Techies Make Music

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Sunday, April 07, 2013 | 10:47:28 PM
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Techies make music
By Suneetha
Techies4Kannada, an informal techie music squad, formed with the intent of uniting the global
Kannada IT world with new Kannada melodies, has released an album of romantic melodies titled Baa
Sangaati In The Journey of Loe! "admashri Sudha #urthy, the Infosys $oundation %hair&erson
released the album at Bangalore on #arch '(st! ) quic* chat with s&o*es&erson Karthi* Somanath!
Karthi* Somanath, "roduct Technical )rchitect at Infosys + Bangalore, deelo&ed and nurtured a dee&
loe for music since childhood! ,e was trained in light music at Sadhana School of #usic, %arnatic
music from Smt! -adha Thandaeshar .Bellur Sisters/, had a brief learning of ,industani .Kirana
0harana style/ and )coustic 0uitar from -hythm School of #usic! ,e is currently &ursuing Tabla under
"andit 1i*as 2aregal in Bangalore!
)s a ocalist, he has &erformed at seeral &restigious stage shows including )I-! ,is sensitiity,
fle3ibility, de&th and &assion for soulful melodies came to the fore when he made his debut as a music
com&oser for 4Srihari Swaru&alu4, a deotional Telugu music album in 56(6! The album receied
honorable mentions in all of )ndhra "radesh and Tamil 2adu! )s com&oser+lyricist, 4Baa Sangaati4 is
Karthi*7s first &ro8ect in Kannada! ) Kannadiga by birth, Karthi* nourishes a dee& sense of connection
with Kannada, which has translated into the magic of his music in Baa Sangaati!

Techgoss .T0/9 0ie us a few lines about the other &eo&le in the Team &lease
Karthi* Somanath .KS/9 ,ere goes
"aawana "oonacha is currently %ontent )rchitect at Infosys + #ysore! She has been a 8ournalist with
mainstream :nglish news&a&ers in India and abroad for most &art of her career! She has brought out a
collection of rhymes and &oems in :nglish for children! ,er loe for &oetry, dance, es&ecially
Bharathanatyam in which she holds a senior certificate, and %arnatic ; light music, which she is
currently &ursuing under Smt! Saraswati )!1! hae contributed towards her effortless e3&ression of
thoughts as a lyricist for a Kannada album!
Krishnamurthy ,19 Kris is one of the driing factors behind this album! ,e is inoled from the
conce&tuali<ation of this album! Kris has handled the behind the scene actiity for this album! ,is loe
towards music and &recise coordinating s*ills ensured smooth transition between &hases of the album
)nantha #urthy9 Inclination towards music is a natural thing for )nantha, so as the interest in the
Kannada language! 4Baa Sangaati4 is 8ust too a&t for his li*ing, as it is a Kannada #usic album! )nanth
ta*es &ride being in the core team of Techies4Kannada, where he is &itching in for co+ordination
"ramod -amesh9 is Technical lead+=S Infosys, "lano+Te3as! ,e is an actie member of Kannada
associations in the =S! )&art from being a big fan of Kannada music, he is *nown in the cultural circuit
for his mono+acting s*ills and theatrical &erformances!
Techgoss Team

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#urali9 ,e is actiely associated with cultural eents in his organi<ation ; ta*es u& similar &ro8ect
outside his organi<ation! ,e ; his team run a band called 7-ubberband + 157!
)nil Shanbhog9 @et another actie member of Techies4Kannada core team, )nil Shanbhog, is Technical
%onsultant, >e&artment of ,uman -esources, %anberra + )ustralia, )nil connects to the music world
with his electric guitar, and has &enned seeral &oems in :nglish!

T09 Ahat is your music all aboutB
KS9 The album has C romantic melodies which coneys arious feel associated with loe!! There is a
storyline which gets carried through these songs!!! from the first feel of loe to the liely duets to the
melancholyDmissingDse&aration feel to the ha&&y reunion!!! )nd we7e made a &hiloso&hical song which
8ust reoles around loe only .i!e!, no reference to the male or female, but loe/!! and finally one
ha&&y ending song!!
Ae hae introduced one new oice from the IT industry through this album and we wish to &romote
new talent in IT industry through our &ro8ects!! )lso we hae ro&ed in leading &laybac* oices from
Bollywood ; Kannada #usic Industry to hae a wider reach and stri*e a chord with global audience!!!

T09 )nd where can &eo&le find your music on the countersB
KS9 The %>s were on sale at the counters on the release day at the enue, also we are in the &rocess
of connecting with the -eliance #usic and few other com&anies as our mar*eting &artners who can
reach out to the audience in a good way!

In the &hoto from left to right9 1! Sridhar .#usic >irector + Kannada #usic Industry/, "admashri >r!
Sudha #urthy, 2agathihalli %handraShe*ar .-enowned >irector + Kannada $ilm Industry/, Karthi*

Techgoss note9 -ead more articles by Suneetha Bala*rishnan at her website

"rint :+#ail >iscuss >igg $aceboo* Sae Arite to :ditor

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