Ethos September 2014

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At the close of our 1

Academic Integrity
Summit in South Africa, a delegate named
Levy commented that after we conference
organizers and presenters went home, we
should know that there will be a tree growing
in Africa that we had planted, that will
continue be nourished by the conference
participants. This was a very thoughtful and
encouraging sentiment not just for those at the
summit, but probably for most of us who do
work in this area.

Sadly, there is no easy way to tell what kind
of effect we are having, sometimes for years,
and other times, ever. Not unlike teaching in
general, there can be a delay between the
treatment we apply (speaking in social
science terms) and the measurable or
observable change. But as with the metaphor
of the tree, it is important that we dont assess
the impact we have solely by immediate
results. Just as it takes years for an acorn to
become a mature tree and for that tree to seed
a forest, it takes time to develop ethical
decision-making capacities in students and for
those individuals to then change institutional

Looking out for the future means being
willing to plant trees even knowing that you
yourself will never sit in their shade, but also
knowing that the only way to improve the
future is to begin making improvements now.

~Teddi Fishman
A Monthly Publication of the International Center for Academic Integrity Featuring Summaries of Integrity News + News from the Center
Quote of the Month
Character is doing the right thing when nobodys looking. There are
too many people who think that the only thing thats right is to get by,
and the only thing thats wrong is to get caught. - J.C. Watts

Student Conduct Committee to Submit Proposed
Revisions to Academic Integrity Code

By: Katishi Maake 09/12/2014
The University of Marylands Student Conduct Committee will
submit its proposed revisions to the Code of Academic Integrity to
the University Senate Executive Committee next week. Once the bill
is submitted Sept. 15, the SEC will decide whether to send the bill to
the full senate for a vote. The bill contains two main revisions, which
aim to simplify the adjudication process of academic violations
committed by students and clarify the language reviewers use to
interpret the violations. The first change involves giving students
who have been accused of academic dishonesty the option to have
their case resolved in a disciplinary conference in which the student
under review and a staff member from the Office of Student Conduct
will discuss the students case.

The staff member will hear the cases facts, listen to the students
defense and decide the cases outcome, levying the appropriate
sanction with the help of the faculty member who referred the
student if he or she is found guilty. We are trying to expand
students rights in this process, said Kevin Pitt, assistant director of
student conduct. Whats good about the system is that we dont force
anybody into a disciplinary conference; they have an option.

Under the current code, if a student denies academic dishonesty
allegations, his or her only option is to request a hearing in front of a
panel of student and staff members, who collectively review the case.
The hearing process takes a long time to coordinate because the
Student Honor Councils schedule is filled with older cases that
remain unresolved sometimes from previous semesters, said
Andrea Goodwin, director of the student conduct office

3916-11e4-95b0-0017a43b2370.html for the complete article!

Integrity Committee Set to Assemble Honor Council
By: Madeline Conway & Steven Lee Harvard Crimson 09/09/2014
As Harvard prepares to radically change the way it adjudicates
cheating cases, the committee that first proposed the reform is
gearing up to choose and train members of a student-faculty
judicial body that will address academic dishonesty.

The Academic Integrity Committee advanced a proposal for the
Colleges first honor code this spring, a year after Harvard
adjudicated its largest cheating scandal in recent memory. The
proposal, approved by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences in May,
creates a student-faculty judicial body, distinct from the
Administrative Board, to hear cases of academic dishonesty.
The honor code, and the judicial board it will create, are
scheduled to go into effect next fall. Brett Flehinger, interim
secretary of the Ad Board, said that the nomination process for
positions on the bodywhich administrators are now calling an
honor council instead of an honor boardwill launch before
the end of this semester.

Flehinger, who sits on the Academic Integrity Committee, said
he expects that some House and resident deans will be
members of the honor council

From the Director


Is It Original? An Editors
Guide to Identifying Plagiarism
Ben Mullin 9/16/2014
If youre reading this, it happened
again. Right now, an editor may be
about to issue an apology or a stern
rebuttal. Someones reputation and
body of work is being scrutinized.
And a gaggle of self-appointed fact-
checkers may be plugging sentence
after sentence into Google for any
traces of dishonesty. If youre
reading this, a journalist has been
accused of what Poynters Roy Peter
Clark calls the unoriginal sin:

Plagiarism is a serious charge. If
true, it has the potential to upend a
career and mar a journalists
reputation for life. And yet, in
todays world of aggregated news,
plagiarism is an imprecise word
that stands for a spectrum of
offenses related to unoriginal work.
And its severity varies dramatically
depending on a variety of

So before you jump on Twitter to
excoriate or defend the medias
latest alleged idea thief, take a
minute to go over the following
checklist to determine for yourself
whether the charges are true. Also,
you can cut out or take a screen
shot of our plagiarism flowchart for

Complete Editors Guide:

Announcements ICAI Southeast Regional
Consortiums Annual

Contact: Michael Goodwin,
Coordinator of Student Conduct
and Academic Integrity


Kennesaw State University will
be hosting a regional academic
integrity conference on October
27-28 at our campus in metro
Atlanta. As an update to our
agenda, this conference will
feature a keynote speech by Dr.
Jim Lancaster, one of the past
presidents of ICAI, and a closing
presentation by Dr. Teddi
Fishman, Director of ICAI.

Don't miss your chance to learn
from these leaders in the field!
Sign up today to take advantage
of early bird registration fees,
including a discount for ASCA

For more information, go to:

We hope to see you in October!

Welcome to New ICAI
Members in September 2014!

Universidad Autonoma del Estado de
Hidalgo, Mexico
Metropolitan State Univ., Minnesota
Fleming College, Ontario, Canada

Julie Farkas, Florida Atlantic Univ.
Chelsee Russell, CSU Channel Islands
Michele Pfund, Arizona State Univ.
Lee Ellis, Principia College

Ethos Staff:

Aaron Monson: Editor/Writer
Michael Goodwin: Contributor
Teddi Fishman: Executive Editor
The International Center for Academic Integrity grants permission to duplicate and
distribute this newsletter physically or electronically, so long as it is duplicated
and/or distributed in its entirety and without alteration.
Please note that this publication features summaries of and links to
original works that are subject to copyright protection. ICAI does not
claim ownership or credit for any original works found within.
This publication is sponsored by:

Upcoming Events!

On the Same Page
Academic Integrity Symposium
MacEwan University / University of Alberta
Edmonton, Canada
October 17-18

Virginia Academic Integrity
Working Group
University of Mary Washington
Fredericksburg, Virginia
November 1-2

ICAI Southeast Regional
Consortium Annual Meeting
Kennesaw State University
Kennesaw, Georgia
October 27-28

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