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com Phone :0422 4210394 Mobile: 93446 - 88858

C Co or rp po or ra at te e T Tr ra ai in ni in ng g Phone :0422 4210394 Mobile: 93446 - 88858
About us:
4S Software Solutions was established in 2010 as an IT Training partner to provide current
IT technology as per current IT trend with the staff augmentation & knowledge augmentation is
also the motto through our corporate training infrastructure.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide our clients with technical services having one and only dominant, key
property of success: treating 'quality' as the #1 priority, which provides us not only success, it
builds a strong foundation to the business with our customers
Our endeavor is to delight our customers with value-added solution
4S " Stands for FOR SUCCESS. 4S Software Solutions is a rapidly growing company that
provides Job Oriented Training, and professional IT services.
Today we have a strong footprint offices in Coimbatore, Chennai and Madurai. We are one of the
largest and Best software training companies in Tamilnadu with focus on ASP.Net, VB.Net, PHP,
Java, SEO and Web Design. We have Training and Software Development offices in
Coimbatore,Chennai and Madurai.
We have worked for and have provided services to many IT companies . Our management team
has worked in the IT industry for more then 10 years and has vast experience in IT Development
and IT Training. We consider the Software Companies apart from the team size as our partners
our clients.
We have worked for clients like Siemens, C-Innovation Soft Solutions, Ascentit software,JI Soft
T Tr ra ai in ni in ng g i is s u us se el le es ss s u un nl le es ss s y yo ou u h ha av ve e a a p pu ur rp po os se e, , i it t' 's s
k kn no ow wi in ng g f fo or r w wh ha at t p pu ur rp po os se e t to o t tr ra ai in n f fo or r t th ha at t c ca an n
b br re ea ak k m me en n' 's s f fu ul lf fi il ll lm me en nt t. .
Few Corporate: Phone :0422 4210394 Mobile: 93446 - 88858
Genius without education is like silver in the mine.- Benjamin Frankline
Our Vision:
To accomplish into IT industry as a best solution providing company and to break the
Innovations of IT.
Trainer Competency:
Our Trainers specialize in evaluating training needs, designing, developing, delivering, administering and even
assessing corporate training solutions.
Our expertise and capabilities lets us create a customizable corporate Training solution designed to fit in well with the
way your company does business.
We expertise in leveraging the power of technology, and we also have a real-world proficiency. This influential blend
grants us a unique insight and lets us create the best possible & customizable Corporate Training solution for your
organization. Testimonials from satisfied customers tender prevailing proof of our expertise in meeting the industrial
It is intense, cost-effective, and your company reaps instant benefits from improved job performance.
4S Software Solutions offers on-time, on-demand public classes on various technical platforms. All of
our Instructors have real experience of the subjects they teach and the ability to present the class in a structured
presentation geared towards maximizing the value of the classes you attend without compromise. Phone :0422 4210394 Mobile: 93446 - 88858
We can deliver blended training programs successfully integrating the best features of traditional
Instructor Led Training with modern web based technology and techniques.
All of our programs can be integrated with specific project work enabling your delegates to
demonstrate their new competencies and become productive in a short time. Vendor specific certification
services can be provided.
These highly-tailored programs are based on the result of solid research into graduate
development requirements. Comprising a comprehensive range of products and services, the objective of
these programs is to fast-track graduates to a competency level at which they can take on key roles
within an organization. Our Graduate Development programs challenge, stretch and motivate graduates as
they develop their own personal development plan whilst preparing to meet organizational requirements
and transferring their new skills and knowledge to the workplace.
Training needs analysis is an essential first step in any development program in order to achieve the
greatest improvement in performance and best value for your investment in training and staff development.
We can help you identify and assess your competencies in terms of personal effectiveness, managing
communications, managing people, effective directorship and corporate culture and IT skills. Thus we can
develop the most suitable approach for a particular individual or the whole organization.
Application development is part of our business. We have expertise required to develop and customise
application base on the clients requirement. Phone :0422 4210394 Mobile: 93446 - 88858
Advantages of Outsourcing
Cost Savings
There can be significant cost savings when a business function is outsourced. Employee compensation costs,
office space expenses and other costs associated with providing a work space or manufacturing setup are
eliminated and free up resources for other purposes.
Focus on Core Business
Outsourcing allows organization to focus on their expertise and core business. When organizations go
outside their expertise, they get into business functions and processes that they may not be as knowledgeable
about and could potentially take away from their main focus. An example of this is when a grocery store
decides to add video rental to their operation. If too much focus is put on that part of the business they lose
focus of the core business which is grocery.
Improved Quality
Improved quality can be achieved by using vendors with more expertise and more specialized processes. An
example of this would be contracting out a cleaning service. An outside service would have the resources for
hiring, proper training and facility inspections that may not be available if the function were kept in-house.
Customer Satisfaction
The advantage of having a vendor contract is they are bound to certain levels of service and quality. An
example of this is if your IT function is outsourced and the technician calls in sick, it is the vendors
responsibility to find someone to replace them and meet your support needs.
Operational Efficiency
Outsourcing gives an organization exposure to vendor specialized systems. Specialization provides more
efficiency that allows for a quicker turnaround time and higher levels of quality.
No.207,AK Complex, 6th street ,Opp.Sridevi textiles 2nd car parking,
Cross cut road, Coimbatore-640 012.
Web Web
Mobile:+91 93446 88858/Phone:0422-4210394

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