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Slklka ls a non-governmenLal organlzaLlon LhaL advocaLes for quallLy healLh servlces for all
1anzanlans. lor more lnformaLlon on our work please vlslL us aL www.slklka.or.Lz.

+*$,-. ulsLrlcL CoordlnaLor
/&%0 1$2$*&#. Slnglda 8ural ulsLrlcL
3-4&%$5 $&. Pead of lleld Cfflce
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! Worklng closely wlLh offlce of Lhe ulsLrlcL Commlssloner and ulsLrlcL Councll Lo ensure
smooLh lmplemenLaLlon of SAM acLlvlLles ln Lhe dlsLrlcL.
! CoordlnaLlng and supervlslng acLlvlLles of SAM Leam ln Lhe dlsLrlcL especlally Lhose
relaLed Lo PealLh and Plv/AluS aL dlsLrlcL and faclllLy level.
! Crganlze / aLLend perlodlc meeLlngs aL communlLy level Lo moblllze clLlzens and ralse
Lhelr awareness on accounLablllLy lssues
! ALLend all lull Councll meeLlngs Lo Lrack commlLmenLs and declslons made for
monlLorlng of SAM dlsLrlcL acLlon plan
! rompLly share wlLh respecLlve deparLmenLs lssues LhaL come up durlng Lhe
lmplemenLaLlon / monlLorlng of acLlvlLles ln Lhe dlsLrlcL
! ConducL offlclal and lnformal meeLlngs wlLh Ward LxecuLlve Cfflcers (WLCs),
CommunlLy uevelopmenL Cfflcers (CuCs), vlllage LxecuLlve Cfflcers (vLCs) and laclllLy
managemenL commlLLees and MulLl-secLoral Plv & AluS commlLLees on accounLablllLy
ln Lhe healLh secLor
! Lncourage dlalogue on healLh relaLed lssues beLween clLlzens and Lhelr leaders aL vlllage
and ward level
! Lncourage parLlclpaLlon of rellglous leaders, pollLlcal leaders, oplnlon leaders,
dlsadvanLaged groups such as people wlLh dlsablllLy, people llvlng wlLh Plv/AluS ln all
acLlvlLles almed aL promoLlng accounLablllLy aL local level
! urafLlng and sharlng progress made Lo head of lleld Cfflce on weekly, monLhly and
quarLerly basls
! repares Slnglda rural reporLs wlLh a clear allgnmenL Lo our work plans and sLraLeglc
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! Maklng follow up on reporLed cases of mlsconducLs / uneLhlcal behavlors of healLh
workers aL faclllLy level
! romoLlng communlLy monlLorlng of healLh and Plv&AluS servlces wlLh focus on
avallablllLy of medlclnes and supplles (lncludlng Cu4 counL machlne), budgeL
lnformaLlon and Lhe lmporLance of uslng exlsLlng complalnL mechanlsms
! ulsLrlbuLe Slklka publlcaLlons and Lrack how such publlcaLlons supporL clLlzens ln
undersLandlng crlLlcal lssues and how such lnformaLlon enables Lhem Lo Lake acLlons
! ConLrlbuLe Lo Slklka's quarLerly newsleLLer by sendlng sLorles, besL experlences and
lessons from Lhe fleld
K; L&*#$ >'9&)2)? 2#' %-,2$*&#5J*4 E*$J &$J-% 2)$&%5
losLer a good worklng relaLlonshlp wlLh Cfflce of Lhe ulsLrlcL Commlssloner (uC) and
LCA (uLu, uMC, uACC, CPAC) and head of healLh faclllLles by havlng perlodlc
consulLaLlons and feedback meeLlngs
CoordlnaLe wlLh oLher CSCs ln Lhe dlsLrlcL ln organlzlng experlence sharlng sesslons
on healLh aL dlsLrlcL level wlLh Lhe purpose of drawlng lessons for advocacy work
under guldance and ln consulLaLlon wlLh Pead of lleld Cfflce ln uodoma, represenL
Slklka ln all sLakeholders meeLlngs aL dlsLrlcL level

3-M(*%-' N(2,*F*)2$*&#5
A 8achelor uegree or hlgher degree ln any Soclal sclence dlsclpllne.

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A mlnlmum of 2 years worklng experlence ln rural areas (uodoma, Slnglda areas preferred).

Q-? 10*,,5 2#' >7*,*$*-5
1he !obholder musL be fluenL ln boLh oral and wrlLLen Swahlll & Lngllsh, possess reasonable skllls
ln coordlnaLlon, research, experlence ln analyzlng wrlLLen works

An aLLracLlve remuneraLlon package wlll be offered Lo successful candldaLes.

1-#' ?&(% 244,*)2$*&# 424-%5 by e-mall Lo: [obs[slklka.or.Lz. ALLn: 1he Puman 8esources and
AdmlnlsLraLlon Manager, Slklka.

>44,*)2$*&# C-2',*#-. 1-4$-H7-% GRD GS:T

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