Divorce Should Not Be Legalized in The Philippines

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Why DIVORCE shouldnt be legalized in the Philippines

Divorce or dissolution of marriage is the ending of a marriage before the death of either spouse.

Divorce by definition divorce is a legislatively created, judicially administered process that legally
terminates a marriage no longer considered viable by one or both of the spouses. Divorce is also
known as dissolution of marriage. Traditionally, divorce was fault based. In other words, there
was an "innocent or injured" party and a party that had done "wrong" with the "innocent"
party being able to obtain relief or a divorce. This system was adversarial in nature. Even if both
parties wanted a divorce, one party had to allege wrongdoing by the other. In the 1970's this
system was reformed and a "no fault" system was put in place.

It is not the answer to the growing violence against women and children. Most divorce
advocates gives emphasis on the growing children and women abuse. It is not a solution for
these problems. In fact it extends to the growing problem of immorality and sexually related
diseases and problems such as unwanted pregnancies and sexually related diseases. These
problems are a threat to women, children and even family. Simply because people were given
the so-called choice and chance to change while the fact is, it is where the so-called rights is
abused. It is where many people make use of the right and abuse it for their own self-centered
selfish quest for happiness and will only bring them to the same situation again and again and
again. Thats why you will see people divorced not just once, nor twice, but multiple times.

It gives a wider path to domestic problems. This right has proven to be easily abused. And we
are not actually giving people a solution to their problems, but a chance to repeat the
same mistakes. Divorce is like a medicine but not a recommended one. For example, there is
an abusive husband who have been divorced by his wife. This husband will then just look for
another woman to abuse. While the woman if shes the one having some problems, she will just
look for another guy and if things will not get well, all she has to do is to apply again for divorce. It
is just a picture of FREEDOM TO TRY MARRIAGE.

It gives a wider path for immorality and marital infidelity. Greatest example is the US. Did
the stats of violence against women and children dropped by the use of divorce law? We talk
much about the positive things that we can get from the divorce law, while the negative effects far
outweighs the positive.

It degrades the value of marriage. One of the reasons is that if you make divorce an option for
the couple, most of them who are not in a good marriage as of the moment will go for divorce. By
making it an option, you are encouraging people to go on their separate ways rather than trying to
work it out first. You ruin the sanctity and value of marriage when you give options to easily break
it apart.

The problem is women and children are constantly getting abused, so if that is the case, will
separation be enough? I believe if we really want to end the problem regarding abuses, we
should rather penalize the wrong actions. But most of all, uplifting morals and values would be the
long term key towards this problem.

Divorce and annulment are both legal procedures designed to dissolve a marriage. However, a
divorce ends a marriage and an annulment voids the original marriage contract, so it's as if the
marriage never occurred. Either a divorce or an annulment still requires you to address issues of
property division, spousal support and child custody. One of the differences between annulment
and divorce is a matter of semantics: You are technically "unmarried" or "single" if you get an
annulment but you are "divorced" if you get a divorce.

Technically speaking, divorce by definition nullifies marriage. It defeats the purpose of
getting married. In a wider sense, divorce shouldnt be legalized because there is annulment it is
enough if marriage is not working between the couple. Divorce would be the primary hindrance in
promoting family values.

Some say divorce is needed when couples have a conflict and need "freedom". This is not at all
what marriage is for. With marriage, mind you, it is a RELIGIOUS CELEBRATION,
eliminating the religious act but emphasizing the VOW and agreement made by two mutual
parties, you vow before everyone there that you will take them "for better or worse, in
sickness and in health, and til death do you part". It says until death do you part, not til
your first fight gets you angry.

On Right of humanity. Yes everybody has the right to choose. But freedom isn't absolute. If
we follow the thought that we have the freedom to choose in a wrong context, everybody should
have the right to do whatever they want just because of right of humanity?

"Incompatibility" is not a valid reason in getting a divorce. That is why you have a dating period
and an engagement period before you get married. Dating can range from several months to
several years, and an engagement is usually about 9 months. This is plenty of time to figure out if
the two of you are compatible or not. Granted you will not know every aspect about this person in
this time, but, you will NEVER know everything about your spouse.

EDUCATION and NOT DIVORCE. Education can give them knowledge, while divorce can
only give them to options, to divorce or not. Education opens up their mind, while
Divorce "locks" their mind with the thought that, "At any moment, I can divorce my
spouse". IS BREAKING SOMETHING A SOLUTION? Divorce breaks marriage, it
DOES NOT HELP. We can give them A LOT OF OPTIONS, But please, DO NOT
OF MARRIAGE AND EVEN IN THE SOCIETY. And since, by the way, we can offer
them a lot of solutions, it means, they have the freedom to choose.

It can be true that "Divorce" is a solution, but, what will it bring to the family? With
the Filipino quote, "There is always a solution for the willing and reason for those
who give up and unwilling" I can say that Divorce is NOT a SOLUTION, rather, a

Do you think Divorce can "save" families WITH THE FACT THAT IT DESTROYS
MARRIAGE BY SEPARATING THE SPOUSE? And by the way, if ever they had a
children, and they separated, this/these child/children WILL BE CALLED

No solid advantages of divorce bill other than being self-centered and for selfish reasons
like SECOND CHANCES . What about your family? What about your children? Thats what
family is for Divorce is not only anti-Filipino, but is anti-Family and anti-marriages. It simply
opens a wide range of disadvantages over the family.

Divorce is definitely NOT a TRUE medicine nor a solution to the growing domestic problems.
I see it just like illegal drugs which may have a little benefit of easing the pain of the patient. But in
most cases, it is an addictive medicine that can kill and destroy life and relationships.

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