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Vol. 8, #7, Sept.

15-28, 2006 Toronto Street News 5

To The Premier Of Ontario same roof all have
different ways on
saying the same
ground checks so what about all the children
before this date just because they’re not dead
does not mean they don’t need our future help.
Children’s Aid Societies to tell us our children
are lying or their making up things to get our
attention (when they tell us they are or have
To The Premier of Ontario thing, but you’re not allowed to voice your It is up to us, the parents to stand up to this been abused). Then the best answer they can
Honorable Dalton McGuinty concern to anyone outside the agency. system for our children’s future and our own; find is to tell us that our children need to get
Our Children Need Protection From When you do voice your opinion they dis- if we don’t speak up now they will continue to away from us or be put on drugs to keep them
The Protectors credit you. They lie on reports do what they want even if it’s in line and under control.
By Jesse Wilson And Angel Femia about what people actually not for the best interest of the Many of the Society workers have no true
We are writing this letter in regards to all the say. The quotes get twisted children as we witnessed in understanding of the child's mind so why are
Children’s Aid Society’s and the request from enough to allow the worst 2004 when Jeffrey died in we allowing them to pass their judgments on
the ombudsman to be able to investigate com- impression to be judged by the care of convicted child to our family units.
plaints against the society. our lawmakers. (If any of the abusers, (and there were many We believe without child psychology and
We find it absurd that the Society would put people being quoted on the Soci- others before Jeffery). experience on raising children the society
up such a fight not to have someone outside ety’s paperwork actually testified to The fact that many of the Society workers do not have the proper degree to say
the agency seeing what is going on what was truly said any judge would see workers do not have psychological whether abuse has happened or not. All they
when its for the safety of our children con- the difference, of course we are never called training or personal experience. (many have is a right to their opinion.
sidering what happened in the Jeffrey Baldwin to speak). Therefore if a worker does not like not even having their own children). Their We are also aware that some parents will lie
case and many others. Jeffery was starved to you, you lose your children or parents and in Society workers are not required to have a de- to protect their pride and egos but that does
death over a period of years, and the worker many cases these Society workers are be- gree in child psychology so how can they not mean they all do. Why does this always
still has a good pay check, respectability and a lieved, not through earning this trust but be- really know what’s best for the children. mean that the black paint brush covers us all
solid position at the society. cause they are Society workers.. Our children need someone outside the and that the honest parents have to also suffer?
Because the Society is putting up such a Just last week at LoveCry a few of us agency to ensure their safety and as parents it
fight not to have anyone outside the agency walked into a meeting with a new mother and is our responsibility to make sure the needs of If you believe that someone outside the
look in to any of the deadliest cases makes us a Society worker. The Worker was threatening our children are met. agency should have access to investigate com-
wonder how much of what there saying is true. her and using gossip to do so. There was no Our children also need people in better states plaints speak up now because the longer we
In Jeffery's case we and many others believe fact at this point, only jealous gossipers angry of mind to help the entire family heal. Most wait the more children go unheard.
that the Detective in charge was denied the and wanting to hurt this girl. (She is no perfect times when a child is being abused either the —————–
full content of information to proceed properly child but is not anywhere near as rotten as the parent is just doing what they have learned in
with the case in of itself. We believe that the society has on their paperwork). This girl got life and do not know this is abuse or they are
Society workers on Jeffery's and many others scared and lied and thus gave the Society a repeating an abuse pattern that goes way back http://www.
cases should have had to face charges of ne- reason to take the new borne infant. (the Soci- and was never addressed.
glecting their duties as official Society work- ety worker terrified this girl and scared them We believe that the best place for any child
ers. into lying. Several of us witnessed this inci- is with their families but if the family is in 416 406 0099
We believe that the Society should be held dent). trouble, the family needs help. Maybe we will
accountable for their part of their responsibil- If the Society truly believes that what they find that the problem lies within the fact that majic-angel3.
ity within the situation regarding Jeffery's and are doing are the right procedures to ensure the family needs help for abuse issues not just
others whom have died in their care. the safety of our children why would they be the children. The idea here being work to keep lovecry
It is true that if you have a complaint against so concerned to have someone outside the the families healthy and standing not just take
the Society you have to go to your worker, agency investigate parents complaints. children away. Lovecry
then the worker and supervisor, then the We find this very disconcerting since they Many of our families would welcome the
branch manager, then the executive director, have been proven to stand by their workers help from someone who is non-threatening,
then a meeting with the board of directors, even if a child dies. non-judgmental and more open minded caring Angel Femia
then to the ministry of children and youth ser- They recently made it a law this February with this help.
vices These organizations are all under the 2006 that it is mandatory to do criminal back- How much longer are we going to allow the

principles” to “ensure... the ments in place by changing the policy’s lan-

development of the private guage from “mandatory” to “strongly encour-
sector”—essentially abolish- aged”—still tantamount to an order. Congress
ing Iraqi state dominion over its was forced to intervene, voting unanimously
docu- petroleum reserves. Corollary laws guarantee in both Houses to prohibit the Defense De-
ment, written before 9/11 and two that foreign companies will have control over partment from requiring, or even urging, ser-
Crude Awakening years prior to military action in Iraq, in- at least 64 % of Iraq’s oil, and possibly as vicewomen to wear the abaya.
U.S. Policies in Afghanistan and Iraq Sell structed staff of that agency to comply with much as 84%. Women—the population segment most eco-
Out Women in Favor of Oil Vice President Cheney’s secretive Energy The oil-trumps-women policy is not just nomically vulnerable to high fuel prices— are
by Martha Burk Task Force as it explored the “melding” of practiced overseas. Here, oil companies and also the majority of U.S. voters, and the ma-
When the Taliban, the most anti-woman two ostensibly disparate fields of policy: “the utilities received tax cuts topping $14.5 bil- jority of those against a potential war (see
militia in Afghanistan's civil war, took over review of operational policies toward rogue lion in the 2005 energy bill. Women got their Ms. Poll).
the country in 1996, they immediately forced states,” including Iraq, and “actions regarding cuts in the 2006 budget, too: Domestic vio- Venezuela, a major oil producer not under
women to leave their jobs, banned work out- the capture of new and existing oil and gas lence prevention was slashed by $35 million, U.S. dominance, has already announced sup-
side the home, prohibited females from at- fields.” Medicaid by $17 billion over five years and port for the IOB. Even more threatening for
tending school and put women under house The State Department also created child-care programs by $1.03 U.S. hegemony, China and India, looming as
arrest, unable to go out in public unless ac- the “Oil and Energy Working billion over five years. the century’s largest global competitors for
companied by a close male relative and wear- Group,” a consulting group working Women-owned business aid oil that currently goes overwhelmingly to
ing a head-to-toe burqa. Women who violated under the “Future of Iraq Project.” was pared down as well. American consumers, have signed on as well.
Taliban decrees were beatened, imprisoned, The group concluded that Iraq’s oil Meanwhile, the price of William Clark, an American security expert,
even killed. Despite this, the U.S. government “should be opened to international gasoline has doubled since says another manufactured war or some type
was on the fast track to recognize this un- oil companies as quickly as possible George W. Bush took office. of covert operation is inevitable under Presi-
elected, oppressive regime as Afghanistan’s after the war.” When the invasion According to the National dent Bush, and that the neoconservatives are
official government, and to prop up the mili- took place, the oil fields were swiftly Community Action Founda- quietly planning for this second petrodollar
tia with millions of taxpayer dollars. captured. tion, households below 150 war. Far-fetched? Maybe. But it is interesting
Why? In a word: oil. Whether or not this blood-for-oil percent of the poverty line to note that right before Iraq was invaded,
Unocal Corporation of California (now part scenario is the whole story, the new now spend nearly 19 percent Saddam had refused to accept dollars in the
of Chevron), in partnership with a Saudi com- Iraqi constitution and laws already of their income on energy. Oil-for-Food program, insisting on euros in-
pany, was competing with an Argentine com- passed there contain far stronger That doesn’t count the price stead.
pany to build an oil pipeline through Afghani- guarantees for major U.S. oil inter- hikes in school supplies, 4 years after the U.S.-led war to remove the
stan to the coast of Pakistan. The U.S. wanted ests than they do for the women of food and clothing caused by Taliban, the group is on the rise again in Af-
to secure the project for Unocal. Iraq. Women’s rights deteriorated the increased cost of trans- ghanistan. Women who criticize local rulers
The Clinton State Department announced it rapidly after the first Gulf War, when Saddam porting goods. or who are merely active in public life as po-
would establish relations with the Taliban by Hussein sold them out to religious fundamen- As bad as it is for women at the bottom in litical candidates, journalists, teachers or
sending a diplomat to Kabul, and several en- talists in order to consolidate power. The U.S. the U.S., their pain is felt primarily in the NGO workers face increasing threats and vio-
voys were dispatched to woo the Taliban for had the opportunity to restore much of what pocketbook. Not so in the Middle East, where lence. Many women are still in the burqa,
the pipeline rights. State Department spokes- was lost after the 2003 invasion. But in the oppressive regimes like Saudi Arabia get a afraid to take it off because of the returning
person Glyn Davies said the U.S. found period leading up to the election of the Na- pass on women’s rights because of the black Taliban and the lack of security, and unable
"nothing objectionable in the steps taken by tional Assembly, our government ignored gold beneath the ground they traverse in their to travel without a male relative. Violence
the Taliban to impose Islamic law. Only a demands by Iraqi women’s organizations to black shrouds—on foot, or in a car driven by against women and girls remains rampant,
concentrated effort led by the Feminist Ma- create a women’s ministry, appoint women to someone else, because they are not allowed including domestic and sexual abuse and
jority, NOW and allied groups prevented the the drafting committee of Iraq’s interim con- behind the wheel. It’s well documented that forced marriages. According to the Afghan
Taliban from being recognized as the official stitution, pass laws codifying women’s rights the U.S. government has long been cozy, if Independent Human Rights Commission,
government of Afghanistan, and kept the U.S. and criminalizing domestic violence, and up- not outright deferential, to the Saudis. over 300 girls’ schools have been burned or
from sanctioning the abolishment of women’s hold U.N. Security Council Resolution Professor Juan Cole sums up the U.S.-Saudi bombed. In five southern Afghan provinces,
basic human rights in service of the petro- 1325— which mandates that women be in- bargain this way: “Since Saudi Arabia, by far at least 90% of girls do not attend classes.
leum industry. (But then, once the oil-happy cluded at all levels of decision making in the largest exporter of petroleum in the world, Men who support an equitable Afghan soci-
Bush administration came into power in situations of peacemaking and post-war re- enormous amounts of U.S. capital are going ety aren’t safe either: The male editor of
2000—both the president and vice president construction. into the Gulf. And the way that this has been Women’s Rights magazine was convicted on
are former oil executives—it re-established The constitution now declares Islam as the arranged in the past, so as to not bankrupt the blasphemy charges last year after a religious
talks with the Taliban about the pipeline.) official religion of the state and the funda- U.S. economy, has been to insure that the adviser to President Hamid Karzai accused
This is perhaps the starkest example of why mental source of legislation. Even though the Saudis recycle the funds into U.S. invest- him of publishing “un-Islamic” articles criti-
the politics of oil is a feminist issue. Whether document gives a nod to equal rights for all, ments. … cizing the sharia law practice of punishing
supporting gender apartheid abroad, or sacri- no laws have been passed regarding women’s This “sweet deal” to protect light sweet adultery with 100 lashes and the punishment
ficing feeding programs for U.S. women and rights to work, equal pay, pregnancy leave or crude means the U.S. not only turns a blind of death by stoning for conversion to a relig-
children so that ExxonMobil can get a tax child care—all guaranteed in the previous eye to the denial of basic rights to Saudi ion other than Islam. He also contended that
break, or simply standing by while the com- constitution. According to Human Rights women by their own government, but has one woman should be equal to one man as a
pany reaps record profits at the expense of Watch, the failure of occupation authorities to forced Saudi-style oppression on American witness in a case. His arrest and conviction
women who must drive to work and heat their provide public security in Iraq’s capital lies at military women watching over oil reserves in didn’t draw a public protest from the U.S.
houses, U.S. priorities are consistent: Oil the root of a widespread fear of rape and ab- the kingdom. Lt. Col. Martha McSally, a government, but did draw protests from femi-
wins over women’s rights hands down. duction among women and their families, decorated pilot and commander with the U.S. nists and journalists. He was finally released
As official justifications for the war in Iraq preventing many women from working and Air Force, was compelled by U.S. military after a three-month ordeal; the magazine,
have been exposed as bogus, evidence has doing business in public. Yes, there is an policy to wear restrictive Muslim garb—a however, is still closed.
come to light that oil was a major factor in the Iraqi State Ministry for Women’s Affairs, but black robe and head scarf called an abaya— And a new pipeline deal has been signed in
invasion. At least one member of the British unlike other ministries it has no budget. and to sit in the backseat of service vehicles Afghanistan, with construction to begin this
Parliament has flatly stated that control of In contrast, Big Oil is well protected in the driven by her male subordinates when off year. Of course American companies want
Iraqi oil—the third largest untapped supply in constitution and through laws. The constitu- base. When she sued Secretary of Defense part of the action. The oil drumbeat goes on.
the world—was the only reason for the war. tion guarantees the reform of the Iraqi econ- Donald Rumsfeld in 2001 for violating her
A top-secret 2001 National Security Council omy in accordance with “modern economic rights, the military tried to keep the require-

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