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CF601 Corporate Finance

Term Project Paper

In take 28 Evening - Lusaka
Course Lecturer: Mr. David Kabala
February 2014
Tis term paper is a supp!ement to "at "as covere# in
c!ass in te mo#u!e$ %F&01 '%orporate Finance( It is meant to
#eepen te stu#ent)s un#erstan#ing o* te nature o*
corporate +nance an# te ro!e it p!ays in increasing te va!ue
o* a +rm an# te #eve!opment o* an economy( It is a!so part
o* te re,uirements *or te E-./I E0ecutive /1.
Programme an# contributes 203 o* te marks *or te
.ns"er te *o!!o"ing ,uestion4
!e Lusa"a #toc" $%c!an&e
/any countries in .*rica ave starte# so"ing a !ot o*
interest in te estab!isment an# #eve!opment o* teir
capita! markets( Tey ave rea!i5e# tat it is crucia! *or te
gro"t an# #eve!opment o* te economy( %ountries are
#oing everyting not on!y to bui!# ne" stock markets$ but
a!so to strengten te e0isting ones an# make tem more
vibrant an# viab!e( It as a!so been rea!i5e# tat troug te
stock market$ even *oreign investments cou!# be tappe# an#
ence *aci!itate an in6o" o* te muc nee#e# *oreign capita!
*or #eve!opment(
!e (ssi&n)ent
7ou are re,uire# to #iscuss te nature an# operations o* te
stock e0cange in 8ambia an# so" o" it cou!# e!p in te
#eve!opment o* te economy( -peci+ca!!y$ you are re,uire#
to #iscuss4
a9 Te structure o* te market(
b9 :o" te market is regu!ate#(
c9 :o" tra#ing takes p!ace(
#9 :o" it cou!# assist te economy to #eve!op(
*lease observe t!e +ollo,in&:
1(-ubmit te Project on te #ay o* your e0amination troug
up!oa# onto te E-./I porta! ;e-!earning p!at*orm9
2(Project paper !engts sou!# not be be!o" 10 to 1< Pages
2(=e*erences o* site# #ocuments sou!# not be omitte#(
4( Font si5e4 ' .ria! 14$ .4$ 1(< -pacing(
<(-ubmit an e!ectronic copy o* your project paper troug
my emai! troug esami porta! on!y
&( Prepare an# present o* an E0ecutive summary or abstract
o* your project paper report
P!ease Type an# submit your e!ectronic #ocument to E-./I
%ountry %oor#inator>?irector 1usiness -coo! -
on!y troug te porta! by te #ea#!ine "ic "i!! be
in#icate# on it about t"o "eeks be*ore e0am #ate( Te
assignment cover page can be presente# anyo"$ but
sou!# inc!u#e@ stu#ent e0amination number$ course co#e$
course !ecturer$ an# program ;/1.9(
%an be save# as stu#ent
name(e0amnumber(courseco#e(!ecture e(g( -O./
(/D0$1.23L11445.CF601.K(L('( *or a ,uick eye to it(

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