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English Teaching Physics 1

(Syllabus, Lesson Study, Student Work Sheet, Analysis of

Learning Material, Evaluation Sheet)


M. Isnaini Maarif 1106103030031

Physics Department
Darussalam, 2014

The Syllabus Subjects: Physics

School : Senior High School
Class/Semester : X / I
Core Competensies:
KI 1: Involving and administering religious teachings that believed.
KI 2: Developing behavior ( honest, discipline, responsibility, care, polite, friendly environment, cooperation kidding, responsive and
proactive ) and indicated attitude as part of solutions to the problems nation to interact effectively with social environment and the
role in put themselves in the reflective nation in intercourse the world.
KI 3: Understanding and applying knowledge factually conceptual, procedural in science, technology, art, culture, and the humanities with
insight into humanity, nationalities, state, and civilization related phenomena and scene, and apply knowledge procedural in the plane
of the study which specific based on their talent and their interest to solve problems.
KI 4: Processing, thinking and preparing in the realm of concrete and abstract domains associated with the development of which he had
learned in school independently, and be able to use the method according to academic rules.

Basic Competensies Basic Materials Learning Assesment
Basic Competensies Basic Materials Learning Assesment
1.1. to realize the greatness of God who
created and governs the universe
through observation of natural
phenomena of physical nature and
2.1. Showing behavior scientific
(having curiosity; unprejudiced;
honest; minutely; scrupulous;
persevering; care; responsible;
open; critical; creative; innovative
and cares about environment ) in an
activity daily as form
implementation attitude in
experiment and discussed
3.1.Analyzing the relation of force,
mass, and movement in motion
4.1.Presenting the measurement result
with fisis using tools and
techniques for scientific
Newton's law
and its

Object placed on paper
then drawn slowly and
objects drawn/encouraged
to produce motion
removable and movable
objects falling
objects are pulled through
a pulley with weights

Questioning the cause of
a moving object
Enquiring the influence of
the mass for the

The Task
newton's laws
in solving


written reports

A written test
9 JP
(3 x 3 JP)

Books for
high school

Basic Competensies Basic Materials Learning Assesment
5.1. Planning and executing pigs for
investigates the relations style,
mass, and acceleration in motion

experiment of newton 1st
and 2nd law
experiment of motion
calculate the acceleration
of the object on inclined
Drawing a force of heavy,
a force of normal, and the
tension on the rope
about the use
of significant
figures and
and / or
choice on
reading a
- Pulley
- Overhead

Lesson Plan
School : Senior High School
Subjects : Physics
Class/ Semester : X / 1
Basic Materials : Newton's Law and Its Application
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 minutes (One Meeting)
KI 1: Involving and administering religious teachings that believed.
KI 2: Developing behavior ( honest, discipline, responsibility, care, polite, friendly
environment, cooperation kidding, responsive and proactive ) and indicated attitude as part of
solutions to the problems nation to interact effectively with social environment and the role in
put themselves in the reflective nation in intercourse the world.
KI 3: Understanding and applying knowledge factually conceptual, procedural in science,
technology, art, culture, and the humanities with insight into humanity, nationalities, state, and
civilization related phenomena and scene, and apply knowledge procedural in the plane of the
study which specific based on their talent and their interest to solve problems.
KI 4: Processing, thinking and preparing in the realm of concrete and abstract domains
associated with the development of which he had learned in school independently, and be able
to use the method according to academic rules.
1.1 Increased faith and realize the relationship of nature and complexity and regularity
of the universe towards the greatness of God who created it
Indicator :
admire the living creatures that move as a creation of God
1.2 Aware of the greatness of God 1.2 adjust the characteristics of the phenomenon of
motion, fluid, thermal and optical
2.1 Show behavior scientific (having curiosity; unprejudiced; honest; minutely;
scrupulous; persevering; care; responsible; open; critical; creative; innovative and
cares about environment) in an activity daily as form implementation attitude in
experiment and discussed.
Indicator :
1) Having curiosity
2) Showed perseverance and responsibility in learning and worked either individually
or clusters
2.2 Appreciate the work of individuals and groups in their daily activities as a form of
implementation of experimenting and report the results of an experiment
Indicator :
1) having attitude be earned
2) Has the confidence and responsibility with the results of his experiments
3.4 Analyze the relationship between force, mass, and the movement of objects in a
straight motion
Indicator :
1) Analyzing the relationship between force with a mass of objects and object
2) count resultant force on a point in a system.
4.4 Experiment to investigate the relation between force, mass, and acceleration in
motion straight
Indicator :
Experiment of Newton's law II (the relationship between force, mass and acceleration)

1. students may mention Newton's Law 1 beep
2. Siswa dapat menyebutkan penerapan hukum 1 Newton dalam kehidupan sehari-
hari Students may mention enforcement 1 Newton in everyday life
3. Students may mention the sound of Newton's law II
4. Students may mention the application of Newton's law II in daily life
5. Students may mention the sound laws of Newton III
6. Students may mention the application of law III of Newton in everyday life
Students can create reports simple observations about the relationship of force, mass
and acceleration in a straight motion

1. Newtons I Law
2. Newtons II Law
3. Newtons III Law
1. Approach : Scientific
2. Method : Experiment dan Discussion
3. Models : Discovery-Inquiary Learning
1. Media
- Power Point about Newtons Law and its application
- Infokus
- Notebook
2. Tools
No Kind Number
1 Inclined plane 1
2 Beam with wooden surface 1
3 Beam with glass surface 1
4 Beam with iron surface 1
5 Stopwatch 1

3. Sumber Belajar : Senior High School Text book Class X semester 1


Steps Learning
Description of Activity

Allocation of
Introduction Motivating students The teacher showed videos of the
power point a car moving and
provide a diagnosis to students
questions as follows.
1. what happens if the car you were
travelling was stopped suddenly?
2. what causes we can run above

Teachers deliver learning
objectives outline
10 minutes


Asking Question
1. Learners form groups, with a total
membership of 3 5 Children.
2. Learners (guided by the teacher) to
discuss the Newtonian law (I, II, III)
of the motion.
3. The learners do the observation of
demonstration a few blocks with
different surfaces (different mass)
down an inclined plane
4. Learners are requested to ask with
regard to experiments. Whytime to
down an inclined plane different?
5. Students collect data related to the
experimentation, for example, data
about the mass of each object that is
60 minutes

Data Collected



6. Students conduct discussions
comparing the prediction with
measurement results and data
obtained. Discussions directed at
understanding that mass and
acceleration affect force that to

7. learners do discussion group to
conclude that the force is directly
proportional to the mass and
8. The students compiled a report and
presented the results of its
9. The representative of the learners
were asked to name a law I, II, III,
10. Representative learners are
requested to mention the
application of newton's law
11. Learners practise exercises
reserved to apply newton's law
equation II.
12. Teacher correcting learners answer
whether it is correct or not. If still
there are learners who have not
been able to answer correctly, the
teacher can instantly provide

Techniques And Instruments
Techniques Instrument
Sheet observation attitude and Rubric
Performances Test Test Quotation and Rubrics
Written Test Essay Test and Choice

1. Instruments appraisement domain attitude (Affective)
Observation sheet attitude scoring
No Aspects appraised 1 2 3 Information

Closing The teacher invites students to
review the results of learning

With students concluded today's
learning outcomes, as well as
encourage students to always be
thankful for the gift of God
Teacher Rewards (such as praise or
other relevant Awards form) to the
group that performs well

10 minutes
1 Admire all phenomena that newton's laws
of motion as a creation of God

2 Curiosity
3 Thoroughness and caution in conducting

4 in learning responsibility and Perseverance
and work both individually and group

5 Skills to communicate at the time of

Attitude assessment rubric
No Aspects appraised Rubric
1 Admire all the
phenomenon of
newton's laws of
motion as a creation
of God

3: show expression admiration to phenomena law
newton and / or verbal expression showing gratitude
against the lord
2: not explicitly denoting expression admiration or an
expression of gratitude, but put interest on newton
1: have not shown expression admiration, or put
interest on newton law

2 Showed curiosity 3: show curiosity great enthusiastic, active in group
2: show curiosity, but not too enthusiastic and new
actively involve in group activity when sent
1: no demonstrates enthusiastic in observation,
difficult actively involve in group activity although
have driven to engage

Thoroughness and
3: observe the experiment based on procedure,
careful in doing experiment
2: observe the experiment based on procedure, less
careful in doing experiment
1: observe the experiment based on procedure, less
careful in doing experiment
4 diligence and
responsibility in
learning and
working both
individually and
3: with persevering in complete the task to do, best
results trying to timely
2: trying to appropriate time in complete the task but
not showing effort best
1: not trying to accomplish a task seriously and duty
not finished
5 Communication 3: active in integration, in his notions or ideas, really
appreciate students
2: active in integration, not to suggest, a notion or
idea really appreciate others
1: : active in integration, not to suggest, a notion or
idea less students really appreciate

2. instruments appraisement psychomotor
Performances Appraisal
Rubrics: rubrics is used as a reference to evaluate performance of students on time
working on duty assignments and work scientific
Score Abilities/skills were
assessed based on Score
the ability to organize
tasks, work, or activities
the appropriateness
of implementing the

Students have a clear
understanding about the
meaning of the given task.

He was able to organize
tasks in a way that is logical
in accordance with the
instruction given
students observe,
measure, record, and
perform other activities
properly and safely.

Students need a little help
to understand the purpose
of the activity, task or
He is able to follow
instructions, but need some
assistance in developing
work procedures/activities
that logical
measurements, and
results of other
activities are generally
satisfactory, but there
are still errors in the
accuracy of the record
or discuss.

Students need help to
understand the purpose of
the activity, task or
experiment, as well as in
organizing its work.
He was able to follow the
task/instructions if given
some help which means
many Students make
mistakes, good record-
keeping, and accuracy
in recording or any
other work


Many students rely on the
help and support in order
to be able to understand
the purpose of
tasks/activities provided,
and do it.
Help still needed even
though the instructions are
simple. Inaccuracy in the
observations, measurements
or elements of the work of
Many of the
observations in/unsur-
unsur discussion of
escape is observed or


Not understand the
purpose of the activity,
task or experiment is
given as well as not being
able to carry out even with
Students are not able to
follow the
instruction/instructions of
the given task.
measurements or
elements of the work
of others is not true or
relevant to its work

Sheets appraisement performance
No Students Name Task Scientific Work Disscusion
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
sheets judgment discussion and presentation rubrics
used to judge discussion activity
Score 5 : If students actively discussion good ask and answer, capable of asking
questions high levels and new ideas.
Score 4 : Students active in discussion good ask and answer capable of asking questions
high levels but no a new idea.
Score 3 : Students active in discussion good ask and answer, capable of asking
questions the lower
Score 2 : Students less active in discussion only occasionally ask the
Score 1 : Students are passive and do not ask questions or give answers

No Students Name Task Scienties Work Disscussion
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

3. Cognitive Assessment
Multiple Choice Questions And Descriptions
1. A car has mass 3.000 kg. The rest began to move after the car reaches a speed of
sekon 12 6 m/s. Calculate the forces acting on the car !
a. 1500 N c. 2500 N e. 3000 N
b. 2000 N d. 2750 N (a)
2. On the flat areas of slippery objects, there is a mass of 2 kg, first moving with a
speed of 8 m/s. due to the influence of a force that still the magnitude, in line
with the direction of motion of objects, seteah drove his 6 m to 16 m/s,
determine the force of the great !
a. 16 N
b. 20 N
c. 24 N
d. 28 N
e. 32 N (e)
3. A beam with 7 kg glided inclined plane 45 , g = 10 m/s. Set the speed beams
for 15 sekon !
a. 40 m/s
b. 45 m/s
c. 50 m/s
d. 55 m/
e. 60 m/s (b)
4. an object with a mass of 10 kg is moving with a speed of 2 m/s. What is the
great force exerted on objects?
a. 20 N
b. 24 N
c. 5 N
d. 12 N
e. 10 N (a)
5. Mentioned 3 daily events that involve the law II newton?
6. How the sound of the law I, II and III newton?

Name :
Class :
Group :
1. Involving and administering religious teachings that believed.
2. Developing behavior ( honest, discipline, responsibility, care, polite, friendly
environment, cooperation kidding, responsive and proactive ) and indicated attitude as
part of solutions to the problems nation to interact effectively with social environment
and the role in put themselves in the reflective nation in intercourse the world.
3. Understanding and applying knowledge factually conceptual, procedural in science,
technology, art, culture, and the humanities with insight into humanity, nationalities,
state, and civilization related phenomena and scene, and apply knowledge procedural in
the plane of the study which specific based on their talent and their interest to solve
4. Processing, thinking and preparing in the realm of concrete and abstract domains
associated with the development of which he had learned in school independently, and
be able to use the method according to academic rules.
1.1. To realize the greatness of God who created and governs the universe through
observation of natural phenomena of physical nature and measurement
2.1. Showing behavior scientific (having curiosity; unprejudiced; honest; minutely;
scrupulous; persevering; care; responsible; open; critical; creative; innovative and cares
about environment) in an activity daily as form implementation attitude in experiment
and discussed
3.1. Analyzing the relation of force, mass, and movement in motion straight
4.1. Presenting the measurement result with fisis using tools and techniques for
scientific investigation
5.1. Planning and executing pigs for investigates the relations force, mass, and
acceleration in motion straight
Explain law newton as basic concepts dynamics and mengaplikasikannya
problems in dynamics simple
Through the process of observing, asking questions, discussing, analyzing data,
mengasosiasi and mengkomunikasi students are able to have knowledge of the concept
of Dynamic Particle, as well as conservation of Force in our daily lives. and thus the
character of mutual cooperation, mutual aid, and is active in conducting discussions.
An object can be moved only if given an interesting force or push continuously.
An object (the train) was driven quickly then released, eventually will stop due to
friction with the floor. If the force of friction is omitted, then the train will keep moving
relentlessly. By Galilei said that irregular straight motion (motion in a straight path with
fixed rate) does not need force.
Isaac Newton's first law States in which reads:
When the total force acting on a body is equal to zero or none of the forces
acting on the object, then each object will move continuously with a speed keep on a
straight trajectory (motion of the irregular straight) or remain silent
F = 0
Newton's law revealing about the nature of things that tend to defend the case.
This trait is called inertia. An object in a State of silence got the influence of a force,
then the object will experience a change of pace every time or on the object will arise
the acceleration

The number of force that affect the objects or total force can be either single or
combined Force
Influence on accelerating force
The acceleration experienced by the objects is proportional to the resultant force acting
on the object, and in line with the direction of the force
- Marbles
- Paper
- Carbon paper
- Ticker time
- Sled
- Overhead
- Power suplies
- Yarn
- Pulleys
- Tape
- board
Work 1
1. Put off a paper table flat, then put marbles in paper.Then pull paper quickly
2. Repeat experiments this several times in the same way. conclusion what can you take
about tendency marbles that?
3. Then paper returned to notch was, and marbles laid again on the paper. Now draw
those paper with slowly, what happened to the marbles?
4. Paper drawn slowly again as above then suddenly pull discountinued.What happened
with the marbles?
5. Repeat this experiment several times in the same way. What conclusions can you
take regarding the tendency of motion of marbles?

Work 2
1. Assemble the tool as shown in the picture bellow

Use a load of 100 grams, and let the train moves
2. make a graph with pieces of paper tape recording for every 10 beats
3. Repeat a and b by using a load of 200 grams.
4. Compare the graphs at the second trial. The graph which is more steep? If so the
acceleration which is larger? Conclusion: For objects with a given mass the greater its
acceleration, what about force?
5. Repeat a and b by using two stacked trains.
6. Compare this with the third Graph charts first. Which graph is more steep? If so
the acceleration which is larger? Conclusion: For a certain force, if the mass of the
object is enlarged, what about acceleration the object?
7. Note the second conclusion of, is it accord with the Newtons II law?

1. from the properties of the Innertia object, consider how the driver to lower
heavy loads from the truck, while the driver was alone?

2. Suppose an object sent to outer space, out of the Milky Way Galaxy. How does
the change of mass and weight?

3. You sell gold based on severity. Where would you prefer going to sell it: in
Semarang or Alaska (near the North Pole)?

4. A mass of 5 kg fixed force of 12-influenced newton. Calculate the acceleration
of the arising!

5. an object of mass 3 kg-influenced force of fixed amount 6 newton. How many
speed and distance traveled by the object after 8 sekon?

6. A mass of 2.5 tonnes of objects moving at a speed of 70 km/h. If the car car was
slowly will stop after 10 sekon. What is the magnitude of the force that the brakes on
the car?


Analysis of the Learning Material (ALM)

School : Senior High School
Class/Semester : X/I
Subjects : Physics
Allocation of time : 9x45minutes
A. Core Competensies:
KI 1 : Involving and administering religious teachings that believed.
KI 2 : Developing behavior ( honest, discipline, responsibility, care, polite, friendly
environment, cooperation kidding, responsive and proactive ) and indicated attitude as
part of solutions to the problems nation to interact effectively with social environment
and the role in put themselves in the reflective nation in intercourse the world.
KI 3: Understanding and applying knowledge factually conceptual, procedural in
science, technology, art, culture, and the humanities with insight into humanity,
nationalities, state, and civilization related phenomena and scene, and apply knowledge
procedural in the plane of the study which specific based on their talent and their
interest to solve problems.
KI 4: Processing, thinking and preparing in the realm of concrete and abstract domains
associated with the development of which he had learned in school independently, and
be able to use the method according to academic rules.

B. Material
Particle Dynamics
1. Force
In everyday life, we often hear the Word forces as a way, for example, the force of
speech, force of dress, force of swimming, lifeforce, and more. What is the sense of
force in everyday life with the same sense of force in physics? Note image di aside.
What causes penerjuan can fall to the bottom after jumping from a plane?
Paratroopers can down because an grafity force. Other examples include forces in
physics is someone pushing a car with a muscular force, using a bicycle in motion then
otor di brake until it stops due to friction. So what is the sense of force according to
Based on by way of example a force in physics can be defined as:
force is an amount that can cause something this stuff can move or otherwise
cause moving objects become silent

or briefly, force also can be defined as impulse or pull.
By virtue of nature, the differentiated into 2 namely: Force touch , Force not touch By
Caused, the differentiated into 7, namely:
Force Muscle
Force Springiness
Force Friction
Force Magnetism
Force Electric
Force Grafity
Force Machine

2. Resultan Force
Some of the forces acting on an object in the line of work can be replaced by a
force called force.

Mathematically, the magnitude of the resultant force can be expressed as follows

To simplify the calculations, give positive sign () to force the direction to the
right or upwards and the negative (-) sign to force him to the left or down.

Andi and Bob play tug of war. If Andi grant Force 40 N while Budi give Force 45 N,
what is the resultant force acting on the ropes?

= 40 N 45 N
= - 5 N
The negative sign indicates the rope moves to the left.

3. Weight Force
The weight of an object is the gravitational force acting on an object. Weight including
force, therefore it has direction and weight including the vector quantity. The weight of
the object toward the center of the Earth.
The weight of an object can change depending on the magnitude of gravity. The
magnitude of gravity depends on the height of the layout of an object from the
pemukaan the Earth. The higher the position of the objects from the surface of the
Earth, then the less gravity. A unit of weight expressed in units of
newton.Mathematizable can be written:

An astronauts went to the moon. The mass of the astronaut is 65 kg. How much does it
weigh when di Earth and how much it weighs when di Moon (Earth's gravity = 9.8
N/kg, the gravity of the Moon = 1.6 N/kg).

Weight on Earth: w= m g
= 65 kg x 9,8 N/kg
= 637 N
Weight on Moon: w = m g
= 65 kg x 1,6 N/kg
= 104 N
4. Newtons Law
Around the 17th century an original United Kingdom scientists named Sir Isaac Newton
to investigate about the force and movement. From the results of investigations and
experiments he posited three opinions known as the law of Newton, Newton's Law II,
and III the law of Newton. The following will be the third such law explained:
1. Newtons I Law
In ancient times, people believe that this nature is moving by itself. Isn't there
something else moving it. They call it with natural motion. On the other hand, for
objects that clearly driven, they named the forced motion. Theory pioneered by
Aristotle is proven wrong when Galileo and Newton put forward their opinions.
Galileo's theory of Aristotle to break a simple experiment. He made a slick curved path
that is used to roll a ball. One side of the path to its personalised way. After observing,
Galileo declared If friction on the object is removed, then the object will keep moving
without requiring a longer force.
Galileo's theory was developed by Isaac Newton. Newton says that If the resultant
force on an object is equal to zero, then the object will remain stationary and moving
objects will keep moving with constant velocity. Newton's conclusion is known as
Newton's law. Mathematically can be written as follows.

Based on Newton's law, You have to understand that an object tends to defend the case.
Objects are initially silent will maintain a State of silence, and the first move will
maintain the movements. Therefore, the law of Newton is also often referred to as the
law of kelembaman or the law of inertia. Measure the quantity of a body's mass is
kelembaman. Each object has a different level of kelembaman. The greater the mass of
an object, the greater the kelembamannya. While driving a motorcycle you can directly
acquire great velocity in a short time. However, when you take the train, certainly
require a longer time to achieve great speed. It happened because the train has a mass
greater than the mass of the motorcycle.
2. Newtons II Law
Newton's first law only covers items that are not subject to force from the outside,
meaning that objects are not accelerating. What if an object gets the force from the
outside or on the object to work multiple forces that resultannya is not equal to zero? In
this condition, the acceleration of the object is changed. The relationship between
acceleration, force, and mass was first propounded by Newton. The statement made it
known to the law of Newton's II. As for the sound of Newton's Law II are as follows
Objects having a force will gain a large acceleration is directly proportional to the
number of his force and the relation to the upside against the masses
mathematically can be written:

A truck can generate a force of 7,000 n. If the truck can move with the acceleration of
3.5 m/s, then determine the mass of the truck
Given : = 7.000 N
a = 3,5 m/s
m=F/a=(7000 N)/(3,5 m/s)
= 2.000 kg = 2 ton
So mass truck is two tons.
3. Newtons III Law
If you play the Board, that ye may be able to slide forward so you guys should
emphasize one of kai jalasn to you guys while the other remains di skateboard. Foot
pressure you guys give force action on the road while the road held a reaction force
opposite the direction the direction of the force of the foot action you guys. Thus the
Board can slide forward. Such events demonstrate the application of Newton's Law III.
As for the sound of Law III of Newton is
If an object does the force (action) on other objects, it will arise from the reactions of
a body force of the terhadapa objects of the same size, while the opposite direction
mathematically can be written

A. Goal
Investigate the influence of the force and the mass of the object's acceleration
B. Tools
Board skating/toy cars, Rope, pulley, Overhead, Desk
C. Work Step
Pull the slide to the rear until the load the load touches the pulley, then release
the load and observe the movement of the slide Board
Repeat step two with a load of plus
Compare the results of the second and third steps, make conclusions
Repeat step two with the added load on Board slide
Compare the results of the second and fifth steps, make the conclusion

Evaluation Sheet

1. A lamp is hanging like in the picture.
What is the voltage rope force?
Answer: Essay
Score: 20

2. Vehicles by mass 1000 kg. moving from a rate of 10 m/s to 20 m/s for 5 second.
How many forces acting on things?
Answer: Essay
Score: 20

3. .A vehicle with mass 1,00 kg. have a brake produce 3000 N.
a. The vehicle moving at a speed of 30 m/sec, and then brake. How long will
the brakes work until vehicles stop?
b. How much distance traveled Freeway during brake working ?
Answer: Essay
Score: 20

4. An object gets the force of 30 N, so within 6 seconds used his pace to 30 m/sec
of rest. how heavy objects if g = 10 m/sec2.
Answer: Essay
Score: 20

5. Two beams are stacked and placed on top of a slippery table, where I put on the
beams and beam II below. To shift the beam m1 m2 is required on the block
force 10 N, m1 and m2 = 3. Large maximum force F that can be given on the
block down to the two beams moving in together is?
Answer: Essay
Score: 20

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