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Development Advisory Team

Project Mission: To develop a guide of the best tools for measuring teacher effectiveness by assessing the experiences of
successful schools in vulnerable communities.

CJ Pine
I am a sophomore at the University of Notre Dame majoring in Peace Studies and Arabic Studies with
a minor in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics. I grew up in Tianjin, China and spent the last 3 years
of high school living in a Muslim community of western China because of my dad's ethnographic
research. This summer, I had the opportunity to live in a parish community in Mafraq, Jordan,
volunteering with Syrian refugees through Catholic Relief Services and organizing an English camp
for 12-15 year old kids. Last semester, I taught a non-violence course in a local South Bend elementary
school through the Take Ten program. I am conducting research on migrant narratives as an assistant
to a theology professor and am particularly interested in the interplay of community mobilization,
cultural identity, and education.

Matt Pinover
Originally from Hudson, Ohio, I am a senior Economics major at the University of Notre Dame with a
minor in PPE (Politics, Philosophy, and Economics). I have experience in both business development
and teaching. For two summers, I served as project manager for a patent attorney, consulting
entrepreneurs on how to commercialize their inventions. Additionally, after my sophomore year, I
interned for a microfinance bank in Uganda, where I collaborated with local employment to train
nearly 250 rural elders in six different villages in basic business skills, using a self-designed
curriculum. Besides business development, I am also well-versed in finance, having worked in equity
research and investment banking.

Magdalena Guzman
Born and raised in Monterrey, Mexico, I am a junior at the University of Notre Dame pursuing a
double major in Economics and Political Science with a minor in International Development Studies. I
have experience working on several development projects in Mexico, from volunteering in an under-
served elementary school to working with an NGO fostering community engagement in neighborhoods
with high levels of violence. My strongest skills lie in quantitative analysis and strategic planning, both
useful in my involvement creating and managing databases as research assistant on campus, analyzing
market behavior in our schools International Market Watch club, and organizing Notre Dames annual
Human Development Conference.

Zoe Rae Rote
Originally from southwest Colorado, I am a junior at the University of Notre Dame majoring in
Political Science with a minor in Education, Schooling & Society. I intend to pursue a career in
education, working as a middle school social studies teacher. During the spring semester of 2014, I
studied abroad in Santiago, Chile. After living with a host family and attending classes at La Ponticia
Universidad Catolica campus San Joaquin, I am very familiar with Chilean culture. I have also interned
with an education-focused NGO in Tanzania, working at a primary school and providing assistance to
struggling students. On campus, I serve as the vice-president of the World Hunger Coalition, work as a
Spanish gallery educator at the art museum, and conduct research on community- and place-based

Ngor Majak Anyieth
Ngor Majak is an international student at the university of Notre Dame, college of science. Though
Born and raised in South Sudan, Ngor lived a large chunk of his life in Kenya and South Africa. Ngor
has experience in research and project planning. While in Kenya, he researched into forced child
marriages among South Sudanese communities in Kakuma refugee camp and helped design a
campaign against the practice. In South Africa, Ngor participated in Winchester International
Symposium on the theme of poverty, an opportunity through which he researched root causes and
possible solutions to poverty among unprivileged South African communities. Ngor is passionate
about education and healthcare. He is a co-founder of BuildSudans, a non-governmental organization
that aims to leverage youths potential in South Sudan through education, entrepreneurship and inter-
communal interactions.

Joe Brogan
I am a senior Political Science and Economics double major at the University of Notre Dame originally
from Silver Spring, Maryland. I am a proficient Spanish speaker and I spent the past summer working
in Buenos Aires, Argentina at the Centro de Investigacin y Accin Social, a non-profit organization
working to further economic and political development in Argentina. I also have a strong interest in
education, particularly in programs with a similar model to Ensea Chile. I hope to bring both a
creative and analytical mindset to this process and learn a great deal while hopefully contributing some
valuable ideas to Ensea Chile over the next few months.

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