CRTA Rotating Anchor Catcher Operating Instructions

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Product -
CRTA Rotating Anchor Catcher

CRTA Rot at i ng Anc hor Cat c her

This document is intended to provide operating instructions for the CRTA Rotating Anchor
Catcher line of Evolution Oil Tool products. This guide is property of Evolution Oil Tools Inc. and
is provided to the customer for information purposes only. It is requested that the document not
be reproduced in any way, in whole or in part, or distributed without the express written consent
of Evolution Oil Tools Inc. The document is uncontrolled if printed.


Product - CRTA Rotating Anchor Catcher 265-10-OI-Rev-A
This document is intended to provide operating instructions for the CRTA
Rotating Anchor Catcher line of Evolution Oil Tool products. This guide is
property of Evolution Oil Tools Inc. and is provided to the customer for
information purposes only. It is requested that the document not be
reproduced in any way, in whole or in part, or distributed without the express
written consent of Evolution Oil Tools Inc. The document is uncontrolled if

The CRTA Rotating Tubing Anchor Catcher is designed to hold the tubing
string in tension during rod pump operations. The mandrel of the CRTA is free
to rotate through the tool in the set position with tension pulled into the tubing.
This allows the entire tubing string, including all tail pipe, gas/mud anchor, and
the seating nipple to rotate.
The CRTA is ideal in applications where there is a great deal of tail pipe below
the anchor point. It is also ideal for applications such as high deviation or
horizontal wells where the tubing is run into the deviation or the horizontal
section of the well and the anchor point is the vertical section of the well.
The CRTA is also useful for pulling tension and compliments a tubing rotator
system. The CRTA eliminates the need to use a tubing swivel in such
The CRTA is full bore tubing anchor with opposing slips. The bearing system
in the tool is engaged in the set position and allows rotation through the tool.
The CRTA is set with turn left hand rotation and released with turn right
hand rotation. The tool has an emergency shear release system. Straight
tension pulled on the tubing string shears the shear system and allows the
lower cone to move away from the slips. The entire tool can then be pulled
from the wellbore.

Product -
CRTA Rotating Anchor Catcher

CRTA Rot at i ng Anc hor Cat c her Ex pl oded Vi ew

NOTE - The illustration above is intended as a guide only.

Item Description QTY
1 Shear Sleeve 1
2 Brass Shear Screw 12
3 Lower Cone CRTA 1
4 Bearing 1
5 Mandrel CTRA 1
6 Slip CRTA 6
7 Slip Cage Sleeve CRTA 2
8 Slip Spring CRTA 6
9 Slip Cage CRTA 2
10 Drag Block Housing 1
11 Drag Block Spring 16
12 Drag Block CRTA 4
13 Control Pin 2
14 Top Sub CRTA 1
- 20 UNC x 3/8 Lg Cap
16 (Bottom Sub) 1

Product -
CRTA Rotating Anchor Catcher

Set t i ng
I nst r uc t i ons

1 Det er mi ne t he si ze of
anc hor needed i n r el at i on t o
c asi ng si ze, c asi ng w ei ght
and t ubi ng si ze.

2 Spec i f y t he shear val ue
desi r ed (i n 5,000#
i nc r ement s).

Not e
Shear pin values are 5,000 pounds
(2268 Kg) each. Tools are shipped
fully pinned except by request.
Casing Weights
(lb/Kg) Description
Shear Value
(PSI/MPa) Part Number

13 - 17
(5.897 7.711)
CRTA Anchor 5 x 2 7/8 13-
30,000 - 35,000
(206.84 241.32)

20 23
(9.072 10.433)
CRTA Anchor 5 x 2 7/8 20-

17 26
(7.711 11.793)
CRTA Anchor 7 x 2 7/8 17-26#

17 26
(7.711 11.793)
CRTA Anchor 7 x 3 17-26# 50,000

26 38
(11.793 17.237)
CRTA Anchor 7 x 2 7/8 26-38# 30,000 35,000
(206.84 241.32)

Product -
CRTA Rotating Anchor Catcher

3 Func t i on t est (Tai l gat e
Test ) t he CRTA Rot at i ng
Anc hor on sur f ac e bef or e
usi ng t he t ool i n t he
w el l bor e. Engage and
di sengage t he C-Sl ot and
engage agai nst t he upper
and l ow er c ones. Thi s
shoul d spl ay out t he anc hor
bl oc k s, w i t h no t i ght spot s.


4 Mak e up t he t ool ont o
t he t ubi ng w i t h t he box end
up. Ensur e t he c ont r ol pi ns i n
t he sl i p c age ar e i n t he C-
Sl ot (Neut r al Posi t i on) and
r un sl ow l y t hr ough any BOPs
and w el l head.

Not e
Keep turning the tubing left while
running the CRTA tool downhole.


Product - CRTA Rotating Anchor Catcher 265-10-OI-Rev-A
This document is intended to provide operating instructions for the CRTA
Rotating Anchor Catcher line of Evolution Oil Tool products. This guide is
property of Evolution Oil Tools Inc. and is provided to the customer for
information purposes only. It is requested that the document not be
reproduced in any way, in whole or in part, or distributed without the express
written consent of Evolution Oil Tools Inc. The document is uncontrolled if

5 Af t er r unni ng i n t hr ee or
f our j oi nt s, t est t he t ool by
di sengagi ng t he C-Sl ot and
pul l t ensi on. I f t he t ool hol ds,
engage bac k i nt o t he neut r al
posi t i on and c ont i nue
r unni ng i n.

6 Run t he CRTA Anc hor t o
desi r ed dept h. The CRTA i s
set w i t h t ur n l ef t hand
r ot at i on.

7 To di sengage f r om t he
C-Sl ot , pul l t he t ubi ng t w o (2)
i nc hes (50.8 mm) at t he t op
and t or que t o t he l ef t , and
t hen pul l anot her si x (6)
i nc hes (152.4 mm).


Product - CRTA Rotating Anchor Catcher 265-10-OI-Rev-A
This document is intended to provide operating instructions for the CRTA
Rotating Anchor Catcher line of Evolution Oil Tool products. This guide is
property of Evolution Oil Tools Inc. and is provided to the customer for
information purposes only. It is requested that the document not be
reproduced in any way, in whole or in part, or distributed without the express
written consent of Evolution Oil Tools Inc. The document is uncontrolled if

Rel ease
I nst r uc t i ons
1 Low er t he t ubi ng w hi l e
r ot at i ng t o t he r i ght . Thi s
w i l l engage t he sl i p c age
c ont r ol pi ns i nt o t he neut r al
posi t i on i n t he C-Sl ot .

Not e
If the tubing goes into compression,
you have missed the C-Slot. In this
case, pull up, rotating to the right and
lower again.

2 I f af t er a f ew t r i es t hi s
does not w or k , you c an shear
t he t ool by pul l i ng t ensi on on
t he t ool t hat ex c eeds t he
shear val ue.
Emer genc y
Rel ease
Application of tension will
shear the shear screws in the
tool. The lower cone, bearing,
and shear pin retainer will
drop against the bottom sub
where they will remains as the
tool is pulled out of the well.
The pick-up shoulder on the
mandrel will engage the slip
ring and prevent the lower
slips from contracting the
lower cone. The slips will ride
on the pick-up shoulder..

Product - CRTA Rotating Anchor Catcher 265-10-OI-Rev-A
This document is intended to provide operating instructions for the CRTA
Rotating Anchor Catcher line of Evolution Oil Tool products. This guide is
property of Evolution Oil Tools Inc. and is provided to the customer for
information purposes only. It is requested that the document not be
reproduced in any way, in whole or in part, or distributed without the express
written consent of Evolution Oil Tools Inc. The document is uncontrolled if

CRTA Anchor 5 1/2 x 2 7/8 13-17#

Part Number Description QTY
Drag Block Int-X 5 13-15.5#
Drag Block Spring Int-X, SC-1 5
1/2 x 2 7/8
102680 Bearing CRTA 5 1/2 (51116) 1
102681 Control Pin CRTA 2
Brass Shear Screw f/ 5 1/2 & 7
102720 Top Sub CRTA 5 1/2 x 2 7/8 1
102721 Mandrel CRTA 5 1/2 1
102722 Drag Block Housing CRTA 5 1/2 1
102725 Slip CRTA 5 1/2 (13-17#) 6
102727 Slip Spring CRTA 5 1/2 6
102728 Slip Cage CRTA 5 13-17# 2
102730 Slip Sleeve CRTA 5 1/2 2
Cap Screw Retaining 1/4 - 20NC
x 3/8 Lg SS
102732 Lower Cone CRTA 5 1/2 1
102733 Shear Sleeve CRTA 5 1/2 1

CRTA Anchor 5 1/2 x 2 7/8 20-23#

Part Number Description QTY
102526 Spring Drag Block CTA / CRTA 16
102680 Bearing CRTA 5 1/2 (51116) 1
102681 Control Pin CRTA 2
102712 Brass Shear Screw f/ 5 1/2 & 7
102720 Top Sub CRTA 5 1/2 x 2 7/8 1
102721 Mandrel CRTA 5 1/2 1
102722 Drag Block Housing CRTA 5 1/2 1
102724 Drag Block CRTA 5 1/2 (20-23#) 4
102726 Slip CRTA 5 1/2 (17-23#) 6
102727 Slip Spring CRTA 5 1/2 6
102729 Slip Cage CRTA 5 1/2 20-23# 2
102730 Slip Sleeve CRTA 5 1/2 2
102731 Cap Screw Retaining 1/4 - 20NC
x 3/8 Lg SS
102732 Lower Cone CRTA 5 1/2 1
102733 Shear Sleeve CRTA 5 1/2 1

Product - CRTA Rotating Anchor Catcher 265-10-OI-Rev-A
This document is intended to provide operating instructions for the CRTA
Rotating Anchor Catcher line of Evolution Oil Tool products. This guide is
property of Evolution Oil Tools Inc. and is provided to the customer for
information purposes only. It is requested that the document not be
reproduced in any way, in whole or in part, or distributed without the express
written consent of Evolution Oil Tools Inc. The document is uncontrolled if

CRTA Anchor 7 x 2 7/8 17-26#

Part Number Description QTY
101768 Drag Block Spring Int-X 7 x 2
7/8 17-32# Inconel
102681 Control Pin CRTA 2
102712 Brass Shear Screw f/ 5 1/2 & 7
102734 Top Sub CRTA 7 x 2 7/8 1
102736 Mandrel CRTA 7 1
102737 Drag Block Housing CRTA 7 1
102738 Drag Block CRTA 7 17-26# 4
102741 Slip CRTA 7 (17-26#) 6
102743 Slip Spring CRTA 7 6
102744 Slip Cage CRTA 7 (17-26#) 2
102746 Slip Sleeve CRTA 7 2
102747 Cap Screw Socket Head 5/16 -
18 x 3/8 Lg SS
102748 Lower Cone CRTA 7 1
102749 Bearing CRTA 7 (CF2919) 1
102750 Shear Sleeve CRTA 7 1
102751 Lower Sub CRTA 7 x 2 7/8 1

CRTA Anchor 7 x 3 1/2 17-26#

Part Number Description QTY
101768 Drag Block Spring Int-X 7 x 2
7/8 17-32# Inconel
102681 Control Pin CRTA 2
102712 Brass Shear Screw f/ 5 1/2 & 7
102735 Top Sub CRTA 7 x 3 1/2 1
102736 Mandrel CRTA 7 1
102737 Drag Block Housing CRTA 7 1
102738 Drag Block CRTA 7 17-26# 4
102741 Slip CRTA 7 (17-26#) 6
102743 Slip Spring CRTA 7 6
102744 Slip Cage CRTA 7 (17-26#) 2
102746 Slip Sleeve CRTA 7 2
102747 Cap Screw Socket Head 5/16 -
18 x 3/8 Lg SS
102748 Lower Cone CRTA 7 1
102749 Bearing CRTA 7 1
102750 Shear Sleeve CRTA 7 1
102752 Lower Sub CRTA 7 x 3 1/2 1

Product - CRTA Rotating Anchor Catcher 265-10-OI-Rev-A
This document is intended to provide operating instructions for the CRTA
Rotating Anchor Catcher line of Evolution Oil Tool products. This guide is
property of Evolution Oil Tools Inc. and is provided to the customer for
information purposes only. It is requested that the document not be
reproduced in any way, in whole or in part, or distributed without the express
written consent of Evolution Oil Tools Inc. The document is uncontrolled if

CRTA Anchor 7 x 2 7/8 26-38#

Part Number Description QTY
101768 Drag Block Spring Int-X 7 x 2
7/8 17-32# Inconel
102681 Control Pin CRTA 2
102712 Brass Shear Screw 12
102734 Top Sub CRTA 7 x 2 7/8 1
102736 Mandrel CRTA 7 1
102737 Drag Block Housing CRTA 7 1
102739 Drag Block CRTA 7 26-38# 4
102742 Slip CRTA 7 (28-38#) 6
102743 Slip Spring CRTA 7 6
102745 Slip Cage CRTA 7 (29-38#) 2
102746 Slip Sleeve CRTA 7 2
102747 Cap Screw Socket Head 5/16 -
18 x 3/8 Lg SS
102748 Lower Cone CRTA 7 1
102749 Bearing CRTA 7 1
102750 Shear Sleeve CRTA 7 1
102751 Lower Sub CRTA 7 x 2 7/8 1

Product - CRTA Rotating Anchor Catcher 265-10-OI-Rev-A
This document is intended to provide operating instructions for the CRTA
Rotating Anchor Catcher line of Evolution Oil Tool products. This guide is
property of Evolution Oil Tools Inc. and is provided to the customer for
information purposes only. It is requested that the document not be
reproduced in any way, in whole or in part, or distributed without the express
written consent of Evolution Oil Tools Inc. The document is uncontrolled if

If you have any other questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact us:

#3, 1820 30
Avenue NE
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T2E 7M5
Toll Free: 1-800-265-TOOL (8665)
Main: (403) 243-1442
Fax: (403) 258-2614

6415A 63 St. Close
Lloydminster, Alberta
Tel: 780-875-1570
Cell: 780-522-8294
Cell: 780-870-1126

4512 81 Ave
Edmonton, Alberta
Tel: 587-758-9091
Cell: 780-919-1722
Cell: 780-893-1019


P.O. Box 5363
2908 Coffey Street
Victoria, Texas 77903
Main: (361) 575-7900
Fax: (361) 575-8081

3400 Kermit Hwy
Odessa, Texas 79764
Tel: 432-337-7900
Fax: 432-337-7901
Cell: 432-638-7902

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