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opic : How can school intervene in community
activities ? Explain the modus operanti with an

Submitted To :
MISHA Teacher,
Lecturer in Commerce

Submitted By :

As we know that school is a social
institution and also class room is a
miniature form of the society. So a
cordial relation should always be maintained by the school with the society.
In this modern world,children were thrown into various problems which is
always harmful to the society. So the society must also take the responsibility
of developing children as good human beings. The community intervene in
the school activities through parents, who were the link between community
and schools.I wished to be this assignment enlightens the school's role in the
School is a social institution for teaching the students under the control of
teachers. Schools provide education at different levels i.e.., pre-primary
level,primary level, upper primary level,high school level, higher secondary
levels and now also there are special schools for music,dance,etc. Nowadays
both teacher's and school's roles were changed a lot.
Community is a group of people leading a common interdependant life in a
definite locality and sharing common traditions, folkways and customs.
Mutual co operation and collaboration between the school and community is
desirable for the democratisation and improvement of education. The school
should be developed as a community centre by taking its programmes
relevant to the life,needs and aspirations of the
As we know school is a miniature form of society. Also school has to play a major role in solving the
problems of the community directly or indirectly and moulding the tomorrow's citizens.
G.H.S.S Puthoor is most popular and is enjoying a prestigious position in the locality with regards to
its working not only in the academic level but also in other activities which gives message to the
On the anti-narcotic day the school conducted a conscientization programme for the students of the
school and also the youngsters in the locality with the support of Rotary Club. It was avery good
movement in the school's history. The class was conducted by officers from the narcotic cell.
On 25/07/2014 , a traffic awareness class was also conducted in the school for the higher secondary
students to aware them about the causes of road accidents, precautions, etc. The class was taken by
an officer from the Motor Vehicle Department.
So I could say evidentially that to create a better school atmosphere there must be proper
relationship between the school and community.

From the above examples, I may conclude that every schools were
inhabited in the society and also classroom is the miniature form of the
society. Hence school and community are interrelated and inter dependant.

Checked and corrected

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