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Capitol Medical Center Colleges, Inc.

#4 Sto. Domingo Avenue, Quezon City

College of Nursing

A Case Study about Adult Conjunctivitis
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in


Bugarin. Mark Ernest P.
Caballero, Kayla Marie
Carmelo, Maricris R.
Castro, Ma. Luisa
Cercado, Jeniffer M.
De Jesus, Gabriel M.
Del Rosario, Klarisse Jane R.
Delos Reyes, Ivy Katrina P.

Submitted to:
Ms. Serrana

October 20, 2010

1. Etiologic agent
The etiologic agent of Adult Conjunctivitis is Chlamydia trachomatis.

2. Signs and symptoms
Redness and tearing
Swollen eyelid
Discharge (watery or thick)
Crust that forms overnight
Sensitivity to light
Gritty feeling
abdominal pain
low-grade fever

3. Laboratory Diagnostic Procedure
The Laboratory Diagnostic procedure includes the cell culture, direct fluorescent
monoclonal antibody staining of smears, enzyme immunoassays for Chlamydia
organisms, DNA hybridization assays and a polymerase chain reaction test to
identify chlamydial antigens. Many ophthalmologists obtain conjunctival cytology
scrapings for Gram's staining and/or Giemsa staining to help characterize the
conjunctival inflammatory response. The findings can be helpful, particularly for
diagnosing allergic, chlamydial and certain atypical forms of conjunctivitis in
which the clinical diagnosis is not immediately apparent.
4. Mode of Transmission
The mode of transmission is mainly through vaginal and anal sex; although it is
much less common, it can also be passed on via oral sex, hand to eye contact
and indirect contact.
5. Complication
The trachoma serovars of C. trachomatis inclusion conjunctivitis secondary to
genital tract infection, there is not the same likelihood of re-infection.
Furthermore, in developed countries there is a greater likelihood that the infection
will be treated promptly. Thus conjunctival scarring is rarely a complication of
adult inclusion conjunctivitis, although micro-pannus, and micro ulceration of the
cornea following punctate keratitis do, rarely, occur.

6. Treatment
The treatment is essential that all patients with chlamydial conjunctivitis and their
sexual partners are examined and treated for concomitant chlamydial genital
tract infection. Inclusion conjunctivitis generally responds well to the kind of
regimens of macrolide or doxycycline used for treating chlamydial genital tract
infection. In the case of doxycycline, treatment with a weekly dose of 300 mg for
three weeks or a daily dose of 1.5 mg/kg of body weight (100 mg) for one week
produced a clinical and microbiological cure in 100% of 93 patients with adult
chlamydial conjunctivitis. However, mild to moderate papillary responses
persisted in some patients up to six months from completion of their treatment.
The best results were obtained with a daily dose of 100 mg for two weeks, which
produced rapid clinical and microbiological cure in all patients. The use of
azithromycin for the treatment of trachoma suggests that it is likely to be a
convenient and effective drug for use in treating adult chlamydial inclusion

7. Prevention
Personal hygiene is of ultimate importance. This includes washing the
body regularly, especially after returning from outdoors.
Clothes must be changed after each outing, and everyday a washed pair
of clothes must be worn.
Be wary of moving around much in crowded public places.
Articles such as towels, combs, pillow covers and soaps must not be
shared. Also, clothing items must be washed after each u
If a person has conjunctivitis, then the following preventions must be
Do not rub your eyes. If only one eye is affected, then rubbing will cause the
discharge to go into the other eye and that too will get affected.
Do not use your hands to wipe the eyes. This can be spread onto others. In order
to ease the pain, you can use a cold compress.
Do not wear spectacles or contact lenses while affected. Alternatively, you can
change your eye wear once treated.
Do not use any cosmetics on the eye or the nearby regions.
Do not allow your clothes or beddings to mix with those of other people.

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