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The Islamia University of Bahawalpur

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Submitted to:
Sir Farrukh Naveed
Submitted by:
Parsa Naqvi
Roll No. 47
MSc Accounting & Finance
Session 2012-2014
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Sub campuses11
University act12
Powers of university.13
Officers of university..14
Authorities of university.....15
Power & Duties of senat..16
Functions of treasure..19
Financial powers of treasurer.20
Structure of account branch..22
Accounting system.....23
Bill section..23
Functions of bill section...24
Persons of bill section.....24
Bill payment form.25
Cheque Section26
Function of cheque section...27
Persons Involved...28
Fees & Dues Section....29
Funtions of Section29
Computer Section.30
Person involved.31
Functions of Computer Section.....33
Receipt/Received CD1....33
How to record insoftware...34
Recording of Expenses...36
Problem faced by Computer section...37
Store & Purchase Section.38
Procedure of Purchase39
Quotation form.39
Procedure of Issue..40
Recording of New Assets..41
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Supply Order Form..42

Budget Section.44
Functions of Budget Section46
Source of Expenditure...48
Budget at Glance..50
Budget estimation..51
Source of Income...52
Income from other sources53
Source of expenditure54
General Record Section...56
Salary Section..57
Procedure of Salary Calculation...57
Basic Pay Scale.....58
Allowances Chart.....59

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All praise and gratitude due to ALLAH ALMIGHTY who created man in His own
image and enjoyed upon him to travel on the earth and enter into a profound and analytical
study of Universe for spiritual appreciation of ALLAHS unity and His attribute as well as for
harnessing the material manifestation of the world to the mankinds profitable utilization. In the
first place, therefore we express our utmost thanks to ALLAH.
At the next stage I offer our gratitude to our Apostle and prospector Prophet Muhammad
(P.B.U.H) for his golden saying Gain knowledge even if you have to go to China.
After that I would like to thank all my teachers whose continued efforts helped me to study
business education and provided me with the opportunity to complete my internship.
In the end I would like to thank all the staff members of ACCOUNT BRANCH OF IUBwho
cooperated with me and provided me with valuable information which helped me a lot in
completion of this report.
I am specially obliged to the followings because without their help, I would not be able to
achieve this practical knowledge:

Mr. Khalid Aali (Supervisor)
Contact # : 0300-6846694
Qualification : M.A Library Science
Designation : Assistant BSP14
Mr. Ramzan
Mr. M IQbal
Mr. M Shakeel
Mr. M Adeel
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Objectives Of internship in IUB Account Branch
The pre-requisite of internship program is to make the students of Commerce, aware of
the practical expertise and to acquaint them with the real process of working.
With an intention of grooming the best executives of the future, Department of commerce has
organized a comprehensive internship-training program. All of us were placed in leading
organizations of business arena to gain firsthand knowledge and insight into their management
and working. So, when I was given the chance of selecting an organization, I opted for
internship in account branch in IUB.
I went through 6 weeks internship training in order to perceive the true art and the practical
picture of working and to go through the process by which the organization is making very well
out of its limited resources.
I worked as an internee in IUB Account Branch Bahawalpur. The main objectives were:
I. To gain knowledge about the professional environment.
II. Deal and manage in the stressful working environment of account branch of IUB.
III. Convert the knowledge learnt from books into practical experiences.
IV. Compulsory for the completion of degree.
V. To get experience in working with well reputed organization.
VI. Discover where further competence is needed.
VII. To improve my interpersonal skills with the senior members.
VIII. And to improve my communication skills.

Roll No. 47
MSc A/F (2012-14)

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The Islamia University of Bahawalpur conversationally reputed to be Islamia
University, is placed in Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.IUB is an open part school .Bahawalpur
has dependably been a seat of higher studying.
The Islamia university bwp has design its matrix to become Enterprise University for
developing the partnership with indigenous labor market and local community to improve the
economic growth regeneration of social wealth.
The university has set itself to offer innovative programs of applied nature that will
satisfy the need of students and employers in relation to the word of work. The university has
premeditated that by the year 2015 it would play leading role in the world knowledge will
produce a sufficient number of professionals and social scientist for improve the quality of life.
Its mission is
Produce a variety of scientists and researchers, responsive to national needs with
priorities focusing on issues relating to socio-economic and self-reliance.
The University has a long tradition of producing scholars in various fields of
knowledge. It has established a Modern Center of Excellence in Islamic Learning that will
produce enlightened thinkers equipped with religious as well as scientific vision to help
promoting peace and harmony among different civilizations. The University is determined to
keep on playing a vital role in the world of knowledge and will remain producing professionals
and social scientists for improving the quality of life across the board.

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The Islamia University of Bahawalpur (abbreviated as IUB) ( ), colloquially
known as Islamia University, is located in Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan.IUB is a public sector
university . Bahawalpur has always been a seat of higher learning. Uch Sharif (a nearby ancient
town) had one of the largest universities in the world where scholars from all over the world
used to come for studies. As a continuation of this tradition a religious University
(JamiaAbbasia) was established in Bahawalpur in 1925, following the academic pursuits of
Jamia Al-Azhar, Egypt. In view of the changing scenario, JamiaAbbasia was declared as a
general University in 1975, and was renamed as The Islamia University of Bahawalpur.
Initially, it started functioning at Abbasia and KhawajaFareed Campuses with ten
Departments. In order to construct a modern and self-contained campus, 1250 acres of land
was allotted to the University on Hasilpur Road about eight kilometers away from the city
centre. The sand dunes have been converted into faculties, green lawns, hostels, residential
colony, farms and orchards. It is known as Baghdad-ul-Jadeed Campus.
The University was started with ten departments and now this number has increased
to 45 offering 74 disciplines. Apart from conventional disciplines of Religious Affairs,
Languages, Social and Basic Sciences; education is being imparted in the areas of Business
Administration, Engineering, Agriculture, Veterinary Sciences, Computer, Law, Education, Fine
Arts, Pharmacy, Life Sciences and Sports Sciences. In order to provide opportunities of higher
education to the youth at their door step, two campuses were establishe.
Major achievement is thatThe university is currently Ranked at No# 08 in General
category of HEC universities ranking of 2013d at Rahim Yar Khan and Bahawalnagar in 2005.

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Islamia university has following deparments/faculties
i. Arabic
ii. Commerce
iii. Management sciences
iv. Chemistry
v. Education
vi. English
vii. Biochemistry and biotechnology
viii. History
ix. Law
x. Life sciences
xi. Social work
xii. Other departments
Sub campuses
In order to provide the education all over the country and bwp city its campuses are
also working in other cities. Main campuses are in
Rahim yar khan
Institution of distance education

Aunique addition to the university is its ranger campus in the heart of city.

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University ACT
The islamia University Bahawalpur is established Bill, 1975 having been passed by the
provincial assemble of the punjab on the nineteenth day of February 1975 and assented to the
governer of punjab on the 4
day of march 1975, is hereby published as an act of provincial
legislature of Punjab.
The act may called the islamia university of bahawalpur act 1975.
It shall come into force at once
The university is competent to acquire and hold property both moveable
and immovable and lease.

The Islamia University, Bahawalpur shall beestablished at Bahawalpur in accordance
with the provisions of this Act.
The University shall consist of the Chancellor, the Pro-Chancellor, the
Vice-Chancellor and members of the Senate, the Syndicate and the Academic
The University shall be a body corporate by the name of the IslamiaUniversity,
Bahawalpur and shall have perpetual succession and a common seal andmay sue and be
sued by the said name.
The University shall be competent to acquire and hold property bothmovable and
immovable and lease, sell or otherwise transfer any movable andimmovable property
which vests in or has been acquired by it.
All properties, rights and interests or whatever kind, use, enjoyed,possessed, owned or
vested in, or held in trust by, or for the Jamia Islamia, Bahawalpuras constituted under
the West Pakistan Jamia Islamia (Bahawalpur) Ordinance and allliabilities legally
subsisting against the said Jamia shall stand transferred to theUniversity as established
under this Act

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Powers of the university
The university shall have the following powers
To affiliate and disaffiliate educational institutions underprescribed conditions.
To admit educational institutions to its privileges and towithdraw such privileges under
prescribed conditions
To inspect colleges and other educational institutionsassociated or seeking association
with it;
To accept the examinations passed and the periods ofstudy spent by students of the
University at other Universities and placesof learning as equivalent to such examinations
and periods of study in theUniversity, as it may determine and to withdraw such
To co-operate with other Universities and public authoritiesin such manner and for such
purposes as it may determineto institute Professorships, Associate Professorships,
Assistant Professorships and Lectureships, and any other posts and toappoint persons
To create posts for research, publication, extensions,administration and other related
purposes and to appoint persons thereto;
To recognize selected members of the teaching staff ofaffiliated colleges and or
educational institutions admitted to the privilegesof the University or such other persons
as it may deem fit, as UniversityTeachers;
To institute and award fellowships, scholarships, exhibitionbursaries, medals and prizes,
under prescribed conditions;
To control the residence of the students of the University and the Colleges, to institute
and maintain halls of residence and toapprove or license hostels and lodgings;
To supervise and control the discipline of the students ofthe University and the Colleges,
to promote the extra curricular andrecreational activities of such students, and to make
arrangements forpromoting their health and general welfare.

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Officers of university
Following are the officers of university
i. the Chancellor;
ii. the Pro-Chancellor;
iii. the Vice-Chancellor;
iv. the Deans;
v. the Director;
vi. the Principals of the constituent colleges;
vii. the Chairmen of the Teaching Departments;
viii. the Registrar;
ix. the Treasurer;
x. the Controller of Examinations;
xi. the Librarian; and
xii. such other persons

Vice chancellor
The vice chancellor shall be appointed by the chancellor on such terms and conditions as the
chancellor may determine and shall hold the office for a term not exceeding the 4 years. At any
time the office of VC is vacant due to illness r some other reasons ,Chancellor shall make the
arrangments for the performance of duties of VC as he may deem fit.
a) To sanction all expenditure provided for in the approved budget, andto re appropriate
funds within the same major Head of expenditure.
b) To sanction by re-appropriation an amount not exceeding Rs. 5000for an unforeseen
item not provided for in the budget, and report it to theSyndicate at the next meeting.
c) To appoint paper setters and examiners for all examinations of theUniversity after
receiving panels of names from the relevant authorities.
d) To make such arrangements for the scrutiny of papers, marks andresults as he may
consider necessary.
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e) To direct teachers, officers and other employees of the University totake up such
assignments in connection with teaching, research,examinations, administration and such
other activities in the University ashe may consider necessary for the purpose of the
f) To delegate, subject to such conditions, if any as may beprescribed, any of his powers
under this Act to an officer or officers of theUniversity.
g) To appoint employees below the initial monthly pay of Rs. 500
h) To exercise and perform such other powers and functions as maybe prescribed.

Authorities of university
Following are the authorities of university
a) the Senate;
b) the Syndicate;
c) the Academic Council;
d) the Board of Faculties;
e) the Board of Studies;
f) the Advanced studies and Research Board;
g) the Selection Board;
h) the Finance and Planning Committee;
i) the Affiliation Committee;
j) the Discipline Committee;
k) such other Authorities as may be prescribed by Statutes

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The senate shall consist of following
i. the Chancellor;
ii. the Pro-Chancellor;
iii. the Vice-Chancellor;
iv. the Members of the Syndicate;
v. the Deans;
vi. the Directors of Institutes;
vii. the Principals of the Constituent Colleges
viii. the University Professors and Professors Emeritus
ix. the Chairmen of the Teaching Departments
x. the Officer or Teacher Incharge of Students Affairs (by whateverdesignation called)
xi. the Registrar;
xii. the Treasurer
xiii. the Controller of Examinations;
xiv. the Librarian

Powers and duties of the Senate
Subject to theprovisions of this Act, the Senate shall have the powers:-

i. To consider the drafts of Statutes proposed bythe Syndicate and deal with them in the
manner indicated in sub-Section (2) of section 30.
ii. To consider and pass resolutions on the annualreport, the annual statement of accounts
and the annual and revisedbudget estimates.
iii. To appoint members to the Syndicate and otherAuthorities in accordance with the
provisions of this Act.
iv. To delegate any of its powers to an Authority orofficer of a Committee or Sub-
Committee; and
v. To perform such other functions as may beprescribed by Statutes.

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The Syndicate shall be the Executive Body of the University and shall subject to the
provisions of this Act, and the Statutes, take effective measures to raise the standards of
teaching,research and publication and other academic pursuits and exercise general
supervision over the affairs and management of the property of the University.

The Syndicate shall consist of:-

i. The Vice-Chancellor, who shall be its Chairman.
ii. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor, if any.
iii. One member of the Provincial Assembly of the Punjab to be nominated by the Speaker
of the Assembly.
iv. Two members 27[including at least one female member] of the Senate to be elected by
the Senate.
v. the Chief Justice of the Lahore High Court, Lahore or his nominee fromamongst the
Judges of the Lahore High Court.
vi. Secretary to Government of the Punjab, Education Department or hisnominee not below
the rank of Additional Secretary.

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The Treasurer shall be a whole time officer of the University and shall be appointed by the
Chancellor on such terms and conditions as the Chancellor may determine:


Manage the property, the finances, and the investments of the University.
Prepare the annual and revised budget estimates of the University and present them to the
Finance and Planning Committee, the Syndicate and the Senate.
Ensure that the funds of the University are expended on the purposes for which they are
Perform such other duties as may be prescribed.

Financial Power of Treasure
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1. I. Sanction Recurring and Non-recurring
II. Sanctions works bills
Up to Rs.50,000

Up to Rs.50,000
2. I. Sanctions re-imbursement of medical
II. Passed bills already Sanctioned for
Full power
Full power
3. T.A Bills Full power
4. Sign Payment orders in respect of the expenditures
already sanctioned by the competent Authority
Full power
5. Sign Authorities and cheques Up to Rs.200000

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DeputyTreasure DeputyTreasure

P.Ato Treasure



Naib Qasid-





Naib Qasid



Naib Qasid

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Account Branch
IUB Account Branch has the following Structure

Accounting system
Fees and
Store and
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The account department maintain the data computerized and manually. All the data like
revenue, expenses, pays, bills, cheques, taxes, developments and then keep the record in the
general record office manually. For saving the data in computer different softwares are used.
The old computer system was based upon the Microsoft Access Database system but now it
uses customized software as well as MS Access system. Both the accrual and cash based
Accounting system is used.
Bill Section:
Procedure of Section

Functions of bill section
a) Handling of all bills
Demand from
Audit in store
and purchase
Less amount
Bill receive
from supplier
after audit
bill accepted
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b) Deduction and allocation provision on demand
c) Allocation of input tax
d) Maintenance of provision register
e) Revision and re-appropriation of respective budget heads
f) Any other function accepted by Treasure
g) Audit of all bills

Person Involved in bill section

Deputy treasure
Assistant treasure
Admin officer
Naib qasid(peon)
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Cheque Section:
All the types of cheque are audit and approval by these department issuance of cheque to
employees or the payment of bill all these are first audited and then distributed by this
department. If employee account is given than cheque is transferred into account otherwise send
to the relevant department for distribution.

Approval authorities

10,000 to up to
Deputy Treasure has
the authority
Above to 200,000 Two signs are required
Treasure and VC
Up to 10,000 Admin officer can
approve the cheque
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Functions of cheque Section

i. Drafting the cheque for the payment of all the expenditures.
ii. Distribution of cheque.
iii. Co-ordination with the other sections of the department.
iv. Ensuring payment at right time.
v. Facilitation of students and employees regarding cheques.
vi. Cheques regarding the students security refunding.
vii. And all others as direct by treasure or university authorities.

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Persons involved in cheque Section

Assistant Treasure
Admin Officer
Senior clerk
Junior Clerk
Naib Qasid or peon
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Fees & Dues Section:
There are three departments working in this section:

Fees and dues department
Verification department
Recording department

The working of fees and dues department is done by assistant and all document related to this
department is verify by assistant. The verification of fees and dues and related Challan is done
by senior clerk and recording related of challan and fees is done by peon

Following are the function of Cheque Section
Recording of fees and dues in manual & computerized programs.
Verification of challan forms regarding CD1.
Co-ordination with other departments.

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Any other special assigned by the treasure.
Assistant collect the form of affiliated colleges of Islamia university of Bahawalpur related to
fees and dues and also collect the challan forms. The senior clerk totally verifies the challan and
other related documents and the assistant approve these documents.
Assistant receive a full schedule of fees and dues and send to affiliated colleges for submission
of that dues on actual dates if that fees and dues is not submitted on actual date then fine impose
on defaulted colleges. The procedure of fine is also approved by treasure.
Senior clerk also collect the forms related to clearance of university students and the senior clerk
and peon totally verify all these documents and related challan forms, after verification assistant
approve these document.

Computer section:
In account department there two main section
The income account is known in bank language the CD-1(Cash Deposit) and the expenditure
account is known as Freedom account. Income is received by two sections
University own sources
From HEC
In annual budget a provision for expenditure is maintained for all department of university their
different expenditure like professor salary, pay and allowances, contingencies, payment as
pension, funds, other petty expenses of the university etc. Computer section also performs the
bill recording and their approval services. Bill is related to professor salary and other
expenditure if professors give account no then amount of bill after approval is transfer to
account of professors otherwise cheque is sent to professors and other related persons.

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Person involved in computer section:

Data base administer
Computer operator
Account Assistant
Computer Technician
Senior Clerk
Junior Clerk
Laboratory Assistant
Lab Attendent
Naib Qasid
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The software that is used for recording of expenditure and income its interface is like as follow:

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Functions of Computer section:
There are two types of accounts are prepared by computer section which are:
Receipt/Revenue CD-1
Accounting is maintained through a software named as INCOME CASH
This software is developed by the EXPERT SYSTEM.
The university is purchased this software for RS.2,00,000/year.
The accounting record keeper only feeds data or he can check the mistake in recording or
solve the student problems in case of loss of vouchers/Challan forms.
The software automatically reconciles the cash book with the bank statement which is
provided by the bank in the soft copy.
Book keeper is not allowed to update the software.
All types of university receipt are recorded in this software.
A soft ware connected through the server where the data is backed up and the databases
administer supervises the working of the staff.
Each user provided with a password and a separate account and his access to the
software is limited.
If the error is made in recording the transaction, only the data base administration can
edit the transaction

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How to record in the software:

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Expenditure(Freedom Account)
All the disbursement or payments made by the university are recorded in the expenditure
freedom account.
Expenditure are recorded in the software made as EXPENDITURE
The heads change as the nature of the expenditure changed. For example

Bill section
Salary section
Pay and allowances
Payment as pension, fund etc
Other petty expenses of the university

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Problems faced by the computer system:

i. Only two persons maintain the books of accounts of all incomes of the whole university
which represent the huge burden on them.
ii. There is no formal or special training given to the user of this software.
iii. When the software was purchased there was no special training given to the software
drivers only the training session was attended by the V.C, Treasure, Deputy treasure, and
two IT department members.
iv. The university doesnt have the software developer at the spot.
v. If there is a problem in the software they have to wait for software developer which is a
loss of time.
vi. The software is not updated at proper intervals.
vii. The employees have to work overtime to complete the work due to less human

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Store and purchase section:
Theres two sections include in this section
Purchasing section
Issue section
The detail of persons who include in purchasing, storing and approved of these bills is given

Deputy treasure
Assistant Treasure(purchase)
Assistant Treasure(store)
Administrative Officer
Store Keeper
Senior Clerk
Assistant Store Keeper
Junior Clerk
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Procedure of purchasing:
Purchase shall be made in the most economical manners there are three heads in which
any department purchase the goods
Petty purchase
A provision is set in budget every year for every department for meet their needs. Every
department sends a demand in written letter to this section with new component report.
Authorized committee to make the purchase after ascertaining the rates from the local market.
the competent committee shall have to record a certificate on the bill that the goods is purchased
on the lowest rate before purchasing the item the approval/permission to purchase will be
granted by the deans of faculties and head of the purchase section.
For the purchase of items valuing 10,001/- but below from 400,000/- sealed quotations
shall be invited in writing through registered letter from the local market and purchase be made
at the lowest quoted rates. Invitation quotation period is minimum 7 days. After 7 days
purchased committee will be called and all quotations opened. All member of the purchased
committee signed on the quotations.
If there a big projects valuing more then 400,000/- then open tender shall be published
by a authorized committee giving at least seven clear days notices. The comparative statement
shall be made and the committee shall certify that the rates are the lowest as per rates prevailing
in the market. Then the purchase shall be made at the lowest tender according to the required

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Procedure of issue:
After purchasing the demand goods then items is issue to department who sent a written
letter for items purchased if the letter is in limit that is passed in budget then goods is issued
after a specific procedure if the demand of faculty is beyond the provision that is authorized in
budget then a permission is required from the vice chancellor after approval from V.C then the
goods purchased and issue to department.

Store & Spare Department:
Store and spare is important in accounting department. In this Section recording is made
both manually and computerized. For the computerized recording. Following menus are
included in it
Supply Order
Store issue voucher
Store receipt voucher
Store and spare issued all petty purchase. If anything is not available in the store and
spare then they allowed for purchase.
When the purchasing department supply order to supplier then one copy sent to the store
and spare. When the supply received then inspection committee inspect the goods. The store
department Stores the purchase and provide to the concerned department within 7 days.
Recording of New assets:
Computer software this method is used for recording the assets:
Main code
Sub code
Item code
For example: 03-07-0007.
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Budget Section:
Process of budget approval

Draft budget
V.C approval
Finance and
Final Approval
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Budget is prepared keeping in view that no expenditure can be made without having the
provision in budget documents. In this prospective the S.N.E are called from all the teaching
and non-teaching departments and is prepared by
Admin officer Budget
M.A Library science
Budget Recommendation authority
The finance and planning committee
The syndicate

Budget Approval Authority
The senate
If authority recommends any change in the budget documents than it is responsibility
of the treasure to make the changes according to directions.

Functions of budget Section
Invitation from departments from SNEs.
Receiving and maintenance of SNEs.
Presentation of SNES before the budget committee
Allocation and distribution of budget committee
Receiving grants from HEC
Sending demand for additional grants to HEC
Preparation of revised budget
Any special function assigned by the treasure
Supporting other departments
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What is Budget :
A budget is a financial document used to project future income and expenses. The
budgeting process may be carried out by individuals or by companies to estimate whether the
person/company can continue to operate with its projected income and expenses.
A budget may be prepared simply using paper and pencil, or on computer using a
spreadsheet program like Excel, or with a financial application. The process for preparing a
budget includes:
Listing of all sources of income, including sales and interest
Listing of all required, fixed expenses, like rent/mortgage, utilities, phone
Listing of other possible and variable expenses.

Types of budget
Following are the two types of budget
1. Recurring Budget.
Recurring budget is also called non development budget. In this budget there are two
types of expenditures
Posting expenditures
In posting expenditures only salaries are included.
Contingent Expenditures
All other expenditure other than salaries is included in contingent expenditures

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2. Non recurring budget.
This budget is also called development of all types of constructions or development
includes in this budget for example building, roads etc.All funding for this budget is provided by
the government.
Budget preparation philosophy
There are two major types of philosophy in the preparation of budget which are
Incremental budgeting
Zero budgeting
Incremental budgeting
A philosophy in which budget committee decides fixed percentage increased in each
year for income and expenditure.
Zero budgeting
In this philosophy budget is allocated on the basis of importance of each expenditure
every year.

Source of revenue
Main sources of university income are as follows
I. HEC grant
II. University own sources
However Additional grants is another source of incomefor the university. The demand
for additional grant is raised when expenditures increase from the income due to change in
thepay scale or announcement of any adhoc relief from government or due to opening of new
department during the financial year or to wipe out the deficit which occurred due to rareness
of funds and expenditure made by loaning from other accounts.
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Income derived from Own sources
Main sources of income derived from own sources are given below.
a) Admission/tuition fee
b) Examination fee
c) Hostel charges
d) Lease of cultivated land
e) Auction of canteens and mess
f) Income through investment
Budget is prepared in view of these sources

University expenditures are classified into following groups
A. General Administration.
a. Vice chancellor
b. Vice-chancellor office
c. Public relation office
d. Directorate of IT
e. Registrar officer
f. Establishment branch
g. University printing press
h. Academic branch

i. Meeting and registration branch
j. Planning and development branch
k. Treasurers office
l. Account branch
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m. Audit branch
B. Common services.
a. Medical and health section
b. Engineering branch
c. Estate care section
d. University guest house
e. Security system
f. Transport
g. Farm management
h. Paid staff/daily wages
C. Examination Branch.
a. Controller office
b. Examination branch
D. University teaching
E. General Contingencies
F. University publication
G. Loans and advances
H. Maintenance and repair
I. University managed school
J. V.Cs reserve fund
K. University resident colony

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General Record Section:

Function of Section
Storage of all records which are manually prepared
Maintenance of the prepared record
Handling and availability of previous recordsss

Senior Clerk
Junior clerk
Naib Qasid
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Salary Section:
Salary Section of account branch maintains the salary of contracted and non contracted
employees on the basis of their scale. Salary is fixed by the Governor and it is duty of salary
section to follow these rules.
All the allowances and deductions in order to calculate the salary are fixed by the
Governor. Some of allowances are fixed by syndicate for example Medical allowances-age wise

Procedure of Salary Calculation:

Formula for finding Salary
Basic payxxxxx
Add: all allowances as scale wise..xxxxx
Gross salary..xxxxx
Less: deductionsxxxxxx
Net Salary.xxxxx

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Account branch of IUB manage all the accounts relating to the university and all other
matters like budget, Expenses etc. It has different sections for different work and different
officers run these section. Treasurer manage the whole department , after this deputy treasure,
assistant treasure, assistant and than clerk all these persons control the different work of
different section.
These sections are Bill section, Cheque section, fees and dues section, budget section.
General record section, computer section, purchase & sale section and Salary section.
Bill section manage all the tasks related to bills which are issued for purchase or sale of
different assets of university and for petty purchases. Bill received from the suppliers are first
audited and than approved from different authorities according to their range. Cheque section
manage the cheques for the pay of employees and for the payment of bill. First it come in
dispatch section than treasure and than audited if its is clear than approved from Treasure,
deputy Treasure or Assistant Treasure.
Fees and dues section is related to students and colleges. There different colleges which
is affiliated with Islamia university of Bahawalpur. The schedule of fees and dues is issued by
university account branch and if fees are not deposit on due date then fine is charged by
following a specific procedure. This is approved by Assistant-14.There other two more
departments related with fees and dues section one is verification section and second one is
recording section. In these departments challan is verified and record in a specific manner.
The meaning of Budget is a bag of documents containing the financial proposals and is
accepted as such or some alteration by the competent authority. In this section there two sub
section one is related with income and one is related with expenditure and these are recorded by
using software. In this section current budget is prepared then if there any kind of mistake then
alteration is made and after that a revised budget is prepared then estimated budget is also
prepare for next year.
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In general record section proper record of all incomes and expenses related to different
departments of university is maintain .The record is maintain manually and also in computerized
manner. In this section all the previous record is available for different task like for auditing.
In Computer section all the revenue and expenditure is recorded by using different
software revenue is recorded by using INCOME CASH BOOK SOFTWARE and expenditure is
language revenue is known as cash deposit account (CD 1) and expenditure account is known as
freedom account.
Storing and issuing section is included in purchase and sale department. A demand is
sent to all the department of university in which a provision which is issued in the annual budget
is issued in which provision the department sent a written letter to purchase and selling
department for their demand of goods purchased if this demand is for petty expenses then a
committee analysis the market price of that goods and purchased the lowest price goods and
after audit and proper procedure goods are sent to desire department. Tender is also issued for
projects expenses the storing of goods is also done by this department. Total record is
maintained manually and also in computerized manner.

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