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6mm FUBAR 2264AD Weapons Supplement version 1.

This supplement is designed for use with the 6mm FUBAR rules
mod. It includes stats and options for the weapons used in the
2264 AD setting.
The following weapons are available in addition to those listed in
the 6mm FUBAR core rules:
Human Weapons
Small Arms Range Fire Points
Gauss Pistol 12cm 2FP
Gauss Rifle 2cm 2FP
!eav" Gauss Rifle #$cm #FP
%rmored &uit Gauss Rifle #$cm #FP
%rmored &uit Gauss R%P Gun 2cm FP
%rmored &uit Grenade 'auncher 1$cm #FP
%nti(Personnel Grenade) Thrown *cm #FP
&tun Grenade) Thrown++ *cm 2FP
&onic &tunner++ 1$cm 2FP
Gauss ,lose(In -eapons &"stem 12cm FP
Support Weapons Range Fire Points
Gauss .achine Gun #$cm FP
/ne(&hot Guided .issile 'auncher+ #$cm #FP
.an(Portable .issile 'auncher+ #$cm #FP
%rmored &uit .issile 'auncher+ *cm #FP
0ehicle .ounted .issile 'auncher $1cm FP
!v" 0ehicle .ounted .issile 'auncher 22cm $FP
Gauss Rapid(Fire %uto ,annon *cm #FP
'ight Rotar" Gauss ,annon $1cm 3FP
!eav" Rotar" Gauss ,annon 22cm 2FP
'ight %nti(Tan4 Railgun+ $1cm FP
'ight Railgun+ 22cm 3FP
!eav" Railgun+ 5$cm 2FP
/ne(&hot %T Guided .issile+ $1cm FP
.an(Portable %nti(Tan4 'aser+ 1cm FP
+.a" onl" affect a single troop or vehicle target.
++% unit successfull" hit with a stun weapon ta4es no casualties) but ma" not
activate during its ne6t turn.
Note tat Small Arms and !auss "acine !uns cannot arm
Armored veicles#$% save minimum&
'era((ian Weapons
Small Arms Range Fire Points
Plasma Gun+++ 1$cm #FP
Plasma Rifle+++ #2cm #FP
Photon Grenade 'auncher 2cm FP
Support Weapons Range Fire Points
'ight Plasma ,annon+++ *cm #FP
Plasma ,annon+++ $1cm 3FP
7ual Plasma ,annon+++ 22cm 2FP
Photon .issiles 5$cm 5FP
+++Plasma weapons increase armor saves b" 1 level8 i.e. %rmor &ave 9
becomes 39. %rmor saves cannot be made worse than $9.
Note tat 'era((ian Small Arms cannot arm Armored veicles#$%
save minimum&
)ra*ll*+ Weapons
Small Arms Range Fire Points
%rc Gun++++ 11cm 2FP
%rc Rifle++++ 21cm 2FP
'arva Grenade) Thrown+++++ *cm FP
'arva Grenade 'auncher+++++ 1$cm FP
Support Weapons Range Fire Points
'ight %rc ,annon++++ *cm 3FP
.edium %rc ,annon++++ $cm $FP
!eav" %rc ,annon++++ *1cm 2FP
'arva .issiles+++++ 22cm $FP
++++%rc weapons ignore armor saves e6cept for power armor and vehicles)
which are rolled as normal.
+++++'arva Grenades and .issiles onl" cause casualties) no suppression.
Note tat )ra*ll*+ Small Arms and ,arva "issiles cannot arm
Armored veicles#$% save minimum&
Weapon -ptions
'.in/lin(ed Weapons
&upport -eapons ma" be twin(lin4ed.
Twin(lin4ed weapons ma" re(roll hit dice) but must 4eep the
result of the re(roll even if worse.
!uided "unitions
&ome munitions carried b" infantr" and vehicles can hit targets
hiding behind terrain or buildings. These are one(shot munitions
that can target an" unit in open terrain) soft cover) or
moderate cover. .odels in transport vehicles or bun4ers cannot
be targeted. If no friendl" units have line of sight to the target)
the firer:s e6pertise is reduced b" (1.
0lose 0om1at Weapons
&ome troops ma" be e;uipped with hand(to(hand weaponr".
These weapons add to the user:s e6pertise roll in close combat.
Weapon Bonus
<dged=improvised weapon 91
Powered or vibrating weapons 92
<nerg" weapons 9#
Written by Steven A. Hamner. FUBAR created by Craig Cartmell. Some portions adapted from Chris Knoles FUBAR !eneric Sci"Fi S#pplement. Credit is given to all playtesters at the Forge of War $ahoo% !ro#p for their help and ideas.

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