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by: Philip Noh

TULSA, Oklahoma// A fight to settle the score

between two very different social groups, The
greasers and the socs has taken place in a vacant
parking lot. Greasers are poor and while the socs
are rich which are their main difference. A full on
fist fight of about 40 suspects including two of the
three heroes of Windrixville church fire, reported to
be Ponyboy Curtis and Dallas Winston. The fighting
began at 7:00 PM on the 5th of January. One of the
groups arrived on foot while the other in four
different vehicles. In the end the group who came in
the four cars had run away and it seemed that the
other group had won. During the fighting the police
were called and rushed to the scene. Many of the
people there were injured and the Windrixville
heroes were escorted to the hospital by the police


Two men were later identified as Darrel Curtis and

Paul Holden, former friends and football stars. The
two are big men and were the first to start off the
fight. The two faced each other until one threw the
first punch. The fight ended quickly and shouts of
triumph could be heard from the parking lot. When
the police arrived about twenty suspects remained
and the names have been revealed as Sodapop
Curtis, Steve Randel, Tim Shepard, Keith Mathews,

How can friends and teammates fight each other.

They have nothing to be fighting over accept for
their own social status as one of them has money
and the other doesnt. How can money change us
like this and force us to fight amongst each other.
says eye witness and nearby resident Thomas


Prior to the rumble, a man was killed and much

controversy has been raised within this community.
The man was named Bob Sheldon and belonged to
one of the social groups. Some locals who know
about it believe this may attribute to the cause of
the fight. Also the two groups have a long history
and are put into news for various reasons. The two
groups get into lots of trouble whether it be
destruction of personal property or attacking each
other. An elderly man named Joe Barkly, an
eyewitness of the scene said,Something is wrong
with this current generation.


All they do is get into fights and cause problems

and commotions. Why doesnt the police stop them
or arrest these hoodlums?Complaints of loud
noises and shouts were filed. Also the parents of
the fighters are fighting amongst themselves as
well. Many complaints from angry parents have
gone out asking how their children have gotten
involved in this and do not believe many current
events and blame each other. The community
demands that justice be brought upon these people.
Many of the local residents say that these kids
should be punished for their actions and they should

Protest against the destruction of 50 year
Man tried for breaking into personal

by: Name


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