Fraternities and Collegiate Rape Culture, Boswell and Spade Take A Look Inside Two Fraternities

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Rape culture is described to be a set of values and beliefs that provide an environment

conductive to rape (Buchwald, Fletcher, and Roth 1993; Herman 1984). In the article labeled
Fraternities and Collegiate Rape Culture, Boswell and Spade take a look inside two fraternities
in a college campus. One includes a high risk frat and the other a low risk frat. A high risk frat
would be considered a fraternity that includes more people, drugs and consumption of alcohol. A
low risk would be about the same but has a lower risk of women being raped at their parties.
Boswell and Spade compared the interactions of women and men in the both of these social
settings. From there observation they noticed that the people who attended the low risk frat party
were more able to interact with one another, there was more coed groups, an equal number of
women and men, a friendly atmosphere, couples dancing together, and the cursing and yelling at
one another was at a low. Also womens restrooms were kept very clean compared to the
restroom at a high risk party. The high risk party was descried to be much louder and gender
segregated. Men treated women differently in high risk houses and behaved more cruelly. One
quote from a man at a high risk party that really had me heated was when he said Did you know
that this week is womens awareness week? I guess that means we get to abuse them more this
week. That right there just goes to show that the men at the high risk parties had no respect for
women and women are more likely to be prone to rape there. Closer to midnight, couples started
dancing but in a sexual way that included pelvis thrusting and very close contact. Boswell and
Spade state that the men were openly hostile and that the high risk parties seemed threatening at
times. Not only did Boswell and Spade observe the behaviors between women and men at frat
parties but they also visited a few local bars where the college students would go. They noticed
that the students who attended the local bars behaved the same way they did at the low risk
parties. Some of the same students from the parties were also seen at the first bar, although there
behavior was differently, no blatant sexual or intoxicated behavior was seen at the bar the way it
was at the parties. And most people left with the same groups from which they came with. The
second bar was said to be less popular and filled with older students. On occasion, according to
Boswell and Spade, the second bar had about the same atmosphere as the high risk party. The
only differences between this setting and that of a party at a high risk house were that the
brothers no longer controlled the territory and bedrooms were not available upstairs.
Steady dating in a high risk frat is more unlikely then that of a low risk. The brothers in a
high risk frat usually make fun and constantly harass another brother if they have a girlfriend. A
brother described a constant battle between girlfriends and brothers over who the guy is going
out with for the night, the brothers usually winning. Men in low risk houses however, went out
on more dates often. Its been stated that 70% of the members of the low risk house were
involved in relationships. When it come to the single students the term hooking up is used but
means something different to the people who use it. One man descried hooking up as something
that happens when youre really drunk and meet up with a woman you sort of know, or possibly
dont know at all and dont care about. You go home with her with the intention of getting as
much sexual, physical pleasure as shell give you without any strings attached. However a
womans version of hooking up consisted of kissing and petting but no sexual intercourse.
Students were asked what the definition of rape was one man described it as, when a
guy jumps out of the bushes and forces himself sexually on a girl. Men also resisted when
brought up the idea that a woman who is intoxicated is unable to consent to sex. When the legal
definition of rape was stated one first year man had said If that is the legal definition of rape,
then it happens all the time on this campus. That quote goes to show that college students arent
aware of the dangers and stupidity that comes with intoxication and sexual force. I could bet that
rape goes on all the time on college campuses and women and men just go about their daily lives
looking down on the rape culture not knowing that they may have raped someone or is a victim
to having been raped.

Rebecca Gonzalez
Professor Brutlag
Sociology 101
Homework 4
30 April 2014

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