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Cfflclals and Lmployees of Lhe 8oard of LducaLlon of Lhe ClLy of Chlcago have a rlghL Lo engage ln varlous Lypes of
pollLlcal acLlvlLles ln Lhelr lndlvldual capaclLles and on Lhelr own Llme. Powever, lL ls lmporLanL Lo ensure LhaL
pollLlcal acLlvlLles do noL resulL ln mlsuse of 8oard personnel, Llme or resources, or creaLe an appearance LhaL Lhe
8oard supporLs parLlcular candldaLes for pollLlcal offlce. 1he Chlcago ubllc Schools (CS) Code of LLhlcs and Lhese
Culdellnes are meanL Lo preserve Lhe lndependence of Lhe school sysLem and prevenL any appearance of
lmproprleLy. 1he Code of LLhlcs ls avallable aL hLLp://


1hese Culdellnes are lssued pursuanL Lo Lhe Code of LLhlcs, whlch auLhorlzes Lhe LLhlcs Advlsor Lo provlde guldance Lo
Cfflclals and Lmployees of Lhe 8oard concernlng lnLerpreLaLlon of Lhe Code. LLASL nC1L LhaL vlolaLlons of Lhe Code
of LLhlcs can resulL ln dlsclpllnary acLlon lncludlng dlsmlssal for an Lmployee and removal for an Cfflclal. ln addlLlon,
serlous vlolaLlons can also resulL ln crlmlnal prosecuLlon. If you are aware of any v|o|at|ons of the Code of Lth|cs or
need spec|f|c adv|ce, p|ease ca|| or ema|| Andra Gomberg, the Lth|cs Adv|sor, at 773-SS3-1312 or agomberg[


Lmployees are prohlblLed from engaglng ln pollLlcal acLlvlLles lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo Lhe followlng dur|ng
compensated 8oard t|me (wlLh Lhe excepLlon of vacaLlon, personal, or furlough days):

Crganlzlng, hosLlng, or parLlclpaLlng ln any klnd of pollLlcal evenL
SollclLlng conLrlbuLlons or voLes on behalf of a candldaLe or pollLlcal organlzaLlon
lannlng, conducLlng, or parLlclpaLlng ln publlc oplnlon polls, surveys of voLers, or candldaLe quesLlonnalres
AsslsLlng aL Lhe polls on elecLlon days, recounLs, or challenges Lo elecLlons
arLlclpaLlng ln any acLlvlLy relaLed Lo campalgnlng for any elecLlve offlce, lncludlng wearlng any pollLlcal
paraphernalla (e.g., L-shlrLs or buLLons) or dlsplaylng posLers ln 8oard work space
Campalgnlng or worklng for or agalnsL a referendum quesLlon
Servlng as a delegaLe, alLernaLe, or proxy Lo a pollLlcal parLy convenLlon


AL no Llme shall any 8oard member, supervlsor or employee:

8equlre any employee Lo perform any pollLlcal acLlvlLy as parL of hls or her duLles, or as a condlLlon of
employmenL or durlng any Llme off compensaLed by Lhe 8oard
8equlre any employee Lo parLlclpaLe ln pollLlcal acLlvlLy ln conslderaLlon for addlLlonal compensaLlon, beneflL,
salary ad[usLmenL, bonus, compensaLory Llme off or for conLlnued employmenL, or award such conslderaLlon
Award or accepL addlLlonal compensaLlon or beneflLs for engaglng ln pollLlcal acLlvlLy
ueny or deprlve any person of employmenL or Lenure solely because he or she ls a member or an offlcer of a
pollLlcal commlLLee, a pollLlcal parLy or a pollLlcal organlzaLlon or club
MlsapproprlaLe any 8oard properLy or resources (e.g., phoLocoplers, phones, 8oard lssued emall addresses,
eLc.) for any prohlblLed pollLlcal acLlvlLy
MlsapproprlaLe Lhe servlces of any 8oard employee Lo perform pollLlcal acLlvlLy

8arbara 8yrd 8enneLL
Chlef LxecuLlve Cfflcer


1he followlng relaLes Lo use of 8oard properLy by pollLlcal candldaLes, campalgns, and organlzaLlons:

8oard properLy lncludes school bulldlngs, parklng loLs, playgrounds, marquees, eLc.
ollLlcal candldaLes, campalgns, and organlzaLlons shall be LreaLed Lhe same as oLher organlzaLlons seeklng a
llcense for commerclal use of 8oard properLy. 1he 8oard requlres LhaL Lhe appllcanL secure an approved
School usage ermlL, pay all expenses assoclaLed wlLh use of Lhe properLy, and saLlsfy all oLher 8oard
requlremenLs lncludlng Lhe purchase of adequaLe lnsurance. 1he 1enanL user LlablllLy lnsurance rogram
(1uLl) can be used Lo procure lnsurance as needed. More lnformaLlon regardlng 1uLl can be found by
calllng 312-938-0900.
ollLlcal candldaLes, campalgns, and organlzaLlons can be denled access Lo 8oard properLy. Powever, lf one
pollLlcal candldaLe, campalgn, or organlzaLlon ls granLed or denled access, oLhers musL be LreaLed ln Lhe same
LlecLed offlclals may vlslL schools ln Lhelr capaclLy as currenL offlce holders. Powever, lf Lhey are campalgnlng
for re-elecLlon or anoLher offlce, or campalgnlng on behalf of anoLher candldaLe for offlce, Lhey musL secure a
School usage ermlL and follow Lhe procedures descrlbed above.
Any fllmlng requlres a speclflc agreemenL wlLh Lhe 8oard. lor more lnformaLlon, please conLacL lellcla
MaLLhews ln CommunlcaLlons aL 773-333-1631.
ollLlcal candldaLes, campalgns, and organlzaLlons may noL use 8oard properLy durlng school hours or any
oLher Llme LhaL a school bulldlng ls ln use.
1he role of a school ls llmlLed solely Lo Lhe provlslon of properLy and noL Lo Lhe provlslon of parLlclpanLs,
supplles, or oLher resources.

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