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1087009 FF 2013
J f~~ - I('qfhiIOII('+iCfl ~)
TimeAllowed: 2Hours (For YH. Candidates: 2hrs. 40min.)
f,,~ ~: 2~ (~ \3u()~C1I(j ~ ~ : 2~ 40~)
Read the following instructions carefully before you begin to answer the questions.
, This Booklet contains questions in English as well as in Hindi.
11~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~TI q;) ~ ~~ ~ I~ ~-ij 11~3fu;;:ft-a?lT ~ ~ -ij~ ~ t I
Test FormNo_
MaximumMarks: 200
~3fq;: 200
1. This Booklet contains 100 questions. I. ~ ~ if !lOOJ R'f ~ I
2. In questions set bilingually in English and Hindi, in case of . 2. ~ ail<: W'IIT!fT If ~ ~ ~ ~ "!Wit if ~ fumfu ~
discrepancy, the English version will prevail. ~ ~ if ~ ~ ~ ~ I
3. All questions are compulsory and carry equal marks.
4. Thepaper carries negative marking. 050 mark will be deducted for 3. ~ J R'f 3lf.r<n<f~o>n m~~~I
each wrong allswer. 4. Wf'f '1'f if ~ JicR it7 TT / t:<7f('Rf;J U<<I; ~ 050 Jiq; q;rcr
5. Before you start to answer the questions you must check up this ;:;mz w /
Booklet and ensure that it contains allthe pages (1-20) and see 5. ~ i\; -;;m:~"it ~ 3tl't ~ ~ ~;;ri;;r ~ ~ -a ftI;
that no page is missing or repeated. If you find any defect in ~ ~ ~ (1-20) i<NT ~ ~ ~ m ~ it..-tf i!tT 11lIT * I
this Booklet, )"9U must get it replaced immediately. -qft3tl't ~ ~ if ~ ~ 'fl'if, it~~ ~ ~ ~,
6. You will be supplied the Answer Sheet separately by the ~ <it -a I .' , e,
Invigilator. You must complete and code the details of Name, Roll
Number, TIckd Number and Test Form Number on Side-I of the 6. FroIl1<f; \:RT ~ ~-~ 3lWT it ~~ I ~-~ ~
Answer Sheet carefully. You must also put your signature and Left-, Side-I if ~ ~ ~ ~ 3l'AT'I11\', -(r.f ~, ~
Hand thumb impression on theAnswer Sheet at the prescribed place ~ ~ m'Iil1f ~ ~ ~ I "!Wit ~ ~ 'ffi(fq -if Wq;f.t
before you actually start answering the questions. These instructions . it~ ~ -~ 'R f.'fmfur ~ -if 3lT't m"l;mT~"Q,<f ~ m" f ~
must be fully complied with, failing which, your Answer Sheet will ~ q;r fulT'f 1ft ~ ~ I . ~iT <i;r ~ ~ ~
not be evaluated and you will be awarded 'ZERO' mark. (V.H. f<I;irr ~, ~ ~ ~-'1'f.m 'liT 'ifRT "'fIff ;;rrWrr 3 ft<: ~'
candidates will have to ensure that these details are filled in by . ~ (~ ~ ~ ~ ftI; ~
the scribe. However all V.H. candidates must put their left-hand :RI.., ~ ~ I ~ tI1ft ~ ~ -;;m:~ if
thumb impression at the space provided in the Answer Sheet. f.nrifuf l'-Wf ~ m,..m...... i\; ~.lIiT f.mA ~.......mI >ill
Those V.H. candidates who can sign should also put their -." ".~ "'J.." "~ . ,,
signatures in addition to thumb Impression.), ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~, ~ ~ ~f.mA ~ar.:mn
7. Answers must be shown bycompletely blackening the corresponding m~m: '1ft ~ ~ I) .
ovals on Side-II of the Answer Sheet against the relevant question 7. ~-~ if ~ ~ Side-nif J R'f ~ ~ mWt M 1fif ~
number by Black/Blue Ball-point Pen only. Answers which are not ~ m'liT m~/~~-~~itW~ qm;rr ~
shown by Black/Blue Ball-point Pen will not be awarded any mark. ~ I ;;it ~ ~ q;ffl/~ <ffi;r-~ iFf ""it "'fIff ~ ;;rntit,
8. A machine will read the coded information in the OMR Answer ~ ~ ~ 3iq; "'fIff W:rr ~ I
Sheet In case the information is incomplete or different from the.::. -A-- .:t -" ....& ....::.. !I- ~
information given in the application form, such candidate will be 8. "".~.3IR. ~-" '''Iq" '1'1('-'" ~ ~ " " ~ mil., '1,.-11 I
awarded 'ZERO' mark. ~ ~ attrf t 3ilf'IT ~ "lI'f'f If ~ lJ "{ ~ itlmf t, it ~
9. The Answer Sheet must be handed over to the Invigilator before you ~ 'liT '~' ~ ~ ~ I .
leave the Examination Hall. 9. -.rom-~~ it ~..m~ 'liT ~-'1'f.m~ ~~ <g
10. Failure to comply with any of the above Instructions will render '0t ~ I
a candidate liable to such action/penalty as may be deemed fit. ~ ,~ if "it~ '1ft ~ ~
II. The manner in which the different questions are to be answered has 10. ~ " '" :J ,'" '' ~ lIiT 4 ~ 'f ~ ~
been explained at the back of this Booklet (Page No: 20), which you ~~"'i'i*'i(~ ~;;n ~ ~m ~ fttn;;n ~ * I
should read carefully before actually answering the questions. II. ~ "!Wit ~ ~ ~ ~ f<rfh ~ ~ ~ ~ ('!IJ ~ 20)
12. Answer the questions as quickly and as carefully as you can. Some if ~ ~ ~~iT if ~~ <nf t~3lT't "!Wit ~ ~ ~ it ~
questions may be difficult and others easy. Do not spend too much ~ ~ it I
time on any question. 12. m~~f.rn;ft ~ ~ ~ o>n ~ ~I ~ J R'f 3IRlT'f o>n
13. In lieu of Question No. 96 to 100 relating of figural portions, ~ ~ ~ I f<Iim ~ J R'f 'R ~ ~ ~ Of ~ I
alternate questions have been provided to be attempted by V.H. 13. ~ it~~ J R'f ~ 96 it 100~ --'" If m~=
candidates only. ""'i',\l ",,<'1 ~,c.. "
14. No rough work Is to be done on the Answer Sheet. Space for , ~ \:RT ~ ~ ;;rR ~ ~ ~ J R'f ~ ~ f I
rough work has been povided below th.e questions. 14. ~ ~ "4iT1i -;;m:-~ ~..-tf ~ * I ~ "4iT1i ~ ~ l'-Wf
15. "Mobile phones and wireless communication devices are ~ i\; ;fu) fttn 11lIT * I
compldely banneli in' the examination halls/ rooms. Candidates 15. "merr ~ /" lfi" IfU if ~'m "'"ihm : "fiT m : " R'f!(;fTIft ~
are advised not to keep ",obile phones/ any other wireless f.!rfiti: t/ " u(l41mJ '!fit ~ mft<'r if ~ it dtfit;
communication devices with them even switching it off, in their fir.rm:r m/~ 3r.lT Trm- "fiT m : " R'f!(;f '!fit ~ 3ri'fi ~ rft
own interest. Failing to comply with this provision will be ,---,"' --'" ->. -A.._ .
considered as using unfair means in. the examination and action ;""of "I:/"m" Of m I lff J 17?f!I"Irr ..,.,. ~ Of "'(of "" ,,(.tnl if
will be taken against them including cancellation of their ~ ~ ;;pmjf ..,.,. 1T lim ~ ~ am: ~ ~ ~ ?1ft
candidature." ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. t"
A-FF 2013
26. A man travelled a distance of 80 km in.
7 hrs partly on foot at the rate of 8Ian per
hour and partly on. bicycle at 16km per
hour. The distance travelled on the foot is
(A) 32 km (B) 48 km
(C) 36 Ian (D) 44 Ian
27. The frequency distribution data is given
below. If the average age is 17 years, the
value of m is
Age (in years) 8 20 26 29
, Number of people 32m 1
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
28. The average monthly expenditure of a
family for the first four months is~ 2570,
for the next three months ~ 2490 and for
the last five months ~ 3030. If the family
saves'~ 5320 during the whole year, the
average monthly income of the family
during the year is
(A) ~ 3000
(C) ~ 3200
(B) ~3185
(D) ~3580
29. After replacing an old member by a new
member, it was found that the average age
of five members of a club is the same as
it was 3 years ago. The difference between
the ages of the replaced and the new
member is
(A) 2 years
(C) 8 years
(B) 4 years
(D) 15 years
30. A. man spends ~ 1800 monthly Lon an
average for the first four months and
~ 20Q O monthly for the next eight months
and saves ~ 5600 a year. His average
,monthly incomeis
(A) ~ 2000
(C) ~ 2400
(B) ~ 2200
(D) ~ 2600
31. The arithmetic mean of the following
6,6,6,6,6,6 and 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7 is .
(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 14" (D) 20
32. The average of 6 numbers is 20. If one
number is removed, the average becomes
15. What is the number removed?
(A) 5 (B) 35 (C) 112 (D) 45
33. An itemcosting~200 is being soldat 10%
loss. If the price is further reduced by 5%,
the sellingprice will be
(A) ~ 170 (B) ~ 171
(C) ~ 175 (D) ~ 179
34. A shopkeeper buys 144 items at 90 paise
each. On the way 20 items arebroken. He
sells theremainder ate 120 each. His gain
per cent correct to oneplace of decimal is
(A) 138% (B) 146%
(C) 148% (D) 158%
35. There is a profit of 20% on the cost price
of an article. The % of profit, when
calculated on selling price is
(A) 16t% (B) 20%
(C) 33t % (D) None of these
, 36. By selling an article for ~ 102, there isa
loss of 15%, when the article is sold for
~ 13440, the net result in thetransaction is
(A) 12% gain (B) 12% loss
(C) 10% loss (D) 15% gain
37. Two toys are sold at ~504 each. One toy
brings 'the dealer a gain of 12% and the
other a loss of 4%. The gain or, loss per
cent by selling both the toys is
(A) 3{3 % profit (B) 41
3% profit
(C) 5/ 3%profit (D) 21 3 % loss .
38. A sold a horse to B for ~ 4800, by losing
20%. B sells it to C at a price which would
have given A a profit of 15%. B's gain is
(A) ~ 1800 (B) ~'1900
,(C) ~ 2000 (D) ~2100
39. If each side of a cube is increased by 10%
the volume of the cube will increase by
," "
,(~~ 30% (B) 10%
(C) 331% (D) 25%
40. A reduction of 21% in the price of an item
enables a person to buy 3 kg more for
~ 100. The reduced price of item per kg is
(A) ~ 550 (B) ~ 750
(C) ~ 1050 ,(D) ~ 700
41. The number that is to be added to 10% of
320 to have the sum as 30% of 230 is
(A) 37' (B) 32, (C) 23 (D) 73
42. 'The strength' of a school increases and
decreases in every alternate year by 10%.
It started With 'increase in 2000. Then the
strength of the school in 2003 as compared
to that in 2000 was
(A) increased by 89%
'(B) decreased by 89%
, ,
(C) increased by 98%
(D) , decrea~:ed"by 98%
43. Two trains of equal length are running on
parallel J ines .in the same direction at the
, rate of 46kffi/hi and 36 km/hr. The faster
, 'ira~p~J d~~tl1e, sl<;~er train in 36 seconds.
The length of each train is
(A) 50: m (B) 72 m
(C) :8a~ (D) 82 m
44. A car driver leaves Bangalore at 830 A.M.
and expects to reach a place 300 km from
Bangalore at 1230 P.M. At 1030 he finds
that he has covered only 40% of the
distance. By how much he has to increase
the speed of the car, in order to keep up
his schedule?
(A) 45 km/hr (B) 40 km/hr
,(C) 35 km/hr (D) 30 km/hr
45. A train 300 m long is running with a speed
of 54 km/hr. In what time will it cross a
telephone 'pole?
(A) 20 see (B) 15 see
(C) 17 see (D) 18 see
46. A man is walking at a speed of lOkmph.
After, every km, he' takes a rest for 5 min.
How much time will he take to' cover a
distance of 5 km ?
(A) 60 min ' ' (B) 50 min
(C) 40 min , (D) 70 min '
,47. A man borrows money at 3% per annum
, Interest payable y~arly and lend it imme-
diately at 5% interest (compound) payable
half-yearly and thereby gains ~ 330 at the
end of the year. The sum borrowed is
, , (A) ~ 17000 (B) ~ 16500
(C) '~ 15000 ,(D) ~ 16000
48. Two years ago,the value of my motorbike
, was ~ 62500. If the value depreciates by
4% every,year, now its value is
(A) 't56700 (B) ~ 57600
(C) ~ 57500 CD) ~ 55700
49. If the, compound interest on asum fori years
at 121% p.a. is ~510, the simple interest on
the same sum at the same rate for the same
period of time is
(A) ~ 400
(C) ~ 460
(B) '~450
(D)' ~ 480
61. A large solid sphere is melted and moulded
to form identical right circular cones with
base radius and height same as the radius
of the sphere. One of these cones. is
melted and moulded to forma smaller solid
sphere. Then the ratio of the surface area
of the smaller to the surface area of the
larger sphere is
(A) 1: 3
(B) 1: 23/2
{C) 1:32/3 (D) 1:24/3
.62. Two sides 'of a plot measuring 32 m and
24.m and the angle between them is a
perfect right angle. The other .two sides
measure 25 m each and the other three
angles are not right angles. The area of the
plot in m
(A) 768
(C) 6965
(B) 534
(D) 684
63. a and b are two sides adjacent to the right'
angle of aright-angled triangle andp is the
. perpendicular drawn:to thehypotenusefrom
the opposite vertex. Then p2 is equal to
(C) (D) a
-. b
. a
64. A conical cup is filled with ice-cream. The
ice-cream forms a hemispherical' shape on
its open top. The height of the hemi-
spherical part is 7 ern. .Theradius of the
hemispherical part equals the height of the
cone. Then the volume of the ice-cream is
[ K = 2iJ
(A) 1078 cubic em (B) 1708cubic em
(C) 7108 cubic em (D) 7180 cubic cm
65. A is the centre of circle whose radius is 8
and B is the centre of a circle whose
diameter is 8. If these two circles touch
externally, then the area of the circle with .
diameter AB is . .
(A) 36 K
(C) 144 K
(B) 64 7r
(D) 256 K
66. If a
+ C2 =ab +be + ae then thevalue
a+e .
a -- IS
(A) 0 (B) 2 (C) 1 (D)-1
67. If ab + be + ea =0 then the value of
1 1 . 1 ).
2 +2 +2 IS
a = bc b - ea . e - ab
(A) 0
(C) 3
(B) 1
(D) a+b+e
68. If (2+.J 3) a =(2-.J 3) b =1then thevalue
1 1..
a -+- IS
a b
(A) 1 ' (B) 2
(C) 2.J 3 (D) 4
69. If 3x+~ =1then x
+i -+ 1is
x x
(A) 0 (B) 2~ (C) i 7 (D) ~~
70. Thefactors of (~ + 4b
+ 4b - 4ab - 2a - 8)
(A) (a - 2b - 4) (a - 2b + 2)
(B) (a-b+2) (a-4b-4)
(C) (a + 2b - 4) (a + 2b + 2)
(D) (a + 2b - 1) (a -2b + 1)
Directions: Each question or incomplete statement ~~T: ~ >J ~ ~ ~ 3f~ ~ ~ ~ - :; ::m:
is followed by four alternative suggested ~nswers ~ ~ ~ Cfi~ ~ If'Ct~ 1 ~ G~TTif
or completions. In each case, you are required 3fl11Cit fcR ft cit ~\iIT ~ ~
to select the one that correctly answers the question 1:% ~ ~ ~ CfiT ~ ~ I ~ ~
or completes the statement and blacken [_] ~ ~ cit ~ ~ 3ftt 3fl11Cit ~- ~ if
appropriate oval A, B, C or D by Black/Blue Ball- ~ 3{O?)ICflF( ~. A, B~C <ITD cit ~ /~
point Pen against the question concerned in the ~ - ~ ~ it qm;rr [_ ] CfiVfT~ 1
Answer Sheet.
The following example illustrates the manner in - ; :fR t ~ l']it '3~I~{OIit ~ m ~ fcfi ~ ~
which the questions are required to be answered. >J CfiT{ ~ ~ ~ I
There is only one correct answer to each question.
You should blacken [.] the' oval of the appro-
priate column, viz., A, B, C or D. If you blacken
[_] more than one oval against anyone question,
the answer will be treated as wrong. If you wish to
cancel any answer, you should completely erase
that black mark in the oval in the Answer Sheet,
and then blacken the oval of revised response ..
You are NOT required to mark your answers in this
Booklet. All answers must be indicated in the
Answer Sheet only,
Question No. 'Q' -
Out of the four words given below, three are alike in
some way and one is different. Find the ODD word:
(A) Girl
(B) Boy
(C) Woman
(D) Chair .
Explanation : In the above example, the correct
answer is 'Chair' and this answer has been
suggested at 'D'. Accordingly, the answer is to
be indicated by blackening [_] the oval by Black/
Blue Ball- point Pen in column 'D'against Question
No. 'Q' inthe manner indicated below:
Question No. 'Q'
[A] [B] [ C]
\3ql~i(OI :
. , ,
>J ~i{~. ~ -
- ; :fR t ~ ~ - :; ::m:~~ if ~ J ~- ~ ~am
1:% J 3f<17T~ CfiT~ 1 CfQa : m ~ . CfiT~~
(A) ~
(B) ~
(C) ~
(D) ~
tqe"i41(IJ I : ~.~ '3~I~{OIif ~ ~ '~' ~ am:
~ ~ 'D' if ~ l1<fr ~ 1 3R T: ~ tf. 'CfI( ~
wR ~ 'D' ~ 3{O?)ICflF( ~ cit ~ /~
~ -~ t.l it ~ ~ [_] ~ ~ - ; :fR t
~ fcrfu ~ 3!R W:rr \ifFfT ~ :
>J ~i{'ff. '~
[A] [B] [C] [_]
.~ >J ~ CfiT~ 1:% m ~ .~ ~ 1 3fl11Cit
cit Cf1Tffi [_] CfiVfT~ 1 ~ 3f1\ffcR ft >J ~ ~ wR
1:% it 3fftTq; 3!O?) ICfl F( ~ cit m [_ ]err 3lP1cfiT
~ ~ 11R T~ 1 ~ 3f1\f fcR ft ~ 'Cf)) ~
CfiVfT~ ~err 3f1\f~- ~ ~.~ 3{O:gICflF( wA
it ~ R ~TA'Cf)) ~ ~ ~ 1lreT~3ftt ~ ~. ~
~ .~ ~ 3!O?)ICfl F(wA 'Cf)) Cf1Tffi Cfi{~ 1
wft~ ~ ~ -~ ifm~ 1
A- FF 2013 20

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