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Frank Meadows, LCSW

Meadows Healing Prayer Center

Chesapeake, Virginia
Leadership META formation
Living from the Heart
A. I would like to present to you a highly
efective, spirit led, healing prayer approach
that brings healing, restoration and mind
renewal to past painful memories that are
manifesting in current conficts.
I. Identifying the Problem
B. Te concepts that I want to share have
been adapted from theophostic healing
prayer. Tis is not theophostic training
and I will not call it that, but for our
purposes mind renewing, holy spirit
led healing prayer.
C. Triggered emotional reactions: when a
person we are ministering to or coaching is
stirred up emotionally, stuck, unable to move
forward, having an overreaction, and their
productivity is hindered, what do you do?
E. As a life coach when someone you are coaching is
stirred up and unable to move forward. Tese are
appropriate occasions to shif gears into a healing
prayer mode.
D. As a pastor or leader, what do you do when there's
an interpersonal confict with a staf or church
member where one or both of you are stirred up
and emotionally overreacting?
F. Holy Spirit Led Healing Principles
! How to get to root issues by helping them
to follow the trail of their pain to the
source and origin.
! Lie based beliefs connected to
emotionally triggered responses.
! Lie based beliefs are stored in past
memory containers connected to present
emotionally triggered responses.
II. The Basic Premise of Mind
Renewing Healing Prayer:
o Lie based thinking is formed and rooted in the core
foundational part of the mind typically in earlier painful
childhood memory events. In these earlier childhood events
we make interpretations and they become core foundational
beliefs. Tis is evidenced by our emotional pain when a
similar event or emotion is tapped into later in life.
A. Lie Based Tinking.
o People have emotional pain because of their lie
based thinking.
For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23:7
B. Triggered emotions (defnition): a triggered emotion is
an emotional overreaction to a here and now life event,
situation or circumstance. Te life situations that a
person is triggered by or emotionally overreacting to in
their day-to-day life is evidence of where their lie based
thinking is rooted. We help them follow the trail of their
emotional pain to their past memories where core
foundational beliefs were put in place.
C. Lie based core beliefs
o Follow the emotional trail to the memory.
o Feel through the memory asking question
about the painful emotion to:
o Determine the lie based belief.
o Ask Jesus through the Holy Spirit to reveal
truth to the core beliefs or lies that are located
or rooted in the past memory containers.
D. Only a truth encounter, a now word in the
root memories by Jesus through the Holy
Spirit, will set one free as they receive a
revelation of truth.
1. Te cognitive room: the head, rational,
logical, or intellectual.
E. Tere are Two Rooms in the Mind
2. Te experiential room: Te heart or
subconscious, place of past memory
events, where core lies are rooted.
3. Tis means I can cognitively or intellectually know
the truth yet experientially in the core,
subconscious part of my mind not know or
experience the truth and therefore not be free.
4. We live and react from the experiential part of our
mind. To be truly free we need a truth encounter
with the Lord in the memories where the core
beliefs are rooted.
So if the son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
John 8:36 (NIV)
III. The Healing Prayer
A. Opening prayer: invite
the Holy Spirit and His
Healing Presence in a
short prayer.
B. Have them close their eyes and tune
into and feel their current
uncomfortable emotions, body
tension, or sensations or
any images they are presently
experiencing and
feel them.
C. Verbally reinforce the emotions and
sensations that they have expressed.
Never suggest, just reinforce what
they expressed to you.
D. Have them disengage from
the cognitive, logical,
analytical part of their mind.
E. Tune into, connect and feel their stirred
up triggered emotions in the emotional,
experiential room of the mind.
F. Free will and choice
G. Help them connect with and feel their
painful and uncomfortable emotions.
Encourage them to allow their mind to drif
back, leave the present and go wherever
their mind goes, to the memories that
surface. Encourage them not to try to
analyze it or try to fgure it out.
H. Anchor them in the memory.
As memories come across their mental screen,
encourage them to go to those memories the best
they can, at the age that they are in the memory.
P.M. Asks, What do you feel in the memory
as 10-year-old bobby, (now 45) where
Mom and Dad are fghting?
P.R. I feel scared and helpless as if Im too
little to do anything about it.
P.M. Why do you, as little bobby feel scared?
P.R. I feel scared because Im afraid Dad is
going to hurt Mom and me.
I. Help them walk through the memory
picture. Continue to anchor and keep
them grounded there.
J. Invite Jesus into the memory afer they have
looked through and processed the whole
memory (the prayer minister has written down
the feelings and beliefs). Have them feel the
emotions and embrace the lie based beliefs they
have reported to you as you
speak them out loud.
Lif them up one by one unto
the Lord as they stay anchored
in the memory and ask Jesus to
communicate truth.
P.M. Bobby, whats Jesus communicating to you by standing
between your Mom and Dad?
(We should not interject or interpret what is happening
but allow the prayer recipient to communicate and
interpret directly from the Lord.)
P.R. I sense He is communicating that Im not helpless. I am
feeling empowered, bigger in the memory
and not afraid.
P.M. Bobby focus on feeling scared and helpless as you stay
anchored in the memory picture.
Jesus, what do you want little Bobby to know about being
scared and helpless as his parents are fghting?
P.R. I see Jesus standing between me and my Mom and Dad.
K. Release any anger, bitterness or resentment that
may be housed in the memory picture. Say a
prayer to release the anger and then to forgive.
Lord I release the anger, hatred and resentment I
feel towards ________ for __________ and I release
it to you and ask you to take it in Jesus name.
As the anger is released I
have them speak
forgiveness toward the
person who ofended them.
L. We follow the same steps through any other
memories that surfaced during the time of
prayer. Help them remove any blocks such as
anger, vows etc.
M. End the session with a closing prayer
sealing in the work that has been done
and asking Jesus to bless what He's doing
in their lives in Jesus name.

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