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Presentment for payment the production of a bill of
exchange to the drawee for his acceptance or to the drawee or
acceptor for payment or the production of the promissory note
to the party liable for payment of the same.
Presentment for payment consists of
1. Personal demand for payment at the proper place
2. With the bill or note in readiness to exhibit it if
required and to received payment and surrender it if
the debtor is willing to pay.
The following are not considered sufficient presentment
1. Mere informal talk asking for payment without
exhibition of the note
2. Demand over the telephone
Rule1: Presentment for payment is not necessary in order to the
charge the person primarily liable on the instrument.
*Rule applicable to demand notes
Example: A draws a bill payable to B or order. X,
drawee accepts the bill which is due on March 31,
1950. B negotiates the bill to C, C to D, D to E, E to F,
now holder. On April 1, 1950, the bill is still unpaid.
But F failed to make presentment for payment to X,
acceptor. Can F file an action against X and hold him
A: Yes because presentment for payment is not
necessary to charge the person primarily liable on the
instrument. This rule applies also to the maker.
*Presentment for payment is not the operative act
that makes the acceptor liable under his acceptance.
Payable at a special place
Rule2: If the instrument by its terms, payable at a special place,
and he (person primarily liable) is able and willing to pay it there
at maturity, such ability and willingness are equivalent to a
tender of payment upon his part.
It means payable at a specified bank.
The rule is the same presentment for payment is not
necessary in order to charge the person primarily
liable. The only effect is that if the person primarily
liable is able and willing to pay the bill, it is equivalent
to the tender of payment on his part and the holder
loses his right to recover interest due subsequent to
maturity and costs of collection but he can still hold
the drawee/acceptor liable.
Rule3: Presentment for payment to the person primarily liable
(drawee/acceptor) is necessary in order to charge persons
secondarily liable (drawer and indorsers).
Example: If F holder fails to make presentment for
payment for payment to X, acceptor, the drawer A,
and the indorsers B, C, D and E are discharged and F
cannot file an action against them. Hence, only one
debtor X would be left against whom he can enforce
the bill.
Effect if not presented for payment first to person
primarily liable Persons secondarily liable are discharged
from liability and only the person primarily liable is left to
answer for payment of the instrument.

Necessary steps to charge persons secondarily liable in
bills of exchange
1. Presentment for acceptance to the drawee or
negotiation within reasonable time from acquisition is
a. Where the bill is payable after sight, or
in any other case, where presentment
for acceptance is necessary to fix the
maturity of the instrument;
b. Where the bill expressly stipulates that
it shall be presented for acceptance; or
c. Where the bill is drawn payable
elsewhere than at the residence or place
of business of the drawee.
*Aside from the three, there is no need
for presentment for acceptance.
2. If the bill is dishonored by non-acceptance
a. Notice of dishonor by non-acceptance must
be given to persons secondarily liable unless
excused; and
b. In case of foreign bills, protest for dishonor
by non-acceptance must be made unless
3. But if the bill is accepted, or f the bill is not required
to be presented for acceptance, it must be presented
for payment to the persons primarily liable unless
4. If the bill is dishonored by non-payment
a. Notice of dishonor by nonpayment must also
be given to the person secondarily liable
unless excused; and
b. In case of foreign bills, a protest of dishonor
by non-acceptance must be made unless
Necessary steps to charge persons secondarily liable in
promissory notes
1. Presentment for payment must be made within the
period required to the person primarily liable unless
excused; and
2. If the note is dishonored by non-payment, notice of
dishonor by nonpayment must be given to the
persons secondarily liable unless excused.
Necessary steps to charge persons secondarily in other
1. Protest for non-payment by drawee is necessary to
charge an acceptor for honor or a referee in case of
2. Protest for non-payment by the acceptor for honor is
also required.

Instrument is payable at a fixed or determinable future
time (not payable on demand)
Rule: The presentment must be made at the date of
maturity (the day it falls due).
Example: In the above example, F must
present for payment to X on March 31, 1950.
A presentment before maturity is not

Instrument is payable on demand
1. If the instrument is a note, it must be presented for
payment within a reasonable time for issue.

Example: A makes a note payable to B or
order issued on April 1, 1950. B negotiates
to C, C to D, D to E and E to F. The holder, F,
must present the note for payment to A,
maker, within a reasonable time after April
1, 1950, the date of issue.

2. If the instrument is a bill, it must be presented for
payment within a reasonable time from last

Example: A issues a bill to B or order on
April 1, 1950. The date of its last negotiation
is December 31, 1950. The presentment
must be made within reasonable time after
December 31, 1950, not after April 1, 1950.

Last negotiation- the last transfer for value
What constitutes reasonable time
Section 193, NIL The term is relative and depends upon:
1. The nature of the instrument
2. The usages of business or trade if any and
3. The facts of the particular case

Presentment for payment, to be sufficient, must be made
1. By the holder, or by some persons authorized to
receive payment on his behalf;
2. At a reasonable hour on a business day;
3. At a proper place as herein defined;
4. To the person primarily liable on the instrument or if
he is absent or inaccessible, to any person found at the
place where the presentment is made.
Application of Section 72 If the requisites are not complied
with, the effect is the same as if no presentment is made i.e. the
persons secondarily liable are discharged.
Who makes presentment holder or his authorized
representative; presentment for payment of a promissory note
by bank having it for collection is sufficient.
Time for making presentment what is a reasonable hour on
business day depends upon the general custom at the place of
the particular transaction. Presentment for payment cannot be
made on a Sunday or a holiday.
Where presentment is made at the proper place as defined
in Section 73
To whom presentment is made the maker if a note or the
acceptor if a bill, not to the person secondarily liable.

Presentment for payment is made at the proper place
1. Where a place of payment is specified in the
instrument and it is there presented;
2. Where no place of payment is specified but the
address of the person to make payment is given in the
instrument and it is there presented.
3. Where no place of payment is specified and no
address is given and the instrument is presented at
the usual place of business of the person to make
4. In any other case if presented to the person to make
payment wherever he can be found or if presented at
his last known place of business or residence.
1. Place specified
A makes a note: I promise to pay at PNB, Manila, to X
or order P1000. The proper place for making the
presentment for payment is at PNB, Manila, the place
If the name of the bank is substituted, presentment at
the substituted named bank not the original named
bank is sufficient.
Where payable at a designated branch, presentment
to the principal office or at any other branch is not
2. Address given
Promissory note signed as follows: (Sgd) Y, 404
Regina Bldg., Manila. The prper place is 404 Regina
Bldg., Manila.
3. Usual place of business; last known place of business or
No place is specified not any address is given. But the
maker or acceptor resides in 12 Quiricada St. and has
a business office at 240 Calvo Bldg., Manila. Either
place is proper.
4. Any other place
When the holder meets the maker or acceptor while
waiting at the Escolta, presentment may properly be
made there.

Rule: The instrument must be exhibited to the person from
whom payment is demanded and when it is pad, must be
delivered up to the party paying it.
Unless special circumstances are shown to excuse its
Purpose of exhibition
1. To determine the genuineness of the instrument and
the right of the holder to receive payment; and
2. To enable him to reclaim possession upon payment.
Demand by telephone- not sufficient because exhibition of the
instrument is not possible.
When (actual) exhibition excused
1. When the debtor does not demand to see the
instrument but refuses on some other grounds; and
2. When the instrument is lost or destroyed
Effect where presentment is not accompanied by
exhibition The presentment is not sufficient and persons
secondarily liable are discharged

GR: Presentment must be made during banking hours
EXC: Unless the person to make the payment has no funds
there to meet it at any time during the day, in which case
presentment at any hour before the bank is closed on that day
is sufficient.
Effect if not made during banking hour -- presentment is not
sufficient and persons secondarily liable are discharged
A bill is drawn against PNB where the banking hours
start from 9:00 AM and ends at 2:30 PM. There are no
banking hours in Saturdays. Presentment for
payment must be made between 9:00 AM to 2:30 PM
on ordinary days.
But the person to make payment has until the close of
banking hours of the bank where the instrument is
made payable in which to pay it and before the close
of such hours, he deposits funds there enough to pay
it, a demand earlier in the day is premature.
When presentment may be made after banking hours
Example: Where X has no funds sufficient to meet the
bill on the day of presentment, the presentment may
be made before 4:00 pm and such would be sufficient
as the bill cannot be paid even if presented during
banking hours.

Presentment for Payment
debtor is
dead (Section
To persons
liable as
(Section 77)
To joint

To whom
t is made

To his
e (executor or

1. if there be
one; and
2. He can be

The holder
must use
diligence to
find the
if any.

Although the
himself be the
has been held

At any one of
the partners
even if their
has been

Reason: Each
partner is an
agent of the

In case of
death of one
of the makers
who are
must be made
to the
partner, not
to the
e of the

GR: Must
be made to
ALL of

EXC: Unless
one of them
is duly
by the
others for
t to him
would be

GR: Presentment for payment to person primarily liable is
necessary to charge persons secondarily liable (drawer and
EXC: When presentment for payment is not required to
1. The drawer (Section 79) where he has no right to
expect or require that the drawee or acceptor will pay the

2. The indorser (Section 80) where the instrument was
made or accepted for his accommodation and he has no
reason to expect that the instrument will be paid if
Application of Sections 79 and 80 Only the drawer or
indorser referred in these sections is not discharged, but all
other parties secondarily liable are relieved from their liability.
Where presentment is not required to charge the drawer
1. Where the drawer withdraws his funds from the
drawee so that they are not sufficient to pay the bill,
he has no right to expect or require that the drawee or
acceptor would pay the instrument. Consequently
where the holder does not make a presentment to the
drawee, the drawer would not be discharged by this
failure. But other parties secondarily liable are
2. In case a check upon which payment has been
3. Where the drawers balance is less than the amount of
the check unless the holder has reasonable grounds to
believe that the instrument will be paid, particularly
when provision has been made for payment of any bill
drawn by the drawer on the drawee.
4. Where the drawer of a bill containing the words Pay
from balance had no money on deposit with the
drawee but expected to arrange with the broker to
cover drafts.
Where presentment not required to charge the indorser
Example: A makes a note for accommodation of B,
payee. B indorses to C, C to D, D to E, E to F. F need not
make presentment for payment to A, in order to
charge B, indorser. The reason is that as B did not give
value to A, B has no reason to expect that the note will
be paid upon presentment. But C, D and E are
discharged as no presentment has been made.
Reason: Here the accommodated party is the person
primarily liable. Hence following the rule that failure
to make presentment for payment will not discharge
the person primarily liable, the accommodated payee-
indorser, being in effect the person primarily liable is
not discharged even if no presentment for payment is
made to the accommodation party.

1. When the delay is caused by circumstances
beyond the control of the holder and not
imputable to his default, misconduct or
2. When the cause of delay ceases to operate,
presentment must be made with reasonable
Application of Section 81 What is excused here is not the
making of presentment but only the delay in making
Excusable circumstances- those events which could not be
foreseen or which though foreseen, are inevitable.
Excuses for delay:
1. Overwhelming calamity
2. Malignant disease
3. Interruption of trade negotiations by political
4. War between makers and holders countries
5. Suspension of commercial intercourse by public
6. Occupation of country where parties reside or where
instrument is payable
7. Public and positive interdictions and prohibitions of
8. Impracticability of finding maker or his place of
1. Where after the exercise of reasonable diligence,
presentment cannot be made;
2. Where the drawee is a fictitious person;
3. By waiver of presentment, express or implied
Application of Section 82 What is excused is the failure to
make presentment for payment, not mere delay under Section
Reasonable diligence exercised
Reasonable diligence implies active search. In other
words, the holder must take all steps likely to discover
the whereabouts of the party whom presentment is to
be made.
An insolvency of the maker even if known to the
indorser will not excuse presentment for payment.
Where drawee is ficititious
Reason for not requiring presentment There is no
one to whom presentment is to be made.
Must be express or implied
Implied waiver may be manifested by any language
or conduct or agreement between the parties
reasonably calculated to leas the holder to believe that
presentment is waived or to mislead or prevent him
from treating the bill as he otherwise would.
Examples if implied waiver
1. Declarations, acts or conduct which mislead
the holder and induce him from taking the
necessary steps to make presentment.
2. Drawer A tells holder F that he will take care
of collecting the bill.
3. Holder failed to make presentment to the
drawee. Thereafter, the drawer paid part of
the bill and promised orally t pay the rest.
4. Where the maker, before maturity of the
note, was willingly adjudged bankrupt partly
upon his written admission of inability to
pay the debts.
5. Where the indorsers of a note payable at a
bank has assured the holder that it could not
be paid at maturity and knew that the
maker, a corporation, had no money to pay
for it.
6. Where the indorser assured the holder
before maturity of the note, that a note for
the same amount with his indorsement will
be given in renewal, such assurance, if relied
by the holder.
7. When the maker on the day of maturity of
the note telephoned the holder that he could
not then pay the note and the holder then
telephoned the maker consenting in giving
further time to the maker.
Summary of Rules as to Presentment for Payment
1. Presentment for payment is not necessary to charge
persons primarily liable.
2. But presentment for payment to persons primarily
liable is necessary to charge person secondarily liable
a. As to drawer under Section 79;
b. As to indorser under Section 80
c. When dispensed with under Section 82; and
d. When the instrument has been dishonored by
non-acceptance under Section 151

1. It is duly presented for payment and payment is
refused or cannot be obtained; or
2. Presentment is excused and the instrument is overdue
and unpaid
When payment refused, etc- requisites:
1. The instrument must be duly presented for payment;
2. Payment is either effused or cannot be ontained
Example: F holder makes presentment for payment to X,
acceptor and X refuses to pay or F cannot obtain payment
as although X is willing, he has no money to pay or he fails
to pay on the date of maturity but promises to pay 5 days
When presentment excused- requisites:
1. Presentment for payment must be excused
2. The instrument be overdue; and
3. It is unpaid
Example: Supposes that presentment is waived and the bill
is due on March 1, 1950. The bill is deemed dishonored
when on March 2, 1950, it is not paid even f the holder did
not make presentment. But if presentment is not excused,
the bill is not dishonored by the mere fact that the bill is
overdue and unpaid.

Rule: When the instrument is dishonored by non-payment, an
immediate right of recourse to all parties secondarily liable
thereon accrues to the holder.
Reason: The persons secondarily liable on the instrument
cease to be secondarily liable after dishonor of the instrument
by non-payment. They become principal debtors and their
liabilty is the same as the original obligors.
Caveat: This is provided of course that notice of dishonor us
given to them otherwise they are discharged from liability. The
holder can then bring an action against any one of them
without necessity of first bringing an action against the person
primarily liable.
But while they become principal debtors to the holder, as
regards each other, they are presumed liable in the order they
become parties to the instrument.

Rule: Every negotiable instrument is payable at the time fixed
therein without grace.
Payment where instrument payable at a fixed time
Example: If the instrument is payable on June 16,
1950, presentment must be made on that date and no
grace is to be granted.
Q: When should presentment be made if June 16,
1950 falls on a Sunday or a holiday?
A: It is payable on Monday or the succeeding business
day. Presentment therefore must be made on that
succeeding business day.
Rule where the instrument is falling due or becoming
payable on a Saturday
Must be presented for payment on the next
succeeding business day except that instruments
payable on demand may, at the option of the holder,
be presented for payment 12 oclock noon on
Saturday when that entire day is not a holiday.
Falling due on a Saturday, meaning -- When an instrument is
payable on a Saturday, it is said to be falling due on a Saturday
Becoming payable on a Saturday
Example: Where a bill is payable on June 16, 1950, a
Friday and if it is a holiday, the bill is said to have
become payable on a Saturday
When presentment is to be made where the instrument
falls due on a Saturday or becomes payable on a Saturday
1. Where the instrument is payable on a fixed
determinable future time
The presentment must be made on the next
succeeding business day
2. Where the instrument is payable on demand
The presentment must be made on Saturday,
June 17, 1950 before 12 noon or on Monday
June 19, 1950, at the option of the holder

Rule: When instrument is payable at a fixed period after date,
after sight or after the happening of a specified event, the time
of payment is determined by excluding the day from which the
time is to begin to run and by including the date of payment.
1. A draws a bill dated March 1, 1950 thus: To X: 30
days from date, to pay B or order P1000 (Sgd) A. To
compute the period, exclude March 1 then count 30
days and include the 30
day, March 31, 1950, the
date of payment.
2. If dated January 31 and payable one month after date,
it will mature on February 28 or February 29, if a leap
Caveat: On the day of payment, the party liable is entitled to
that whole day within which to make payment.

Rule: it is equivalent to an order of the bank to pay the same
for the account of the principal debtor thereon.
Application of Section 87 this section applies only where
instrument is payable to a particular bank
Example: I promise to pay to B or order P1000 at the
PNB (Sgd) A. PNB may charge the amount of the note
from the account of A without any further authority
from A.
Effect of failure to make presentment for payment
The better view seems to be that the maker is not
discharged because he is primarily liable

1. Payment must be made at or after the date of maturity
2. Payment must be to the holder; and
3. Payment must be made by the debtor in good faith
and without notice that the holders title is defective
Where payment is not considered payment in due course
1. Payment is made before maturity would constitute a
negotiation back to the person primarily liable and he
can renegotiate it. The payment does not discharge
the instrument
2. Payment to indorsee who is not in possession of the
instrument is not payment in due course as he is not a
3. Payment to the original payee after the note had been
transferred by him to a holder in due course does not
discharge the note as he is not a holder
4. Payment to person by the debtor who knows such
person stole it is not payment in due course as such
payment is not in good faith.
Payment must be made to the possessor of the instrument
The party making payment must insist on the
presentment in order to make sure that it is at the
time in his possession and not outstanding in another.
The possession of notes by the maker is presumptive
evidence that the notes are paid. But the payees
possession of the instrument raises the presumption
that they are not paid.
Medium of payment
1. Must be in the currency stipulated or if not possible,
the currency which is legal tender in the Philippines
2. Payment shall be effected only upon encashment of
such instruments or if upon the fault of the creditor,
they have been impaired.
3. In case of extraordinary inflation or deflation of the
currency stipulated, the value of the currency at the
time of establishment of the obligation shall be the
basis of payment unless there is an agreement to the
Payment other than legal tender
GR: Payment will not be considered absolute until
the paper given in payment has been itself paid
EXC: Where the parties expressly or impliedly agree
that the claim shall be discharged by such payment.
*Taking of a renewal note is not a payment of the
Payment through banks
A bank to which a note is sent for collection is the
agent of the owner.
It is immaterial that the maker has requested the
holder to send the note to this bank for collection.
Crediting of account constitutes payment

Camille Joy M. Velisano
The indorser (Section 80) where the instrument was made
or accepted for his accommodation and he has no reason to
expect that the instrument will be paid if presented
Application of Sections 79 and 80 Only the drawer or
indorser referred in these sections is not discharged, but all
other parties secondarily liable are relieved from their liability.
Where presentment is not required to charge the drawer
1. Where the drawer withdraws his funds from the
drawee so that they are not sufficient to pay the bill,
he has no right to expect or require that the drawee or
acceptor would pay the instrument. Consequently
where the holder does not make a presentment to the
drawee, the drawer would not be discharged by this
failure. But other parties secondarily liable are

2. In case a check upon which payment has been

3. Where the drawers balance is less than the amount of
the check unless the holder has reasonable grounds to
believe that the instrument will be paid, particularly
when provision has been made for payment of any bill
drawn by the drawer on the drawee.

4. Where the drawer of a bill containing the words Pay
from balance had no money on deposit with the
drawee but expected to arrange with the broker to
cover drafts.
Where presentment not required to charge the indorser
Example: Dianne makes a note for accommodation of
Jenny, payee. Jenny indorses to Divine, Divine to
Kathleen, Kathleen to Brum, Brum to Andy. Andy need
not make presentment for payment to Dianne, in
order to charge Jenny, indorser. The reason is that as
Jenny did not give value to Dianne, Jenny has no
reason to expect that the note will be paid upon
presentment. But Divine, Kathleen and Brum are
discharged as no presentment has been made.

1. When the delay is caused by circumstances
beyond the control of the holder and not
imputable to his default, misconduct or
2. When the cause of delay ceases to operate,
presentment must be made with reasonable
Application of Section 81 What is excused here is not the
making of presentment but only the delay in making
Excusable circumstances- those events which could not be
foreseen or which though foreseen, are inevitable.
Excuses for delay:
1. Overwhelming calamity
2. Malignant disease
3. Interruption of trade negotiations by political
4. War between makers and holders countries
5. Suspension of commercial intercourse by public
6. Occupation of country where parties reside or where
instrument is payable
7. Public and positive interdictions and prohibitions of
8. Impracticability of finding maker or his place of
1. Where after the exercise of reasonable diligence,
presentment cannot be made;
2. Where the drawee is a fictitious person;
3. By waiver of presentment, express or implied
Application of Section 82 What is excused is the failure to
make presentment for payment, not mere delay under Section
Reasonable diligence exercised
Reasonable diligence implies active search. In other
words, the holder must take all steps likely to discover
the whereabouts of the party whom presentment is to
be made.
An insolvency of the maker even if known to the
indorser will not excuse presentment for payment.
Where drawee is ficititious
Reason for not requiring presentment There is no
one to whom presentment is to be made.
Must be express or implied
Implied waiver may be manifested by any language
or conduct or agreement between the parties
reasonably calculated to leas the holder to believe that
presentment is waived or to mislead or prevent him
from treating the bill as he otherwise would.
Examples if implied waiver
1. Declarations, acts or conduct which mislead the
holder and induce him from taking the necessary
steps to make presentment.

2. Drawer A tells holder F that he will take care of
collecting the bill.

3. Holder failed to make presentment to the drawee.
Thereafter, the drawer paid part of the bill and
promised orally t pay the rest.

4. Where the maker, before maturity of the note, was
willingly adjudged bankrupt partly upon his written
admission of inability to pay the debts.

5. Where the indorsers of a note payable at a bank has
assured the holder that it could not be paid at
maturity and knew that the maker, a corporation, had
no money to pay for it.

6. Where the indorser assured the holder before
maturity of the note, that a note for the same amount
with his indorsement will be given in renewal, such
assurance, if relied by the holder.

7. When the maker on the day of maturity of the note
telephoned the holder that he could not then pay the
note and the holder then telephoned the maker
consenting in giving further time to the maker.
Summary of Rules as to Presentment for Payment
1. Presentment for payment is not necessary to charge
persons primarily liable.
2. But presentment for payment to persons primarily
liable is necessary to charge person secondarily liable
a. As to drawer under Section 79;
b. As to indorser under Section 80
c. When dispensed with under Section 82; and
d. When the instrument has been dishonored by
non-acceptance under Section 151

1. It is duly presented for payment and payment is
refused or cannot be obtained; or
2. Presentment is excused and the instrument is overdue
and unpaid
When payment refused, etc- requisites:
1. The instrument must be duly presented for payment;
2. Payment is either effused or cannot be ontained
Example: Joanna holder makes presentment for payment
to Gotib, acceptor and Gotib refuses to pay or Joanna
cannot obtain payment as although Gotib is willing, he has
no money to pay or he fails to pay on the date of maturity
but promises to pay 5 days later.
When presentment excused- requisites:
1. Presentment for payment must be excused
2. The instrument be overdue; and
3. It is unpaid
Example: Supposes that presentment is waived and the bill
is due on March 1,2014. The bill is deemed dishonored
when on March 2, 2014, it is not paid even f the holder did
not make presentment. But if presentment is not excused,
the bill is not dishonored by the mere fact that the bill is
overdue and unpaid.

Rule: When the instrument is dishonored by non-payment, an
immediate right of recourse to all parties secondarily liable
thereon accrues to the holder.
Reason: The persons secondarily liable on the instrument
cease to be secondarily liable after dishonor of the instrument
by non-payment. They become principal debtors and their
liabilty is the same as the original obligors.
Caveat: This is provided of course that notice of dishonor us
given to them otherwise they are discharged from liability. The
holder can then bring an action against any one of them
without necessity of first bringing an action against the person
primarily liable.
But while they become principal debtors to the holder, as
regards each other, they are presumed liable in the order they
become parties to the instrument.

Rule: Every negotiable instrument is payable at the time fixed
therein without grace.
Payment where instrument payable at a fixed time
Example: If the instrument is payable on June 16,
2014, presentment must be made on that date and no
grace is to be granted.
Q: When should presentment be made if June 16,
2014 falls on a Sunday or a holiday?
A: It is payable on Monday or the succeeding business
day. Presentment therefore must be made on that
succeeding business day.
Rule where the instrument is falling due or becoming
payable on a Saturday
Must be presented for payment on the next
succeeding business day except that instruments
payable on demand may, at the option of the holder,
be presented for payment 12 oclock noon on
Saturday when that entire day is not a holiday.
Falling due on a Saturday, meaning -- When an instrument is
payable on a Saturday, it is said to be falling due on a Saturday
Becoming payable on a Saturday
Example: Where a bill is payable on June 16, 2014, a
Friday and if it is a holiday, the bill is said to have
become payable on a Saturday
When presentment is to be made where the instrument
falls due on a Saturday or becomes payable on a Saturday
1. Where the instrument is payable on a fixed
determinable future time
The presentment must be made on the next
succeeding business day
2. Where the instrument is payable on demand
The presentment must be made on Saturday,
June 17, 2014 before 12 noon or on Monday
June 19, 2014, at the option of the holder

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