An Introduction To Gen - FSM - ErlyBank's ATM - Spawn - Link

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Linking You to Erlang

An introduction to gen_fsm: ErlyBanks ATM
This is the second article in my Erlang/OTP introduction series. If you havent yet, I recommend you read the first article which talks
about gen_server and lays the foundation for our bank system before moving onto this article. That being said, if youre a quick learner,
you can look at the completed server file and continue from there.
The Scenario: We delivered ErlyBanks server to them and they were very pleased. But this is the 21st century so they also need a
secure and easy to use ATM system, so theyve asked that we extend the server and also create their ATM backend. User accounts are
to be protected with a four-digit PIN. From the ATM you should be able to log in to a previously existing account, and deposit or
withdraw funds. There is no need to create a pretty user interface on top of the ATM backend, they have another team doing that.
The Result: First, well extend the server software to hold a PIN for accounts, and add an authorization call to it. Then, well use
gen_fsm to create the ATM backend. Well rely on the server to do all the data validation.
As always, click read more to get started, if you havent already
What is gen_fsm?
gen_fsm is another Erlang/OTP behavior module, and is used for implementing finite state machines.
I apologize in advance, since in this article state will be used to reference two different things:
gen_fsm state - The state of a finite state machine, this is the current mode its in. It has nothing to do with the state you
learned about with gen_server.
state data - The state data of the server, this is the same as the state you learned about with gen_server.
A bit confusing, I know, but I will do my best to only refer to them with the above terms.
A gen_fsm starts in a state, and any calls/casts made to it are received by a special callback method which is the named the same as
the state the gen_fsm module is in. Based on an action, the module can change states. A textbook example of a finite state machine is
a locked door. The door starts in the state of locked. It requires four digits to be unlocked. After entering a single digit, the door stores
it, but it needs more digits, and waits, still locked. After entering four digits, if they are correct, the door changes state to unlocked
for a period of time. If the digits are incorrect, it remains locked and clears its memory. Youre probably getting an idea now of how
were going to implement an ATM using gen_fsm now
As I did with gen_server, here is the list of callbacks we need to implement for gen_fsm. Youll notice many of them are similar to
init/1 - Initializers the server. Almost identical to gen_server.
StateName/2 - In this case, StateName actually will be replaced with a state name. This is called when a message is sent to the
server; an action occurs on the finite state machine. This is an asynchronous callback.
handle_event/3 - Similar to StateName/2, except that this is sent no matter what state youre in, when the client calls
gen_fsm:send_all_state_event. Again, this is asynchronous.
StateName/3 - Equivalent to StateName/2 except this is the synchronous version. The client waits for a response from the
server before continuing.
handle_sync_event/4 - Equivalent to handle_event/3 except this is the synchronous version.
handle_info/3 - Equivalent to gen_servers handle_info. This receives all messages which werent sending using a standard
gen_fsm command. This can include timeout messages, process exit messages, or any messages sent manually with the !
symbol to the server process.
terminate/3 - Called when the server is terminating so you can clean up any resources.
code_change/4 - Called when a real-time system upgrade of the server is occuring. We wont deal with this in this article, but
it will be used extensively in a future article.
The gen_fsm Skeleton
Just like with gen_server, I start off every finite state machine with a generic skeleton. The gen_fsm skeleton can be viewed here.
There should be nothing out of the ordinary there. The start_link method looks just like the gen_server one did. Save that skeleton
as eb_atm.erl Now were ready to start going!
Extending eb_server to do Account Authorization
This is again one of those tasks which I feel comfortable allowing you to do on your own. The following are the changes we need to
1. Account creation should require a PIN now, which will be stored with the account, unencrypted.
2. Add an authorize/2 method, where the arguments are Name and PIN. The return values should be ok or {error,Reason}.
Also, it would be a good idea to require the PIN, or some sort of authorization token with every request to deposit or withdraw money,
but in order to save time, and since ErlyBank is fake (breaks my heart hah!), we will not do this.
To be honest, this isnt really a quick-fix, but if youre learning Erlang now on your own, you must be pretty smart So I think you
can do it! Be sure to test your changes before moving on, or at least compare them to the answer linked below.
After implementing the above changes, your eb_server.erl should look like this. Note that the messages you send to the server may be
different, and that is okay. Programmers think differently. The important thing is that the API outputs the same data, correctly.
ATM Design Strategy
Im going to quick a take coding break to explain the plan for this ATM system. Were going to implement it following the flow chart
The three blue boxes represent the different states the server will be in. The arrows represent what actions are necessary to switch to
those states.
Initializing gen_fsm
To start the ATM, we use the same start_link method as a gen_server. But initialization is a little bit different.
init([]) ->
{ok, unauthorized, nobody}.

The init/1 method of a gen_fsm is expected to return {ok,StateName,StateData}. StateName is the initial state of the server, and
state data is the initial data of the server. In the case of ErlyBanks ATM, we start out in the unauthorized state, and the data is set to
nobody. The state data will be the account name well be dealing with, so initially its nothing. Erlang has no null/nil/nothing data type,
and a descriptive atom is usually used instead, like this one.
Account Authorization
We now need to implement the authorization API for the ATM. First, the API definition:
authorize(Name, PIN) ->
gen_fsm:sync_send_event(?SERVER, {authorize, Name, PIN}).
The sync_send_event method is equivalent to the call method of gen_server. It sends the message, the second argument, to the
current state of the server represented with the first argument. So now we have to write a handler for the message:
unauthorized({authorize, Name, Pin}, _From, State) ->
case eb_server:authorize(Name, Pin) of
ok ->
{reply, ok, authorized, Name};
{error, Reason} ->
{reply, {error, Reason}, unauthorized, State}
unauthorized(_Event, _From, State) ->
Reply = {error, invalid_message},
{reply, Reply, unauthorized, State}.

This should read pretty logically as well. The function is named unauthorized because that is the state we expect the message to be
received at. We then write a matcher to match the tuple {authorize,Name,Pin}. We then use the API methods exported by the
server we wrote to authorize the user.
If the account and PIN are valid, we send the response ok back to the client. The format of the response is {reply,Response,
NewStateName,NewStateData}. Following that format, weve changed states to authorized and for the data we store the account
If the account information was invalid, we respond with the error and reason and stay in the same state with the same state data.
Finally, we implement another catch-all function at the end. You should do this throughout functional programming environments but
it is especially important here, since different states might be receiving actions meant for other states. For example, what if, for some
reason, someone attempts to deposit while were still unauthenticated? We need a catch all to send back an invalid message error. This
is what we do here.
Once were authorized, a user is going to either deposit or withdraw from his or her bank account. Were going to implement deposits
using an asynchronous call to the server. Again, this is a bit insecure, since were not verifying the deposit was actually successful,
but since this is a fake bank, and an ATM prototype at best, I am letting this slip.
First, the API!
%% Function: deposit(Amount) -> ok
%% Description: Deposits a certain amount in the currently authorized
%% account.
deposit(Amount) ->
gen_fsm:send_event(?SERVER, {deposit, Amount}).

Simple, and this time we use the send_event/2 method instead of sync_send_event. This sends an asynchronous call to the server.
Now the handling part
authorized({deposit, Amount}, State) ->
eb_server:deposit(State, Amount),
{next_state, thank_you, State, 5000};
authorized(_Event, State) ->
{next_state, authorized, State}.

Again, very simple. The method actual just forwards the information to the eb_server deposit API we wrote, which will do all the
validation. But there is something strange in the return value of the deposit method! Not only does the state change to thank_you,
but there is this odd 5000 at the end there. That is actually a timeout. If no message is received in 5000 milliseconds (or 5 seconds),
then a timeout message is sent to the current state. Which leads us to our next topic
The Short Thank You! State
Anyone (everyone?) who has gone to an ATM knows that after youre done banking, there is a short Thank You screen that shows up
for a little while. And although this really shouldnt be implemented in the back end, I wanted to show off the timeout feature of
gen_fsm. After 5000 milliseconds, or if any other message is received, I swap the state back over to unauthorized so the ATM can
start over again for the next customer. Here is the code:
thank_you(timeout, _State) ->
{next_state, unauthorized, nobody};
thank_you(_Event, _State) ->
{next_state, unauthorized, nobody}.

Note: The trained eye will note that both methods are equal, and its unnecessary to have the first matcher. This is true, and I just
included the first matcher to be explicit about catching the timeout.
Here is the complete eb_atm.erl up to this point.
Again, I will be leaving withdrawals as an exercise to the reader. You can implement it any way youd like! Just make sure it actually
does withdraw from the account
Here is my eb_atm.erl after implementing withdrawals. Note that successful withdrawals transition to the thank_you state with the
timeout in place.
A Cancel-No-Matter-What Button
One of my biggest gripes of many machines is that there isnt a big Cancel button that cancels everything you have been doing. And
though Ive found that killing the power to a machine does this cancel functionality quite nicely, this isnt an option for people at an
ATM. So lets implement a giant cancel method which cancels the transaction, no matter what state it is in.
How would you do this? Well, using only the knowledge of this article, I would guess that youd put a cancel API method which sends a
cancel message to the event. Then in each event you can handle this and go back to the unauthorized state.
Witty, but not correct, by no fault of your own! I didnt mention (or I did extremely briefly, you probably missed it) that there is a
method gen_fsm:send_all_state_event/2 which sends a message, regardless of what state the server is in. We will use this, to keep
our code DRY.
Our API:
%% Function: cancel/0
%% Description: Cancels the ATM transaction no matter what state.
cancel() ->
gen_fsm:send_all_state_event(?SERVER, cancel).

This event is sent to the handle_event/3 method, which we extend below:
handle_event(cancel, _StateName, _State) ->
{next_state, unauthorized, nobody};
handle_event(_Event, StateName, State) ->
{next_state, StateName, State}.

If we receive the cancel message, the server resets the state to unauthorized and the state data to nobody: a fresh ATM!
As always, the current complete state of eb_atm.erl can be viewed here.
Final Notes
In this article, I showed you how to create a basic ATM system using gen_fsm. I showed you how to handle messages in a given state,
change states, change states with timeouts, and send-to-all messages, among other things.
There are some warts in the system though, and I leave it to you to fix them. Here are two exercises for you to do, if you wish. Trust
me, you have the ability:
1. Add error checking to deposits. Make it return {error,Reason} and {ok,Balance} instead of just ok all the time.
2. Add a check my balance function to the ATM. This should only be available while authorized, and should not end the
transaction. This means that it should not send the user to the thank_you state. This is so that after seeing their balance, the
user can withdraw/deposit if necessary.
These two features of the exercise wont be used in future articles, and as such I wont post the answers here. You can test them
yourself to make sure they work!
Part two of this Erlang/OTP series is over. The third article is already in the pipeline and will be published in another few days. It will
cover gen_event. For fun, you can think what Ill be adding to ErlyBank using this!
I hope you have been enjoying these introductions to Erlang/OTP as much as Ive enjoyed writing them. Thanks for all the support,
and good luck!
Tags: beginner, erlang, erlybank, gen_fsm, otp introduction
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Jay Phillips Sep 08, 2008 10:39
Wow, you keep putting out great blog posts! gen_fsm is definitely something thats not documented well anywhere.
Keep up the great work!
aurelian Sep 08, 2008 11:30
Mitchell, youre doing an excellent work, really!
Halfbaked Ideas Sep 08, 2008 18:23
Intro to gen_fsm and gen_server
njharman Sep 13, 2008 06:33
These are nice intros. A bit of a review for me but your writing style is enjoyable to read and you hit the sweetspot
between too simplistic and overwhelming detail.
The skeletons are nice too.
David Cabana Sep 14, 2008 08:08
My compliments on an outstanding series of posts. Let me ask a question concerning the relationship between this
posts authorization mechanism and the previous posts bank account mechanism. Im trying to understand the big
picture here.
Imagine a potential bad guy is trying to make an unauthorized withdrawal. The security mechanism as illustrated
works if the bad guy uses eb_atm:authorize/2 and eb_atm:authorize/1 API. On the other hand, the bad guy could just
call eb_server:withdraw/2 and make off with the goods.
I understand the system as written is a prototype for didactic purposes. What I am wondering is how one would go
about locking it down (I have not read ahead in the series, maybe you address this later). My guess is that one would
not register the name of eb_server, and instead allow access to it only by its PID, and then take care that only eb_atm
and other authorized processes had access to that PID. Is this the correct approach?
David Cabana Sep 14, 2008 09:04
I hope you wont mind another question. Im trying to understand the concurrency aspects of your example, and also
trying to understand the role of the State parameter.
As you pointed out, there is an unfortunate overloading of the concept of state in gen_fsm. A finite state automaton
has a set of transition states (T-states). In your example these are the states {unauthorized, authorized, thank_you}.
In gen_fsm there is another concept of state, a piece of data which Ill call a D-state. The starting state of eb_atm is
the pair of {T-state, D-state} == {unauthorized, nobody}.
Suppose a user called Joe authenticates. The machine state goes from {unauthorized, nobody} to {authorized,
Joe}. Joe is standing at the ATM trying to make up his mind about how much money to withdraw, maybe calling his
wife to ask her. What is happening to incoming authentication messages from other users?
It looks to me like every clause which handles messages while eb_atm is in the authorized T-state requires the
message to provide a D-state parameter matching Joe. Presumably that match does not occur, or authentication is
broken. Does this mean the messages are piling up in the process mailbox? If so, isnt the whole authentication
mechanism in effect blocking while Joe goes about his business?
Mitchell Sep 14, 2008 11:38
Hi David,
Great questions! Really great! Ill answer them one at a time So to answer your first question: I dont quite
remember (and its far too early for my lazy self to look ) if I mentioned it in this article or the last, but I did
mention this security issue. There are a number of ways to solve it. Your idea about not registering the server is one
option, but then assuming the malicious user has access to the system, there are always easy ways to look up the PID
of a running process. The solution I would use would be to return a session hash after calling eb_server:authorize.
The server would maintain a hashmap to map a hash to a given account. In subsequent withdrawal/deposit methods,
eb_server would require the hash be sent in instead of the account name. Additionally, hashes should expire after a
set amount of time. This is pretty basic security, not at all meant for a true to life bank application. I dont want
anyone to think that Ive ever actually meant for this to be a very secure application, as its just meant to show off the
features of OTP.
To answer your second question: Im only thinking of one ATM terminal in this example, but I do fail to mention that.
If there are multiple ATM terminals then the gen_fsm would have to exist in multiple running processes: one for each
terminal. I would do this by creating an ATM server for lack of better words. When each ATM terminal boots up, itd
register itself with the server, and the server would spawn off a process of eb_atm (not registered), and return the PID
to the calling ATM terminal. Then, the terminal can send all requests to this PID. Using this method, it is very easy to
add and remove multiple ATM terminals without changes to the code.
Hopefully my answers were straightforward enough the two issues you brought up are very insightful but also not
truly meant for the beginner-scope of this series. But I enjoy discussing them, so feel free to ask any more
David Cabana Sep 14, 2008 13:03
Thank, Mitchell, I will keep asking questions! I am not a total beginner at Erlang, but I have never gotten to use it
professionally, only some late night dabbling when the kids are asleep. I want to get my head around OTP, and have
found there is a severe lack of approachable, simple examples out there, especially of parts other than gen_server.
Your gen_fsm example was most appreciated. I look forward to the rest of your series.
I had in mind one bank, one ATM server, and many ATM terminals. Your suggestion of one ATM per ATM terminal
makes perfect sense.
Alain O'Dea Sep 14, 2008 17:22
I have not had a chance to comment up until now, but now that I do
This is a brilliant series. It is really helping me dig in on OTP. I think I have had a pretty solid grasp of Erlang the
language for, but my grasp of Erlang/OTP as a platform was much less solid. Through articles provide a really good
launch point for getting over the hump between knowing Erlang and knowing Erlang/OTP. Thanks
David Weldon Sep 29, 2008 11:02
Going back to the multiple FSMs idea from David C: lets say I have a system where I have thousands of live
transactions and each one only lives for a few seconds. The nature of each transaction is an FSM, so using gen_fsm
makes sense. Like the ATMs, each transaction has its own state so Id need thousands of little servers. Does it make
sense that I spawn a new gen_fsm server for each transaction, or should I use some kind of static pool of available
An Introduction to gen_server: ErlyBank An introduction to gen_event: Account Notifications
spawn_link WordPress | Simplish
Mitchell Sep 29, 2008 15:09
From what Ive found, when in doubt, just spawn a new process Erlang processes are extremely lightweight and
spawn extremely fast. But under extremely heavy traffic, OTP can get a bit heavy. From what Ive experienced,
however, its better to just stick to the standards rather than grow-your-own solution. After hitting the OTP limit I
would scale horizontally by distributed your Erlang application rather than worry about rewriting the whole thing w/o
Denis Laprise Nov 20, 2008 11:05
Unusual question, but what did you use to draw your sequence diagram?
John Bender Dec 16, 2008 10:20
What are you using for your syntax highlighting?
Matt Mar 05, 2009 08:06
Simple, concise easy to understand article.
Thank you

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