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The Council Ch.

Alexei agreed, and after a brief farewell gone with others. Only one of them who remained was
Demetri. There was no way in hell that leaves beside his wife, while she was doing what was
required as a member of the Council.
He did not participate, but stayed in the room and watched all the vampires leave slowly, keeping an
eye on who went along in order to get a jump start on any factions that may be building.
Emily sat rather shell shocked alongside Stephen. She turned and looked at him and saw that he was
watching her with a neutral expression. He was angry with her? She did not ask for it. It was the
worst possible choice to be a member of the Council. "Stephan, I do not know what to do."
His expression softened slightly and her lips curled into a small smile. "I'll help you," he said softly.
He was amazed when Caleb placed her on the Council completely confused the ancient custom
options. Emily was in their thought processes and human, in order to cope with the fact that the
And then he realized that why Caleb chose her and Mara. The Council needed to mankind so that
they can remember what they used to be. Ancient was very clever.
Mara felt no intimidation at all. Demetri was lounging in his chair as if he was bored, but she knew
better. He was alert and ready to kick ass, if it was necessary. Caleb shocked her by choosing her.
She would have thought that Annie chose to sit in the Council as a gift to always know the right
thing to do would be invaluable.
She met with all eyes on the stage, eyed vampires did not know well, to try and get a feel of them,
and then looked at the Romanovs and gave them a false view. "Do you two think you can intimidate
Emily and me because we're young and you're now Ancients. We are members of the council as well
as the rest of you and our opinions count just as much."
It Alexei, who laughed and shook his head. He walked like Mara immensely since they first met. She
was so suitable for Demetri and it was funny to see how his friend as her task.
"We should not dream about Maro," he said with a laugh. "I do not want my ass my husband for one
thing, but most importantly, age counts for anything in the Council. Intelligence and keen, intelligent
mind is what gains you respect here."
He snorted laughter came from the bench where Demetri sat. "You'll regret saying that," he drawled
with a soft smile for his wife. "It's a piranha when he gets going."
"Shut up or get out," Mara growled softly, though her eyes sparkled with laughter at his words. She
knew that it would back up completely, even if she's not needed. Just knowing that there was enough
for her to give her the courage to take on this new challenge that suddenly landed in my lap.
"Yes, dear," Demetri laughed lightly, his eyes promising retribution for her smart mouth. She
shivered with pleasure and turned his attention back to the other members of the Council. It was
time to do some work.
Rhianna was quiet on the way back home, so quiet that Caleb is starting to feel a little apprehensive.
He could not feel anything negative through their bond, but was aware that proved much more of his
more wild side lately, and it said in the Council chambers.
It was a side of him that maybe he would not like it so much? He did what was necessary to ensure
that their family and friends stay safe. He would not apologize for it, but did not want it to be a
problem between them.
He followed her into the living room, his gaze never leaving her face. Whether you thought it was so
engrossed that all but threw herself on the couch. Then she looked at him and smiled. He relaxed
immediately. It was her usual smile that sent a little tingle of pleasure through him and made him
the all kinds of erotic, passionate stuff.
"Why are you looking so guilty?" she asked with a little laugh. "You are truly spectacular evening,
Caleb. Even managed to scare me at one point, and that is a lot." Her voice was sad when she spoke.
He was at it immediately, he frowned as he gathered her into his lap and hugged her. "Do not worry
about me, Annie," said the tortured voice, crushing her tightly to his chest. "The Sun never did. Die
before I ever done anything that would hurt you."
She laughed softly and hugging him. "I know that silly," she sighed relax against him with such
confidence. "Do not exaggerate my words. I was just trying to tell you how impressive you are.
Hopefully, our people will have the same respect for your performance."
Caleb is released again, the grip on his wife becomes fragile and a little worried evaporation. "Do
not hold your breath on that one," she said dryly. "The Council will have to be alert, keeping an eye
on everyone."
Rhianna threw back her head and looked at him. Her breath when he wondered again how lucky to
have this great man to love her unconditionally.
Had it really been less than three years from the moment they first met, when her life suddenly
changed to completely and she was thrown into a world of vampires and werewolves and all sorts of
crazy things? She felt as if she was with him forever, that he was always a part of its very existence.
"Why did you choose me for advice?" she asked suddenly, catching faint twinge of unease that
crossed his face before he quickly smoothed expression.
"I chose the right people for the job," said the tone a bit evasive eyes not quite meeting her.
"I thought I was the right person for this job," she insisted feel a slight trepidation comes over her.
"Everyone always tells me, I know it is the right thing to do at all times.'m Supposed to be the first
choice when it came to selecting young."
"Annie, let him," he said softly, his eyes finally fully satisfy her. His expression was closed and
guarded his feelings ran strongly in their bonds. "Believe me that I made the right decision tonight."
She did not want to let it go. He was hiding something from her and she does not like it one bit. They
had no secrets between them. The only time Caleb got like this was when he was foolishly trying to
protect her from something.
She opened her mouth to argue with him, but silenced her with a kiss. She tried not to succumb to
his hot mouth diagonally across her deliciously, but it was hopeless struggle to give up a little too
readily. He was apparently not answer her tonight so that will have to try again in the morning.
Caleb almost breathed a sigh of relief when his wife stopped pressing it. He knew that the time is
approaching when it will have to answer her questions, but he wanted more time with her, to love
her and relax and have a quiet moment before he had to do the inevitable.
Keeping your mouth firmly attached to her, picked her up in his arms and carried her upstairs to her
room. He then spend the next two hours showing her how much he loved her, how much he could
not live without her in his life, and most importantly, in his arms.
He could not get enough of her soft skin, or the warmth of her beautiful body hugging his. He loved
her almost in despair, and finally saturated and lay exhausted in its protective embrace.
"I'll have to say, at some point," she said sleepily rubbed his hand gently through his sweat slickened
skin. "I'll be patient for a while, love, but I will not wait forever."
Slightly and then relaxed strained, with a sad smile crossing his face as he ran tangled curls from
her face and kissed her lightly. "I know, sweet," he said softly. "We'll talk soon. Promise you."
He kissed her again, deeply this time, and then sat on her chest and closed his eyes. At this time,
still enough time, but he knew it would not last long. He intended to take the time and spend it in
peace with my wife before things changed. He needed time with my dear Annie, not knowing what
the future would hold for them when the truth came out.

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