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Annette Dale-Perera

Annette has been Strategic Director of Addiction and Ofender Care for Central North West London
NHS Foundation Trust since June 2009. She is responsible for a large network of drug and alcohol
services that provides treatment to approximately 10,000 patients annually in the community and in
prisons. Prior to this, Annette was Director of Quality for six years at the National Treatment Agency for
Substance Misusethe government body responsible for overseeing the expansion of drug treatment
in England. While in this post, she led the development of suites of national guidance including Drug
Misuse and Dependence: UK guidelines on clinical management (2007), and the suite of Models of
Care documents that outlined new national frameworks for drug and alcohol treatment. She also ran
a national annual inspection program of drug treatment facilities and was key in developing a new
national outcome-based monitoring systemor Treatment Outcome Profle (TOP). Before this, she was
Director of Policy for six years at DrugScope, the national umbrella charity for drug misuse. Annette
was research fellow for six years at Imperial College, University of London, evaluating substance misuse
and public health services. She has a background in psychology and spent the frst six years of her
career working as a practitioner, coordinating a community detoxifcation project for heroin users and
working in residential rehabilitation units.
Opening Keynote Address
Monday, November 16, 9:0010:30 (Room 200)
Annette Dale-Perera
Annette est directrice stratgique la Division de la dpendance et des soins aux contrevenants pour le
Central North West London NHS Foundation Trust depuis juin 2009. Elle soccupe dun vaste rseau de
services contre lalcoolisme et la toxicomanie qui traite chaque anne prs de 10 000 personnes en milieu
communautaire et carcral. Avant doccuper ce poste, Annette a t pendant six ans directrice de la qualit
la National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse, qui est lorganisme gouvernemental charg dencadrer
lexpansion des services de traitement contre la toxicomanie en Angleterre. Dans ces fonctions, elle a dirig
llaboration de plusieurs sries de directives nationales, dont Drug Misuse and Dependence: UK guidelines on
clinical management (2007), et de la srie de documents Models of Care sur de nouveaux cadres nationaux
pour le traitement de lalcoolisme et de la toxicomanie. Elle soccupait aussi dun programme national
dinspection annuelle des traitements contre la toxicomanie et a jou un rle cl dans linstauration dun
nouveau systme national de surveillance ax sur les rsultats appel Treatment Outcome Profle, ou TOP.
Auparavant, elle a t pendant six ans directrice des politiques DrugScope, organisme caritatif national de
coordination en matire dabus de drogues. Annette a t chercheure-boursire pendant six ans au Collge
Imperial de lUniversit de Londres, o elle valuait les services en toxicomanie et en sant publique. Elle a fait
ses tudes en psychologie et a dailleurs consacr les six premires annes de sa carrire cette profession,
coordonnant un projet communautaire de dsintoxication sadressant aux hronomanes et travaillant dans
des units de radaptation en tablissement.
Allocution douverture
Lundi 16 novembre, 9 h 10 h 30 (salle 200)
Franco Vaccarino
Professor Franco Vaccarino is the ninth Principal of University of Toronto Scarborough & Vice-President of University of Toronto. He is a
distinguished scholar, educator and an accomplished academic administrator.
Before assuming his leadership role at U of T Scarborough, Professor Vaccarino was chair of the Department of Psychology, University of
Toronto. He is the past Head of the Neuroscience Program in the Department of Psychiatry at U of T, and past Executive Vice-President,
Programs, and Vice President, Research at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH).
He began his career at the University of Toronto in 1984 as an Assistant Professor at the Scarborough campus. Professor Vaccarino
received his BSc from U of T and his MSc and PhD in Psychology from McGill University. He received his postdoctoral training at the
Scripps and Salk Institutes in California (1983-1984). His expertise covers psychology, pharmacology and neuroscience.
With over 100 publications, Professor Vaccarino has received major awards from leading research and scientifc organizations,
including the Medical Research Council of Canada (MRC), Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and Canadian College of
Neuropsychopharmacology (CCNP). His major research focus in the area of neurobiology of stress and motivation is considered a model
for bridging the neural and behavioral sciences.
Professor Vaccarinos contributions to neuropsychopharmacology are extensive and have been recognized internationally. His
prominence in the feld was recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) in his role as the Principal Editor of the recently
published Neuroscience of Substance Dependence report. This was the frst authoritative report published in 2004 by the WHO on the
biological basis of addiction.
His work has had great impact on current thinking about the psychological and neurobiological basis of motivation. He has been instrumental in helping to advance the
academic research agendas at the provincial, national and international levels. As a researcher and academic leader, he has had a transformative efect on policy and strategy
both locally and around the world. He is frequently invited to speak at major international conferences on these topics.
Professor Vaccarino has been a member of a number of Boards and Advisory groups linked to key organizations including: Neuroscience Canada, Scientifc Advisory Council
of the CCSA, and the National Institute of Health in the U.S.A.
Plenary Speaker
Tuesday, November 17, 9:0010:30 (Room 200)
Franco Vaccarino
Neuvime recteur de lUniversit de Toronto Scarborough et vice-prsident de lUniversit de Toronto, le professeur Franco Vaccarino est un
chercheur distingu, un ducateur et un administrateur universitaire accompli.
Avant dassumer son rle de chef de fle lUniversit de Toronto Scarborough, le professeur Vaccarino a dirig le Dpartement de psychologie
de lUniversit de Toronto. Il est lancien chef du Programme de neurosciences au Dpartement de psychiatrie de cette mme universit et
ancien vice-prsident excutif des programmes et vice-prsident de la recherche au Centre de toxicomanie et de sant mentale (CAMH).
Il a amorc sa carrire lUniversit de Toronto en 1984 en tant que professeur adjoint au campus de Scarborough. Le professeur Vaccarino est
titulaire dun baccalaurat de lUniversit de Toronto et dune matrise et dun doctorat en psychologie de lUniversit McGill. Il a fait sa formation
postdoctorale aux Scripps and Salk Institutes, en Californie (1983-1984), et ses domaines dexpertise sont la psychologie, la pharmacologie et la
Avec plus de 100 publications son actif, le professeur Vaccarino a reu des prix prestigieux dorganisations de pointe en recherche
et science, dont le Conseil de recherches mdicales du Canada, les Instituts de recherche en sant du Canada et le Collge canadien de
neuropsychopharmacologie. On considre que son principal domaine dintrt en recherche, soit la neurobiologie du stress et la motivation,
est un modle suivre pour rapprocher sciences comportementales et neurosciences.
Les contributions du professeur Vaccarino la neuropsychopharmacologie sont considrables et jouissent dune rputation internationale. LOrganisation mondiale de la Sant (OMS)
la galement reconnu comme une sommit du domaine pour son travail titre de rdacteur en chef principal du rapport Neuroscience of Dependence. Publi en 2004, il sagissait l du
premier rapport ofciel de lOMS sur le fondement biologique de la toxicomanie.
Son travail a grandement infuenc les opinions actuelles sur les bases psychologiques et neurobiologiques de la motivation. Il a jou un rle cl dans lavancement des programmes
de recherche universitaire lchelle provinciale, nationale et internationale. Chercheur et chef de fle universitaire, il a su transformer les politiques et stratgies, tant localement que
partout dans le monde. On linvite souvent prononcer des discours sur ces sujets loccasion dimportantes confrences internationales. Le professeur Vaccarino sige de nombreux
conseils et groupes consultatifs en lien avec des organismes cls comme Neuroscience Canada, le Conseil consultatif scientifque du CCLAT et les National Institutes of Health aux

Sance plnire
Mardi 17 novembre, 9 h 10 h 30 (salle 200)
Christopher Kennedy Lawford
Christopher Kennedy Lawford is the frst-born child of President John F. Kennedys sister, Patricia, and famous Rat Pack actor, Peter
Lawford. He grew up on both coasts and experienced the high life of Hollywood and the powerful world of politics....from a front row
seat. After JFKs assassination, his parents divorced and he moved with his mother to New York City where he spent his early teen years
experimenting with drugs and getting into all kinds of trouble, culminating in an addiction to heroin. Sober for more than 22 years,
Lawford shared his personal story in his 2005 memoir, Symptoms of Withdrawal, with others in hopes of making a diference.
Lawford holds a B.A. from Tufts University, a J.D. from Boston College Law School, and a Masters Certifcation in Clinical Psychology from
Harvard Medical School, where he gained an academic appointment as a lecturer on Psychiatry. He has worked extensively in politics,
government, and business as well as in Hollywood. His political career includes executive staf positions with the Democratic National
Committee, the Community Action for Legal Services Agency, and in the Washington ofce of Senator Edward M. Kennedy. In addition,
he has held staf positions on numerous national, state, and local political campaigns.
Mr. Lawford has focused much of his life on public service in the not-for-proft sector, working for the Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation, the
Special Olympics, and the Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University and Caron Treatment Centers. Currently, he
holds positions as a Public Policy Consultant for Caron Treatment Centers and a national spokesperson for a Hepatitis C public awareness
campaign, and was recently appointed to the California Public Health Advisory Committee.
He is the author of Symptoms of Withdrawal: A Memoir of Snapshots and Redemption, a book illuminating the extraordinary circumstances of his life and bringing a cohesive
message of survival, hope and fnding ones integrity. Mr. Lawford second book, Moments of Clarity, a book of interviews illuminating the spiritual epiphanies that occur in
peoples lives enabling them to move from addiction to recovery quickly became a New York Times bestseller in January 2009. In May of 2009, Harper Collins released his third
book, Healing Hepatitis C.
Closing Keynote Address
Wednesday, November 18, 11:0012:30 (Room 200)
Christopher Kennedy Lawford
Premier n de Patricia, sur du prsident John F. Kennedy, et de Peter Lawford, clbre acteur du Rat Pack, Christopher Kennedy Lawford a
grandi sur les deux ctes amricaines et a connu la vie trpidante dHollywood et le puissant monde de la politique... aux premires loges. Aprs
lassassinat de JFK, ses parents divorcent, et il dmnage avec sa mre New York, o il passe les premires annes de son adolescence faire
lexprience de la drogue et sattirer toutes sortes dennuis, ce qui le mne une dpendance lhrone. Sobre depuis plus de 22 ans, Lawford
raconte son histoire dans des mmoires publis en 2005, Symptoms of Withdrawal, avec lesquels il espre changer les choses.
Lawford est titulaire dun baccalaurat de lUniversit Tufts, dun doctorat en sciences juridiques de lcole de droit du Boston College et dune
matrise en psychologie clinique de lcole de mdecine de Harvard, o il a t charg de cours en psychiatrie. Il a beaucoup travaill dans le
domaine de la politique, des pouvoirs publics et des afaires, ainsi qu Hollywood. Tout au long de sa carrire politique, il a occup des postes de
direction divers avec le Comit dmocratique national, la Community Action for Legal Services Agency et au bureau de Washington du snateur
Edward M. Kennedy. Il a en outre travaill de nombreuses campagnes politiques au niveau national, tatique et local.
M. Lawford a consacr une grande partie de sa vie au service public dans le secteur sans but lucratif et a travaill pour la Fondation Joseph P.
Kennedy Jr., les Jeux olympiques spciaux, le Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse de lUniversit Columbia et les Caron Treatment Centers.
Il occupe actuellement les postes dexpert-conseil en politiques publiques aux Caron Treatment Centers et de porte-parole national pour une
campagne de sensibilisation lhpatite C. Il a rcemment t nomm membre du comit consultatif sur la sant publique de la Californie.
Il a crit Symptoms of Withdrawal: A Memoir of Snapshots and Redemption, ouvrage sur les vnements extraordinaires de sa vie vhiculant un message cohrent de survie, despoir et de
recherche de son intgrit. Le deuxime livre de M. Lawford, Moments of Clarity, qui propose des entrevues sur les rvlations spirituelles qui aident les gens passer de la dpendance
la gurison, est rapidement devenu un bestseller du New York Times en janvier 2009. En mai 2009, Harper Collins a publi son troisime ouvrage, Healing Hepatitis C.
Allocution de clture
Mercredi 18 novembre, 11 h 12 h 30 (salle 200)

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