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II2202, Fall 2014, Period1 Lab 1 2014-09-01

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Lab 1: Project plan and peer review
Preparation: Bring two paper copies of your project plan to the lab.
Find a group that has their project plan with them. Exchange project plans with this other group and
peer review their project plan. Then answer the questions below. Write your suggestions and comments
directly on their project plan. Keep in mind that your suggestions are very important to the other group
as it will enable them to improve their plan.
Thoroughly read the groups project plan. Then read the plan again,
looking carefully at following contents, and commenting both in the
text and on this sheet of paper:
Project Title
Does the project title reflect the content of the project plan and
In Project title it is focused over American Popular music, but the content
refers more towards general popular music. It is not specifically mention for Americal
popular music in the content.
Is it clear who the authors are and what are their responsibilities within
the project?
Does the background lead to what is going to be investigated? Is it a brief
description of the necessary background knowledge of the problem area
and for carrying out the project? Is something missing?
Background information is insufficient. It should be more elaborative.
Problem statement
Is the problem statement understandable? Is the problem justified? Has
the group argued for their problem statement? Should something be
Problem statement is vague and it should be more focused to understand
what area writer wants to investigate.
Has the group addressed the problem or value proposition addressed by
the project?
Is it a real problem? Is the problem description clear and concise? Could it
benefit from additional text?

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We think that it is a good study to be undertaken as the subject itself is
unique and the approach is very good. The problem description is very
clear and concise.
Has the student group formulated a hypothesis? Is it a hypothesis? Is it a
refutable hypothesis?
Has the group presented their goals, objectives, and the expected results of
the investigation?
Are these goals suitable? Is something missing from these goals?
Yes it is to the point.
Are the tasks and sub-tasks necessary to complete the investigation? Are
they sufficiently detailed? What additional tasks might be needed?
All the tasks and sub-tasks are sufficiently explained.
Has the group described what research method (or methods) will be used?
Has the group argued why this is the most appropriate method or
methods? Should the group use another method? If they should use
another method, why is this other method more suitable? Is something
The method has been described very efficiently and the reasoning is also
very appropriate to chose the mentioned method.
Milestonechart (timeschedule)
Is the milestone chart well presented? Is the time plan viable?
Yes milestone chart is very well presented and given the tasks the time is
Are the references suitable? Are they authoritative? Are the references
correctly formatted using IEEE format?
The first reference needs author name mentioning. Rest of the references
are fine.
Appendix (Optional)
Is the appendix necessary? Is something missing?
Appendix is not present. Number of word count in the document is
Language in general
Is the language used in the project plan acceptable? Are there problems
with the text? Are there parts of the plan that need to be clarified?
Is the structure of the plan satisfactory?

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Is the language clear? If not, is that because:
the writers are reasoning in a way I am not used to?
the writers are using words and expressions I do not understand?
the text contains grammar or language mistakes which make it hard to follow?
The language is clear

Is the writing coherent?

Is the writing concise?

Is the writing correct?

What kind of reader have the writers written for?

Is the scope of the investigation suitable? Is it doable during the course
(before week 41)? Is the investigation too broad or too narrow?
Do you have any other comments or suggestions that will help this other
group improve their plan?

Yes, provided the writer has grip over scientific skills to analyse and
process the data, it is doable.

Upload your peer review in Bilda, together with your own project plan.
Give one copy of your review to the group whose project plan you
If any part of your project plan or the peer review is unclear, talk to the
teacher about the possibility of continuing your investigation.

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