11 Fruit Juices

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Survey of Chemistry I (CH 131) Lab Page 1 of 8

Quantitative Determination of the Acid Content of Fruit Juices

The sour taste of many fruit juices is ue in !arge "art to the "resence of acis# Citric aci$
C3H%&(C&&H)3 is one of severa! acis "resent in these juices# Citric aci reacts 'ith soium
hyro(ie ()a&H)$ a base$ as sho'n in *+uation 1#
C3H% &(C&&H)3 , 3)a&H - C3H%&(C&&)a)3 , 3H.& (*+# 1)
Soium citrate
*+uation 1 escribes a neutra!i/ation reaction$ in 'hich an aci an a base react to form sa!t an
'ater# 0arious acis are foun in ifferent amounts in ifferent juices$ but for the "ur"ose of this
e("eriment$ 'e assume the aci is just citric aci#
1e can etermine the amount of aci in a given vo!ume of fruit juice by titrating the juice 'ith a
stanar )a&H so!ution# 2 stanar so!ution is a so!ution of 3no'n concentration e("resse
usua!!y in mo!arity#
The molarity (mo!4 L$ or 5) of a so!ution is the number of mo!es of so!ute "er !iter of so!ution$
as e("resse by *+uation .#
mo!arity$ 5 6 ( number mo!es of so!ute) 4 vo!ume of so!ution$ L (*+# .)

Titration is the measurement of the vo!ume of a stanar so!ution re+uire to com"!ete!y react
'ith a measure vo!ume or mass of the substance being ana!y/e# 1e a the stanar so!ution
from a ca!ibrate g!ass tube ca!!e a buret. 7efore beginning the titration$ 'e a an inicator to
the titration mi(ture# 2n indicator is a substance that changes co!or at the "oint 'hen the
titration reaction is com"!ete# In this e("eriment$ you 'i!! use "heno!"htha!ein as an inicator
'hen you titrate fruit juice 'ith )a&H so!ution# Pheno!"htha!ein is a com"!e( organic ye that is
co!or!ess in aciic so!utions an "in3 in so!utions that are s!ight!y a!3a!ine$ or basic#
2ssume that 'e 'ant to etermine the aciity C3H%&(C&&H)3 content of an orange juice sam"!e#
1e fin that 38#9. mL of :#1:9 5 )a&H so!ution are re+uire to titrate a 1:#:;mL sam"!e of
orange juice# 1e etermine the number of mo!es of )a&H re+uire to neutra!i/e the C3H%
&(C&&H)3from the concentration an vo!ume of )a&H so!ution use in the titration$ an a
rearrangement of *+uation .$ sho'n as *+uation 3# )ote that in "art of *+uation 3 the )a&H
vo!ume is converte from mi!!i!iters to !iters#
moles Na! re"uired 6 (vo! )a&H re+uire$ m! ) ( 1L41:::m! ) (conc )a&H so!$ 5 ) 6
6 38#9. m! (1L41:::m!) (:#1:9 mo! )a&H 4 1L so! ) 6
6 <#.:=1:
mo! )a&H ( *+#3 )

1e etermine the number of mo!es of C3H% &(C&&H)3in the titrate juice sam"!e using *+uation
< an the stoichiometry of the titration reaction given in *+uation 1#
Survey of Chemistry I (CH 131) Lab Page . of 8
moles of C#!$ %C!&#' 6 ( mo!es )a&H ) ( 1mo! C3H%&(C&&H)34 3 mo! )a&H ) 6
( <#.:=1:
mo! )a&H ) ( 1 4 3 ) 6 1#<:=1:
mo! C3H%&(C&&H)3
( *+#< )
1e com"ute the mass of C3H% &(C&&H)3 in the titrate juice sam"!e using *+uation %#The
mo!ar mass of C3H% &(C&&H)3 is 18.#1. g4mo!#
mass of C#!$ %C!&# in sam(le' g 6 ( mo!es C3H% &(C&&H)3 ) (18.#1. g4mo! 4 1mo! ) 6
( 1#<:=1:
mo! C3H% &(C&&H)3 ) (18.#1. g4mo! 4 1mo! ) 6 :#.98 g C3H% &(C&&H)3
( *+#% )
>or convenience in ma3ing com"arisons bet'een ifferent juices$ 'e etermine the mass of
C3H% &(C&&H)3 "resent in 1m! of juice$ using *+# 9#
mass of C#!$ %C!&# in ) ml *uice' g+ml 6 ( mass C3H% &(C&&H)3 in sam"!e$ g ) 4 ( vo!
juice titrate$ m! ) 6 ( :#.98 g C3H% &(C&&H)3 ) 4 (1: m! juice)
6 .#98=1:
g 4m! C3H% &(C&&H)3
(*+#9 )
?emember that 'e assume that the on!y aci "resent in the juice 'as C3H% &(C&&H)3# This
assum"tion is usefu! for com"arative "ur"oses#
In this e("eriment$ you 'i!! etermine the number of grams of aci$ assuming it is entire!y C3H%
&(C&&H)3$ "resent in 1 mL of a fruit juice by titrating the juice sam"!e 'ith stanar )a&H
so!ution# If a variety of juice sam"!es are avai!ab!e for ana!ysis$ you 'i!! be ab!e to com"are the
aciities of these juices by com"aring your resu!ts 'ith those of your c!assmates#
Preparing the Fruit Juice for Titration
)ote@ The numbers a""earing in "arentheses inicate the s"ecific !ines on your Aata Sheet on
'hich the inicate ata shou! be entere#
1# &btain %: mL of fruit juice from your !aboratory instructor in a c!ean$ ry 1::;mL bea3er#
?ecor the ty"e of fruit juice an the coe ientification of the juice sam"!e on your Aata Sheet
(1$ .)#
)ote@ If the juice has substantia! amounts of "u!" f!oating in it$ fi!ter the juice by "ouring it
from the bea3er into another c!ean$ ry 1::;mL bea3er through some g!ass 'oo! "!ace in a
conica! funne!# &ther'ise$ the "u!" tens to obscure the titration en "oint#
.# Labe! t'o c!ean$ 1.%;mL *r!enmeyer f!as3s B1C an B.#C
Survey of Chemistry I (CH 131) Lab Page 3 of 8
3# 5easure .:#: mL of your juice from the bea3er into a .%;mL grauate cy!iner# Transfer the
juice into *r!enmeyer f!as3 1# ?ecor on your Aata Sheet the vo!ume of juice transferre (3)#
?inse the grauate cy!iner t'ice$ using % mL of isti!!e or eioni/e 'ater each time#
Transfer the rinses into *r!enmeyer f!as3 1#
<# Dse the "roceure in Ste" 3 to transfer a .:#:;mL juice sam"!e to *r!enmeyer f!as3 .#
%# 2 three ro"s of "heno!"htha!ein inicator so!ution to the so!ution in each *r!enmeyer f!as3#
Eent!y s'ir! each f!as3 an its contents to thorough!y mi( each so!ution#
Titrating the Fruit Juice
Caution- )a&H so!ution is corrosive an to(ic$ an it can cause s3in burns# Prevent contact
'ith your eyes$ s3in$ an c!othing# Ao not ingest the so!ution# If you s"i!! any )a&H so!ution$
immeiate!y notify your !aboratory instructor#
1# &btain about 9: mL of stanar )a&H so!ution in a c!ean$ dry bea3er# ?ecor the e(act
mo!arity of the )a&H so!ution on your Aata Sheet (<)#
.# ?inse the buret 'ith % mL of your stanar )a&H so!ution# Ho! the buret near!y hori/onta!!y#
?otate the buret so that the )a&H so!ution contacts the entire inner surface# Arain the
so!ution through the buret ti" into a 'aste bea3er#
3# C!am" the buret to the su""ort stan$ as sho'n in >igure 1#
<# ?inse the inner surface of your short;stem funne!$ using % mL of )a&H so!ution# Co!!ect the
rinse in your 'aste bea3er# P!ace the funne! in the o"en to" of your buret#
%# C!ose the sto"coc3# >i!! the buret 'ith )a&H so!ution to a !eve! above the :;mL ca!ibration
near the to" of the buret# ?emove the funne! from the buret$ an "!ace it in a c!ean 1%:;mL
)ote@ 5a3e sure that the buret ti( is filled .ith Na! solution# There shou! not be
any air bubb!es in the so!ution bet'een the sto"coc3 an ti" or in the so!ution in the buret
9# *!iminate any air bubb!es in the buret ti" by carefu!!y but ra"i!y rotating the sto"coc3 a fe'
times# Co!!ect the sma!! amount of raine )a&H so!ution in the 'aste bea3er# Then$ s!o'!y
rain )a&H so!ution into the bea3er unti! the bottom of the meniscus is at the :;mL
F# Lift the bea3er an touch the buret ti" 'ith the 'et inner sie 'a!! of the bea3er above the
so!ution surface to remove the ro" of )a&H so!ution that may be c!inging to the ti"#
)ote@ 2 %:;mL buret is calibrated in units of /.) m0$ but measurements to the nearest /./1
m0 can be re(roducibly estimated# *stimate the !i+ui !eve! if it is bet'een ca!ibration
mar3s$ an recor every reaing to the nearest :#:. mL#
Survey of Chemistry I (CH 131) Lab Page < of 8
1hen reaing the meniscus in the buret$ you may fin it he!"fu! to ho! a 'hite car mar3e
'ith a ar3 stri"e irect!y behin an 'ith the stri"e s!ight!y be!o' the meniscus$ as sho'n
in >igure .# Gour !ine of sight must be !eve! 'ith the bottom of the meniscus#
8# ?ea the meniscus to the nearest :#:. mL# ?ecor this initia! reaing on your Aata Sheet (9)#
8# P!ace *r!enmeyer f!as3 1 uner the buret ti"# Lo'er the buret so that the ti" e(tens about 3;<
cm into the mouth of the f!as3$ as sho'n in >igure 3#
)ote@ If you are right;hane$ gent!y s'ir! the f!as3 'ith your right han an contro! the
sto"coc3 'ith your !eft han$ as sho'n in >igure 3# If you are !eft;hane$ s'ir! the f!as3
'ith your !eft han#
)ote@ 2s the titration "rocees$ you 'i!! observe a "in3 co!oration at the "oint 'here )a&H
so!ution contacts the juice so!ution# 2s you a""roach the en "oint of the titration$ the "in3
'i!! begin to momentari!y f!ash through the entire so!ution# 2t this "oint$ begin aing the
)a&H so!ution ro"'ise#
7ecause of the co!or of the fruit juice$ the en "oint may be ifficu!t to observe# Consu!t your
!aboratory instructor if you encounter ifficu!ty etecting the en "oint#
1:# 2 1; to .;mL vo!umes of )a&H so!ution at a time from the buret to the juice sam"!e$ 'hi!e
gent!y s'ir!ing the f!as3#
)ote@ Sto" titrating 'hen "in3 "ersists throughout the so!ution for 3: s after you have
thorough!y s'ir!e the f!as3# 1hen this conition occurs$ you have reache the en "oint#
11# Ta3e a fina! buret reaing after the titration is com"!ete# ?ecor this reaing to the nearest
:#:. mL on your Aata Sheet (%)#
1.# ?efi!! the buret 'ith your )a&H so!ution$ fo!!o'ing the "roceure in Ste"s %;F#
13# Titrate the juice sam"!e in *r!enmeyer f!as3 .$ using the "roceure in Ste"s 8;11# ?ecor
your ata uner co!umn . on your Aata Sheet (3$ <$ %$ 9)#
Ao the ca!cu!ations for each etermination using e+uations 3;9 an the sam"!e ca!cu!ation given
in the 7ac3groun an recor the resu!ts on your Aata Sheet#
Survey of Chemistry I (CH 131) Lab Page % of 8
Fruit Juices
Data 2heet
Preparing the Fruit Juice for Titration
(1) Ty"e of fruit juice HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
(.) Coe ientification of fruit juice sam"!e HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
(bran name)
1 .
(3) 0o!ume of fruit juice transferre 333333 m! 333333 m!
Titrating the Fruit Juice
(<) mo!arity of )a&H so!ution (5) HHHHHH HHHHHH
(%) fina! buret reaing HHHHHH m! HHHHHH m!
(9) initia! buret reaing HHHHHH m! HHHHHH m!
(F) vo!ume of )a&H use HHHHHH m! HHHHHH m!
Treatment of Data ( for both eterminations )
(11) mo!es of )a&H re+uire HHHHHH HHHHHH
(1.) mo!es of C3H% &(C&&H)3 titrate HHHHHH HHHHHH
(13) mass of C3H% &(C&&H)3 in sam"!e HHHHHH g HHHHHH g
(1<) mass of C3H% &(C&&H)3
"er mL of uni!ute juice HHHHHH g4m! HHHHHH g4m!
(1%) mean mass of C3H% &(C&&H)3
"er mL of uni!ute juice HHHHHH g4m!
Sam"!e ca!cu!ation@
Survey of Chemistry I (CH 131) Lab Page 9 of 8
Fruit Juices
,ost4lab Questions
1) If avai!ab!e$ com"are your resu!ts 'ith those of other c!ass members 'ho ana!y/e ifferent
juices# List the juices in orer of increasing aciity#
ty"e of juice g C3H% &(C&&H)3 4 m!
.) 7rief!y e("!ain 'hy it is essentia! that the bea3er in 'hich you obtain the stanar )a&H
so!ution be com"!ete!y ry$ 'hi!e the f!as3 into 'hich you "our the measure juice sam"!e
nee not be ry#
3) 2 "roceura! change in this e("eriment 'ou! be re+uire if a stuent 'ante to etermine the
aciity of tomato juice by titrating a juice sam"!e 'ith )a&H so!ution# 7rief!y e("!ain#
<) 7rief!y e("!ain 'hy you 'ou! "robab!y obtain inaccurate resu!ts if you use the titration ata
you co!!ecte in this e("eriment to ca!cu!ate the actua! "ercent of C3H%&(C&&H)3 in a juice
%) Loo3 in the Cha"ter Carbo(i!ic acis an *sters in your te(tboo3 (or consu!t !ibrary$ Internet )
an fin@
The stinging sensation associate 'ith re ant bites is ue in "art to HHHHHHHH aci#
HHHHHHH aci gives vinegar its tartness# ?anci butter contains HHHHHHHHH aci#
HHHHHHHHH aci$ foun in va!erian root has a strong oor#
The s3in secretions of goats contain HHHHHHHHHHHH aci$ 'hich contributes to the oor
associate 'ith these anima!s#
&(a!ic aci is "resent in HHHHHHHH$ HHHHHHHH an HHHHHHHHH#
E!yco!ic aci is foun in HHHHHH HHHHHH an HHHHHH HHHHHHHH#
The shar" taste of a""!es is ue to HHHHHHHH aci#
HHHHHHHHHH aci is "articu!ar!y abunant in gra"es#
Survey of Chemistry I (CH 131) Lab Page F of 8
Fruit Juices
,re4lab Assignment
1# 7rief!y e("!ain 'hy you shou! not rin3 any uni!ute juice that has been brought into the
.# 7rief!y e("!ain the meaning of the fo!!o'ing terms as they re!ate to this e("eriment#
(a) titration
(b) stanar so!ution
(c) inicator
3# 7rief!y escribe the "roceure you shou! fo!!o' if your fruit juice sam"!e contains e(cess
<# 2 stuent fo!!o'e the "roceure in this e("eriment to etermine the number of grams of C3H%
&(C&&H)3 "er 1 mL of an a""!e juice sam"!e# The titration of .:#: mL of the uni!ute juice
re+uire 1.#8< mL of 8#%8: ( 1:
M )a&H so!ution#
>in an sho' your ca!cu!ations for@
(a) the number of mo!es of )a&H re+uire for the titration#
(b) the number of mo!es of C3H% &(C&&H)3 titrate#
(c) the mass of C3H% &(C&&H)3 "resent in the juice sam"!e#
() the mass of C3H% &(C&&H)3 "resent in 1 mL of a""!e juice#
Survey of Chemistry I (CH 131) Lab Page 8 of 8

Figure ) Titration a""aratus Figure 1 ?eaing a buret

Figure # Positioning the buret for titration$ an mani"u!ating the sto"coc3

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