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Systematic, controlled, empirical & critical investigation, hypothetical

Evidenced based!!!!!!!!
D Describe = many ino, !ell "no!n
E E#plore = little is "no!n about the sub$ect
E E#plain = ans!ers %!hy&'
D Develop = improve e#isting ino
() *+,E-.E,/ 01DE
Set o research ethic principles or human e#perimentation
2) DE034,4561* 17 8E3S6*96
Developed by :-4 as a set o ethical principles or the medical community
;) .E3-1*5 ,EP1,5
7or +S Department o health
%ethical principles & guidelines or the protection o human sub$ects or
<) 5+S9E/EE S=P8636S S5+D= >(?;2 (?@2A
0linical study ;?? poor blac" people
3et untreated
**E586043 P,6*06P3E
() .eneBcence
7reedom rom harm
2) Custice
7air treatment
;) ,espect
7ull disclosure, sel determination
<) 4nonymity
-ost secure means o protecting conBdentiality
D) 0onBdentiality
Pledge that any ino !ill not be reported
E) 0ertiBcate o 0onBdentiality
4llo!s the researchers to reuse to disclosure identiying ino
Sub$ect matter
() identiBcation o the problem
() P,1.3E- any condition reGuiring solution
o 5ry to limit area o study
o 6 vague or broad could cause conusion
o /eneral area to speciBc area
**0onditions !hich needs research
() 4bsence o inormation
2) 6ncomplete inormation
;) 0onHicting inormation
o 6ndependent cause
o Dependent eKect
() 6dentiy the independent variable in
the ollo!ing hypothesis:L0ancer
patients !ho receive music therapy
complain less reGuently o pain and
reGuire less pain medication than
cancer patients not receiving music
4) ,ela#ation therapy
.) 0omplaints o pain
0) Pain medication use
D) -usic therapy
2) 8ypotheses: LStructured
preoperative support is more eKective
in reducing surgical patientsM
perception o pain and reGuest or
analgesics than structured
postoperative support)L Nuestion:
L,eGuest or analgesicsL is the:
4) independent variable)
.) dependent variable)
0) attribute variable
D) e#traneous variable
;) 8ypotheses: LStructured
preoperative support is more eKective
in reducing surgical patientsM
perception o pain and reGuest or
analgesics than structured
postoperative support)L Nuestion:
LPerception o painL is the:
4) independent variable)
.) dependent variable)
0) attribute variable)
D) e#traneous variable
<) 8ypotheses: LStructured
preoperative support is more eKective
in reducing surgical patientsM
perception o pain and reGuest or
analgesics than structured
postoperative support)L Nuestion:
L5ype o supportL is
4) independent variable)
.) dependent variable
0) attribute variable
D) e#traneous variable
D) 8ypotheses: LStructured
preoperative support is more eKective
in reducing surgical patientsM
perception o pain and reGuest or
analgesics than structured
postoperative support)L 5his
hypothesis is
4) simple, directional, research
.) comple#, nondirectional, null
0) comple#, directional, research
D) simple, nondirectional, statistical
4*S:E, 9E=: D, ., ., 4, 0

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