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5Register Number

(Established under section 3 of UGC Act,1956)
Course & Branch B!E " AE#$%AU&$%C'(')%*&+%*EC,
&itle of the +a-er En.ineerin. *echanics *a/! *ar0s12
3ub! Code 6C2212(4226%4225%4221%4229) &i6e 3 ,ours
7ate 11%14%4213 3ession A8
+A#& " A (12 / 4 : 42)
Ans;er A)) the <uestions
1! 7efine the ter6 =free bod> dia.ra6?! @hat is the -ur-ose of
dra;in. a free bod> dia.ra6A
4! &;o forces of 6a.nitude 5208 and 1208 are actin. on a -article,
such that the an.le bet;een the t;o is 135B! 'f both the forces are
actin. a;a> fro6 the -article, calculate the resultant and find its
3! 7efine -roduct of inertia!
C! @hat are called -rinci-al a/esA
5! 7efine an.le of re-ose
6! &he force reDuired to -ull a bod> of ; 528 on a rou.h
horiEontal -lane is 158! 7eter6ine the coefficient of friction if
the force is a--lied at an an.le of 15BC ;ith the horiEontal
5! 3tate the assu6-tions 6ade in the deriFation of the relation
F : uGat!
1! A stone is -roHected at such an an.le that the horiEontal ran.e is
C3 ti6es the 6a/i6u6! Iind the an.le of -roHection!
9! @hat is .eneral -lane 6otionA
12! E/-lain *o6ent of 6o6entu6 eDuations!
+A#& J B (5 / 14 : 62)
Ans;er A)) the <uestions
11! IiFe forces of 6a.nitude 52 08, 62 08, 52 08, 12 08 and 92 08
actin. at a -oint res-ectiFel> and 0ee- it in eDuilibriu6! &he an.le
6ade b> the forces is 2
, 32
, 112
, 112
and 452
! Iind the
6a.nitude and direction of the resultant force!
14! 7eter6ine the resultant of the follo;in. force s>ste6 .ra-hicall>!
13! )ocate the centroid of the la6ina .iFen belo;!
9 c6
3 c6
12 c6
#:3c6 6
1C! Iind 6o6ent of inertia of the follo;in. section about K and L
a/es! All di6ensions are in c6!
15! An inclined -lan0 as sho;n in Ii.ure is used to unload a container
;ei.hin. C 08 fro6 a truc0 1!5 6 hi.h! Calculate the coefficient
of friction bet;een the container and the -lan0!
16! A scre; Hac0 has sDuare threads of 6ean dia6eter of 12c6 and
-itch 1!45c6!7eter6ine the force that 6ust be a--lied to the end
of 52c6 leFer(i) to raise(ii) to lo;er a ; of 52M8!Iind the
efficienc> of the Hac0!'s it self J )oc0in.A Assu6e N:2!4!
15! A car starts fro6, rest 6oFes on a curFed road of 322 6 radius
and accelerated at as constant tan.ential acceleration to 1 6%s
Iind the ti6e and distance ;hen total acceleration beco6es 4
11! A trains starts fro6 rest, 6oFes ;ith unifor6 acceleration for the
first 0ilo6eter and attains the 6a/i6u6 Felocit>! @ith this
Felocit> it 6oFes for the ne/t 6 0ilo6eters and then co6es to rest
;ith unifor6 retardation! 'f the total Hourne> is 9 0ilo6eters and it
ta0es 6 6inutes for the train to co6-lete it, calculate the
6a/i6u6 Felocit> attained!
19! A ;heel startin. fro6 rest is accelerated at the rate of 4 rad%s
an interFal of 12 sec! 'f it is then 6ade to sto- in the ne/t 5 sec b>
a--l>in. bra0e, find (1) the 6a/i6u6 an.ular Felocit> attained
and (4) the total an.le turned!
42! A truc0 of ; 122 08 is traFelin. at 62 06%hr on a leFel road!
't is to rest in 32 6, ;hat is the aFera.e force of resistance
actin. on the truc0!

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