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Persuasive Speech Example Do social networking sites do more

harm than good?

Here is an example of a Persuasive Speech Topic sent in by Matteo Berto.
Ladies, gentlemen, there has recently been a debate as to hether social netor!ing
sites do more harm than good.
Personally, " believe social netor!ing sites are harmful and do have conse#uences. "
have solid evidence to support my statement and so " ould li!e to start ith a true
story concerning $aceboo! % a popular social netor!ing site.
&ot too long ago, a girl in her teens made a friend on $aceboo! % a chat buddy. This
other unidentified friend didn't give any personal details and one day this girl and friend
met up at the mall. The girl as never seen again. This is a serious matter because
let's say this happened to all girls % it ould be chaos. (nother story is that of a suicide
because a person couldn't meet up ith another person on another social netor!ing
site. People % is our nation !non for its numerous social netor!s hich invade
privacy and prevent outdoor activity and exercise) (re our students to spend time
chatting online instead of studying for future careers hich ma!e this country great)
The opposition argues that social netor!ing sites give people their on space and
that these blog sites represent fun and socialisation. *ell, ould e not prefer our
children to go outside and socialise and meet friends that they !no here they live
and they !no their gender) +id people in the ,-s need social netor!ing sites) "n the
olden days e didn't express a need for an online high tech chatting system. Social
netor!ing sites prevent youths from spending time ith their parents and their
siblings. (nother issue about social netor!ing sites is hat if your child comes across
discrimination or cyber bullying) This only adds to depression. "f e are to be a happy
nation e should restrict these sites to people above the age of sixteen. This is a fairly
easy alternative hich " am sure the ma.ority of you ould vote for.
/verall, the benefits are fe and the drabac!s are many % social netor!ing sites are
the centre of misconduct, less studying and unsafe blogs. +o e ant our youths to
have their eyes glued to computer screens or their ears plugged to headphones) *e
must restrict social netor!ing sites to 0,s or above1 2et your children outside
socialising and inside studying1
Global Warming
3xample of a persuausive speech
There is little doubt that the planet is arming. /ver the last century, the planets
temperature has risen by around 0 degree fahrenheit 4-., of a degree celsius5. The
armest since the mid 06--'s as the 077-s. The hottest years recorded ere 0778,
0776, 9--0, 9--9, 9--:.
The ;nited &ations panel on climate change pro.ects that the global temperatures ill
rise :<0- degrees fahrenheit by the century's end % enough to have the polar caps all
but melted. "f the ice caps melt, a vast ma.ority of our countries borders ill be under
ater. Monuments and great buildings, as ell as homes and lives ill be under ater,
including &e =or! >ity.
So no e !no hat some of the causes are for global arming, ho can e as
individuals do our part to help save the planet)
The anser is simpler than you may thin!. =ou don't have to go miles aay from home
to protest, or spend masses of money. "f you try to follo the fe simple steps that "
shall no give you, you ill have started to help us all.
$irstly, plant a tree. This could be easier than it sounds. ?oin or help out a local ildlife
group and as! to plant a tree. Trees, hen fully gron, ill help !eep the planet cooler.
/n the same point, you could protest against the demolition of the rainforests. This is
the same principle, e need the trees to cool our planet and yet they are chopping
them don to create roads or homes.
Something as simple as al!ing instead of ta!ing the car ill help reduce pollution. (s
ell as stopping pollution, you are giving yourself exercise, something important for our
bodies. So the next time you get into your car, or your motorbi!e, thin! % do " have to
ma!e this .ourney by vehicle or can " al!)
*hen you are at home, and your getting a little cold. Put a .umper on and do not ad.ust
the heating. The extra heat produced by our homes also affects the planet. So try
earing an extra layer in inter.
"f possible, buy your fruit and vegetables from local suppliers. (nd try to avoid imported
goods. The more foreign food that e import the more pollution from aeroplanes and
boats it ill create.
@eeping to the speed limit can also help the environment. The more you speed the
more petrol you are going to use, ma!ing the pollution higher. (lso, S;A's ma!e about
six times their on eight in >/9 each year. ( small efficient diesel car covering the
same distance not only uses much less fuelB it ma!es to thirds less.
"f possible use solar energy, after all it is freeB all you need to buy is the e#uipment. =ou
can get much of your hot ater and heating from the sun and even generate electricity.
Ceduce, reuse and recycle. /nly buy hat you needB don't stoc! the cupboards ith
things you may or may not use. Ceuse hatever you can, li!e containers and paper,
and recycle hat you cannot reuse. "t really is as simple as that.
$inally turning off unused sources of poer such as televisions and heaters ill help
the environment, as ell as save you money.
"f everybody stuc! to these rules, e ould be doing a great thing by protecting the
earth. So please ta!e into consideration hat " have said, and try to do your part. (fter
all, it ill be our next generation that ill feel the effects.

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