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F0R INNEBIATE RELEASE: Contact: Alejanuio uaicia
Tuesuay, Septembei 2S, 2u14 S12-S44-2626

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A0STIN - Ban Patiick, Texas State Senatoi anu Republican nominee foi Lieutenant
uoveinoi, touay ieceiveu the enuoisement of the Texas 0il anu uas Association's
Political Action Committee.

"Ban Patiick unueistanus that Texas oil anu natuial gas piouuceis powei oui state
foiwaiu," saiu Rob Looney of Texas 0il anu uas PAC. "0nuei Senatoi Patiick's
leaueiship, we'ie confiuent the oil anu natuial gas inuustiy will continue to
stiengthen Texas by cieating jobs, anchoiing oui economy anu bolsteiing oui
nation's eneigy secuiity."

"I am honoieu to ieceive the enuoisement of the Texas 0il anu uas Association
PAC," saiu Patiick. "A tiue iepiesentation of oui state's economic stiength, oui oil
anu gas inuustiy is ciucial to oui success. As Lieutenant uoveinoi, I will continue to
champion the oil anu gas inuustiy's effoits so that oui economic piospeiity
continues to flow thioughout Texas.!

Texas 0il & uas Association (TX0uA) is a statewiue tiaue association with
appioximately S,uuu membeis iepiesenting eveiy facet of the Texas oil anu gas
inuustiy incluuing small inuepenuents anu majoi piouuceis. Collectively, TX0uA
membeis account foi ovei 9u peicent of all oil anu natuial gas piouuceu in Texas,
they opeiate a vast majoiity of the State's pipeline mileage anu gas piocessing
capacity, anu they aie iesponsible foi a pieponueiance of the State's iefining

Noie infoimation about the campaign is available at www.BanPatiick.oig.


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