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LOH SHU KEI 121150706
TNG CHIEN MIEN 121152335
KOAY HUAY WEN 121150596
CHAN SHIH WEI 121150247
LECTURER #$% N&$'()
#ATE OF SU"MISSION 1!+4+1024
On 29th May 2010, OrphanCARE, a non-government organization with the support
of Ministry of ami!y, "omen an# Community $eve!opment has set up the %ountry&s
first 'a'y hat%h for mothers to anonymous!y !eave their unwante# new'orns to 'e put
up for a#option( )he hat%h has a sma!! #oor whi%h opens to an in%u'ator 'e#( On%e a
'a'y is p!a%e# insi#e it an# the #oor is %!ose#, an a!arm 'e!! wi!! a!ert the staff(
Minister $atu* +eri +hahrizat A'#u! ,a!i! on%e sai# the in%rease in %ases of 'a'ies
'eing a'an#one# was a #istur'ing tren#( -etween 200. an# 2009, the po!i%e reporte#
/00 su%h in%i#ents in the %ountry( )his num'er *eeps in%reasing a!ong these few
years( +hahrizat sai# fear of punishment an# #isapprova! of those aroun# them usua!!y
%ompe!!e# women or %oup!es with unwante# 'a'ies to a'an#on them( 1owever, she
stresse# that the 'a'y hat%h was not an en#-a!! so!ution to the pro'!em( +u%h
initiatives are part of the so!ution, a ne%essary stopgap measure to provi#e #esperate
mothers with an a!ternative to a'an#oning or ta*ing the !ife of their %hi!#( +o far, the
organisation has few hun#re#s of parents on its !ist waiting to a#opt unwante# 'a'ies(
)he esta'!ishment of the hat%h %ou!# prote%t new'orn 'a'ies an# ensure that they
wou!# 'e p!a%e# in suita'!e fami!ies( -a'ies %an have a new hope to %ontinue their
!ife( )hus, the morta!ity rate of #umpe# 'a'y %an 'e re#u%e# through this 'a'y hat%h
program( 2t a!so gives %han%e to marrie# %oup!e to have %hi!#ren, an# foster a %aring
so%iety( 3owa#ays, %ountries su%h as 4ermany, ,apan, the 5nite# +tates, 2n#ia an#
6a*istan have a#opte# the 'a'y hat%h system as a way to support mothers who are
una'!e to %are for their 'a'ies( 2t is important to remem'er that, saving inno%ent !ife is
more important rather than not #oing anything( ran* A( C!ar* sai# that 7A 'a'y is
'orn with a nee# to 'e !ove# -- an# never outgrows it(8
A%tua!!y, pu'!i% awareness p!ays a signifi%ant ro!e to in%rease awareness of the
e9isten%e of su%h hat%hes as an a!ternative( 2n a##ition, a%%essi'i!ity is a!so an issue
that is important to ensure the su%%ess of the pro:e%t( )here is an out!ine for the
%ampaign 'y Mer%y Mission Ma!aysia(
6hase 1; Raise the awareness a'out the p!ight of 'a'ies who are 'eing 'orn out of
we#!o%* an# #ispose# off within so%iety(
6hase 2; )o %reate e#u%ationa! 'ro%hures an# pamph!ets that %an 'e %ir%u!ate# to
s%hoo!s, youth %entres an# others to raise awareness a'out the pro:e%t an# out!ine
support as we!! as prevention measures(
6hase <; )o #o roa#shows, events an# e9hi'itions with -a'y 1at%h an# promote
mass me#ia awareness a'out the issues fa%ing in Ma!aysia(
2n#ee#, it is heart-wren%hing to rea# a'out an# see pi%tures of a'an#one# 'a'ies,
many of whom are !eft to #ie in p!a%es su%h as toi!ets an# ru''ish 'ins( 2n Ma!aysia,
the in%i#en%e of a'an#one# 'a'ies is reporte# to 'e a'out 2 %ases per 10,000 !ive
'irths or a'out a hun#re# %ases per year( As is apparent from fre=uent reports in the
me#ia, the pro'!em of unwante# 'a'ies has 'e%ome more serious over the years with
more an# more 'a'ies 'eing a'an#one#( "e %annot affor# to a!!ow these %hi!#ren to
#ie an# 'e punishe#( "e must prote%t their right to !ive( )hus, we strong!y agree that
'a'y hat%h programme shou!# 'e in%rease# in our %ountry(
Baby Hatch Programme- Agree or Disagree?
"e strong!y agree that 'a'y hat%h programme shou!# 'e in%rease# in
Ma!aysia( )he 'a'y hat%h was first !aun%he# on <0 May 2010 in 6eta!ing ,aya,
+e!angor( 2t was 'ui!t to res%ue unwante# new'orns an# a p!a%e where the mothers are
a!!owe# to !eave their 'a'ies without fear of prose%ution( )he hat%h has a sma!! #oor
whi%h opens to an in%u'ator 'e# where the mother %an p!a%e her 'a'y( On%e the #oor
is %!ose#, an a!arm 'e!! wi!! a!ert the staff a'out the presen%e of the 'a'y in the hat%h(
"hy the 'a'y hat%h programme shou!# 'e in%rease# in Ma!aysia> )he
in%reasing reporte# %ases of a'an#one# 'a'ies, some were foun# #ea#, re%ent!y
a!arming the Ma!aysians to have serious %on%ern in han#!ing this so%ia! pro'!em( )he
worst situation of this so%ia! pro'!em %an 'e seen when a 'a'y is swa##!e# in
newspapers !eft s=ua!!ing 'y a f!y-infeste# #ust'in, a 'a'y is a'an#one# un#er the
harsh sun 'eating #own on a fie!#, a 'a'y is !eft on the #oorsteps of %hur%hes or
mos=ues with notes an# the !ist goes on( )he Ma!ay Mai! on 2? ,u!y 2011 ha# a!so
reporte# that a foetus with the um'i!i%a! %or# inta%t was foun# in a gar'age %an at
6u!au Mutiara who!esa!e mar*et in ,a!an Ma*!oom, 6enang( )his proves that 'a'y
#umping is rea!!y a serious pro'!em that %urrent!y happene# in our so%iety(
Most of the peop!e a!ways '!ame the mother who #umps her 'a'y( 1a# you
ever %on%erne# a'out the reason she %hoose to #ump her 'a'y> or a norma! human
'eing, she is impossi'!e to resort to su%h a #esperate #e%ision if her partner was there
for her an# if her parents forgave her instea# of 'anish her( +he fee!s the pressure
from her fami!y, frien#s, an# most important!y is the fee!ing of gui!ty( 2t ta*es two
peop!e to pro#u%e a 'a'y an# thus this is the responsi'i!ity of the parents of the 'a'y(
1owever there is har#!y any mention of the father in a!most every news or arti%!es
a'out the 'a'y #umping( 1e %ou!# 'e a fami!y mem'er, a marrie# man or even a very
important person( "hy is the man a'so!ve# of responsi'i!ity> 1ow %an the mother
ta*e %are of her 'a'y herse!f if she is sti!! young or she has finan%ia! pro'!em> )hat is
why 'a'y hat%h is nee#e# to offer a safer environment an# 'righter future for the
inno%ent %hi!#(
+ome peop!e fee!s that the out%ome of having 'a'y hat%h wi!! on!y en%ourage
more premarita! se9, an a%tion viewe# as a ta'oo in Ma!aysia, an# in#ire%t!y in%reases
the num'er of non-marita! %hi!#ren( "e #o not agree this opinion sin%e, with or
without 'a'y hat%h, premarita! se9 is sti!! wi#e!y pra%ti%e# 'y young a#u!ts( )here are
other reasona'!e %auses that %ontri'ute to premarita! se9 %ompare# to this 'a'y hat%h
programme( 2f peop!e are thin*ing of premarita! se9, they wi!! not 'e #umping the
'a'ies( 2t is a !ong pro%ess 'etween premarita! se9 an# 'a'y #umping( )here is no
#ou't that 'a'y hat%h programme has its pros an# %ons( 1owever we #o 'e!ieve that
this programme wi!! 'ring more a#vantages than #isa#vantages to Ma!aysia(
Chi!#ren are pri%e!ess gifts from the 4o# 'ut some %hi!#ren are viewe# as
pro'!ems to 'e thrown away rather than gifts shou!# 'e treasure( )his #e%ision is %rue!
an# why some peop!e are wi!!ing to hurt a 'a'y> A 'a'y who *nows nothing, a 'a'y
who is inno%ent, a 'a'y who is he!p!ess an# a 'a'y who is never as* to 'e 'orn in this
misera'!e wor!# is going to 'e *i!!e# 'y their own immature parents( )hus it is 'etter
to set up the 'a'y hat%h programme, at !east these poor 'a'ies %an 'e res%ue#( )his is
another way to view the effe%t of 'a'y hat%h programme instea# of :ust fo%using on
how it wi!! in%rease the rate of premarita! se9( "hy wou!# 2 say !i*e that> )his is
'e%ause if we on!y !oo* at a #ar* si#e, we :ust see that this programme is going to
en%ourage peop!e to have se9 an# a'an#one# their 'a'ies( On the other han#, if we
thin* a'out the situation of these inno%ent 'a'ies, we wi!! thin* #ifferent!y as we!!(
)he 'a'y hat%h programme %an 'e imp!emente# as the programme is not a'out
:u#ging any'o#y, 'ut :ust to save the 'a'ies from #angers an# threats so that they %an
a!so have a future an# opportunity !i*e everyone e!se(
+ome of the %itizens #eny the programme 'e%ause they fee! that the 'a'ies
wi!! not *now their 'io!ogi%a! parents after sen#ing to the 'a'y hat%h %entre( A%tua!!y
the 'a'y hat%h %entre wou!# prefer their parents to %ome in to pass the 'a'ies instea#
of :ust p!a%ing them in the hat%h( )here wi!! 'e no information a'out the 'a'ies if
their parents :ust simp!y p!a%e the 'a'ies in the hat%h an# the 'a'ies 'e%ome state!ess(
1owever, a%%or#ing to the presi#ent of OrphanCARE, )an +ri aizah Moh# )ahir,
they wi!! sti!! 'e given 'irth %ertifi%ates 'ut the %itizenship is up to the 3ationa!
Registration $epartment @,63A an# 1ome Ministry @B$3A( )he staff wi!! as* the
parents to sign a statutory #e%!aration to han# the 'a'y over if they are wi!!ing to
'ring their 'a'ies in( )here is no #ou't that mothers who have 'a'ies out of we#!o%*
are a!ways in a fragi!e state( )hey #o not *now what to #o with their 'a'ies an# thus
they nee# the 'a'y hat%h %entre at this moment( Otherwise they wi!! simp!y *i!! the
'a'ies 'y p!a%ing them at the #anger p!a%es( "hen the mothers re%over from
psy%ho!ogi%a! stress, we %annot re:e%t the possi'i!ity that they wi!! %ome to the %entre
again to 'ring 'a%* their %hi!#ren in the future(
-esi#e that !a%* of e9perien%e an# maturity, unmarrie# an# poverty among
the young a#u!ts wi!! a!so %ause them to fee! he!p!ess in fa%ing their new'orn 'a'ies(
2n su%h situation the 'a'ies sure!y %annot grow up in a proper way an# another %hoi%e
for them is #ie# after 'eing #umpe# 'y their parents( Most mothers #o not wi!!ing to
*i!! their new'orn 'a'ies( "hen the 'a'y hat%h %entre is 'ui!t, the parents %an sen#
the new'orn 'a'ies to the %entre an# thus it %an save the unwante# 'a'ies& !ives( )he
wor*ers of 'a'y hat%h ha# gone through a series of training to ensure that they %an
ta*e goo# %are of the hat%h 'a'ies an# provi#e a 'etter environment for 'a'ies(
Moreover on%e the foster parents are foun#, they wi!! 'e put through a tria! perio# of
two or three months %aring for the %hi!#( After that perio# on!y they are a'!e to fu!!y
a#opt the %hi!#( )he 'io!ogi%a! parents are sti!! a!!owe# to re%!aim their %hi!#ren
#uring the foster %are perio#(
As a %on%!usion, the 'a'y hat%h programme has more a#vantages %ompare# to
#isa#vantages( )hus we strong!y 'e!ieve that this programme shou!# 'e in%rease# in
Ma!aysia( A!though it is not the 'est so!ution to over%ome the pro'!em of 'a'y
#umping, at !east it is the on!y %han%e for the unwante# 'a'ies to survive( )he
presi#ent of a !o%a! non-government organization, OrphanCARE, )an +ri aizah
Moh# )ahir, who was sa##ene# 'y mothers a'an#oning their new'orns that usua!!y
resu!te# in the #eath of the vu!nera'!e inno%ents, fina!!y %omes out with this i#ea of
setting up a 'a'y hat%h( )he programme aims to give every a'an#one# 'a'y a %han%e
to fee! !ove, %are an# se%urity of a fami!y in a%%or#an%e to the tag!ine 7every %hi!#
nee#s a fami!y8(
)he pro'!em of 'a'y-#umping is getting in%reasing!y serious an# it has to 'een
'rought to attention that an average num'er of eight a'an#one# 'a'ies were foun#
ea%h month this year C a sho%*ing statisti%( Dong terms so!utions to this pro'!em of
the 'a'y #umping re=uire efforts at prevention( Apart than 'a'y hat%h programme
there are a!so severa! suggestions an# ways to over%ome a'ortions of 'a'ies(
iA )he in#ivi#ua!
2n#ivi#ua!s p!ay a vita! ro!e in over%oming of a'ortions of 'a'ies( A!! re!igions
in Ma!aysia prohi'it se9 'efore marriage( Every person has the responsi'i!ity to their
own !ife so that they %annot !et anyone pressure into having se9( -esi#es that, there
are goo# reasons to say 73o, not yet8 to anyone who as*e# a'out se9( One of the
reason is the person himse!f %an prote%t the hea!th an# a!so the fee!ing from any
pro'!em of se9( )he in#ivi#ua! himse!f a!so must avoi# from rea#ing or viewing the
pornographi% materia!s( 2t a!so %an 'e one of the reasons to arise an unwante#
pregnan%y among teenagers espe%ia!!y( 2n re!ationship, the partner who !oves an#
respe%ts women wi!! not as* for se9 'efore have a rea! re!ation( )hen, the in#ivi#ua!
shou!# get invo!ve# in more meaningfu! a%tivities su%h as sports, vo!unteer wor*s in
or#er to avoi# from invo!ve# in this *in# of pro'!em(
iiA +%hoo! institution
+tatisti% shows that a'an#one# 'a'ies on the rise are main!y resu!t from uninten#e#
pregnan%y( "omen, ami!y an# Community $eve!opment Ministry ha# re%or#e# a
tota! of ?,E20 gir!s 'e!ow the age of 1? who gave 'irth out of we#!o%* sin%e 2000(
Resear%h shows that teenagers to#ays are se9ua!!y a%tive an# !ea#ing to unwante#
pregnan%ies whi%h perhaps to %ause 'a'y #umping o%%urre#( -esi#es, !a%* of se9ua!
e#u%ation at an ear!y age, as we!! as a%%urate an# %omprehensive information to
prote%t themse!ves against a'use further %omp!i%ates matters( +e9ua!ity e#u%ation is
ne%essari!y to tea%h a!! the youth( )he s%hoo! an# university shou!# imp!ement this
%omprehensive se9ua! e#u%ation to a!! youth an# fami!ies( )his is 'e%ause the
teenager an# youths are not e9pose# to this type of e#u%ation an# fo!!ow to gratify
their se9ua! urges without thin*ing of the %onse=uen%es( +e9 e#u%ation is not a'out
the free se9, it is giving a !ot of va!ue to have se9 e#u%ation in s%hoo! institution( +e9
e#u%ation is instru%tion on issues re!ating to human se9ua!ity, in%!u#ing human se9ua!
anatomy, se9ua! repro#u%tion, se9ua! a%tivity, repro#u%tive hea!th, emotiona!
re!ations, repro#u%tive rights an# responsi'i!ities, a'stinen%e, an# 'irth %ontro!(
Common avenues for se9 e#u%ation are parents or %aregivers, forma! s%hoo!
programs, an# pu'!i% hea!th %ampaigns( orma! se9 e#u%ation %an 'e taught as a fu!!
%ourse as part of the %urri%u!um in high s%hoo!( +e9 e#u%ation is re%ommen#e# to start
at ear!y age# #uring pu'erty stages of %hi!#ren( 2n se9 e#u%ation they wi!! have more
*now!e#ge in pro'!em pregnan%ies( Otherwise they wi!! 'e more respe%t an# !ove
themse!ves more invo!ve# in se9ua! a%tivity 'efore marriage( +e9 e#u%ation a!so
provi#es *now!e#ge on their way to prevent pregnan%y( rom the pro%ess of !earning,
tea%her %ou!# a!so e#u%ate the young stu#ent a'out his or her 'o#y, importan%e of
responsi'!e re!ationships, the %onse=uen%es of having unp!anne# an# unprote%te# se9,
what %ontra%eptives #o, se9ua!!y transmitte# #iseases, 12FGA2$s an# how to say
73o8( -esi#es se9 e#u%ation, s%hoo! authorities shou!# he!# appropriate %ounse!ing at
s%hoo!( Counse!ing at s%hoo! !eve! is important in he!ping he!p!essness teenagers
over%ome their pro'!ems( )his program wi!! 'e more meaningfu! if the %ounse!ors are
=ua!ifie# an# e9perien%e# e!e%te#( "ith imp!emente# se9 e#u%ation an# %ounse!ing,
youth may more rea!ize an# un#erstan# harms %ause# 'y unwante# pregnan%y(
urthermore, %ases of 'a'y #umping wi!! #e%reases(
iiiA 4overnment
)he government a!so must invo!ve over%oming this pro'!em from step 'y step
an# ta*ing this matter serious!y( $espite 'a'y hat%h is in#ee# goo# way to he!p sing!e
mother who %annot affor# to ta*e %are the 'a'y, the government shou!# tighten the
!aw on remova! of %hi!# an# se9 'efore marriage( )his measures are ma#e to 'ring
awareness to the %ommunity not to a'an#on their 'a'ies #ue to pani% in unp!anne#
pregnan%y( )hey wi!! thin* a !ot 'efore #oing something, 'e%ause the a%tions that wi!!
affe%t themse!ves( +ome of their a%tions to remove the 'a'y is #oing the same with
mur#er( )he po!i%e shou!# investigate every %ase of 'a'y a'an#onment 'efore a
#e%ision %ou!# 'e ta*en 'y po!i%e to %!assify a %ase as mur#er( )he po!i%e wi!! use
mo#ern te%hni=ue su%h as the $3A test to i#entify the parents( +u'se=uent!y,
#epen#ing on the %ase, the po!i%e wi!! #e%i#e whether to ma*e a mur#er %harge or ta*e
any other a%tion #eeme# fit( +o, this #oes not mean that a!! %ases of a'an#one# 'a'ies
wi!! sure!y 'e %!assifie# as mur#er( )his !aw enfor%ement is fair for everyone(
vA ami!ies ro!es
)he rise in 'a'y #umping %ases is 'e%ause the %ommunity is starting to ta*e for
grante# a'out the importan%e of the fami!y( 6arents a!ways 'usy with their wor* an#
they forget the rea! responsi'i!ity in a fami!y( "hen the %hi!#ren fee! that 'eing
neg!e%te# an# #eso!ate# in a fami!y they might fin# way to hang out outsi#e their
house an# this may easi!y %ause them to invo!ve in negative a%tivities( 6arents must
a!ways %onsi#er the movements of their %hi!#ren( 6arents shou!# *now their %hi!#Hs
frien#s an# a!ways ma*e sure their %hi!#ren ma*e frien#s an# so%ia!ize with those
who have goo# in mora!!y( 6arents p!ay a high ro!e to e#u%ate %hi!#ren to 'e%ome
goo# in 'ehavior 'y tea%hing to stay out of se9ua! re!ationships( 6arents espe%ia!!y
must 'e ma#e aware of the essentia! of their ro!es in promoting goo# mora! an#
re!igious va!ues an# stan#ar# of %on#u%t( )hey %ou!# story the %onse=uen%es of 'eing
re!ationship in an ear!y age( urthermore, the parents shou!# supervise in every sing!e
a%tivity that 'een invo!ve# 'y %hi!#ren( 6arents must spen# part of #ai!y time with
%hi!#ren 'y giving them %onfi#en%e, %ourage, %reating positive attitu#es towar#s
issues, emotions an# #e%isions( Da%* of parenta! %ontro! may %ause their %hi!#ren
easi!y inf!uen%e# 'y peers an# hen%e %ou!# easi!y invo!ve in so%ia! pro'!ems(
Moreover, parents shou!# a!ways *now an# i#entify the pro'!ems fa%e# 'y their
%hi!#ren an# are wi!!ing to ta*e the time to so!ve the pro'!em( )eenagers who
e9perien%ing unwante# pregnan%ies must re%eive support an# a#vi%es from their
parents to avoi# menta! #epression(
-a'y hat%h program operates in su%h a way that provi#ing in%u'ators where
parents %an !eave infants without prose%ution( 2 %ou!# not agree more that its
%ontinuation( )he attempts to open or operate 'a'y hat%hes spontaneous!y, either
private!y or as an organization, shou!# not 'e %riti%ize#I rather, they shou!# 'e
app!au#e#( 2t is a fa%i!ity initiate# with goo# intentions, the ma9imum possi'!e efforts
are ma#e to prote%t the interests, rights, an# safety of %hi!#ren at the 'a'y hat%hes(
2n fa%t, no one *nows either Jis it an a%tivity to support the safety an#
in#epen#en%e of the mother an# %hi!# 'y preventing %hi!# a'an#onment an# %hi!#
mur#erJ or Ja #evi%e that en%ourages easy %hi!# a'an#onmentJ( A!though there are
many arguments that against the set up of the 'a'y hat%hes, 'ut %!ear an# so!i#
evi#en%e are sti!! unavai!a'!e for present time(
Other than that, we nee# to #o more as a so%iety to support an# e#u%ate new
parents( 6reventive measures a!so shou!# 'e ta*en serious 'y the government, s%hoo!
institution an# et%( )he su%%ess stories for programs that give parenting %!asses or
other se9 e#u%ation are inspiring( -ut we #onHt thin* that having 'a'y 'at%hes wi!!
#istra%t from that(
2f these programs *eep one %hi!# from 'eing !eft in a gar'age %an or un#er a
'ri#ge, they are a su%%ess( )hey are important( )hey put the nee#s of the %hi!#ren first,
an# that is what we shou!# 'e fo%use# on( urthermore, in this wor!#, there are no
perfe%t systems or !ife-saving fa%i!ities( "e shou!# %onsi#er the %ontinuation of 'a'y
hat%hes with su%h rea!ities in min#( -a'y hat%hes are ne%essary in our present so%iety(
2t is a p!a%e of so%ia!!y essentia! emergen%y refuge for 'a'ies an# parents(
1( Atsushi Asai, 1iro*o 2shimoto( @201<, e', 22A( +hou!# we maintain 'a'y
hat%hes in our so%iety> Retrieve# from BMC Medical Ethics
2( -a'y 1at%h C Campaign Daun%he# in Ma!aysia( @,une 19, 2011A( Retrieve# on
Apri!, E, 201/ from Mercy Mission
<( Castration so!ution to a'an#one# 'a'ies( @2010, Apri!, <0A( Retrieve# on Apri!
10, 201/ from New Straits Times
/( Christina )an( @2010, May <0A( +aving unwante# 'a'ies( Retrieve# on Apri!, E
from The Star Online http;GGwww(thestar(%om(myGstory(asp9G>fi!eL
.( Din#say Cross( @2012, ,un 11A( O+afe +urren#er& An# O-a'y 1at%h& 6rograms
+ave Chi!#ren&s Dives, )here +hou!# -e 3o $e'ate( Retrieve# from
Mommyish http;GGwww(mommyish(%omG2012G0?G11Gsafe-surren#er-an#-'a'y-
?( 3ur 1az!izat 1ashim( @2010A( +tu#y on the per%eption an# *now!e#ge of
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