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Friends Matt Mosman & Steve Young

Debbie Grewal
Stake Director of Public Affairs:

Desirae Barton
Interfaith Relations, Media

Matt Mosman
High Council Advisor

Ashley Rasmussen
Community Affairs

Jen Jacobson
Home and Hope

Paul & Brittany Larsen
Social Media

Andrea Weidemann
Community Affairs

August 2014
Issue 10
Steve Young is well known
for his many
accomplishments on the
football field as a former
quarterback for the San
Francisco 49ers. Steve
Young displayed yet another
talent on May 1
Peninsula Temple Beth El in
San Mateo. Steve Young
helped to bring together
congregations from two
different faiths for a
wonderful evening of food,
intermingling, and

The Jewish congregation of
Peninsula Temple Beth El
graciously hosted our stake
for this evening with Steve
Young. And our own Matt
Mosman was responsible for
arranging for Steve Young to
come. The evening started
with the two faiths being able
to meet and converse with
each other over appetizers. A
barbeque dinner followed
during which Steve Young
mingled, signed autographs,
and took photographs with
everyone. Many peoples
dream of meeting Steve
Young was fulfilled! After
dinner, Steve Young gave an
uplifting and engaging talk
which emphasized interfaith
teamwork. The evening was
a great success with
interfaith relationships being
built and individuals being

Interfaith Touchdown: An Evening
with Steve Young

Mark Your
October 26
Interfaith Choral
November 9
Annual San
Interfaith Choral
January 19
Martin Luther
King Day Service
Launching Connections over Lunch: Bishop Nielsen Meets Rabbi Callie

A wonderful interfaith connection was
launched over oysters at the Fish Market in
April. Bishop Nielsen from CSI met
with Rabbi Callie Schulman. Rabbi Callie
is the Assistant/Educator at Peninsula
Temple Beth El in San Mateo. Using their
shared loved of oysters as a catalyst,
Bishop Nielsen and Rabbi Callie began an
in-depth conversation about religion.
Topics such as youth programs, lay
ministries, moral codes, church
organizations, male and female roles
within our church, and tithing structures
were discussed.

According to Heidi Kershaw (CSI)
who attended the lunch: "The
exchange was fruitful, layered,
honest, and transparent. We talked
about the commonalities between our
congregations including our desires
to help one another temporally and
drive one another closer to God. We
also talked about our differencesAs
we parted, the feeling was truly warm
and a new relationship had just been

Jim McManis & team BBQ for
400 people

Have You LIKED Us?!
Seder Plate
On March 23rd the Foster
City building was filled with
food such as matzah, sweet
haroset, and bitter herbs. Our
stake had the unique
privilege of hosting an
annual Jewish Freedom
Seder Dinner. The Jewish
Community Relations
Council (JCRC) has been
organizing a Seder dinner on
the Peninsula for many years
and asks a different faith
house each year to co-host
the dinner with them.
A Jewish Seder is the
The sun was shining on our
Stakes 5
Annual Day of
Community Service. Formerly
known as Mormon Helping
Hands, Saturday April 26
set aside by all the stakes in
California and Hawaii to do
community service. Our stake
had the privilege of beautifying
the second largest park in San
Francisco, McLaren Park.
Joining forces with the West
Stake, over 300 people came out
to help with the service this
year. The volunteers had 9
different projects of varying
difficulty to choose from. There
Warming Hearts through Working Hands: A Day of
Community Service
was something for everyone to
do. Our volunteers labored hard
and accomplished much!
Playgrounds were cleaned,
garbage was removed,
undergrowth was eliminated,
and weeds pulled during the
hours we were working at
McLaren Park. Both the park
staff and surrounding area
neighbors were very
appreciative of our efforts. Our
volunteer hours equaled
thousands of dollars worth of
work. One park neighbor even
said that we accomplished work
that probably never would have
been attempted without us.
After we worked, we were
delighted once again with a
delicious burrito lunch. Thank
you to all who came out and
work so hard! Church
photographers were sent from
Salt Lake City to cover our Day
of Community Service this year.
Watch for us to be featured in
the LDS World Report between
sessions of General Conference
in October!

Keeping Things Kosher: Jewish Freedom Seder Dinner
traditional dinner that
commemorates the start of
Passover Week. There is a
traditional program followed
that includes blessings, songs,
hand washing, candle lightings,
stories, a kosher meal, and
symbolic drinks, herbs and
foods. Working with the JCRC
and Peninsula Sinai
Congregation, the event was a
huge success. The sold out
crowd of 150 people consisted of
mostly Jewish and LDS members
along with several members of
the Foster City Council. This
years Seder highlighted the theme of
freedom from both the Jewish and
Mormon perspective with Biblical and
Mormon Pioneer stories being shared by
leading clergy Rabbi Corey, Patriarch
Highman, and President Fewkes. It was
an honor to be part of this event in which
beliefs were shared, cultures were
displayed, and interfaith relationships
were forged.

Recently, Elder Christoferson challenged
Church members world wide to incorporate
the following goals into their lives as part of
Public Affairs:
1. Promote religious faith by
allowing other to experience faith
in action and by sharing message
about our faith online

2. Strengthen family

3. Protect religious freedom

Raise Your Light: Global Public Affair

Keep up-to-date on the latest stake news by liking the Friends of the San
Francisco Stake Facebook page:

Participating in Public Affairs events
is a great way to introduce family,
friends, and neighbors to the church.
Stay connected so you can take part
in the next activity!
I cant thank
the Latter-Day
Saints group
enough for
their efforts
Chuck Farrugia, head of Help
McLaren Park

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