# usin, t"e A** Aocator button' You 1ilter 2"ic" 1a!il# an* locator
t#pes are enable* be1ore a**in, a locators an* t"en #ou use t"e *rop *o2n !enus to select t"e 1a!il# an*
t#pe it belon,s to'
<o a** a locator; <o a** a locator; <o a** a locator; <o a** a locator;
1' %ro! t"e %a!il# *rop *o2n !enu, clic6 on t"e *esire* entries to enable or *isable t"e!'
2' %ro! t"e <#pe *rop *o2n !enu, c"oose 2"ic" o1 t"e locators #ou 2ant to "a(e a(ailable' You can
c"oose to enable all t"e locator t#pes'
+' %ro! t"e locator insert selection !enu, select t"e locator t"at #ou 2ant to insert'

4' 7n t"e :re(ie2 Win*o2 set t"e 7n53ut points an* clic6 t"e A** A** A** A** l ll locator ocator ocator ocator button, K Web4pace a**s t"e
locator an* *ispla#s its !eta*ata in t"e locator list area'

.' A** !ore locators as reHuire*K Web4pace continues to a** locators o1 t"e sa!e t#pe as lon, as #ou
lea(e t"e sa!e selections in t"e *rop *o2n !enus'
Updating an Existing Locator
You can easil# !o*i1# a locator usin, t"e Up*ate locator button'
<o !o*i1# a locator; <o !o*i1# a locator; <o !o*i1# a locator; <o !o*i1# a locator;
7n t"e :re(ie2 2in*o2, c"an,e t"e 7n53ut points o1 t"e locator an* clic6 t"e Up*ate Up*ate Up*ate Up*ate l ll locator ocator ocator ocator button, K
Web4pace up*ates t"e locator an* c"an,es t"e !eta*ata in t"e locator list'
Removing a Locator
You can easil# *elete locators 1ro! t"e locator list usin, t"e Re!o(e locator button'
<o re!o(e a locator; <o re!o(e a locator; <o re!o(e a locator; <o re!o(e a locator;
7n t"e locator list, select t"e locator to be re!o(e* an* clic6 on t"e Re!o Re!o Re!o Re!o(e locator (e locator (e locator (e locator button, K
Web4pace *eletes t"e locator'
Getting/Setting a Timecode for a Locator from a Locator View Field
71 a special asset !ana,er 1iel* base* on a <i!eo*e 1or Aocator <i!eo*e 1or Aocator <i!eo*e 1or Aocator <i!eo*e 1or Aocator asset !ana,er 1iel* t#pe "as been
create* an* associate* to a locator (ie2 b# #our a*!inistrator, #ou can ,et5set a <i!eo*e 1or a locator
1ro! a 1iel* in #our locator (ie2' <"is *ispla#e* 1iel* contains t2o buttons, 4et an* $o' You use t"e 4et
button to set t"e <i!eo*e (alue to t"e current pla#"ea* position, an* #ou use t"e $o button to !o(e t"e
pla#"ea* to t"e <i!eo*e (alue o1 t"e currentl# selecte* locator'
<o set a <i!eo*e 1or a locator 1ro! a locator (ie2 1iel*; <o set a <i!eo*e 1or a locator 1ro! a locator (ie2 1iel*; <o set a <i!eo*e 1or a locator 1ro! a locator (ie2 1iel*; <o set a <i!eo*e 1or a locator 1ro! a locator (ie2 1iel*;
1' 7n t"e Me*iaAo,,er panel, select t"e locator (ie2 2"ic" *ispla#s t"e ti!e co*e 1or locator 1iel*'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 ..

2' Double clic6 in t"e ti!eco*e 1or locator *ispla#e* 1iel*K the field becomes editable.

+' Mo(e t"e pla#"ea* to t"e reHuire* position an* clic6 4etK t"e <i!eo*e (alue is set to t"e current
position o1 t"e pla#"ea*'

<o !o(e t"e pla#"ea* to t"e <i!eo*e <o !o(e t"e pla#"ea* to t"e <i!eo*e <o !o(e t"e pla#"ea* to t"e <i!eo*e <o !o(e t"e pla#"ea* to t"e <i!eo*e (alue o1 t"e currentl# selecte* locator; (alue o1 t"e currentl# selecte* locator; (alue o1 t"e currentl# selecte* locator; (alue o1 t"e currentl# selecte* locator;
7n t"e Me*iaAo,,er panel, select t"e (alue in t"e ti!eco*e 1or locator *ispla#e* 1iel* #ou 2ant to !o(e
t"e pla#"ea* to an* clic6 $o $o $o $oK t"e pla#"ea* !o(es to t"e selecte* <i!eo*e'

You can a** an# nu!ber o1 <i!eo*e 1or Aocator 1iel*s as #ou nee* to #our Aocator (ie2'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 ./
Viewing the Locator List and Selecting Locator Views
Web4pace *ispla#s t"e locators in a (i*eo clip in a list' <"e locator list can inclu*e unli!ite* !eta*ata
1iel*s but usuall# inclu*es t"e 1ollo2in,; *uration o1 t"e locator, t"u!bnails 1or t"e in5out points, an* t"e
speci1ic ti!es o1 t"e in5out points' Di11erent 1or!attin, *esi,ns !a# be use* 1or *i11erent locator (ie2s' <"e
*ispla#e* 1iel*s are *e1ine* in Dalet re!ote a*!in an* can ta6e into account *i11erent rules an*
con*itions' 7n t"is case #ou can *e1ine *i11erent colors to represent *i11erent con*itions' <"ese (ie2s
cannot be c"an,e* in Web4pace but #ou can use t"e Aocator (ie2 !enu to c"oose *i11erent locator (ie2s
pro(i*e* t"ese "a(e been *e1ine* 1or t"e core client'
<o select locator (ie2s; <o select locator (ie2s; <o select locator (ie2s; <o select locator (ie2s;
%ro! t"e locator (ie2s !enu, select a locator (ie2, K
Web4pace c"an,es t"e locator list *ispla# to !atc" #our selecte* locator (ie2'
3R 3R 3R 3R
Editing Metadata of a Locator
You can e*it t"e !eta*ata o1 a locator pro(i*e* it appears in an e*itable 1iel*, 1or eBa!ple t"e o!!ents
<o e*it t"e !eta*ata o1 a <o e*it t"e !eta*ata o1 a <o e*it t"e !eta*ata o1 a <o e*it t"e !eta*ata o1 a locator; locator; locator; locator;
7n t"e locator area, *ouble clic6 on t"e rele(ant !eta*ata 1iel* o1 a locator entr# an* t#pe in t"e
c"an,es' You can a** co!!ents o1 an# len,t" sine t"e co!!ents 1iel* is a *#na!ic lon, teBt 1iel*'

Locating/Opening a Source from a Locator
71 t"e (i*eo title #ou are 2or6in, 2it" is a c"il*, eBtracte* 1ro! a parent title, t"en #ou can use t"e
conteBtual !enu on locators o1 t#pe ,enealo,# to locate or open t"e source (i*eo' <"ese locators are
s#ste! locators 2"ic" are auto!aticall# create* 2"en #ou ren*er a ne2 title 1ro! a source titles' <"e
*e1ault ,enealo,# locator is calle* 4ource Material' 71 #ou open a source (i*eo clip t"e Aocate source an*
3pen 4ource options are una(ailable an* are ,re#e* out'
<o locate or open a source (i*eo 1ro! a locator; <o locate or open a source (i*eo 1ro! a locator; <o locate or open a source (i*eo 1ro! a locator; <o locate or open a source (i*eo 1ro! a locator;
Ri,"t clic6 on a locator an* select Aocate 4ource Aocate 4ource Aocate 4ource Aocate 4ource or 3pen 4ource 3pen 4ource 3pen 4ource 3pen 4ourceK

Web4pace locates or opens t"e source (i*eo as reHueste*'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 .)

Searching for Locators in the Locator List
An# particular (i*eo !a# inclu*e a lar,e nu!ber o1 locators' You can searc" 1or a particular locator b#
t#pin, in an# o1 its associate* !eta*ata =teBt or nu!bers? into t"e locator searc" 1iel* boB' As #ou t#pe, onl#
!atc"in, locator entries 2ill be *ispla#e* in t"e locator area, alternati(el# #ou can "i,"li,"t t"e !atc"es b#
c"ec6in, t"e 9i,"li,"t Results c"ec6boB' You can also use t"is 1eature to 1ilter t"e *ispla#e* locators'
<o searc" <o searc" <o searc" <o searc" 1or 1or 1or 1or locators locators locators locators in t"e locator list in t"e locator list in t"e locator list in t"e locator list; ;; ;
7n t"e locator searc" 1iel* boB, t#pe in !eta*ataK Web4pace *ispla#s onl# t"e locators 2it" !atc"in,

3R 3R 3R 3R
"ec6 t"e 9i,"li,"t Results 9i,"li,"t Results 9i,"li,"t Results 9i,"li,"t Results boB an* t#pe in !eta*ataK Webspace "i,"li,"ts t"e locators 2it" !atc"in,

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 .0
$. Stor%&oarder
You use 4tor#boar*er to create an* *elete clips an* s"otlists' 4tor#boar*er co!bines t"e lipCin an* t"e
<i!eline applications in t"e Dalet client' You use 4tor#boar*er to create a <i!eline in t"e sa!e 2a# as #ou
2oul* 2or6 in Dalet client, creatin, se,!ents an* !o(in, t"e! aroun* to rearran,e t"e content' You can
also use t"e :re(ie2 2in*o2 in 4tor#Coar*er to create ne2 (i*eo an* clip titles 1ro! eBistin, (i*eo =as
eBplaine* in "apter ., :re(ie2in, Vi*eo?' 7n Web4pace clips are arran,e* in s"otlists, 2"ic" are sub&
cate,ories o1 clipbins'

Figure 2-: Shoti(t( in the +ategory Tree
3nce a clip is create*, it is place* in t"e acti(e s"otlist o1 t"e open lipCin'
Opening Storyboarder
You open 4tor#boar*er usin, t"e conteBtual !enu in t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser or usin, t"e 3pen 4tor#
boar*er option in t"e 3pen !enu' You can also use t"e s"ortcut 6e# 4' 4tor#boar*er opens in t"e
Docu!ent area o1 Web4pace'
<o open <o open <o open <o open 4tor#boar*er 4tor#boar*er 4tor#boar*er 4tor#boar*er; ;; ;
7n t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser ri,"t clic6 on t"e title to be opene* an* select 3pen 3pen 3pen 3pen L LL L 4tor#boar*er 4tor#boar*er 4tor#boar*er 4tor#boar*er or 1ro!
t"e 3pen 3pen 3pen 3pen !enu select 4tor#boar*er 4tor#boar*er 4tor#boar*er 4tor#boar*er or select t"e title an* press 4 44 4K Web4pace opens t"e title 2it"
4tor#boar*er in t"e Docu!ent area'

The Storyboarder "nterface
<"e 4tor#boar*er inter1ace in Web4pace consists o1 t"e Web4pace :re(ie2 2in*o2, t"e clip toolbar an*
s"otlists, an* t"e <i!eline an* <i!eline toolbar'

Figure 2/: The Storyboarder Interface






Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 .9
Ri,"t clic6in, on a clip in a s"otlist opens a conteBtual !enu' <"is !enu allo2s #ou to per1or! a nu!ber o1
acti(ities; #ou can select5unselect all t"e clips, locate source (i*eo, eBport clips to NA@, cop# an* paste
clips an* rena!e an* *elete clips' You can also use t"is !enu to open #our clips 2it" Me*ia Ao,,er to a**
locators, or open #our clips 2it" Asset Mana,er to a** 6e#2or*s an* co!!ents'

Figure 23: The +ip +onte4tua )enu
<"e clip toolbar contains t"e 1ollo2in, !enus an* icons' Web4pace inclu*es 6e#boar* s"ortcuts 1or
2or6in, 2it" s"otlists'
Button Keyboard
Function Activity

W Create clip Creates a clip of the current selection
in the Preview window and adds it to
the current active shotlist.

X Delete clip Deletes the selected clip from the

No keyboard
ClipBin selector field Opens a clipbin. Displays clipbins
whose names match the typed text.

No keyboard
Remove shotlist Removes the selected shotlist from
the clipbin.

No keyboard
Create shotlist Adds a shotlist to the clipbin selected
in the clipbin selector field.

No keyboard
Print Displays a preview of the shotlist for

No keyboard
Displays the shotlist as thumbnails or
as a table.
Selecting a Clip Bin
You select a lipCin usin, t"e lipCin selector 1iel*'
<o select a clipbin;
7n t"e lipCin selector 1iel*, t#pe in t"e na!e o1 t"e clipbin #ou 2ant to openK Web4pace *ispla#s t"e
na!es o1 t"e clipbins 2"ic" !atc"e* t"e t#pe* teBt in a *rop *o2n list' 4elect t"e reHuire* lipCin'

Adding a Shotlist to the ClipBin
You !ust create at least one s"otlist be1ore #ou can create a clip' 4"otlists are create* as sub&cate,ories o1
lipCins' You can create s"otlists usin, t"e clip toolbar or t"e conteBtual !enu o1 t"e cate,or# tree'
<o a** a ne2 s"otlist <o a** a ne2 s"otlist <o a** a ne2 s"otlist <o a** a ne2 s"otlist; ;; ;
1' 4elect t"e tar,et lipCin an* clic6 on t"e reate 4"otlist reate 4"otlist reate 4"otlist reate 4"otlist button, ,

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 /0
3R 3R 3R 3R
Ri,"t clic6 on t"e tar,et lipCin in t"e cate,or# tree an* select Ne2 Ne2 Ne2 Ne2 an* ate,or# ate,or# ate,or# ate,or#K
t"e reate 4"otlist *ialo, opens'

2' <#pe in t"e na!e o1 t"e s"otlist an* clic6 4ub!it 4ub!it 4ub!it 4ub!itK t"e ne2 s"otlist appears in t"e clip area o1
4tor#boar*er an* in t"e cate,or# tree'

Displaying Shotlists
4"otlists can be *ispla#e* in eit"er t"u!bnail or table (ie2' You can c"an,e 1reel# bet2een t"e t2o (ie2s'
<o c"oose t"e *ispla# !o*e 1or s"otlists; <o c"oose t"e *ispla# !o*e 1or s"otlists; <o c"oose t"e *ispla# !o*e 1or s"otlists; <o c"oose t"e *ispla# !o*e 1or s"otlists;
3pen a s"otlist an* clic6 on t"e or button to to,,le bet2een a t"u!bnail or a table (ie2 o1 t"e

Removing a Shotlist from a ClipBin
You can *elete s"otlists usin, t"e clip toolbar or t"e conteBtual !enu o1 t"e cate,or# tree' You can onl#
re!o(e a s"otlist 2"ic" *oes not contain an# clips'
<o re!o(e a s"otlist; <o re!o(e a s"otlist; <o re!o(e a s"otlist; <o re!o(e a s"otlist;
4elect t"e s"otlist an* clic6 on t"e Re!o(e 4 Re!o(e 4 Re!o(e 4 Re!o(e 4"otlist "otlist "otlist "otlist button, ,
3R 3R 3R 3R
Ri,"t clic6 on t"e s"otlist in t"e cate,or# tree an* select Delete Delete Delete DeleteK
Web4pace re!o(es t"e s"otlist 1ro! t"e clip area o1 4tor#boar*er an* 1ro! t"e cate,or# tree'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 /1
Renaming a Clip
You can rena!e t"e clips in a s"otlist at an# ti!e'
<o rena!e a clip; <o rena!e a clip; <o rena!e a clip; <o rena!e a clip;
Double clic6 on t"e clip na!e an* t#pe in a ne2 na!e'

3R 3R 3R 3R
Ri,"t clic6 on t"e clip an* select Rena!e Rena!e Rena!e Rena!e 1ro! t"e conteBtual !enuK a teBt input 1iel* opens' <#pe in
t"e ne2 na!e an* press @nter'
Previewing a Clip in the Shotlist
You can (ie2 t"e contents o1 a clip in t"e s"otlist usin, t"e :re(ie2 2in*o2'

<o pre(ie2 a clip in t"e s"otlist; <o pre(ie2 a clip in t"e s"otlist; <o pre(ie2 a clip in t"e s"otlist; <o pre(ie2 a clip in t"e s"otlist;
4elect t"e clip an* clic6 t"e A AA Aoa* clip oa* clip oa* clip oa* clip to pla#er to pla#er to pla#er to pla#er button in t"e top "an* corner o1 t"e clipK

3R 3R 3R 3R
Double clic6 on t"e clipK Web4pace pla#s t"e clip in t"e :re(ie2 2in*o2
Locating the Source of a Clip
You use t"e conteBtual !enu o1 a clip to locate clips an* t"eir source (i*eo'
<o locate <o locate <o locate <o locate a clip or t"e a clip or t"e a clip or t"e a clip or t"e source o1 a clip; source o1 a clip; source o1 a clip; source o1 a clip;
Ri,"t clic6 on t"e clip an* select Aocate Aocate Aocate Aocate or Aocate :arent Vi*eo Aocate :arent Vi*eo Aocate :arent Vi*eo Aocate :arent Vi*eo 1ro! t"e conteBtual !enuK Web4pace
locates t"e clip or t"e source (i*eo an* *ispla#s it in t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser'

Aoa* clip to
pla#er button
4ource (i*eo
in t"e Me*ia

4electe* clip

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 /2
Adding Keywords/Comments to a Clip
You can a** 6e#2or*s or co!!ents to a clip usin, its Asset Mana,er 1or!'
<o a** 6e#2or*s or co!!ents <o a** 6e#2or*s or co!!ents <o a** 6e#2or*s or co!!ents <o a** 6e#2or*s or co!!ents to a clip; to a clip; to a clip; to a clip;
1' 4elect t"e clip an* ri,"t clic6, 1ro! t"e conteBtual !enu select 3pen 2it" Asset Mana,er 3pen 2it" Asset Mana,er 3pen 2it" Asset Mana,er 3pen 2it" Asset Mana,erK Web4pace
opens t"e Asset Mana,er 1or! 1or t"e clip'
2' A** t"e in1or!ation to t"e 1or! an* clic6 on t"e lose lose lose lose iconK Webspace con1ir!s t"at #ou 2ant to sa(e
c"an,es an* closes t"e Asset Mana,er 1or!'

Removing a Clip from a Shotlist
You can re!o(e clips 1ro! a s"otlist Huic6l# an* easil#'
<o re!o(e <o re!o(e <o re!o(e <o re!o(e a a a a clip 1ro! a s"otlist; clip 1ro! a s"otlist; clip 1ro! a s"otlist; clip 1ro! a s"otlist;
1' lic6 on t"e lose icon on a clip

3R 3R 3R 3R
4elect t"e clip an* clic6 on t"e Re!o(e clip Re!o(e clip Re!o(e clip Re!o(e clip button, , Web4pace as6s #ou to con1ir! t"e action'

2' lic6 Yes Yes Yes Yes to 1inis"'
Dragging a Title or Clip into Storyboarder
You can *ra, titles *irectl# 1ro! t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser into an# o1 t"e parts o1 t"e 4tor#boar*er inter1ace,
t"e :re(ie2 2in*o2, lipbin or <i!eline' <o *ra, a title or a clip into 4tor#boar*er;
:lace t"e !ouse o(er t"e le1t !ost colu!n in t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser, 2"en t"e cursor c"an,es to a
"an*, select a title in t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser an* *ra, it into 4tor#boar*erK t"e !e*ia 2ill be eit"er
loa*e* into t"e :re(ie2 2in*o2 or a**e* to t"e acti(e s"otlist or *ispla#e* in t"e <i!eline'
.ote/ If the category you are dragging from has Set 0unning 1rder
selected, you must be sure to drag the title from the left most column in
the 2edia 3ase3rowser otherwise you will simply rearrange the order of the
titles in the category

Woring with Timeline
You use <i!eline in 4tor#boar*er to prepare si!ple rou,"&cut @DAs' You can sen* clips to <i!eline 1ro! t"e
:re(ie2 2in*o2 an* #ou can *ra, an* *rop (i*eo 1ro! t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser an* clips 1ro! t"e s"otlists'
lips in t"e ti!eline can be rearran,e* b# *ra,,in, an* *roppin,, t"is c"an,es t"e or*er in 2"ic" t"e# are
pla#e*' 3nce #ou "a(e create* a ne2 ti!eline it can be ren*ere* as a ne2 title' You can also sen* a
create* ti!eline to a t"ir* part# NA@ pro,ra! 1or 1urt"er e*itin,' You also use t"e <i!eline to create ,roup

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 /+
titles 2"ic" !a# contain se,!ents 1ro! t"e sa!e !e*ia or 1ro! *i11erent !e*ia' <"ese ,roups can t"en be
*ra,,e* *irectl# into run*o2ns'
<"e <i!eline toolbar contains t"e 1ollo2in, !enus an* icons' Web4pace inclu*es 6e#boar* s"ortcuts 1or
2or6in, 2it" <i!eline' You can *ispla# t"e list usin, t"e 9 6e# 2"en t"e 4tor#boar*er is t"e acti(e area o1
t"e screen'
Button Keyboard Shortcuts Function Activity

Q Add to End of Timeline Adds a segment based on the
current selection in the Preview
window to the end of the timeline.

MR Add After Selected
Inserts a segment based on the
current selection in the Preview
window after the selected segment.

ML Add Before Selected
Inserts a segment based on the
current selection in the Preview
window before the selected segment.

MO Replace Segment Removes the selected segment in
the timeline with a segment based on
the current selection in the Preview

MX Delete Segments Deletes the selected segment.

PP Play All Segments Plays all the segments in the timeline
in the Preview window.

PF Play from Selected
Plays the timeline from the selected

PC Play Selected
Plays all the selected segments in
the timeline.

MN Export to NLE Exports the timeline to an external
NLE, such as Final Cut Pro, for
further processing or rendering.

MS Save Saves the timeline content as a

MB Save As Saves the timeline content as a new
group or as a video

No keyboard shortcut Apply Migration Policy Applies media migration policies to
the timeline content.

MH Hide/Show Timeline Hides and shows Timeline when
Storyboarder is open.

No keyboard shortcut Timeline status bar Displays information about the
segments in Timeline: total number
of segments and number of selected
segments, duration of selected
segments, total duration of the

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 /4
No button MC Open Tab Menu Opens a tab contextual menu with
preview, edit, open with Asset
Manager, locate and print options.
Adding a Segment to the Timeline
You a** selecte* se,!ents to an# position in t"e ti!eline usin, t"e <i!eline buttons or b# *ra,,in, an*
*roppin,' C# *e1ault t"e clip is a**e* to t"e en* o1 t"e ti!eline' You can a** se,!ents 1ro! t"e :re(ie2
2in*o2, 1ro! t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser or 1ro! t"e s"otlists'
<o a** se,!ents to t"e ti!eline; <o a** se,!ents to t"e ti!eline; <o a** se,!ents to t"e ti!eline; <o a** se,!ents to t"e ti!eline;
4elect !aterial to insert b# !ar6in, in5points in t"e :re(ie2 2in*o2 an* clic6 one o1 t"e positionin,
buttons in t"e <i!eline toolbarK t"e selection is inserte* accor*in, to #our c"oice'
:lace t"e !ouse o(er t"e le1t !ost colu!n in t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser, 2"en t"e cursor c"an,es to a
"an*, select a title in t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser an* *ra, it to t"e <i!elineK

t"e blue 1ra!e o1 t"e <i!eline is "i,"li,"te* an* t"e clip is a**e* at t"e en* o1 t"e ti!eline'

Editing the Timeline
4e,!ents in t"e ti!eline can be rearran,e* b# *ra,,in, an* *roppin,, t"us c"an,in, t"e or*er in 2"ic"
t"e# are pla#e*'
<o e*it t"e ti!eline; <o e*it t"e ti!eline; <o e*it t"e ti!eline; <o e*it t"e ti!eline;
4elect t"e se,!ents #ou 2ant to !o(e an* *ra, an* *rop t"e! to t"e reHuire* positionK t"e insertion
point 2ill be in*icate* b# t"e ot"er se,!ents !o(in, asi*e'

Previewing the Timeline Video
You (ie2 t"e se,!ents in <i!eline in t"e :re(ie2 2in*o2' <"e ti!eline can be (ie2e* in t"ree !o*es; 1ro!
t"e be,innin,, 1ro! a particular se,!ent to t"e en* or onl# particular selecte* se,!ents' <"e currentl#
pla#in, se,!ent appears 1las"in, in <i!eline' You can also (ie2 in*i(i*ual se,!ents in t"e ti!eline b#
clic6in, on t"e Aoa* 4e,!ent to :la#er icon on t"e se,!ent'
<o pre(ie2 <o pre(ie2 <o pre(ie2 <o pre(ie2 t"e t"e t"e t"e ti!eline (i*eo; ti!eline (i*eo; ti!eline (i*eo; ti!eline (i*eo;
lic6 t"e :la# All 4e,!ents :la# All 4e,!ents :la# All 4e,!ents :la# All 4e,!ents button in <i!eline, or select a particular se,!ent to start pla#in, 1ro!, or
select particular se,!ents 1or (ie2in,, an* press t"e appropriate pla# button in t"e <i!eline toolbarK
t"e se,!ents are pla#e* in t"e :re(ie2 2in*o2 as reHueste*'
When you use these buttons to play the contents of the imeline a locked
icon appears restricting access to the imeline, and the duration of the

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 /.
playing segment and a red letter - appear in the preview window. You
can release the lock by clicking on any segment in the imeline.

Calculating Timeline Duration using Frame Rates
You can a** !e*ia 2it" *i11erent 1ra!e rates to t"e <i!eline' Web4pace calculates t"e total *uration o1 t"e
<i!eline ta6in, into account t"e *i11erent 1ra!e rates' You can c"an,e t"e (alue 1or t"e 1ra!e rate
calculation 1or t"e <i!eline b# *ouble clic6in, on t"e (alue o1 t"e 1ra!e rate at t"e ri,"t "an* si*e o1 t"e
<i!eline' 71 #ou *o not c"oose a particular 1ra!e rate 1or calculation Web4pace calculates t"e *uration
accor*in, to t"e 1ra!e rate o1 t"e 1irst se,!ent in t"e <i!eline'

Figure !,: A Timeine with )edia with Different Frame .ate(
%or eBa!ple, t"e (i*eos in t"e <i!eline s"o2n abo(e "a(e *uration 00;00;44;0. an* 1ra!e rate 2.1ps an*
*uration 00;00;02;2+ an* 1ra!e rate 2+'901ps respecti(el#' <"e selecte* 1ra!e rate (alue 1or calculation
o1 t"e total *uration o1 t"e <i!eline is 10001ps, an* so in t"is case t"e *uration is 00;00;4);1++'
<o select t"e 1ra!e rate 1or calculatin, t"e *uration o1 t"e <i!eline; <o select t"e 1ra!e rate 1or calculatin, t"e *uration o1 t"e <i!eline; <o select t"e 1ra!e rate 1or calculatin, t"e *uration o1 t"e <i!eline; <o select t"e 1ra!e rate 1or calculatin, t"e *uration o1 t"e <i!eline;
1' A** se,!ents to t"e <i!eline'

2' Double clic6 on t"e 1ra!e rate at t"e ri,"t "an* si*e o1 t"e <i!elineK Web4pace *ispla#s a list o1
*i11erent 1ra!e rates 2"ic" can be use* to calculate t"e *uration o1 t"e <i!eline'

+' 4elect a 1ra!e rateK Web4pace calculates t"e total *uration o1 t"e ti!eline base* on t"e selecte*
1ra!e rate per secon*'
rate per
rate per

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 //
Saving the Contents of the Timeline
You can sa(e t"e contents o1 t"e ti!eline as a (i*eo title or as a ,roup usin, t"e 4a(e As icon in <i!eline'
"oosin, t"e 4a(e icon auto!aticall# sa(es t"e contents as a ,roup'
<o sa(e t"e <o sa(e t"e <o sa(e t"e <o sa(e t"e contents o1 t"e contents o1 t"e contents o1 t"e contents o1 t"e t tt ti!eline; i!eline; i!eline; i!eline;
1' lic6 t"e 4a(e As 4a(e As 4a(e As 4a(e As icon in <i!elineK t"e 4a(e As *ialo, opens'

2' 4elect 4a(e As Ne2 $roup 4a(e As Ne2 $roup 4a(e As Ne2 $roup 4a(e As Ne2 $roup or 4a(e 4a(e 4a(e 4a(e A AA As Vi*eo s Vi*eo s Vi*eo s Vi*eo, t#pe in a na!e, c"oose a tar,et cate,or# an* clic6 4ub!it,
Web4pace creates t"e (i*eo or t"e ,roup' 4a(in, as a $roup 2ill sa(e t"e ti!eline as an @DA, 2"ereas
sa(in, it as a Vi*eo 2ill ren*er t"e ti!eline'

Setting the Default Category when Saving the Contents of the Timeline
You can set a *e1ault sa(e cate,or# 2"ene(er #ou sa(e t"e contents o1 t"e 4tor#boar*er to a ne2 (i*eo or
,roup title'
<o set user pre1erences 1or *ra, an* *rop to t"e cate,or# tree; <o set user pre1erences 1or *ra, an* *rop to t"e cate,or# tree; <o set user pre1erences 1or *ra, an* *rop to t"e cate,or# tree; <o set user pre1erences 1or *ra, an* *rop to t"e cate,or# tree;
1' %ro! t"e <ools !enu, select :re1erencesK

t"e :re1erences 1or *aletQa*!in !enu opens'

2' lic6 on 4tor#boar*erK t"e 4tor#boar*er *ialo, opens'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 /)

+' 4elect #our pre1erence 1or t"e *e1ault cate,or# su,,estion 2"en sa(in, t"e contents o1 t"e <i!eline;
urrent 4"otlist urrent 4"otlist urrent 4"otlist urrent 4"otlist or Aast sa(e* ate,or# or Aast sa(e* ate,or# or Aast sa(e* ate,or# or Aast sa(e* ate,or#'
4' lic6 Appl# Appl# Appl# Appl# an* 3E 3E 3E 3EK Web4pace applies #our c"oice'
Applying a Media Migration Policy on a Group
W"en Web4pace sa(es a se,!ent or nu!ber o1 se,!ents as a ,roup it *oes not ren*er t"e! into a sin,le
(i*eo' 7nstea* it sa(es t"e in5out points 1or eac" particular se,!ent' <o !a6e t"e! easil# i*enti1iable,
,roups are sa(e* 2it" a *i11erent t"u!bnail 1ro! a (i*eo clip'

Figure !1: A 7roup Thumbnai
@ac" se,!ent can be pre(ie2e*, *elete* or ren*ere* in*i(i*uall# or collecti(el#' You can also eBtract a clip
1ro! t"e in*i(i*ual se,!ents sa(e* in a ,roup' You *o t"is usin, an eBtract !e*ia !i,ration rule 2"ic"
ren*ers a ne2 (i*eo title 1ro! t"e parent (i*eo usin, t"e in5out points o1 t"e se,!ents in t"e ,roup' <"e
resultant (i*eo clip appears in t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser 2it" t"e na!e o1 t"e parent (i*eo an* t"e 2or*
eBtract in sHuare brac6ets'

Figure !2: A +ip &4tracted from a 7roup 1a(ed on the #arent *ideo 8Word +up8
Appl#in, a !e*ia !i,ration polic# on a ,roup Appl#in, a !e*ia !i,ration polic# on a ,roup Appl#in, a !e*ia !i,ration polic# on a ,roup Appl#in, a !e*ia !i,ration polic# on a ,roup; ;; ;
1' 3pen 4tor#boar*er, a** se,!ents to t"e ti!eline an* sa(e t"e! as a $roup'
2' Web4pace creates t"e $roup in t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser'

+' Ri,"t clic6 on t"e $roup an* select Appl# Me*ia :olic# Appl# Me*ia :olic# Appl# Me*ia :olic# Appl# Me*ia :olic# or clic6 t"e iconK t"e 4elect !i,ration
polic# *ialo, opens'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 /0

4' 4elect t"e eBtraction !i,ration rule, in t"is eBa!ple, @Btract 1ro! ,roup :olic# an* clic6 4ub!it 4ub!it 4ub!it 4ub!itK
Web4pace c"ec6s t"e con*itions 1or t"e !i,ration rule an* eBtracts t"e clips 1ro! t"e se,!ents in t"e

Displaying Groups in Group View
$roups co!prise a set o1 in5out points 1or a nu!ber o1 se,!ents' <"e in5out points !a# re1er to part o1
!e*ia 1ile or to a co!plete title' Web4pace allo2s #ou to (ie2 t"e se,!ents in a ,roup in ,roup (ie2' <"is
!a6es it eas# to (ie2 t"e co!ponents o1 t"e ,roup 2it"out "a(in, to open 4tor#boar*er' You can also use
t"is (ie2 to !a6e !ultiple selections to t"e se,!ents in t"e ,roup an* !o(e t"e! or lin6 t"e! to ot"er
cate,ories, 1or eBa!ple to i!ple!ent !e*ia !i,ration polic# on all t"e titles in t"e ,roup'
<o *ispla# ,roups in run*o2n (ie2; <o *ispla# ,roups in run*o2n (ie2; <o *ispla# ,roups in run*o2n (ie2; <o *ispla# ,roups in run*o2n (ie2;
Ri,"t clic6 on a ,roup an* select 3pen $roup Vie2 3pen $roup Vie2 3pen $roup Vie2 3pen $roup Vie2K

Web4pace *ispla#s t"e contents o1 t"e ,roup in t"e Docu!ent area in a run*o2n (ie2'

You can rearran,e t"e titles in a ,roup run*o2n (ie2, b# *ra,,in, t"e! to a ne2 position an* t"en #ou can
sa(e t"e c"an,es'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 /9
W"en #ou ri,"t clic6 on a title in t"e run*o2n, a conteBtual !enu si!ilar to t"e one in t"e CaseCro2ser
opens an* #ou can !a6e sin,le or !ultiple selections 2it"in t"e ,roup an* per1or! processes on t"e

Deleting Segments from Timeline
4e,!ents can be re!o(e* 1ro! t"e ti!eline Huic6l# an* easil#'
<o *elete a se,!ent 1ro! t"e <o *elete a se,!ent 1ro! t"e <o *elete a se,!ent 1ro! t"e <o *elete a se,!ent 1ro! t"e t tt ti!eline; i!eline; i!eline; i!eline;
1' 4elect a se,!ent an* clic6 on t"e Delete 4e,!ents Delete 4e,!ents Delete 4e,!ents Delete 4e,!ents button, ,
3R 3R 3R 3R
lic6 on t"e Delete 4e,!ent Delete 4e,!ent Delete 4e,!ent Delete 4e,!ent, B, icon on t"e se,!entK Web4pace as6s #ou to con1ir! t"e action'

2' lic6 Yes Yes Yes Yes to 1inis"'
<o *el <o *el <o *el <o *elete all t"e se,!ents 1ro! t"e <i!eline; ete all t"e se,!ents 1ro! t"e <i!eline; ete all t"e se,!ents 1ro! t"e <i!eline; ete all t"e se,!ents 1ro! t"e <i!eline;
Ri,"t&clic6 on an# o1 t"e clips an* select Re!o(e all 1ro! ti!eline Re!o(e all 1ro! ti!eline Re!o(e all 1ro! ti!eline Re!o(e all 1ro! ti!eline in t"e conteBtual !enuK Webspace
clears t"e <i!eline'

Sending Timeline to NLE
7n t"e sa!e 2a# t"at #ou can eBport (i*eo to an NA@, i1 #our site is con1i,ure* accor*in,l#, #ou can also
eBport t"e contents o1 #our ti!eline' <o *o t"is, select t"e se,!ents to be eBporte*, ri,"t clic6 on t"e clip
an* select t"e @Bport to NA@ option in t"e conteBtual !enu or use t"e icon' Ma6e selections in t"e
*ialo,s as eBplaine* in t"e @Bportin, Vi*eo to NA@ section o1 t"e !anual'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 )0
'. Tracking "edia (o&s and )istor%
Web4pace inclu*es 1eatures to "elp #ou trac6 #our -obs an* #our lo, "istor#' You (ie2 t"e pro,ress o1 a -ob
(ia t"e pro,ress bar on title t"u!bnails' You can also (ie2 !ore co!plete in1or!ation re,ar*in, particular
-obs in t"e Job Cro6er Monitor 2in*o2' %inall# #ou can *ispla# t"e error an* in1or!ation "istor# 1or #our
Web4pace session'
Viewing Job Progress
You can (ie2 t"e i!!e*iate pro,ress o1 a -ob b# *ispla#in, t"e -ob pro,ress bar on title t"u!bnails'
<o (ie2 -ob pro,ress on title t"u!bnails <o (ie2 -ob pro,ress on title t"u!bnails <o (ie2 -ob pro,ress on title t"u!bnails <o (ie2 -ob pro,ress on title t"u!bnails; ;; ;
1' %ro! t"e <ools <ools <ools <ools !enu, select :re1erences :re1erences :re1erences :re1erencesK

t"e :re1erences 1or *aletQa*!in !enu opens'

2' lic6 on Monitorin, Monitorin, Monitorin, Monitorin, an* select Jobs Jobs Jobs JobsK t"e Jobs *ialo, opens'

+' +' +' +' 4elect 4"o2 :ro,ress on <"u!bnails an* clic6 appl#' appl#' appl#' appl#'
4' lic6 3EK lic6 3EK lic6 3EK lic6 3EK Web4pace *ispla#s t"e -ob pro,ress bar on t"e title t"u!bnail'

The )ob %roer Monitor Window
You can (ie2 *etaile* in1or!ation re,ar*in, particular -obs t"at are in pro,ress or "a(e been co!plete* b#
Web4pace in t"e Job Cro6er Win*o2' Web4pace *ispla#s in1or!ation about t"e source (i*eo an* its

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 )1
1or!at, t"e tar,et (i*eo an* its 1or!at' 7t also pro(i*es in1or!ation about unsuccess1ul or aborte* -obs
eit"er in t"e Jobs Cro6er 2in*o2 or as a pop&up !essa,e'

Figure !!: The 0ob 1ro2er )onitor Window

Figure !$: &rror )e((age for a Submitted 0ob
Displaying the Job Broker Monitor Window
You use t"e 3pen !enu to open t"e Job Cro6er Monitor 2in*o2' <"e 2in*o2 opens in t"e Docu!ent area'
an* b# *e1ault *ispla#s t"e last 10 co!plete* -obs an* t"e last 10 error -obs' You can set t"e nu!ber o1
co!plete*5aborte*5 error -obs *ispla#e* in #our Job Cro6er' You can also set "o2 t"e -obs are sorte*'
<o *ispla# t"e Job Cro6er Monitor 2in*o2; <o *ispla# t"e Job Cro6er Monitor 2in*o2; <o *ispla# t"e Job Cro6er Monitor 2in*o2; <o *ispla# t"e Job Cro6er Monitor 2in*o2;
%ro! t"e 3pen 3pen 3pen 3pen !enu select Job Job Job Job Monitor Monitor Monitor MonitorK t"e Job Cro6er Monitor 2in*o2 opens in t"e Docu!ent area'
Working with the Job Broker Monitor Window
<"ere a nu!ber o1 icons t"at appear in t"e Job Cro6er Monitor 2in*o2'
<o 2or6 in t"e -ob bro6er !onitor 2in*o2; <o 2or6 in t"e -ob bro6er !onitor 2in*o2; <o 2or6 in t"e -ob bro6er !onitor 2in*o2; <o 2or6 in t"e -ob bro6er !onitor 2in*o2;
7n t"e Job Cro6er Monitor 2in*o2, select an icon to per1or! *i11erent acti(ities or use t"e ri,"t clic6
Button Function Activity

Locate Locates the clip assiciated with the message in the Media

Abort Aborts a submitted job.

Clear Completed Clears all the completed job messages in the window.

Clear Error/Aborted Clears all the error/aborted job messages in the window.

Change Priority Changes the priority for a particular job.

Filter messages Filters displayed message to match typed in text.

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 )2

Setting the Display for the Job Broker Monitor Window
You can con1i,ure t"e nu!ber o1 -obs *ispla#e* in t"e Job Monitor an* also "o2 t"e -obs are sorte*'
<o set t"e *ispla# 1or t"e Job Cro6er Monitor; <o set t"e *ispla# 1or t"e Job Cro6er Monitor; <o set t"e *ispla# 1or t"e Job Cro6er Monitor; <o set t"e *ispla# 1or t"e Job Cro6er Monitor;
1' %ro! t"e <ools <ools <ools <ools !enu, select :re1erences :re1erences :re1erences :re1erences L Monitorin, L JobsK t"e Jobs *ialo, opens'

2' <#pe in t"e nu!ber o1 -obs #ou 2ant to *ispla# an* select t"e !eta*ata 1iel* #ou 2ant to use to sort t"e
-obs, 1or eBa!ple :ro,ress' lic6 appl# appl# appl# appl# an* o6 o6 o6 o6'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 )+
*. Stor% +ditor
You use t"e 4tor# @*itor in Web4pace to create ne2 stories or e*it eBistin, ones' <"e 4tor# @*itor is a
stan*ar* WY47WY$ teBt e*itor 2it" t"e !ost co!!on 1or!attin, options' 7t also inclu*es t"e sa!e
co!!ent 1eatures t"at are a(ailable in t"e Dalet core client'
Creating a New Story
Web4pace enables #ou to create ne2 stories'
<o create a ne2 <o create a ne2 <o create a ne2 <o create a ne2 stor# stor# stor# stor#; ;; ;
1' Ri,"t clic6 on t"e cate,or# to 2"ic" #ou 2ant to a** a ne2 stor#'
2' 2' 2' 2' %ro! t"e conteBtual !enu, select Ne2 Ne2 Ne2 Ne2 an* c"oose 4tor# 4tor# 4tor# 4tor#, , , , or t"e stor# te!plate t"at #ou 2ant to useK
Web4pace opens a ne2 stor# in t"e Docu!ent area'

+' <#pe in teBt, insert i!a,es an* 1or!at #our teBt as in an# teBt e*itor'

4' lic6 t"e lose lose lose lose icon on t"e acti(e *ocu!ent tab, Webspace con1ir!s t"at #ou 2ant to sa(e c"an,es
an* sa(es t"e stor# in t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser'
Renaming a Story
You rena!e #our stories b# openin, t"e stor# 2it" Asset Mana,er'
<o rena!e a stor#; <o rena!e a stor#; <o rena!e a stor#; <o rena!e a stor#;
1' Ri,"t clic6 on t"e stor# an* select 3pen 2it" Asset Mana,er 3pen 2it" Asset Mana,er 3pen 2it" Asset Mana,er 3pen 2it" Asset Mana,erK Web4pace opens t"e Asset Mana,er 1or!
1or t"e stor#'


Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 )4

2' <#pe in a na!e 1or t"e stor# an* clic6 t"e lose lose lose lose icon on t"e 1or!K

Web4pace con1ir!s t"at #ou 2ant to sa(es c"an,es an* sa(es t"e stor# 2it" t"e ne2 na!e'

Editing a Story
You can e*it #our stories in Web4pace Huic6l# an* easil#' You can *ra, an* *rop titles =Voice 3(ers, 4oun*
3n <apes, etc'? 1ro! t"e base bro2ser into t"e bo*# o1 #our stor# to a** t"e! to #our stor# an* #ou can
t"en pre(ie2 t"at title 1ro! 2it"in t"e stor# b# ri,"t clic6in, on it'
<o e*it a stor#; <o e*it a stor#; <o e*it a stor#; <o e*it a stor#;
Ri,"t clic6 on t"e stor#, or t"e stor# te!plate t"at #ou 2ant to use an* select @*it @*it @*it @*itK Web4pace opens t"e
4tor# @*itor an* #ou can per1or! all t"e e*itin, operations #ou 2ant to create a co!plete stor#'

Displaying the Content of Story Editor Comments
<"e content o1 4tor# e*itor co!!ents =<elepro!pter co!!ents, DirectorGs co!!ents, 4pea6er "an,es,
Re!ar6s? an* Ai(e <i!e,aps is not *ispla#e* in t"e 4tor# @*itor area, instea* it is *ispla#e* as a tool tip
2"en t"e !ouse "o(ers o(er t"e icon' %or so!e users, suc" as -ournalists it is use1ul to be able to (ie2 t"e
in1or!ation *irectl# an* to be able to cop# an* paste it into ot"er applications' You can con1i,ure
Web4pace to *ispla# co!plete e!be**e* in1or!ation 1or an# co!bination o1 t"e 4tor# e*itor co!!ent
<o *ispla# t"e contents o1 stor# e*itor co!!ents; <o *ispla# t"e contents o1 stor# e*itor co!!ents; <o *ispla# t"e contents o1 stor# e*itor co!!ents; <o *ispla# t"e contents o1 stor# e*itor co!!ents;
1' %ro! t"e <ools !enu, select :re1erencesK

t"e :re1erences 1or *aletQa*!in !enu opens'

2' lic6 on $eneral an* select 4tor# @*itor :re1erencesK t"e 4tor# @*itor :re1erences *ialo, opens'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 ).

+' "ec6 2"ic" co!!ents #ou 2ant to be *ispla#e* in 1ull an* clic6 appl# appl# appl# appl#'
4' lic6 3E 3E 3E 3EK Web4pace *ispla#s t"e in1or!ation as teBt in t"e stor# an* not as an icon'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 )/
1,. The -sset "anager
7n Web4pace #ou can open a title 2it" Asset Mana,er as #ou 2oul* in t"e core client' An Asset Mana,er
1or! or,aniJes !eta*ata about t"e title, 1or eBa!ple t"e title na!e, t"e title artist, creation *ate, content
etc' <"e *ispla#e* 1iel*s in an Asset Mana,er 1or! are *e1ine* in Dalet re!ote a*!in an* cannot be
c"an,e* in Webspace' 4o!e o1 t"e 1iel*s in t"e Asset Mana,er 1or! are !an*ator# an* Web4pace 2ill
2arn #ou i1 #ou tr# to sa(e an Asset Mana,er 1or! 2it"out 1illin, in one o1 t"ese 1iel*s'
You open Asset Mana,er usin, t"e conteBtual !enu o1 t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser' You can also use t"e
s"ortcut 6e# A' 71 !ore t"an one 1or! is a(ailable, #ou can select t"e reHuire* one'

Figure !%: Opening the A((et )anager Form
<o !a6e 2or6in, in Web4pace easier, 2"en an Asset Mana,er 1or! is opene* #ou can c"oose 1ro! a
nu!ber o1 la#outs 1or t"e 1or!' 3nce #ou c"oose a particular la#out, all Asset Mana,er 1or!s 2ill open in
t"at la#out until #ou c"oose a *i11erent la#out'

Figure !': Seected A((et )anager 6ayout
$roups insi*e Asset Mana,er 1or!s are *ispla#e* in *i11erent tabs' <"e acti(e tab is "i,"li,"te* in blue'

Asset Mana,er 1or!s !a# also inclu*e a "ea*er 2"ose 1iel*s are (isible re,ar*less o1 2"ic" tab #ou select
to 2or6 on'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 ))

Updating an Asset Manager Form
You can c"an,e t"e la#out o1 #our Asset Mana,er 1or! an* up*ate t"e !eta*ata' You can also rearran,e
t"e 1iel*s in a particular 1or! accor*in, to #our pre1erence' W"en content is c"an,e* it is sa(e* 1or a
particular title' W"en #ou c"oose a la#out, it is sa(e* per user 1or all Asset Mana,er 1or!s' 71 #ou rearran,e
t"e 1iel*s in an Asset Mana,er 1or!, t"e ne2 arran,e!ent is sa(e* 1or t"at user 1or t"at title' You can also
pre(ie2 (i*eo content 2"ic" is sa(e* in t"e 1or!'

<o up*ate t"e content o1 an Asset Mana,er 1or!; <o up*ate t"e content o1 an Asset Mana,er 1or!; <o up*ate t"e content o1 an Asset Mana,er 1or!; <o up*ate t"e content o1 an Asset Mana,er 1or!;
1' 7n t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser ri,"t clic6 on t"e title to be opene* an* select 3pen 2it" Asset Mana,er 3pen 2it" Asset Mana,er 3pen 2it" Asset Mana,er 3pen 2it" Asset Mana,er or
select t"e title an* press A AA AK Web4pace opens t"e Asset Mana,er 1or! o1 t"e title in t"e Docu!ent

2' Up*ate t"e e*itable !eta*ata 1iel*s in t"e 1or! an* clic6 t"e lose lose lose lose iconK Web4pace con1ir!s t"at #ou
2ant to sa(es c"an,es an* closes t"e Asset Mana,er 1or! an* sa(es t"e c"an,es 1or t"at particular
Using Plain Text Autocomplete to Asset Manager Forms
You can use plain teBt autoco!plete Min @n,lis"N 2"en t#pin, teBt in s"ort teBt *ispla# Asset Mana,er 1or!s'
<o use plain teBt autoco!plete; <o use plain teBt autoco!plete; <o use plain teBt autoco!plete; <o use plain teBt autoco!plete;
7n t"e teBt 1iel*, start t#pin, an* t"en clic6 on t"e !enu button on t"e 6e#boar* =near t"e ri,"t ctrl
button?K a list 2it" possible 2or*s t"at start 2it" #our teBt is *ispla#e*' <"e options are sorte*
accor*in, to t"eir 1reHuenc# in @n,lis"'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 )0
<o <o <o <o c"an,e c"an,e c"an,e c"an,e t"e la#out o1 an Asset !ana,er 1or!; t"e la#out o1 an Asset !ana,er 1or!; t"e la#out o1 an Asset !ana,er 1or!; t"e la#out o1 an Asset !ana,er 1or!;
1' 7n t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser ri,"t clic6 on t"e title to be opene* an* select 3pen 2it" Asset Mana,er 3pen 2it" Asset Mana,er 3pen 2it" Asset Mana,er 3pen 2it" Asset Mana,er or
select t"e title an* press A AA AK Web4pace opens t"e Asset Mana,er 1or! o1 t"e title in t"e Docu!ent

2' 71 #ou "a(e t"e ri,"t to *o so & clic6 on A! Aa#ou A! Aa#ou A! Aa#ou A! Aa#out tt t to c"oose t"e 1or! la#out 2"ic" best suits #our

Web4pace sa(es t"e la#out an* all 1or!s 2ill be opene* in t"is 1or!at'

+' Dra, 1iel*s aroun* t"e Asset Mana,er to 1or! to rearran,e t"e 1or!K i1 #ou sa(e t"e c"an,es 2"en
closin, t"e 1or!, Web4pace sa(es t"e ne2 arran,e!ent an* opens t"e particular 1or! 1or t"e
particular user 2it" t"e ne2 arran,e!ent neBt ti!e #ou open t"e 1or!'
If you are working in Webspace as the administrator you can save the
changes in the &sset manager layout for all users

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 )9
Viewing Title Duration According to Frame Rate in Asset Manager Forms
As 1or all ti!e co*e t#pe !eta*ata 1iel*s, t"e title *uration in t"e Asset Mana,er 1or! *ispla#s t"e 1ra!e
rates associate* 2it" a particular title' 71 a title "as !ore t"an one associate* 1ra!e rate #ou can (ie2 t"e
title *uration accor*in, to eac" in*i(i*ual 1ra!e rate'

<o (ie2 title *uration accor*in, to 1ra!e rates in an Asset Mana,er 1or!; <o (ie2 title *uration accor*in, to 1ra!e rates in an Asset Mana,er 1or!; <o (ie2 title *uration accor*in, to 1ra!e rates in an Asset Mana,er 1or!; <o (ie2 title *uration accor*in, to 1ra!e rates in an Asset Mana,er 1or!;
1' 3pen an Asset !ana,er 1or! 1or a title 2it" !ore t"an one associate* 1ra!e rate'
2' Double clic6 on t"e 1ra!e rate in t"e <itle Duration 1iel* an* select a 1ra!e rateK Web4pace calculates
t"e title *uration accor*in, to t"e selecte* 1ra!e rate'

+' Double clic6 a,ain on a *i11erent 1ra!e rateK Web4pace recalculates t"e title *uration'

Keyboard Shortcuts for Navigating Asset Manager Forms
<"e 1ollo2in, is a list o1 6e#boar* s"ortcuts 2"ic" can be use* at an# ti!e 2"en #ou are 2or6in, in an
Asset Mana,er 1or!'
Key Effect Explanation
Ctrl+Space Select cardinality item Selects an AM field which can have more than one value.
Ctrl+Shift++ Add cardinality item Adds an additional field for AM fields which can have more than one value
Ctrl+Shift+- Remove cardinality item Removes a selected field for AM fields which can have more than one
value. If no field is selected, removes the current AM field.
Ctrl+S Save Saves the AM form
Tab Next element Moves the focus to the next field.
Shift+Tab Previous element Moves the focus to the previous field.
Ctrl+Right Next tab Moves the focus to the next tab (Group in Asset Manager) to the right
Ctrl+Left Previous tab Moves the focus to the previous tab (Group in Asset Manager) to the left

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 00
11. Scheduling -..lications
You control t"e sc"e*ulin, applications a(ailable in Webspace usin, t"e :lannin, an* Run*o2ns tabs in
t"e Na(i,ator area'
:lannin, is use* 1or lo,istic sc"e*ulin, an* inclu*es t2o t#pes o1 *e1ault calen*ars; @(ent alen*ar or
Ne2s :lannin,' You can create ne2 e(ents in Web4pace an* *epen*in, on t"e nature o1 t"e e(ent assi,n
t"e! to t"e rele(ant calen*ar'
Viewing a Calendar and Creating a New Event
You c"oose 2"ic" calen*ar to (ie2 usin, t"e *rop *o2n lists in t"e :lannin, tab' You t"en create ne2
e(ents 1or a particular calen*ar in t"e :lannin, (ie2 tab in t"e Docu!ent area' @(ents create* in
Web4pace can onl# be *elete* in t"e core client' 71 t"e# "a(e been *e1ine* in Dalet a*!in #ou can c"oose
*i11erent :lannin, (ie2s' You can *ispla# e(ents 1or <o*a#, <o!orro2 or <"is Wee6'
<o <o <o <o (ie2 a calen*ar an* (ie2 a calen*ar an* (ie2 a calen*ar an* (ie2 a calen*ar an* create a ne2 e(ent; create a ne2 e(ent; create a ne2 e(ent; create a ne2 e(ent;
1' 7n t"e Na(i,ator, select t"e :lannin, :lannin, :lannin, :lannin, tab an* select a *ate an* a calen*arK t"e planne* e(ents 1or t"e
calen*ar 1or t"e selecte* *ate are *ispla#e* in t"e :lannin, tab in t"e Docu!ent area' 7n t"is eBa!ple
no e(ents are planne* in t"e e(ent calen*ar 1or t"e selecte* *ate, 2450512' Da#s on 2"ic" e(ents are
planne* appear "i,"li,"te* in t"e calen*ar'

2' Ri,"t clic6 on t"e no recor*s area in t"e :lannin, tab an* select Ne2 @(ent Ne2 @(ent Ne2 @(ent Ne2 @(ent an* t"en select t"e
calen*ar #ou 2ant to create t"e e(ent in; @(ent alen*ar @(ent alen*ar @(ent alen*ar @(ent alen*ar or Ne2s :lannin,K Ne2s :lannin,K Ne2s :lannin,K Ne2s :lannin,K t"e ne2 e(ent *ialo,

+' <#pe in *etails about t"e ne2 e(ent' You can also *ra, an* *rop (i*eo titles into t"e Associate* !e*ia
1iel* in t"e *ialo,'

4' lic6 t"e lose lose lose lose iconK Web4pace con1ir!s t"at #ou 2ant to sa(es c"an,es an* a**s t"e ne2 e(ent to
t"e e(ents list in t"e :lannin, (ie2 tab'
A *ate 1or
e(ents are

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 01

.' 4elect a (ie2 1ro! t"e :lannin, (ie2s !enuK

Web4pace c"an,es t"e *ispla# to !atc" #our selecte* :lannin, (ie2'
3R 3R 3R 3R
Sending a Planning Event to a Rundown and Viewing Associated Stories/Planning
Web4pace lets #ou create a ne2s plannin, e(ent an* lin6 it to a stor# 2"ic" #ou create in a particular
run*o2n' 3nce #ou "a(e *one t"is #ou can open t"e associate* stories 1ro! t"e ne2s plannin, e(ent
calen*ar or #ou can (ie2 a**itional plannin, in1or!ation connecte* 2it" t"e stor# #ou are 2or6in, on'
<o sen* a plannin, e(ent to a run*o2n; <o sen* a plannin, e(ent to a run*o2n; <o sen* a plannin, e(ent to a run*o2n; <o sen* a plannin, e(ent to a run*o2n;
1' 3pen t"e :lannin, tab an* create a ne2 Ne2s :lannin, e(ent as *escribe* abo(e'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 02
2' Ri,"t clic6 on t"e plannin, e(ent 1ro! 2"ic" #ou 2ant to create a stor# in a run*o2n an* select 4en* 4en* 4en* 4en*
to run*o2n as to run*o2n as to run*o2n as to run*o2n as 4tor# 4tor# 4tor# 4tor#K

t"e 4en* to run*o2n *ialo, opens *ispla#in, a calen*ar 2it" run*o2ns'

+' +' +' +' 4elect t"e *ate, station an* run*o2n to 2"ic" #ou 2ant to sen* t"e plannin, e(ent an* clic6 4a(e 4a(e 4a(e 4a(eK KK K t"e t"e t"e t"e
reate ne2 asset *ialo, opens' reate ne2 asset *ialo, opens' reate ne2 asset *ialo, opens' reate ne2 asset *ialo, opens'

4' <#pe in t"e na!e o1 t"e stor#, its *uration, t"e user it is assi,ne* to an* t"e cate,or# it s"oul* be
create* in, b# *e1ault it is create* in t"e Run*o2ns cate,or# o1 t"e station selecte* pre(iousl#' 7n t"is
eBa!ple, t"e :la#ers 1i,"t stor# is create* in t"e 4tation 1 run*o2ns cate,or#'
.' lic6 4a(e 4a(e 4a(e 4a(eK t"e stor# is *ispla#e* at t"e botto! o1 t"e *esi,nate* run*o2n' You can open t"is run*o2n
to c"ec6 it "as been create*'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 0+

<o (ie2 associate* stories; <o (ie2 associate* stories; <o (ie2 associate* stories; <o (ie2 associate* stories;
1' 3pen t"e plannin, tab 1or a particular *a#'

2' Ri,"t clic6 on t"e plannin, e(ent 2"ose associate* stories #ou 2ant to (ie2 an* select 3pen 3pen 3pen 3pen
associate* stories associate* stories associate* stories associate* storiesK

71 t"e e(ent onl# "as one associate* stor# t"e stor# opens in t"e *ocu!ent area' 71 t"e plannin, e(ent
"as !ore t"an one associate* stor#, t"e 3pen associate* stories *ialo, opens'

+' 4elect t"e stor# #ou 2ant to open an* clic6 3E 3E 3E 3EK t"e associate* stor# opens in t"e *ocu!ent area'
<o (ie2 associate* plannin, e(ents; <o (ie2 associate* plannin, e(ents; <o (ie2 associate* plannin, e(ents; <o (ie2 associate* plannin, e(ents;
7n a run*o2n

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 04

3R 3R 3R 3R
7n t"e !e*ia CaseCro2ser, ri,"t clic6 on t"e stor# 2"ose plannin, e(ents #ou 2ant to open an* select
3pen Associate* :lannin, @(entK 3pen Associate* :lannin, @(entK 3pen Associate* :lannin, @(entK 3pen Associate* :lannin, @(entK

Web4pace opens t"e Asset !ana,er 1or! o1 t"e plannin, e(ent' 71 t"ere is !ore t"an one a(ailable AM
1or!, select 2"ic" 1or! to open t"e plannin, e(ent 2it"'
<itles prepare* 1or broa*cast are a**e* to a run*o2n in t"e core client' You can (ie2 run*o2ns in
Web4pace usin, t"e Run*o2n tab in t"e Na(i,ator area' You use t"e calen*ar to select a particular *ate
an* t"en #ou select t"e stations 2"ose run*o2n #ou 2ant to (ie2' You cannot create run*o2ns in
Web4pace, t"e onl# c"an,es #ou can !a6e to a run*o2n in Webspace is to sen* eBistin, stor# titles to a
run*o2n or create ne2 stor# titles' You can also c"an,e t"e or*er o1 ite!s in t"e run*o2n b# *ra,,in, an*
*roppin, t"e!' As 2it" :lannin,, #ou can also c"oose *i11erent Run*o2n (ie2s i1 t"e# "a(e been *e1ine* in
Dalet a*!in' 71 t"e run*o2n inclu*e ti!e co*e t#pe !eta*ata 1iel*s, 1or eBa!ple <itle Duration, Web4pace
*ispla#s t"e 1ra!e rate 1or t"e !e*ia' <"e *ispla#e* 1iel*s are *e1ine* in Dalet re!ote a*!in an* can ta6e
into account *i11erent rules an* con*itions' 7n t"is case #ou can *e1ine *i11erent colors to represent
*i11erent con*itions' 3nce #ou "a(e create* #our run*o2n #ou can eBport it to a secon* Dalet site or to a
t"ir* part# application b# !anuall# tri,,erin, a NetIc"an,e session accor*in, to t"e con1i,uration in t"e
re!ote a*!in'
Opening a Rundown
You select a particular station an* *a# be1ore #ou open a run*o2n' You *ispla# #our run*o2n in *i11erent
2a#s usin, t"e run*o2n (ie2s 1unctionalit#' %or!attin, an* line 1ilters 2"ic" "a(e been con1i,ure* 1or t"e
Dalet lient are *ispla#e* in run*o2ns in Web4pace' Run*o2ns open usin, t"e last run*o2n (ie2 2"ic"
2as use*, e(en a1ter #ou close Dalet Web4pace'
<o open a run*o2n; <o open a run*o2n; <o open a run*o2n; <o open a run*o2n;
1' 7n t"e Na(i,ator, select t"e Run*o2n tab an* select a station an* a *ateK Web4pace *ispla#s all t"e
a(ailable run*o2ns beneat" t"e calen*ar'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 0.
2' Double clic6 on t"e Run*o2n #ou 2ant to openK Webspace opens t"e run*o2n in t"e Docu!ent area'
<"e program name, program date and time and station name are displayed on the document tab.
71 t"e 1ull na!e cannot be *ispla#e*, t"en a tooltip 2it" all t"e in1or!ation is *ispla#e* 2"en #ou "o(er
t"e !ouse o(er t"e tab'

+' 71 #ou ri,"t clic6 on a run*o2n ite!, a conteBtual !enu opens 2it" 1a!iliar Web4pace options suc" as;
:re(ie2, @*it, Aocate etc' You use t"e options as eBplaine* pre(iousl# in t"is !anual'

4' 4elect a (ie2 1ro! t"e Run*o2n (ie2s !enuK

Web4pace c"an,es t"e *ispla# to !atc" #our selecte* Run*o2n (ie2'
Sending an Existing Story Title to a Rundown
3nce #ou "a(e prepare* a stor#, #ou can sen* a stor# title 1ro! #our Me*ia CaseCro2ser to a run*o2n' You
can *o t"is in t2o 2a#s, eit"er b# usin, t"e conteBtual !enu o1 t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser or usin, t"e 4en*
to Crea6in, Ne2s option in t"e Actions !enu'
<o sen* an eBistin, stor# to a run*o2n; <o sen* an eBistin, stor# to a run*o2n; <o sen* an eBistin, stor# to a run*o2n; <o sen* an eBistin, stor# to a run*o2n;
1' Ri,"t clic6 on a stor# in t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser an* select 4en* 4en* 4en* 4en* as as as as b bb brea6in, rea6in, rea6in, rea6in, n nn ne2s e2s e2s e2s to to to toK

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 0/

3R 3R 3R 3R
4elect a stor# to sen* t"e run*o2n an* 1ro! t"e Actions Actions Actions Actions !enu, select 4en* 4en* 4en* 4en* as brea6in, ne2s to as brea6in, ne2s to as brea6in, ne2s to as brea6in, ne2s toK K K K
Webspace opens t"e 4en* to Run*o2n *ialo,'

2' 4elect t"e station, *ate an* run*o2n to 2"ic" #ou 2ant to sen* t"e stor# an* clic6 4a(e 4a(e 4a(e 4a(eK Webspace
a**s t"e stor# to t"e en* o1 t"e selecte* run*o2n'

Inserting a Story Template in a Rundown
You can create a ne2 stor# te!plate an* insert it into a run*o2n'
<o create a ne2 stor# in a run*o2n; <o create a ne2 stor# in a run*o2n; <o create a ne2 stor# in a run*o2n; <o create a ne2 stor# in a run*o2n;
1' Ri,"t clic6 on t"e run*o2n an* select 7nsert stor# 7nsert stor# 7nsert stor# 7nsert stor# te!plate te!plate te!plate te!plate an* 4tor# 4tor# 4tor# 4tor#, , , , or t"e stor# te!plate #ou 2ant to
useK t"e reate ne2 asset *ialo, opens'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 0)

2' $i(e t"e stor# a na!e, !a6e #our selections in t"e *ialo, an* clic6 4a(e 4a(e 4a(e 4a(eK Webspace sa(es t"e stor# at
t"e en* o1 t"e run*o2n an* creates a ne2 stor# title in t"e assi,ne* cate,or#'
+' Dra, t"e stor# to a ne2 position in t"e run*o2nK Web4pace inserts t"e stor#'

4' Ri,"t clic6 t"e stor# in t"e run*o2n or in t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser an* select @*it @*it @*it @*it to open t"e 4tor#
@*itor to a** content'
Reordering Items in a Rundown
You can an* *ra, an* *rop ite!s in a run*o2n to reor*er it'
<o reor*er a run*o2n; <o reor*er a run*o2n; <o reor*er a run*o2n; <o reor*er a run*o2n;
4elect an ite! in t"e run*o2n an* *ra, it to a ne2 position in t"e run*o2nK Webspace inserts t"e ite!
an* up*ates t"e sc"e*ulin, in1or!ation in t"e run*o2n a1ter t"e c"an,e'

Checking if a Title is Scheduled in a Rundown
Usin, t"e Me*ia CaseCro2ser conteBtual !enu, Web4pace lets #ou c"ec6 easil# 2"et"er or not a particular
title "as been sc"e*ule* in a run*o2n'
7nserte* stor#
2it" t"e sa!e
sc"e*ulin, as
t"e 1ollo2in,
run*o2n ite!
an* no

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 00
<o c"ec6 i1 a title is sc"e*ule* in a run*o2n; <o c"ec6 i1 a title is sc"e*ule* in a run*o2n; <o c"ec6 i1 a title is sc"e*ule* in a run*o2n; <o c"ec6 i1 a title is sc"e*ule* in a run*o2n;
Ri,"t clic6 on a title an* select $et 4c"e*ule* $et 4c"e*ule* $et 4c"e*ule* $et 4c"e*ule*K

Web4pace opens s"o2in, t"e run*o2n 2"ere t"e title is sc"e*ule*'

Exporting a Rundown
You can tri,,er a NetIc"an,e session to eBport a run*o2n to anot"er Dalet site or to a t"ir* part#
application responsible 1or pla#out'
<o eBport a run*o2n;
1' 7n t"e Na(i,ator, select t"e Run*o2n tab an* select a station an* a *ateK Web4pace *ispla#s all t"e
a(ailable run*o2ns beneat" t"e calen*ar'

2' Ri,"t clic6 on t"e run*o2n #ou 2ant to eBport an* select @Bport to NetIc"an,eK t"e 4elect NetIc"an,e
@Bport 4ession opens' You can select !ore t"an one run*o2n b# "ol*in, *o2n t"e trl button'

+' 4elect t"e NetIc"an,e session #ou to 2ant to tri,,er an* clic6 4ub!itK

Dalet Web4pace eBports t"e run*o2n accor*in, to t"e con1i,uration in t"e re!ote a*!in'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 09
12. +rror and In/o )istor%
Web4pace *ispla#s an eas# to use error an* in1o "istor#' <"e up*ates are (arie* an* relate to success1ul
-obs, a**itional in1or!ation, errors an* *ebu,,in,' 4o!e o1 t"e entries correspon* to !essa,es t"at
appear on t"e screen in Web4pace as #ou are 2or6in,'
Viewing Error and Info History
You can (ie2 t"e error an* in1o "istor# o1 #our acti(ities in Web4pace' <"e 2in*o2 up*ates in real ti!e,
s"o2in, t"e current lo,, t"is is use1ul 1or re(ie2in, 2"# sub!itte* -obs are bein, unsuccess1ul'
<o (ie2 t"e error an* in1o "istor#; <o (ie2 t"e error an* in1o "istor#; <o (ie2 t"e error an* in1o "istor#; <o (ie2 t"e error an* in1o "istor#;
<#pe t"e 6e#boar* s"ortcut Alt > @ @@ @K Web4pace opens t"e @rror an* 7n1o 9istor# 2in*o2'

Managing Error and Info History
Web4pace recor*s errors as t"e# occur an* t"e lo, ,ro2s in real ti!e' <o !a6e t"e error an* in1o "istor#
easier to 2or6 2it" #ou can li!it t"e siJe o1 t"e lo, an* 1ilter t"e error !essa,es
<o !ana,e error an* in1 <o !ana,e error an* in1 <o !ana,e error an* in1 <o !ana,e error an* in1o "istor#; o "istor#; o "istor#; o "istor#;
1' <#pe t"e 6e#boar* s"ortcut Alt > @ @@ @K Web4pace opens t"e @rror an* 7n1o 9istor# 2in*o2'
2' Do an# o1 t"e 1ollo2in, acti(ities to !a6e 2or6in, 2it" t"e error in1o easier;
7n t"e %ilter boB, t#pe in a 2or* 1or 1ilterin, t"e error results, 1or eBa!ple errorK Web4pace onl# *ispla#s
!essa,es 2"ic" correspon* to t"e 1ilter'

Dalet Webspace Dalet 2014 90

4et t"e Ao, 4iJe bar to t"e reHuire* (alueK Web4pace onl# *ispla#s up to t"e ,i(en nu!ber o1
!essa,es' 7n t"e abo(e eBa!ple Web4pace 2ill *ispla# t"e !ost recent +9 !essa,es' W"en #ou set a
lo, siJe it is sa(e* per user'
%or particular recurrin, proble!s, cop# an* paste t"e contents o1 t"e "istor# into a *ocu!ent to sen*
to Dalet support'
You can clear the log by clicking the Clear Log, , button

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